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  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Impact of heat stress on germination and growth in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.): Physiological and biochemical mechanisms
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Mandeep Kaur; Bedi, Seema
    The present study was conducted with the objectives to screen a diverse set of wheat genotypes for thermo-tolerance and to investigate morpho-physiological and biochemical basis of thermo-tolerance under early sown conditions in Punjab. 467 wheat genotypes (winter wheat x spring wheat) were screened for high temperature tolerance at three temperatures viz., 25oC, 30oC and 35oC under laboratory conditions. Sixty genotypes showing maximum coleoptile length at 30oC were selected and grown in the field at three dates of sowing viz., early (20th October), timely (14th November) and late (5th December) in the years 2019-20 and 2020-21 respectively. Under early sown conditions (ambient temperature ranging between 25 to 28oC), the selected genotypes showed higher percentage of emergence, early growth vigor, root length (at 25 DAS), plant biomass (at 25 DAS), leaf area (at 90 DAS), chlorophyll content in flag leaf (at 90 DAS), tiller numbers, number of spikelets per spike, spike length, 100 seed weight and grain yield per plot as compared to timely and late sown conditions. From these, ten high yielding and two low yielding genotypes were identified. Biochemical estimations and root architecture studies were performed on these ten high yielding genotypes (heat tolerant) and two low yielding genotypes (heat sensitive) at seedling stage. The heat tolerant genotypes showed higher sugar, protein, proline and α-tocopherol content. Higher activity of antioxidant enzymes was observed in heat tolerant genotypes as compared to heat sensitive genotypes. Also, the tolerant genotypes showed more number of seminal roots, nodal roots, root branches and root length as compared to heat sensitive genotypes.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Biochemical characterization and gene expression analysis of pulp pigmentation specific genes in pummelo
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2023) Mandeep Kaur; Rattanpal, H.S.
    The present study aimed at morphological and biochemical characterization of pummelo genotypes grown under the subtropical condition of North India along with gene expression analysis for pulp colour developmental genes involved in carotenoid biosynthesis. Morphological characters of pummelo genotypes were studied as per International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Italy descriptors for citrus. A wide range of genetic diversity was observed for fruit length (102.1-158.6 mm), fruit diameter (98.8-146.7 mm), peel thickness (10.9-21.8 mm), fruit weight (427.2-1150.0 g), peel weight (179.7-526.2 g), juice content (76.6-221.3 ml) and seed number per fruit (51.0-132.0) whereas, a relatively narrow range of genetic diversity was observed for flower length (30.0-41.4 mm), number of petals (4-5) and the number of segments (15.0-20.0). The highest fruit size was recorded in NRCC Pummelo5 and PTF-1. Basic fruit quality attributes and components of the antioxidant defense mechanism were estimated colorimetrically. Among biochemical attributes (total soluble sugars, titratable acidity, total sugars, sucrose and reducing sugars), NRCC Pummelo-3 and PTF-4 had the best quality fruits on account of the maximum sugar-acid ratio. Relatively higher content of vitamin C, total phenols, total flavonoids, o-dihydroxy phenols and total antioxidant capacity (DPPH and activity of antioxidant enzymes - superoxide dismutase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase and peroxidase) was recorded in PTF-4 and NRCC Pummelo3. With respect to the volatile composition of pummelo genotypes as determined by GC-MS analysis, a total of thirty and sixty one volatile compounds were identified in pummelo peel oil and juice, respectively. Limonene was observed as the most predominant compound in pummelo peel oil as well as juice. Additionally, the expression of pulp pigmentation-specific genes in pummelo genotypes including pink-fleshed (NRCC Pummelo-3 and PTF-4) and white-fleshed (Local) was studied. The genes upstream of the lycopene biosynthesis (HDS, HDR, DXS, DXR, PDS, PSY, ZDS, ZISO, CRTISO and PLIS) were up-regulated whereas the genes downstream of the lycopene biosynthesis (ε-LCY, ε-CHX, β-CHX, CCD1, CCD4, AAO3, A1CYP707, A3CYP707 and A4CYP707) were down-regulated. Relative expression of carotenoid biosynthesis genes was the highest in NRCC Pummelo-3 than PTF-4 with respect to Local genotype. The information generated may assist fruit breeders to shortlist the genotypes in hybridization programs for the development of nutritionally-enriched cultivars.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Bioprocessing of corn stover for bioethanol production
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Mandeep Kaur; Kocher, Gurvinder Singh
    The present study was conducted with the objective of standardization and evaluation of an efficient and ecofriendly, method for the pretreatment of corn stover and its subsequent conversion to bioethanol. The proximate analysis of corn stover (500 µ) revealed a composition of cellulose (57.4%), hemicellulose (17.5%), lignin (14.4) and ash (2.2%) in the raw corn stover. Among the different chemical pretreatment methods, acid (1.0% H2SO4) –autoclave (15 psi for 90 min) followed by alkali (2.0% NaOH) pretreatment resulted in 86.8 % and 79.4% decrease in lignin and hemicellulose, respectively and 66.0% increase in relative proportion of cellulose. Among the green solvent methods of pretreatment, organosolv pretreatment methods, acetic acid (40:60, 40%) resulted in 84.6 % and 53.6% decrease in lignin and hemicellulose, respectively and 53.7% increase in relative proportion of cellulose whereas deep eutectic solvent pretreatment, choline chloride-lactic acid (1:8 molar, ratio) resulted in 82.5 % and 33.0% decrease in lignin and hemicellulose, respectively and 69.3% increase in relative proportion of cellulose. For biological pretreatment of corn stover, a two fungal consortium of strains viz. Pleurotus ostreatus PAU03 and Phanerochaete chrysosporium MTCC787 was screened for ligninolytic enzyme production by plate assay on lignin modifying enzyme (LME)- basal medium (LBM), supplemented with 0.01 % (w/v) Azure B and 0.02 % (w/v) Remazole brilliant blue dye and inoculated with agar discs ( 10 mm) of active mycelia. Decolourization of the respective dyes was observed with ligninolytic index of 1.5 and 1.22 for Azure B and Remazole brilliant blue dyes, respectively. The consortium culture of two fungal strains viz. P. ostreatus and P. chrysosporium was used for ligninolytic enzyme production, by using corn stover as substrate. Maximum enzyme activity (U/ml) was recorded on 10th day as 48.33, 61.85 and 40.8 for LiP, MnP, laccase, respectively. The enzyme production was scaled upto 4000ml and the crude extract was concentrated (6.7 times) using acetone and 600 ml concentrated enzyme was produced having enzyme activities (U/ml) 68.89, 41.13 and 110.08 for Lacc, LiP and MnP enzymes, respectively. The latter was partially purified by Fast Performing Liquid Chromatograpgy (FPLC) technique. The enzyme activity (U/ml) of 131.96, 130.38 and 94.21 was recorded for Lacc, LiP and MnP enzymes, respectively in the partially purified enzyme, which was further concentrated (1.5 times) and the enzyme activities (U/ml) of 140.9, 168.53 and 98.05 for Lacc, LiP and MnP enzymes, respectively. This partially purified ligninozyme was used for nanoligninozyme synthesis. In the nanologninozyme (enzyme: sodium:silicate nanohydrate, 1:1) showed the enzyme activities (U/ml) of 128.93, 187.09 and 116.94 for for Lacc, LiP and MnP enzymes respectively. The pretreatment of corn stover with nanoligninolzyme under shake flask conditions (50 ml reaction volume) using optimized physico-chemical parameters viz. corn stover concentration, 2.5 g; enzyme volume, 8.0 ml; Mn2+ ions (0.5 mM) and incubation temperature, 45°C in 72 h of enzymatic action resulted in 87.2% and 67.4% decrease in lignin and hemicellulose, respectively and 80.3% increase in relative proportion of cellulose. The saccharification of pretreated corn stover at different concentrations of corn stover (1.0-10mg) with Arrowzyme (commercial cellulase) at enzyme loading of 30 FPU, resulted in maximum release of reducing sugars (0.396 g/gds) at 2.5g concentration of corn stover. Under these optimized conditions, saccharification of organosolv (acetic acid, 40:60) and biological (nanoligninozyme) pretreated corn stover resulted in release of 0.395 and 0.439 g/g, reducing sugars, respectively. The fermentation of organosolv as well as biological pretreated, and Arrowzyme saccharified corn stover hydrolysate resulted in 0.112 and 0.132 g/gds ethanol, respectively. The fermentation efficiency of 66.54 % [33.9 % yield (yps)] and 70.91 % [36.1 % yield (yps)] was recorded for organosolv and biological pretreatment, respectively.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of tillage, green manuring, rice establishment methods and crop residue management practices on micronutrient uptake and transformation under rice-wheat cropping system
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Mandeep Kaur; Dhaliwal, S.S.
    The present study was carried out under two on-going field experiments at research farm, Department of Soil Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana in split plot design with three replications. The soil of both experimental fields was loamy sand in texture, taxonomically classified as Typic Ustrochrept. The first experiment comprised of twelve treatment combinations among which the main plots consisted of four rice establishment methods viz. direct seeded rice under zero tillage (DSR-ZT), conventional tillage (DSR-CT), reduced tillage (DSR-RT) and puddled transplanted rice (PTR) and three subplots in wheat viz. conventional tillage (CTW-R), zero tillage without rice straw (ZTW-R) and zero till with rice straw (ZTW+R). In this study, soil samples were analyzed for basic chemical indices of soil quality. The DTPA-extractable micronutrient cations (Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu) and their different chemical fractions were analyzed using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Varion AAS-FS Model). The ZTW+R showed marked increase in concentration of DTPA-extractable Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu and their transformation from occluded fractions towards bio-available forms. Residual fraction of all the micronutrient cations was found to be the most dominant fraction and water soluble + exchangeable fraction was found to be least dominant in soil. Organically bound fraction of all the micronutrient cations studied was found to be most important fraction contributing towards micronutrient uptake by both rice and wheat crops. The ZTW+R produced significantly higher wheat grain yield than ZTW-R. Moreover, rice grain yield under PTR and DSR-RT was comparable but significantly higher than DSR-CT and DSR-ZT. The second experiment consisted of twelve treatment combinations among which the four main plots comprised of puddled transplanted rice with no wheat straw retained (PTRW0), puddled transplanted rice with 25% anchored wheat straw retained (PTRW25), PTRW0 + GM and PTRW25 + GM. Similarly, three subplot treatments included conventional tillage wheat without rice residue (CTWR0) zero tillage wheat without rice residue (ZTWR0) and ZTW with 100% rice residue retained as mulch (ZTWR100) in subsequent wheat crop. The results of the study revealed that soil pH decreased however, SOC and availability of DTPA-extractable micronutrients increased with crop residue retention and GM incorporation in soil. The DTPA-extractable Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn showed sharp decrease from 0-7.5 cm to 7.5-15 cm soil depth and afterwards the decrease was gradual with further increase in soil depth. The transformation of Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn was found higher under PTRW25 + GM treatment from occluded (AFeOx and CFeOx) fractions to mobile (WSEX) ones. Highest productivity and Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn uptake by grain and straw of rice and wheat were also recorded under PTRW25 + GM treatment. In nutshell, green manure incorporation and crop residue retention over the soil surface substantially increased the crop productivity and availability of Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu in soil.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Health Problems In Rural Punjab : Status, Causes And Consequences
    (Punjab Agricultural University; Ludhiana, 2005) Mandeep Kaur; Sukhdev Singh
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of planting pattern and straw management on herbicide persistence, productivity and quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and onion (Allium cepa L.)
    (unjab Agricultural University, 2009) Mandeep Kaur; U.S. Walia
    inconsistent encouragement over the years. The constant affection, eternal blessings and good wishes of elder sister Monia and brothers Balpreet Singh, Harpreet Saini and Randeep Singh and Bhabhi Gurtinder Kaur & Rajwinder Kaur could never be forgotten and would be retained in deeper depths of my interiors. My soulful gratitude to my betterhalf Dr. Jaspreet Singh Saini for his indefinite love, good wishes, support and insist of completion of my studies. This work would not have been accomplished without the constant encouragement, warm blessings and intimate help bestowed upon me by Dr. Navneet Kaur and Mandeep Singh and all the members of my loving in-laws. The constructive moral support and affection received from my divine father-in-law S. Amarjit Singh Saini and mother-in-law Smt. Prabhjot Kaur Saini needs a special mention in the completion of the present studies. How can I forget Tejveer, Yuvneil & Mehtaj whose innocent faces and cheerful cries always enlightened my momentum.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Effect of planting pattern and straw management on herbicide persistence, productivity and quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and onion (Allium cepa L.)
    The field experiment on “Effect of planting pattern and straw management on herbicide persistence, productivity and quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and onion (Allium cepa L.)” was conducted at the experimental field of PAU, Ludhiana during rabi seasons of 2006-07 and 2007-08. The studies reveal that growth and development of P. minor were slightly reduced under Happy Seeder sown crop and zero till sowing in standing stubbles than bed sowing, zero tillage after burning and conventional tillage after partial burning. Growth parameters, yield attributes and grain yield of wheat were not significantly influenced by different planting patterns. Conventional tillage and bed sowing treatments slightly improved the physical properties of soil. Application of sulfosulfuron 25 g ha-1 , mesosulfuron + iodosulfuron 12 g ha-1 and pinoxaden 50 g ha-1 significantly reduced the growth and development of P. minor and hence significantly increased grain yield of wheat than unweeded (control). Hectolitre weight, sedimentation value and protein content of wheat grain under different planting patterns were non-significant. Hectolitre weight and sedimentation value were significantly higher in herbicidal treatments than control. Residues of sulfosulfuron 25 g ha-1 , mesosulfuron + iodosulfuron 12 g ha-1 and pinoxaden 50 g ha-1 were detected at 1 day after spray in soil at depth 0-15 cm but residues of herbicides were not detected in soil at other observational periods and in grain and straw at harvest. The highest microbial population was observed under zero till sowing with Happy Seeder followed by zero till sowing in standing stubbles among planting patterns and in unsprayed plots among weed control treatments at all observational period. There was decrease in viable microbial counts at 15 days after spray and further the microbial population started to regain. The bulb yield of onion crop was not significantly influenced with planting patterns and rice straw incorporation levels. However, onion transplanted after rice straw incorporation yielded higher in flat sowing followed by bed sowing techniques. During both the years, application of oxyfluorfen 0.225 kg ha-1 recorded the maximum bulb diameter (60, 90 DAT and at uprooting time) which was statistically at par with pendimethalin 0.75 kg ha-1 and two hand weedings and these treatments were found to be significantly better than fluchloralin 1.125 kg ha-1 and unweeded (control). Application of oxyfluorfen 0.225 kg ha-1 gave the highest bulb yield which was statistically at par with pendimethalin 0.75 kg ha-1 and two hand weedings. These treatments proved significantly better than fluchloralin 1.125 kg ha-1 and unweeded (control) treatment. Also, bulb yield produced by fluchloralin 1.125 kg ha-1 was significantly better than unweeded (control). Soil samples of oxyfluorfen 0.225 kg ha-1, pendimethalin 0.75 kg ha-1 and fluchloralin 1.125 kg ha-1 treated plots taken 1 day after spray showed residues of respective herbicides. Samples of onion bulbs at 30, 60, 90 days after spray and at uprooting stage showed no residues of applied herbicides. The highest microbial population was observed under flat and bed sowing after rice straw incorporation treatments and unsprayed plots among weed control treatments at all observational period. There was decrease in viable microbial counts at 15 days after spray as compared to that at 0 day after spray and further the microbial poatiopuln started to regain.