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  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Integrated nutrient management in forage Sorghum with the application of liquid biofertilizers
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2024) Jaspreet Kaur; Dr. Gulab Pandove
    Forages are the foundation upon which the rumen-healthy livestock diets are formulated. Therefore, amelioration of forage quality via enhanced agronomic techniques, such as Integrated Nutrient Management (INM), is imperative.Thus, the present investigation was carried out to evaluate the influence of integrated nutrient management on forage Sorghum with the application of liquid biofertilizers on the yield and quality attributes. A total of 30 forage Sorghum plants were collected from different Sorghum fields of village Dhudike, Moga, Punjab, India and 17 bacterial endophytes were isolated based on distinct colony morphology. Subsequently, 15 isolates were selected on the basis of qualitative phosphate solubilisation assay and were further scrutinized for quantitative plant growth promoting traits such as IAA production, phosphate solubilization, production of gibberellic acid, ammonia and siderophore (catechol and hydroxamate), ACC deaminase activity, Zn solubilisation assay. Consequently, the potential isolate RPR_3 was selected on the basis of multiple PGP traits and identified by 16s RNA sequencing technique as Enterobacter sp. Furthermore, the identified bacterial culture Enterobacter sp. (JJG_Zn) along with the standard cultures of Burkholderia seminalis and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, procured from the School of Organic farming, PAU were evaluated for the aforementioned PGP traits under abiotic stress conditions of salinity (0,50,100 and 150mM NaCl) and drought (0,5,10 and 15% PEG). All three PGPB were able to tolerate the stress conditions while optimum growth was recorded at 50mM NaCl and 5% PEG concentrations. Additionally, an in vitro experiment was carried out to study the efficacy of liquid bacterial inoculants (B. Seminalis, S. maltophilia and Enterobacter sp. (JJG_Zn)) in enhancing salt (0,50,100 and 150mM NaCl) and drought (0,5 and 10% PEG) tolerance in forage Sorghum seeds. The findings revealed that the seeds at 50mM NaCl salt stress when bio-primed with the treatment T5: dual inoculation (B. seminalis and S. maltophilia), exhibited superior germination and maximum plant growth parameters namely, germination percentage (92.53%), germination speed (2.74), mean germination time (2.94), shoot length (13.55cm), root length (13.41cm), as well as fresh and dry shoot (0.066g and 0.013g) and root weights (0.132g and 0.014g) respectively. Furthermore, at 5% PEG induced drought stress, the bio-priming with treatment T5: dual inoculation (B. seminalis and S. maltophilia) improved the germination percentage (92.45%), germination speed (2.82), mean germination time (2.66), shoot length (14.46cm), root length (14.12cm), as well as fresh and dry shoot (0.123and 0.014g) and root weights (0.073and 0.014g) respectively. Scanning electron microscopy was employed to examine the degree of root colonization in forage Sorghum by liquid bacterial cultures under gnotobiotic conditions. The SEM micrographs demonstrated that Enterobacter sp. (JJG_Zn) exhibited the highest level of root surface colonization, followed by B. seminalis and S. maltophilia. Before commercializing PGPB-based products in the markets, it is essential to conduct thorough characterization and biosafety analysis .In this context, the Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria (PGPB) B. seminalis, S. maltophilia, and Enterobacter sp. (JJG_Zn), were evaluated for various bio safety tests such as E.coli sensitivity assay, ecotoxicity test in earthworms and pathogenitcity test on Albino mice. Furthermore, sheep blood agar biochemical assay was also performed and all the tests displayed negative results for the three PGPB thereby characterizing them as potentially non-pathogenic. Field experiments were conducted at Punjab Agricultural University, Regional Research Station, Bathinda, and School of Organic Farming, IFS, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during kharif 2022. The experiment employed a randomized complete block design, encompassing a total of 11 treatment combinations involving liquid bacterial inoculants (S. maltophilia, B. seminalis, and Enterobacter sp. (JJG_Zn)) at 100% and 75% recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF), with three replications. Notably, the treatment T11: 75% RDF + dual inoculation (B. seminalis + S. maltophilia), exhibited superior growth, yield and quality attributes such as emergence count, plant height, number of leaves, chlorophyll content, leaf-to-stem ratio, leaf breadth, leaf length, dry matter accumulation per plant, total sugars, ash content, crude protein content, and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD). Whereas, a significant decrease in acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and a noteworthy reduction in total phenols was observed. In the pooled analysis of green fodder and dry matter yield at both the locations, the treatment T11 demonstrated a 10.23% and 15.79% increment as compared to the control (T1).The liquid bacterial inoculants ameliorated the physicochemical properties of the soil (pH, electrical conductivity, and organic carbon content) and also enhanced the nutritional status (N,P,K). Furthermore, the treatment T11 also demonstrated increased root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Hence, it can be inferred that liquid bacterial inoculants is a promising strategy for enhancing the productivity and quality of forage Sorghum.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Evaluation of low-cost media for Azospirillum sp. based biofertilizer production
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Jaspreet Kaur; Kumari, Suman
    Different media formulations of wheat bran and vegetable waste were evaluated for growth of Azospirillum sp. in terms of optical density and logCFU/ml. The optical density (OD) enhanced gradually from 0 to 3rd day followed by constant values onwards. Maximum optical density was recorded in the standard broth i.e., (0.67±0.02)where among the low-cost bioformulations, maximum OD was observed in 40% of wheat bran (WB) (0.67±0.01) followed by 50% of WB. Observations revealed that wheat bran supported comparably better growth tan vegetable waste.The viability of Azospirillum sp.biofertlizer culture wasthen assessed on the 3rd day of incubation wherestandard broth i.e., 9.28±0.02log CFU/mlhad the highest viable cell density compared to 40% WB exhibiting (8.44±0.02log CFU/ml)growth for Azospirillum sp.Analysis of different liquid media formulations for indole acetic acid production, ammonia production, phosphate and zinc solubilization revealed that 40% WB followed by 50% WB were found to be the foremost media formulations where among the vegetable waste (VW) concentrations, 30% of VW exhibited the highest values, but were comparatively lower than that of the WB formulations.On the basis growth and multifunctional traits, the treatments were narrowed down to 50% and 40% of WB and 30% of VW and Jensen’s broth was taken standard broth. Assessment for the seedling emergence, shoot and root length of rice (PR1121) under axenic conditions showed 40% WB to be the most prominent media formulationamong low cost formulations.Additionally, the viable population of Azospirillum sp. biofertilizer cultures was also monitored at monthly interval where gradual decline in the viable cell countof Azospirillum sp. in all the treatments was observed when standard broth was found to be desirable at one month interval followed by sudden drop in the population. It can be deciphered that 50% and 40% of wheat bran can be used as a potential liquid media formulation to develop a low-cost liquid Azospirillum sp. based biofertilizer on the condition of its optimization to enhance the growth and shelf life.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Role of meteorological parameters in incidence of alternaria blight and white rust in raya (Brassica juncea) under different row spacing and row direction
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2022) Jaspreet Kaur; Dhaliwal, L.K.
    The research experiment entitled “Role of meteorological parameters in incidence of alternaria blight and white rust in raya (Brassica juncea) under different row spacing and row direction” was conducted at the Research Farm, Department of Climate Change and Agricultural Meteorology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during rabi 2020-21. The experiment was conducted with two varieties (PBR 91 and PBR 357), two row directions (North-South and East-West) and six spacing (30cm×10cm, 30cm×20cm, 30cm× 30cm, 45cm×10cm, 45cm×20cm, and 45cm×30cm) in factorial-split plot design with three replications. The Package of Practices as recommended by PAU were followed for raising the crop. The micrometeorological parameters viz. photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), canopy temperature and relative humidity within canopy were recorded at periodic intervals, while daily meteorological parameters were recorded in Agrometeorological Observatory. Biometric observations such as leaf area index (LAI) and dry matter accumulation (DMA) were recorded periodically. The yield and yield contributing characteristics were recorded at the time of harvesting. The disease severity was recorded at weekly intervals. The PAR interception was higher in variety PBR 357 as compared to PBR 91 due to higher leaf area index. Maximum PAR interception was recorded under North–South row direction compared as to East–West row direction. Under different spacing, PAR interception was maximum in 45cm×30cm spacing. High relative humidity was observed in East-West row direction as compared to North-South row direction. Among the different spacing in 45cm×30cm spacing, lower severity of alternaria blight and white rust were observed. Alternaria blight severity was higher in East-West row direction and lower in North-South row direction. Similarly white rust severity was higher in East-West row direction and lower in North-South direction. Variety PBR 91 showed higher area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) as compared variety PBR 357 for alternaria blight and white rust. Among different spacing, the area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) was maximum in 30cm×10cm spacing and minimum in 45cm×30cm spacing. Seed yield was more in North-South row direction (21.4 q/ha) compared to East-West row direction (19.2 q/ha). Variety PBR 357 variety gave higher (21.2 q/ha) seed yield than PBR 91 (19.1 q/ha). Seed yield was maximum in 45cm×30cm spacing (21.2 q/ha) and minimum in 30cm×10cm spacing (18.9 q/ha). So microclimatic modifications (row spacing and row direction) can be used to reduce the yield losses due to alternaria blight and white rust.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Study of effect of demographics and behavioral biases on equity investor behavior
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Jaspreet Kaur; Aggarwal, Navdeep
    According to the theory of behavioral finance, an investor is irrational. Different behavioral biases affect the decision-making of stock investors. The present study aims at developing scales of various behavioral biases and studying the combined effect of demographics and behavioral biases on investment behavior of equity investors. A structured questionnaire is used and data is collected from randomly selected stock investors of Ludhiana city. The sample is split into two parts. The first 250 respondents are taken to check the reliability and for conducting an exploratory factor analysis. It is done to check the purity of the scale and for the development of the factors. Then confirmatory factor analysis is carried out on the next 504 respondents. This research study makes a significant contribution to the literature related to behavioral biases by developing a reliable and valid scale for different behavioral biases of stock investors. The biases include appetite for financial risk, overconfidence, social herding, overreaction, anxiety, impulsivity, information sources, and psychological biases. The combined effect of demographics and behavioral biases on investment in defensive shares, growth shares, cyclic shares, and asset turnaround shares is analyzed using AMOS. The present study can be used by policymakers and market analysts to predict the investor behavior and for making any policies regarding the stock market. Market advisories can give relevant advice and feedback to the stock investors by making them understand these biases and how it affects their decision and helping them to reduce these biases for better decision-making.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Characterization of Karnal bunt (Tilletia indica) resistant genotypes and disease dynamics under alternate cultivation practices of wheat
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Jaspreet Kaur; Vineet Kumar
    A set of 1305 genotypes was evaluated against Tilletia indica under artificial epiphytotic conditions during cropping seasons of 2020-21 and 2021-22. After screening for two years, 284 lines were found to be highly resistant reaction and 289 lines showed resistant reaction (0-5% KB infection). Out of 284 highly resistant lines, diversity analysis of 173 Triticum aestivum lines using 70 SSR markers concluded that majority of the lines were different from each other and have potential to be explored for identification of KB resistance loci. The effect of seed and soil borne inoculum under four different tillage methods viz. happy seeder, super seeder, zero tillage and conventional (control) was studied. Super seeder (infected seed in infected soil) showed highest teliospore count (22,580 per 250 g of soil) and lowest count (1602 per 250 g of soil) was observed with zero tillage (healthy seed in healthy soil). There was significant effect of tillage methods on teliospore count. However, no significant difference of sowing dates was observed on teliospore count. The effect of seed and soil borne inoculum on germination revealed that maximum (80.66%) germination percentage was observed when healthy seed were sown in healthy soil using super seeder while minimum germination (52.26%) was observed with infected seed sown in infected soil using happy seeder. The study needs to be undertaken further to confirm the results obtained in the present investigation.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    School Environment and Academic Anxiety as Correlates of Mental Health among Rural Adolescents
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Jaspreet Kaur; Chawla, Asha
    The present study was conducted to assess the school environment and academic anxiety as correlates of mental health among rural adolescents. The study was based on 200 adolescents (i.e., 100 boys and 100 girls). The sample was purposively selected from two Government Senior Schools of villages Amarpura and Dutaranwali of Fazilka District. Self-structured personal information sheet was prepared to collect the general information of the adolescents. Mental Health Battery by Singh and Gupta (2000), School Environment Scale by (Misra 2012) and Educational Anxiety Inventory by Sood and Anand (2012) were used to assess the mental health, school environment and academic anxiety of the adolescents. Results revealed that majority of adolescents had average level of mental health, school environment and academic anxiety. Boys were found to be significantly better than their counterparts in most of the dimensions of mental health. Significant gender differences were observed in creative stimulation and permissiveness dimension of school environment where boys scored better than girls. Further, boys were found to had significantly high educational anxiety than girls. School environment was found significantly and positively correlated with adjustment, autonomy, intelligence dimensions as well as overall mental health of adolescents whereas significant and negative correlation was found between academic anxiety with emotional stability and autonomy dimensions of mental health. Cognitive encouragement, Creative stimulation of school environment contributed positively and significantly towards the mental health of the adolescents whereas academic anxiety was contributed significantly and negatively towards the mental health among rural adolescents.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Utilization of sugarcane juice and bagasse for bioethanol production
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Jaspreet Kaur; Taggar, Monica Sachdeva
    The present study was carried out to optimize the process for bioethanol production from sugarcane juice and bagasse. The juice and bagasse of 29 sugarcane varieties/clones belonging to different maturity groups (early and mid-late) was evaluated for various biochemical parameters. Among all varieties/clones, high holocellulose (69.75%) and cellulose (39.55%) along with low lignin (20.05%) and ash content (1.80%) was observed in the bagasse of sugarcane variety CoPb 92. The juice of this variety also contained high total sugars (19.09 g 100ml-1) and sucrose content (18.55 g 100ml-1). On the basis of desirable chemical components of the bagasse and juice, sugarcane variety CoPb 92 was identified to be the most suitable for ethanol production and selected for further studies. Bagasse of sugarcane variety CoPb 92 was subjected to different chemical pre-treatments, out of which alkali pre-treatment, i.e. 1 M sodium hydroxide for 60 min (T15) was found to be the effective in decreasing the lignin content of bagasse along with high recovery of holocellulose and cellulose content. A total of 17 fungi were isolated for cellulase production and their cellulolytic index ranged from 0.12 to 0.94. Quantitative cellulase production by five fungal isolates showing high cellulolytic index under liquid shake flask fermentation was carried out. Significantly high carboxymethyl cellulase (171.98 U l-1), cellobiase (78.65 U l-1), filter paper activities (43.52 U l-1) and extracellular protein content (422.34 mg l-1) was recorded for the fungal isolate JS17. Sequencing and analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the isolated fungal strain JS17 revealed that these regions had the highest identity (100%) with Penicillium mallochii. Endoglucanase enzyme was purified and three isoforms, i.e. EG-I, EG-II and EG-III were identified with molecular weight of 23.4, 24.5 and 19.9 kDa, respectively. The enzymatic saccharification of alkali pre-treated sugarcane bagasse with inhouse cellulase from P. mallochii resulted in the maximum reducing sugar content of 651.60 mg g-1 with hydrolytic efficiency of 78.29 per cent. The maximum ethanol concentration of 67.90 g l-1 was obtained from the sugarcane juice (CoPb 92) fermented by yeast S. cerevisiae NCIM3078 at 96 h of fermentation. Significantly high ethanol concentration of 9.55 g l-1 was recorded from the sugarcane bagasse saccharified with in-house cellulase produced from P. mallochii. The present study, thus, revealed that sugarcane in terms of juice and bagasse could be ideally used as a substrate for bioethanol production using the optimized pre-treatment, hydrolysis and fermentation parameters.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Value addition of Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Sing. through paste preparation
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2021) Jaspreet Kaur; Sharma, Shivani
    Agaricus bisporus (button mushroom), most widely cultivated edible mushroom, serves the potential to grow on agricultural wastes. Button mushroom being highly perishable in nature, deteriorates immediately after harvesting. Due to this reason, the fresh mushrooms needs to be processed for extending their availability throughout the year. This can be achieved by implementing adequate post harvesting technology and processing into value added products. Therefore, the present work has been dealt with preparation of mushroom paste for shelf life improvement and utilization of this paste as supplement in pasta and soups and as an ingredient in noodles and cookies. The strain U3 showed maximum yield potential (16.38 kg/q compost) by short method of compost as compared to long method. The different mushroom pastes (MP I, MP II, MP III) were prepared and stored at room and refrigerated temperature in glass containers, plastic containers and tetra-packs. All the mushroom pastes showed acceptable physical, chemical and microbial properties at refrigerated temperature in glass containers followed by tetra-packs and plastic containers. Among these three mushroom pastes, MP I showed higher appearance score in glass containers while MP II showed better color and taste score in tetra-packs at refrigerated temperature. The chemical properties (total soluble solids, total sugars and ascorbic acid) and microbiological count were acceptable for MP I in glass containers at refrigerated temperature. Protein content (7.68µg/ml) was maximum in glass containers for MP (control) followed by MP I up to 15 days. Pasta and cookies prepared from MP I was found to be most appropriate in terms of organoleptic properties. While for preparing soup and noodles, all the mushroom pastes were found to be equally good in terms of all parameters such as color, flavor, texture, taste and overall acceptability. Thus, the preparation of value added products not only extend the shelf life but also enhance the income by value addition and marketing.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Response of muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) to drip irrigation and fertigation under mulch conditions
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Jaspreet Kaur; Kulbir Singh
    The present investigation was conducted at Vegetable Research Farm and Biochemical Laboratory, Department of Vegetable Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana to standardize the optimum moisture regime, NPK levels under drip irrigation and mulch for crop establishment, growth, yield and quality fruit production in muskmelon. Hybrid „MH-27‟ comprised as a plant material. The treatments included three levels of drip irrigation regimes i.e. at 100 per cent crop evapotranspiration (ETc), 80 per cent ETc and 60 per cent ETc along with mulch treatment (silver black polythene mulch and no mulch) under main plot treatments and three level of fertigation i.e. 100 per cent recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF), 80 per cent RDF and 60 per cent RDF was considered under sub plot treatments resulting in eighteen treatments combinations which were compared with the conventional practices. Drip irrigation at 100 per cent ETc and 100 per cent RDF under mulch improved vine length, number of primary branches, average fruit weight and yield which was statistically at par with drip irrigation at 80 per cent ETc and 80 per cent RDF. Further, it was noticed that yield from different treatments of drip fertigation varied from 168.8 q/ha to 201.8 q/ha which was 16 per cent higher from conventional system. Various quality parameters i.e. ascorbic acid and dry matter content were found to increase with increase in depth of irrigation and fertilizer dose. However, maximum total soluble solids (TSS) were observed with drip irrigation at 80 per cent ETc and 100 per cent RDF. The economic analysis revealed that highest net returns (Rs 130023/ha) were obtained under drip fertigation along with mulch application which was 17.2 per cent higher from conventional system. Thus, it may be concluded from the present investigation that drip fertigation at 80 per cent ETc level and 80 per cent RDF along with mulch application is beneficial to improve productivity and quality of muskmelon with saving of 80.85 water and 20 per cent fertilizer over the conventional method.