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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of phenotypic and genetic diversity in different colour variants of Badri cattle using neutral and functional markers
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2019-07) Dar, Aashaq Hussain; Sanjay Kumar
    The present study was conducted on Badri cattle and its three colour variants viz., grey, brown and black from Uttarakhand state of India. Efforts were made for phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Badri cattle. For genetic characterization, microsatellite (SSR) and gene based markers were utilized to assess the general and functional genetic diversity in Badri cattle. Sampling was done from both Kumaon and Garhwal divisions of Uttarakhand, covering five hilly districts from each divisions. For genetic characterization, a total of 96 blood samples collected; 90 samples from the breeding tract (9 samples each from the 10 districts) and 3 samples each from University Dairy Farm, GBPUAT, Pantnagar and State Breeding Farm, Champawat . Phenotypic characterization of Badri cattle indiacted that it is a small sized cattle with an average adult body weight of about 200-250 kg. The body is compact and cylindrical with tight skin. The muzzle, horn, eyelids, switch of tail and hooves are mostly black in colour. Udder is small sized and trough (bowl) type. The fore and hind quarters of udder were small and medium sized respectively. The teat shape was cylindrical (70 and 78 %) and funnel type (30 and 32%) in Kumaon and Garhwal respectively. Data analysis revealed that breeding tract regions had no effect while as sex and age has significant effect on morphometric traits of Badri cattle. Badri cattle produce about 1.61 ±0.02 kg milk per day of lactation. The average lactation length, dry period, age of puberty, age at first calving, service period and calving interval were found to be 323.10 ±2.71, 82.20 ±0.99 days, 3.38 ±0.05 years and 4.38 ±0.05 years and 5.12 ±0.09 and 14.05 ±0.09 months respectively. The milk constituents viz. fat, protein, lactose, SNF and total solid percentage was higher than exotic cattle and some Indigenous breeds. The present study revealed that the mineral composition of Badri cattle milk is comparable with other cattle breeds. Ca, Mg, P, and Na content increased significantly in the third stage of lactation while potassium showed a reverse trend. The average serum glucose, total protein, triglycerides, cholesterol, creatinine and urea were found to differ significantly in summer and winter seasons. Using light microscopy, it was revealed that the hair shaft and medullary diameter at medial region and both regions of body i.e. dorsal and ventral, differed significantly within colour variants of Badri cattle, i.e. Grey, black and brown variants. At both dorsal region and ventral region within the colour variant groups, there was a significant difference between cortical thickness of hair shaft at proximal, medial and distal part. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed that the medullary diameter was significantly higher in medial region of hair shaft as compared to proximal and distal part in all the colour variants at both dorsal and ventral regions of the body. The genotypic characterization revealed that there was ample of genetic diversity in all the colour variants. Bottle neck analysis revealed that Badri cattle and its colour variants are under bottleneck. Structure analysis revealed that all the three colour variants of Badri cattle are actually single breed. Further it showed Badri cattle is a distinct breed as revealed by structure analysis with Red sindhi, Sahiwal, Jersey and Holstein Fresian. Individual assignment using GENECLASS software revealed that the individuals in three colour variants were assigned to all the 3 colour groups while a few individuals were assigned to other breeds at a negligible probability. The polymorphism at kappa-casein, beta-casein, alphalactalbumen, beta-globulin, butyrophilin, growth hormone and prolactin were in close range with other Indigenous cattle breeds.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of ardu (Ailanthus excelsa) leaf powder feeding on the performance of Pantja goats
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2019-08) Mishra, Vaidehi; Palod, Jyoti
    A study was conducted on 16, 6-8 months old Pantja kids for a period of 90 days to study the effect of feeding ardu (Ailanthus excelsa) leaf powder on growth performance, haemato-biochemical parameters and faecal egg counts in Pantja goats. The experimental animals were randomly divided into three treatments and one control group each with four goats having approximately same body weight. The goats of control group (T0) were offered 100 per cent concentrate with grazing while those of T1, T2 and T3 groups were fed ardu leaf powder replacing 25, 50 and 75 per cent concentrate respectively. With this diet schedule, grazing and ad libitum water was provided to all the experimental goats during the entire experimental period. Growth performance i.e. body weight was observed fortnightly. Blood samples were collected on 0, 30th, 60th and 90th day of experiment from all the animals for haemato-biochemical studies. Faecal samples were also collected on 0, 30th, 60th and 90th day. The results of the experiment indicated that ardu leaf powder supplementation showed significantly increased body weight, haemoglobin concentration, TEC, PCV, MCH, MCV, lymphocytes, serum HDL cholesterol, serum protein profile and serum calcium whereas significantly decreased serum glucose, serum total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglyceride, AST and ALT levels as well as faecal eggs count with best results found in goats fed 75% ardu leaf powder in place of concentrate. There was non- significant effect of ardu leaf powder feeding on serum urea and creatinine levels. All the treatment groups fed with ardu leaf powder showed reduction in feed cost with minimum feed cost noted in treatment group fed with 75% ardu leaf powder. From the results of present study it can be concluded that feeding ardu leaf powder replacing 75 per cent concentrate in the diet of goats may be advised to improve growth performance, haemato- biochemical parameters and faecal egg counts in Pantja goats. Further research should focus on use of ardu leaves/powder taking into consideration meat as well as milk production in goats.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on economic traits and replacement rate in crossbred cattle
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2019-07) Panwar, Vijay Amrit Raj; Sharma, R.K.
    The present study was undertaken on 2204 calvings of 390 crossbred cattle produced by 54 sires and maintained at Instructional Dairy Farm, Nagla of Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar (Uttarakhand). The data had a spread of over of period of 36 years (1981-2016).The least-squares analysis of variance for the first lactation traits revealed that the effects due to sires were significant for age at first calving (AFC), first lactation 305 days milk yield (FLMY-305), first lactation milk yield (FLMY), first lactation length (FLL) and first service period (FSP), and non-significant for first dry period(FDP) and first calving interval (FCI). The effects due to the period of calving were found significant for FLL, FSP, whereas they were non-significant for all other traits. The effect due to the season of calving was found to be significant on FLMY-305 whereas nonsignificant effects were found for all other remaining traits. The effect due to the AFC was found highly significant (P 0.01) for FLMY whereas non-significant effects were found for all other remaining traits. The overall least-squares means for first lactation traits viz. age at first calving, first lactation 305 days milk yield, first lactation milk yield, first lactation length, first service period, first dry period and first calving interval were found as 1277.75 ± 101.56 days, 2673.48± 81.29 kg, 2746.23± 85.51 kg, 346.02 ± 7.44 days, 245.91± 5.39 days, 139.15± 7.53 days and 489.01± 9.79 days respectively. The heritability estimates for first lactation traits viz. age at first calving, first lactation 305 days milk yield, first lactation milk yield, first lactation length, first service period, first dry period and first calving interval were observed as 0.31 ± 0.14, 0.37 ± 0.12, 0.27 ± 0.07, 0.17 ± 0.08, 0.17 ± 0.08, 0.17 ± 0.11, 0.24 ± 0.13 and 0.21 ± 0.09 respectively.The period effect on replacement rate and its components viz., mortality, culling and replacement rate were found to be significant. The season of birth had significant effects on abnormal birth and replacement rate whereas they were nonsignificant for female mortality and culling rate in female calves.The average values of abnormal births, mortality and culling of female calves upto AFC were found to be 9.12, 15.70 and 30.15 percent respectively. The replacement rates on female calf basis and total pregnancies basis were estimated as 54.18 and 25.27 percent, respectively. About half (45.18percent) of total female calves were lost from the herd till they attain AFC due to mortality and culling. Only one fourth (25.27 percent) of the total pregnancies turned into replacement heifers. It may be concluded that performance of crossbred herd under study is comparable to other herds. Low to moderate heritability estimates obtained indicates presence of adequate genetic variation within the herd and hence improvement in traits under study is possible by genetic selection along with managemental interventions.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study on efficient utilization of different livestock wastes
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2019-07) Budhalakoti, Mohit; Anil Kumar
    India has the largest livestock populations in the world (13% of total global livestock population). In India, millions of tones of livestock excreta are produced. Vermicomposting and vermiwash are commonly adopted potent technique for the utilization of different livestock wastes for their economic utilization. However, there is very less data regarding vermicomposting of combination of different livestock wastes. So, present study explores the potential of an epigeic earthworm Eisenia foetida to compost different livestock excreta and their different combinations (cattle, buffalo, goat and poultry) into value added products (vermicompost and vermiwash) at the laboratory scale. For the present study, pits were made of 8ft, 2ft, 2ft, length, width, height respectively. Total 16 treatments were made, in which 15 treatments consist of livestocks dung and poultry manures and their combinations of different proportions and one treatment is of bio gas slurry were tested. Sample was taken from each treatment at the period of 0, 20 and 90 day and was analyzed for physico-chemical properties, growth of worms and economic viability of vermicompost and vermiwash production from livestock waste management point of view. Vermicomposting result in lowering of pH ranges from 6.26 – 7.09 at final compost with lowest pH in goat dung and highest in poultry manure. As the decomposition of substrate were in process, dry matter and total organic carbon (TOC) content getreduced due to utilization of organic matter by microbes for feed and release of CO2. NPK content was higher in vermicompost than the fresh manure, with highest NPK value seen in poultry manure. C: N ratio is used as an index for maturity of organic wastes. C: N ratio was higher in fresh manure as compare to final vermicompost and minimum ratio was seen in poultry manure due to high N content in poultry manure in final cast. Production of vermicompost, recovery per cent of vermicompost and increase in vermiculture were higher in cattle and buffalo dung as compare poultry manure. There were high monetary return and B: C ratio in buffalo and cattle dung treatment as compare to other treatments. In vermiwash production, B: C ratio was very high because of production of vermiwash liquid along with vermiculture and vermicompost. It can be concluded that economically vermicompost of cattle and buffalo dung was better but nutritionally vermicompost obtained from poultry manure was better than rest all other treatments.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of Pantja goat milk for gross composition and selected minerals
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2019-05) Chauhan, Surya Pratap Singh; Sanjay Kumar
    Present work was carried out on Pantja goats, reared at goat unit of Department of Livestock Production Management (LPM), College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar (Uttarakhand), during Nov 2018 to April 2019. The main objectives of the investigation were to study the physico-chemical properties of Pantja goat milk and to study the effect of lactation order and stage of lactation on physic-chemical properties of Pantja goat milk. The salient findings emerged from the present investigation are summarized as follows. During the entire study the fresh goat milk samples of Pantja goats according to lactation order and also during their 1st (up to 30 days), 2nd (31 to 60 days) and 3rd (above 61 days) stage of lactation were analyzed for physic-chemical properties such as color, specific gravity, boiling point, water, fat, protein, lactose, total solids, SNF, total ash, titratable acidity and pH of Pantja goat milk. The average specific gravity, the boiling point of milk was 1.036 and 100.12, respectively and color of milk was perfectly white. The overall mean chemical composition of milk was 85.27 percent water, 14.67 percent total solids, 10.06 percent SNF, 5.09 percent carbohydrate, 0.78 percent total ash, 0.130 percent titratable acidity and 6.44 pH. The values of milk composition were significantly affected by lactation order and stage of lactation. The mean values of specific gravity, boiling point, fat, protein, total solids, SNF, ash, titratable acidity content of Pantja goat milk significantly increased from 1st to 3rd stage of lactation. While water, carbohydrates and pH content of milk significantly decreased during 1st to 3rd lactation order as well as the stage of lactation. The overall average minerals (mg/L) content of Pantja goat milk i.e. Calcium 893.06; Magnesium 114.78; Phosphorus 1122.26; Potassium 1168.49; Sodium 635.35; Zinc 2.36; Manganese 0.137; Selenium 0.013 and Iron 0.50, respectively. The mineral concentration of condensed milk was higher than fluid milk. In condensed milk minerals content were Calcium 1964.73 mg/L; Magnesium 241.03 mg/L; Phosphorus 1795.61 mg/L; Potassium 1869.58 mg/L; Sodium 762.42; Zinc 6.57 mg/L; Manganese 0.60 mg/L; Selenium 0.020; Iron 3.37 mg/L, respectively. In another part of this research work manufacturing toffee using Pantja goat milk and select the best product on the basis of sensory evaluation of toffee. The microbiological and sensory characteristics of toffee were studied on different storage intervals at refrigeration temperature, room temperature and 37°C to assess the storage life. The microbiological study revealed significant increase in total plate count and yeast and mold count with the advancement in storage period. The rate of increase in the microbial count was higher for higher temperatures. However, none of the samples showed the presence of coliform bacteria. Sensory quality (color and appearance, flavor, body and texture and overall acceptability) decreased significantly with increased temperature and duration of storage. The samples remain acceptable for 12-14 days at refrigeration temperature, 9-10 days of room temperature and 6-8 days at 37°C.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Potentiating effect of dietary incorporation of cow urine on the performance of growing Badri cattle
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2018-07) Joshi, Deepikesh; Singh, D.V.
    Present work was conducted on 31 growing Badri cattle to study the effect of feeding them concentrate feed potentiated with the urine of Badri cows (@200 ml urine/ kg of concentrate feed) on their morphometric, hematological, urine/ faecal analysis, well-being parameters and feed intake/ left over during a period from January, 2018 to March, 2018 at Beni unit of IDF Nagla. All the animals were divided into two age groups (6-12 and 12-18 months) and further into control and treatment groups, making a total of 4 sub-groups. Overall least-squares means of morphometric traits were 82.15±0.61 cm (BL), 81.40±0.55 cm (HAW), 95.96±0.51 cm (CG), 118.33±1.00 cm (PG) and 74.85±1.05 kg (EBW). Significant (P<0.05) difference was seen in BL and EBW due to treatment. Overall least squares means for Hb, ESR, TEC, TLC, PCV and CT were 12.39 ± 0.19 gm%, 0.24 ± 0.03 mm/ hr, 4.97 ± 0.21 millions/ μL, 7.07 ± 0.31 thousands/ μL, 35.98 ± 0.72 % and 155.08 ± 1.43 seconds, respectively. Values were significantly (P<0.05) lower for ESR and PCV for older group and higher for Hb, TEC and PCV in urine treated group, indicating the incremental effect of urine on these traits. Overall least-squares means for neutrophil, lymphocyte and monocyte count were 73.00 ± 0.20, 18.80 ± 0.17, 5.33 ± 0.16, respectively. Significant increase due to age (for neutrophils and lymphocytes in older and younger group animals), as well as due to treatment (for neutrophils and lymphocytes in control group; and monocytes in urine treated group) as well as in Hb, TEC and PCV in urine treated group was observed, indicating favourable hematological response. However, other parameters (ESR,TLC and CT) remained unaffected due to treatment. Majority of animals for control and treatment group as well as younger and older animals had straw-coloured and transparent urine with ammonical odour and urine in the beginning and at the end of the experiment. However, there was phenomenal improvement in the transparency of urine over time from 62.5 to 100.0%. Overall least-squares means for pH, specific gravity, urea and creatinine concentrations in urine were 7.74 ± 0.02, 1.03 ± 0.00, 258.12 ± 0.32 g/dL and 27.13 ± 0.07 g/dL, and remained unaffected due to effects under study. At the end of the experiment faeces continued to have Amphistome eggs but was clear of Fasciola sp. eggs. Majority of animals of control and treatment group animals had pink CMM and found ‘standing plus ruminating’ in the beginning and at the end of the experiment. Overall least-squares means for BCS, Ig level and TFT were 3.70 ± 0.07, 1.04±0.11 g/ dL and 7.11±0.22 mm. The values for Ig and TFT were significantly higher in younger and older animals, respectively. There was an overall improvement in the total feed (fodder and concentrate) intake from 12.73 to 13.01 kg/animal/ day and reduction in left-over from 0.56 to 0.41 kg/ animal/ day. The experimental feed could thus be concluded as palatable to growing Badri cattle.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A study on various performance traits of Badri cattle, reared under farm conditions
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2018-08) Gangwar, Anuj; Sanjay Kumar
    Present study was conducted from 1st Sept. 2017 to 30 April 2018 on Brown, Black and Grey Badri cattle. A study on various performance traits of Badri cattle, reared under farm conditions was done to know the body morphometric, production, reproduction traits, physiological, blood parameters and urine examination, basis on the three colour Brown, Black and Grey at Instructional Dairy Farm, Beni, Pantnagar and Nariyal village farm, Champawat. Overall rectal temperature during study period were as 101.51±0.18, 101.60±0.04 and 101.33±0.03°F for Brown, Black and Grey Badri cattle, respectively. Rectal temperature of Nariyal farm cattle was comparatively less than Beni farm, cattle. Overall pulse rate during study period were recorded as 59.72±0.30, 59.90±0.80 and 60.00±0.57 beats/minute for Grey, Black and Brown Badri cattle, respectively. Overall respiration rate during study period were measured as 28.30±2.40, 28.80±0.60 and 27.60±0.94 breaths/minute for Brown, Black and Grey Badri cattle, respectively. Rectal temperature and respiration rate were highest in Black followed by Brown and Grey Badri cattle. Lactation lengths of Brown, Black and Grey cows were recorded as 254.65±1.05, 233.60±7.50 and 252.60±17.17 days, respectively. Lactation length and lactation milk yield were highest in Brown followed by Grey and Black Badri cattle. Service period, lactation length, lactation milk yield, daily milk yield, inter calving period, dry period, PCV and oestrus cycle duration showed a significant (P≤0.05) difference among all three group of cattle. Daily milk yield of Brown, Black and Grey cows were recorded as 1.83±0.03, 1.83±0.09 and 1.43±0.40 kg, respectively. Daily milk yield was high in Brown and Black cattle as compare to Grey Badri cattle. Inter calving period was highest in Brown followed by Black and Grey Badri cattle. Age at first oestrous recorded as 33.50±0.20, 34.20±1.10 and 33.30±3.05 months for Brown, Black and Grey Badri cows, respectively. Ages at first mating were recorded as 36.10±0.60, 37.00±1.00 and 36.40±1.98 month for Brown, Black and Grey Badri cows, respectively. Overall hemoglobin mean among Brown, Black and Grey cattle were 12.39±0.11, 12.29±0.01 and 12±0.76 g/dl, respectively. Overall PCV mean among Brown, Black and Grey Badri cattle were 36.75±4.75, 39.40±3.20 and 39.17±4.77%, respectively. Overall total erythrocyte count mean among Brown, Black and Grey cattle were 6.12±0.79, 6.55±0.74 and 6.52±0.79x106 cell/μl, respectively. Overall total leukocyte count mean among Brown, Black and Grey cattle were 9.49±0.59, 9.65±0.38 and 8.72±1.55x103 cell/μl, respectively. Total urine volume was 12 liter in 24-hour period. Color of urine was light yellow (straw color) among Brown, Black and Grey cattle. There was a non significant (P≥0.05) difference between morphometric traits, specific gravity, pH, hemoglobin among all three groups of cattle. Badri cattle are important germplasm of the country, traditionally suiting to Indian climatic conditions especially in hilly area. Therefore, suitable selection and breeding programme need to be undertaken for their further conservation and improvement. Urine of Badri cattle may be useful for ayurvedic therapeutic preparation in comparison to crossbred cows. Brown and Grey Badri cattle have comparatively good performance in comparison with Black cattle.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study on existing dairy animal husbandry practices in U.S. Nagar district of Uttarakhand
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2018-01) Yadav, Shikha; Anil Kumar
    Present study was carried on five different clusters involving 180 farmers from different five clusters, 36 farmers of each cluster were selected in U .S. Nagar district of Uttarakhand from January 2017 to June 2017 with the objective of studying socioeconomic profile, management practices, constraints etc. Maximum numbers of farmers of selected area were found socio-economically sound as land holdings were ranges from medium to large with them. The average number of cattle in the study area was 3.51±0.11 (ranges from 2.91±0.17 to 4.55±0.28) whereas the buffalo were 2.28±0.13 (ranges from 1.44±0.44 to 3.38±0.45) with average number of 5.79±0.24 total per household. Majority of the farmers had pucca house (73.89 percent), good sanitation (86.67 percent) and ventilation (85 percent), semi intensive type (76.67 percent) type of housing. Regarding existing feeding practices, most the farmers were aware about the importance of green fodder feeding, concentrate feeding, inclusion of mineral mixture and salt in feed and colostrum feeding. Farmers of study area has adopted artificial insemination in cattle (98.33 percent ), where as in buffalo 100 percent farmers were adopted naural insemination. They were aware about the symptoms of heat detection as well as insemination (93.33 percent) at right time i.e. in between 12-18 hours after onset of heat. The overall data revealed that majority of farmers i.e. 86.67 per cent followed vaccination schedule in their animals. Deworming, debudding in calf, navel calf treatment, measures to control ecto-parasites were the routine practices adopted by the majority of the farmers in selected area. Women were participating actively in all managemental practices including feeding, insemination, milking, sale of the animal etc. than the men. There were several constraints were also reported like unavailability of pedigreed buffalo bulls for natural insemination, lack of knowledge of contagious diseases and their preventive measures etc. Based on above it can be concluded that majority of dairy farmers were found to have high level of awareness regarding housing, feeding, health care and breeding management. It was also concluded that role of women in most of the animal husbandry practices were predominant in the survey area. There were certain aspects where they followed management practices properly to certain extent but most of the feeding and breeding practices need to be improved in surveyed area. To overcome the constraints of various management practices, awareness and motivation camps should be organized.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on comparative efficacy of herbal methionine vis-à-vis synthetic dl-methionine supplementation on the performance of commercial broiler chicks during winter and summer season
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2017-08) Nanda, Subhankar; Tiwari, D.P.
    Two feeding trials viz., during winter and summer seasons were conducted to discern the comparative effect of dietary supplementation of herbal methionine vis-à-vis synthetic DL-methionine on growth performance, nutrient utilization, carcass characteristics and serum biochemical parameters and economics (feed cost/ kg body weight gain) in commercial broiler chickens. In both the seasons 180, day-old broiler chicks were divided randomly into 6 treatment groups with 3 replicates each that is 10 broiler chicks per replicate. The broiler chicks of treatment group T1 (control) were fed basal diet (starter and finisher diet), whereas in treatment groups T2, T3, T4 and T5 basal diets were supplemented with 0.2 % DL-methionine, 0.15 % DL-methionine + 0.05 % herbal methionine, 0.1 % DL-methionine + 0.1 % herbal methionine, 0.05% DL-methionine + 0.15 % herbal methionine and 0.2 % herbal methionine by replacing the DL-methionine at 0,25, 50, 75 and 100 per cent levels respectively. In both winter and summer seasons, the feeding trial lasted for viz., 0-21 days (starter phase) and 21-42 days (finisher phase). A metabolism trial was conducted during 6th week of feeding trial. Blood samples were collected on 42nd day of feeding trial for the study of serum biochemical parameters. At the end of feeding trial on 42nd day, 3 chicks from each replicates were sacrificed for the study of carcass characteristics. The growth performance parameters obtained during winter and summer seasons were pooled and average values were recorded. During starter phase, there was significant difference in body weight gain amongst the different treatment groups of broiler chicks. The overall average body weight gain was 618.45, 637.73, 639.60, 649.40, 641.35 and 653.88 g, respectively, in broiler chicks of T1, T2, T3, T4 T5 and T6. The highest body weight gain was in treatment T6 and lowest in treatment T1. The feed intake, performance index, protein efficiency ratio and production efficiency factor did not differ significantly among different groups. The feed conversion ratio was significantly better in treatment T6 than other treatment groups. During 21-42 days (finisher phase) the overall average pooled body weight gains in broiler chicks were 1284.90, 1325.51, 1399.52, 1326.82, 1357.50 and 1354.42 g, respectively, in the treatment groups T1,T2, T3, T4 T5 and T6 and differed significantly amongst the groups. Body weight gain was maximum in treatment T1. The feed intake was also significantly higher in treatment T3, however, feed conversion ratio, performance index, protein efficiency ratio and production efficiency factor in broiler chicks of various groups were statistically similar. During the entire feeding trial (0-42 days) the overall cumulative average pooled values showed significant difference (0.01) in weight gain and feed intake amongst the different treatment groups of broiler chicks. The average body weight gain was 1903.29, 1963.24, 2039.11, 1976.22, 1998.85 ad 2009.75 g in broiler chicks of treatment groups T1,T2, T3, T4 T5 and T6, respectively. The feed intake was highest in treatment group T3 and lowest in treatment T1, whereas feed intake was statistically similar in treatment T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6. There was no significant difference in feed conversion ratio, performance index, protein efficiency ratio and production efficiency factor among the different treatment groups. There was significant difference in nutrient utilization in dry matter, crude protein, ether extract, and gross energy amongst the different the treatment groups. The nutrient utilization was highest in treatment T5 and T6 and lowest in treatment T1 and T2. The various carcass traits in broilers were not affected due to either sources of methionine supplementation but dressing percentage was significantly highest in treatment T6 than treatment T1. There was significant difference in dry matter, crude protein, ether extract content in breast and thigh muscles of broiler chicks. The serum biochemical parameters showed significant reduction in cholesterol and triglycerides contents in treatments T5 and T6 as compared to other treatment groups. The serum glucose, total protein, albumin and globulin concentration were significantly higher in broiler chicks of herbal supplemented groups. The activities of SGOT, SGPT and ALP differed significantly amongst the treatment groups. The SGPT and SGOT values were significantly higher in treatment groups T1 without any methionine supplementation than the broiler chicks fed diet supplemented with herbal methionine as well as synthetic DL-methionine. The feed cost/ kg weight gain differed significantly during starter and finisher phase of feeding trial and the overall pooled values of feed cost per kg body weight gain were considerably higher in treatment groups and supplemented with herbal and synthetic DL-methionine than broiler chicks of control groups. It was concluded that supplementation of herbal methionine in the diet of starter and finisher broiler chicks improved the growth performance and nutrient utilization coupled with reduction in serum cholesterol and triglyceride without affecting the carcass traits but the feed cost per kg weight gain was increased due to supplementation of herbal as well as synthetic DL-methionine