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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) incorporated diets on some reproductive and haematological aspects of female broodstock of Labeo rohita
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2019-06) Asma Amin; Chauhan, R.S.
    The present study was carried from April to August 2018 to evaluate the effect of Withania somnifera (Ashwagadha) on the female brooders of Indian major carps (Labeo rohita). A total of 120 Labeo rohita female brooder fishes with average weight 830.455± 0.18g were dispersed randomly into four treatment groups T0 (control), T1, T2 and T3 @ 30 females/treatment. Experimental diets were prepared by mixing rice bran, deoiled mustard oil cake, deoiled soybean cake, maize and vitamin mineral mixture. The ashwagandha was incorporated into diet D1 @ 1.0%, D2 @ 1.5%, D3 @ 2.0%. In control diet D0, ashwagandha was not incorporated. T1 group fishes were fed with D1 diet, T2 with D2, T3 with D3 @ 3% body weight per day for 120 days. The water quality parameters were in optimum conditions and ashwagandha showed no detrimental effect on quality of the. Brooders fed with diet D3 achieved better GSI (22.41%), fecundity/gm ovary weight (1753.33) and ova diameter (0.77mm) as compared to other treatments. T3 group of fishes showed higher value of TLC (15.85×103/μl), TEC (1.67×106/μl), Hb concentration (7.84 g%), PCV (23.03%), MCV (137.64μm3), MCH (46.90pg), and MCHC (34.70g/dl), Total serum proteins (3.01 g/dl), Albumin(1.073 g/dl) and Globulin (2.04 g/dl) as compared to control and other treatments, thus showing better haematological and serological profile in treated fishes over control. HSI showed negative inverse relationship with the GSI and was recorded highest in all the control groups. Thus the obtained results indicated that the root powder of ashwagandha has prime importance in improving reproductive performance and immunostimulatory potential in Labeo rohita.