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  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Management of pink stem borer, Sesamia inferens (Walker) in paddy straw managed wheat fields
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Harjeet Singh; Suri, Kamaljeet Singh
    The studies on management of pink stem borer, Sesamia inferens (Walker) in paddy straw managed wheat fields were conducted at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during the years 2019-21. The study revealed that the pink stem borer remains active throughout the year on different hosts; shifting from rice to wheat and then to other alternate hosts like spring maize, Kharif maize, fodder maize and spring sugarcane. Rice, wheat, maize and sugarcane were recorded as true hosts, as these crops harboured different life stages of S. inferens viz., eggs, larvae, pupae and adults, while weeds like akk, motha, makra, swank and kanki were recorded as incidental hosts. The damage recorded on rice, wheat, maize and sugarcane ranged from 1.05-5.10, 1.00-4.50, 2.85-6.15 and 1.05-2.15 per cent, respectively whereas no damage was observed on the incidental hosts. Maximum damage (3.69%) of the pink stem borer was observed in wheat sown with Happy seeder in standing paddy stubbles of preceding rice crop, statistically at par in wheat sown with mulcher + Happy seeder (3.50%) followed by wheat sown after incorporation of paddy straw with rotavator (1.97%), mould board plough (1.23%) and least damage in wheat sown (0.5%) following conventional tillage operations. Five biopesticides viz., Beauveria bassiana (1x109 CFU/g; strain IPL/BB/MI/01), Dipel (Bt based); Neem Kavach (Azadirachtin 1500 ppm), Homemade dharek extract and PAU Homemade neem extract and eight insecticides viz., fipronil 0.3 G, chlorantraniliprole 0.4 G, cartap hydrochloride 4 G, chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC, flubendiamide 39.35 SL, quinalphos 25 EC, chlorpyriphos 20 EC and emamectin benzoate 5 SG were evaluated for management of pink stem borer in rice stubbles of preceding rice crop before sowing of wheat and after one month of sowing wheat in paddy straw managed field with Happy seeder and rotavator managed wheat fields. Amongst biopesticides, B. bassiana @ 5 gL-1 water provided upto 26.71 per cent reduction in pink stem borer damage over the untreated control and proved promising. Amongst insecticides, fipronil 0.3 G @ 15 kgha-1 and chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC @ 150 mlha-1 provided upto 79.42 and 77.37 per cent reduction in damaged tillers, respectively and thus, can be used for effective management of pink stem borer management.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2013) Harjeet Singh
    ABSTRACT The present investigation entitled “Morphological Characterization of Citrus Rootstocks” was carried out during 2012-2013 at New Orchard and College Orchard, Department of Fruit Science, PAU, Ludhiana. The research work was carried out on nine citrus rootstocks. Among them three rootstocks having different strains were Rough lemon (Citrus jambhiri), Trifoliate (Poncirus trifoliata) and Rangpur lime (Citrus limonia) and six individual other rootstocks viz., Cleopatra (Citrus reshni), Pectinifera (Citrus pectinifera), Alemow (Citrus macrophylla), Karna Khatta (Citrus karna), Calamondin (Citrus mitis) and Volkamarina (Citrus volkameriana). Their evaluation was done for characters as per citrus descriptor given by IPGRI. The qualitative trees, leaves, flowers and fruit characters showed little variability within a species. Most of the quantitative trees, leaves, flowers and fruit characters were found statistically significant for all rootstocks. Maximum fruit weight was recorded in Karna Khatta (710 g). Total soluble solids were observed maximum in Flying Dragon (12.10 oBrix) strain of trifoliate while minimum were recorded in Nagpur strain of rough lemon, (5.66 oBrix). The Sohmyndog strain of rough lemon had the highest acidity (5.37 per cent) while minimum was recorded for Flying Dragon strain of trifoliate, being 1.38 per cent. The Brazilian strain of Rangpur lime had the highest seed number (38.0). The X-639 strain of trifoliate, and Brazilian and Texas strains of Rangpur lime were scored as early maturing (October-November) while Trifoliate was scored as late maturing (February-March). Variability analysis was done and Brazilian was most diverse from other strains of rough lemon.