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  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Energy use efficiency of direct seeding of rice in Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Gurpreet Singh; Ranguwal, Sangeet
    The present study was undertaken to examine and compare the resource and energy use pattern between the direct seeded rice (DSR) and conventional puddled transplanted rice (PTR) in Sri Mukatsar district of Punjab. Primary data were collected from 120 farmers (80 DSR adopters and 40 non adopters) selected using multi-stage random sampling technique through personal interview method during the agricultural year 2021-22. The input use for DSR showed an increasing trend with the farm size except for animal labour and non-significant (NS) differences existed among the different farm categories. Similarly, output for DSR had a rising trend with the farm size. In terms of energy use, NS differences were observed among farm categories for all input energies except human labour. Both input and output energy in DSR were lesser on DSR farms (21708.61 and 87431 MJ/acre) as compared to PTR farms (24816.79 and 88451 MJ/acre) but the net energy gain for DSR (65722.57 MJ/acre) was higher than the PTR (63634.26 MJ/acre). Chemical fertilizers were the dominant source of energy contributing about 41 to 42 per cent of the total input energy (with maximum share being from nitrogenous fertilisers) in DSR and PTR respectively. Electricity consumption for irrigation use also consumed a noteworthy share of 33 to 35 per cent share for DSR and PTR respectively followed by diesel fuel (11-10%). Plant protection chemical (PPC) contributed to as high as about 4 per cent of energy use in DSR as compared to only 2 per cent share in PTR. Higher EUE of 4.03 was observed in DSR than PTR (3.56). Marginal farm category was relatively more energy efficient (4.1) as compared to small (4.07) and large farms (3.92). High energy intensity of 8.86 MJ/kg with a low energy productivity index of 0.11 kg/MJ for PTR in comparison to DSR indicated that there is room for improving energy productivity of rice crop in the traditional PTR. The TVC was significantly lower by about 16 per cent in DSR (Rs 23344.06 per acre) than PTR (Rs 27677.33 per acre) and the major share belonged to human labour i.e about 23 per cent for DSR and about 33 per cent for PTR. Machine labour followed by electricity used for irrigation accounted for about 20 per cent and 18 per cent share respectively share in TVC for both the methods. The money spent on PPC was higher by about 7 per cent in DSR (16.9%) than PTR (9.88%) and the share of seed cost was observed to be almost double for DSR (2.92%) than the PTR (1.43%).DSR method generated significant savings in the physical terms in use of machine (12.63%), fertilizers (15.06%) and irrigation water (15.90 %) in comparison to PTR. In value terms, DSR reduced the cost of human labour, machine labour, fertilizers, electricity for irrigation by 40.53, 15.10, 7.63, 15.90 per cent resp. over the PTR though it enhanced the cost of seed and PPC by 72.67 and 44.29 per cent. With marginally lower yield in DSR (2769 kg per acre) than PTR (2801.3 kg per acre), the net ROVC were higher by about 13 per cent in DSR (Rs 31482.14 per acre) than PTR (Rs 27788.41 per acre) because of lower VC in DSR. The cost in production of one kg grain using DSR was found to be lower (Rs 8.43 per kg) by about 15 per cent than in PTR (Rs 9.88 per kg). Results of binomial regression analysis indicated that among 7 statistically significant factors affecting adoption of the DSR, one per cent rise in the availability of direct seeding implements, extension contacts and DSR trainings increased the adoption level by 33, 23 and 20 per cent respectively while with increase in age it declined by 2 per cent. High transplanting cost for human labour, expert advice and non availability of required implement were the major hurdles in adopting DSR by the adopters while easily available of labour for transplanting paddy, lack of technical knowledge, diffidence in adopting DSR and non-availability of required implements were the major reasons of non adoption. Study suggested the need to generate more awareness of recommended DSR production practices; capacity building by educating/training; timely availability of required farm implements on custom hiring basis; auxiliary research and development efforts for large scale adoption of the DSR
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Growth and productivity of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) genotypes as influenced by seed rate
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Gurpreet Singh; Guriqbal Singh
    The study entitled ‘Growth and productivity of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) genotypes as influenced by seed rate’ was carried out in the rabi season of 2019-20 and 2020-21 as a field experiment at the research farm of the Pulses Section, Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. The experimental field had normal soil reaction and electrical conductivity, low organic carbon & available nitrogen, medium available phosphorus and available potassium. The eight treatment combinations comprising four seed rate levels (30.0, 37.5, 45.0 and 52.5 kg ha-1) and two lentil genotypes (LL 1373 and LL 931) were laid out in Factorial Randomised Complete Block Design and replicated four times. Crop was planted at a row spacing of 22.5 cm and followed recommended cultural practices. The highest seed yield, averaged over both the years, was recorded at seed rate of 45.0 kg ha-1. Harvest index, gross returns, net returns and benefit cost ratio were also recorded the highest at seed rate of 45.0 kg ha-1. Genotype LL 1373 recorded higher growth parameters (shoot dry matter accumulation plant-1, number of branches, stem diameter) and took lower number of days to 50% flowering and maturity than LL 931. Symbiotic parameters were significantly higher for LL 931 than genotype LL 1373. Genotype LL 1373 recorded significantly higher 100-seed weight than LL 931. Averaged over both the years, significantly the highest seed yield was recorded for genotype LL 1373 at seed rate of 45.0 kg ha-1 (1783 kg ha-1) over all other treatment combinations. Gross returns, net returns and B:C averaged over both the years were obtained significantly the highest for genotype LL 1373 at seed rate of 45.0 kg ha-1 over all other treatment combinations (except B:C ratio which was at par with genotype LL 1373 at the seed rate of 37.5 kg ha-1). However, small seeded genotype LL 931 was found to be economically viable only when sown at 30.0 and 37.5 kg ha-1 seed rate. It can be concluded that, for obtaining high productivity and net returns, sowing of lentil genotype LL 1373 at seed rate of 45.0 kg ha-1 is found to be the most efficient.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Bioactivity of Azadirachta indica on Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Gurpreet Singh; Chandi, Anureet Kaur
    formulations (commercial neem formulation, neem oil and NSKE) on Spodoptera frugiperda in the laboratory conditions. Various toxicity concentrations (LC30 and LC50) of the neem based formulations i.e. commercial neem formulation (0.000169 and 0.000288 per cent), neem oil (0.045 and 0.238 per cent) and 5 per cent neem seed kernel extract (0.695 and 1.348 per cent) were worked out after treating second instar larvae by employing standard leaf-disc dip method of bioassay. The commercial neem formulation (LC30 and LC50) significantly increased the larval duration (24.20 and 37.0 days as compared to 22.40 days in untreated), pupal duration (8.40 and 9.80 days as compared to 6.60 days in untreated) and decreased the pupal weight (0.142 and 0.138 g as compared to 0.204 g in untreated), pupal size (7.960 and 7.280 mm length as compared to 8.467 mm in untreated and 2.309 and 2.256 mm breadth as compared to 3.909 mm in untreated), adult emergence (62.0 per cent as compared to 92.0 per cent in untreated), adult longevity (4.80 days male as compared to 8.60 days in untreated and 5.0 days female as compared to 9.0 days in untreated), male adult size (12.023 mm length as compared to 14.081 mm in untreated) and female adult size (11.939 mm length as compared to 13.598 mm in untreated) in comparison to the other formulations i.e. neem oil and NSKE. The reproductive parameters were also highly impacted by commercial neem formulation. The decline in oviposition period (2.9 days as compared to 7.0 days in untreated), fecundity (141.0 as compared to 429.6 in untreated), egg size (1.718 mm3 as compared to 2.280 mm3 in untreated), reproductive effort (246.15 as compared to 979.20 in untreated), egg hatchability (64.94 per cent as compared to 92.82 per cent in untreated) and survival of larvae (37.64 per cent as compared to 82.39 per cent in untreated) was recorded. However, the maximum antifeedant activity was observed in case of NSKE (43.53 and 72.06 per cent) in comparison to commercial neem formulation (27.37 and 58.97 per cent) and neem oil (17.51 and 50.59 per cent). The Relative Consumption Index (RCI) was also high in case of NSKE (0.449 and 0.808) followed by commercial neem formulations (0.173 and 0.605) and neem oil (0.084 and 0.371). The elevated value of antifeedant activity and RCI indicates the higher level of feeding deterrent. Therefore, neem based formulations can be incorporated in S. frugiperda integrated management programme on maize as an important and viable component.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Heterosis and combining ability studies in watermelon for yield and quality traits [Citrulus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai]
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Gurpreet Singh; Rajinder Singh
    The present investigation entitled “Heterosis and combining ability studies in watermelon for yield and quality traits [Citrulus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai]” was carried out at the Department of Vegetable Science, Punjab Agricultural University Ludhiana, India, during 2017-2018 and 2018-2019. Ten lines were crossed with four testers in a line x tester fashion and forty hybrids were assessed for various yield and quality attributes. Magnitude due to general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) was found significant for most of the traits, indicating importance of both additive and non additive gene control in the inheritance of traits. The ratio of σ2SCA/ σ2GCA was more than unity indicating more influence of non additive genetic control except for days taken to first fruit harvest, number of fruits per plant, TSS and total carotenoids. The tester Arka Manik and Sugar Baby were good general combiners for most of the yield and quality parameters. While, among lines, EC-829875, WM-14 and EC-829870 were good combiners for most of the traits. The F1 Hybrids EC-829870 x Arka Manik for fruit number per vine, EC-829826 x Sugar Baby for total yield per acre, EC-829870 x Sugar Baby for number of days to first fruit harvest and 100 seed weight, WM-53 x EC-829852 for average fruit weight, EC-829826 x EC-829827 for seed number per fruit, EC-829870 x EC-829827 for TSS content and EC-8298226 x EC-829852 for lycopene content were stood out good specific combiners. The hybrids EC-829870 x Arka Manik for vine length, TSS and lycopene content, EC-829823 x EC-829852 for total fruit yield per plant, WM-14 x EC-829827 for number of fruits per plant, EC-829826 x Arka Manik for average fruit weight, number of primary branches, WM-53 x EC-829827 for internode length and EC-829870 x Sugar Baby for 100 seed weight were exhibited highest heterotic effect over better parent (BP). The hybrids EC-829870 x Arka Manik for vine length, EC-829826 x Aarka Manik for number of primary branches, EC-8829858 x Arka Manik for days to harvest first fruit, EC-829875 x Arka Manik for total fruit yield per plant, WM-14 x Sugar Baby for number of fruits per plant, EC-829826 x Arka Manik for average fruit weight, , EC-829823 x EC-829827 for internode length and KFF 1-1-2 x Sugar Baby for TSS were exhibited highest standard heterotic effect over check. The present investigation revealed that hybrids EC-829870 x EC 829827, WM-14 x sugar Baby, KFF 1-1-2 x Arka Manik were promising hybrids in terms of yield and quality traits and can be exploited commercially.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development and evaluation of system for torrefaction of paddy straw
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Gurpreet Singh; Soni, Rajesh
    The disposal of surplus paddy straw is a serious problem in North-West India. About two-third of the 22 MT paddy straw produced in Punjab is openly burnt in fields. All the existing onsite and offsite methods to manage paddy straw have met with limited success. Biomass co-firing with coal in large thermal power plants is a promising technology for its utilization. Agricultural residues including paddy straw are herbaceous type of biomass. This herbaceous biomass have several unfavorable characteristics that hinder their use in power plants. These include low bulk density, hydrophobicity, high moisture content, and degradation during storage, and low energy density. Pre-treatment of biomass through torrefaction (followed by pelletization) can resolve most of these problems. In this study, the paddy straw was torrefied in an oven at various temperatures viz 230, 240 and 250°C and various durations viz 20, 30 and 40 minutes. The effect of torrefaction on paddy straw properties were studied. Thereafter, a bench scale reactor for torrefaction of around 0.8 kg of paddy straw was designed and fabricated. The unique feature of this reactor was the division of the reactor into four vertical zones. The lower most zone was meant for combustion of the paddy straw to provide additional heat to the upper zones and to assist heat transfer to the upper zones. On the basis of lab studies done earlier, the duration and temperature of 30 minutes and 250°C respectively were selected for bench scale studies. With proper insulation of the reactor, the desired torrefaction condition could be achieved in the lower 10 cm of the reactor. The studies show that with the existing mode of heating, the height of the torrefaction reactor should be limited to 10 cm only. The grinding energy reduced to 6-7 kW/kg. The average particle size decreased, moisture content of straw also decreased to less than 6.4% while the gross heating value increased to 17.07 MJ/kg, mass yield and energy yield of torrefied paddy straw was 0.87 and 1.05 respectively. Thus torrefied straw acquired more coal like properties. This improves the suitability of torrefied straw co-firing with coal in unmodified thermal power plants.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of residue management tillage and irrigation on water balance of direct seeded rice and wheat
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Gurpreet Singh; Singh, K. B.
    Adoption of proper tillage and residue management practices are must for sustaining soil and crop productivity. Residue retention or incorporation with proper irrigation scheduling improves soil water storage, soil physical characteristics and crop productivity. However, the tillage and residue management practices are very site specific. Therefore, field experimets were conducted during rabi 2015-16 and 2016- 17 and kharif 2016 and 2017. Wheat was sown with three residue management tillage systems (residue incorporation, residue standing and residue removal) under flood and drip irrigation. Rice seeds were directly sown in previously established main plots of residue management tillage (same as in wheat) and further wheat residue incorporation and removal in sub-plots along with flood and drip irrigation. The data indicated that during 2015-16 and 2016-17, all growth attributes of wheat i.e., plant height, leaf area index (LAI) and dry matter accumulation (DMA) were highest in reisdue incorporation with drip iriigation. The yield attributes i.e., grain yield and biological yield were also highest in residue incorporation with drip irrigation (RI+D) and lowest in residue removal with flood irrigation (RR+F). During 2015-16 and 2016- 17, maximum amount of irrigation water was received by RR+F (29.76 and 29.07 cm) and lowest amount of irrigation water was received by RI+D (20.51 and 19.66 cm). Maximum soil water contribution to wheat crop was also observed from RI+D. Irrespective of irrigation treatments, residue incorporation also resulted in 2.65% lower bulk density and 11.67% higher saturated hydraulic conductivity at 0-7.5 cm soil depth and 28.57% higher final infiltration rate, 41.46% higher mean weight diameter and 29.03% higher organic carbon as compared residue removal treatment after 2 years. Crop water productivity was significantly more under drip irrigation as compared to flood irrigation during 2016-17. However, apparent water productivity was significantly higher under residue incorporation as compared to residue standing and residue removal. In direct seeded rice, during 2016 and 2017, all growth attributes i.e., plant height, LAI and DMA of DSR was highest in the treatment which received double incorporation (incorporation of paddy straw and wheat straw). Combination of residue incorporation with drip irrigation resulted in highest values of crop growth attributes. The yield attributes i.e., grain yield and biological yield was 20.31 and 17.59% higher in residue incorporation as compared to residue removal during 2017. All flood irrigated plots received same amount of irrigation 109.53 and 116.95 cm during 2016 and 2017, respectively. The lowest amount of irrigation 98.12 and 103.61 cm during 2016 and 2017 was received by RI-RI+D. Residue incorporation also resulted in lowest drainage and more soil moisture storage at harvesting of direct seeded rice during both years. Residue incorporation resulted in significant reduction in soil bulk density of surface soil (0-15 cm) after harvesting of rice during both years. Saturated hydraulic conductivity and soil infiltration rate also improved under residue incorporation. The study finally concluded that residue incorporation along with drip irrigation saves irrigation water and improves soil moisture storage and crop performance.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A study of mandi labour in agricultural regulated markets in south-western Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Gurpreet Singh; Goyal, Mini
    The present study was conducted on mandi labour in agricultural regulated markets in south-western Punjab. A sample of 120 mandi labour from six agricultural regulated markets from two districts of Punjab namely Mansa and Barnala was selected. The study revealed that majority of mandi labourers were migrated from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. The mean income of the families of mandi labour came out to be Rs. 90435.58 per annum. The mean debt on the family of the respondents was Rs. 12939.40 and was mainly taken from non-institutional sources. The purpose of debt was mainly for house construction and to perform social and religious ceremonies. In regulated agricultural markets, during market arrivals mandi labour perform various activities such as unloading, cleaning, packing, stitching and loading of agricultural produce. The rates of different activities in regulated agricultural markets were recommended by Punjab State Agricultural Marketing Board. In case of wheat, paddy and cotton these were Rs. 14.38 per 50 kg, 14.99 per 35 kg and 11.14 per 40 kg respectively. In regulated agricultural market, mandi labour was working in two cropping pattern i.e. paddy-wheat and cotton-wheat. In kharif season, mandi labour earned Rs. 23849.99 or Rs. 27448.20 from paddy or cotton arrival by working 43 or 112 days respectively. In rabi season, they earned Rs. 15530.40 by working 30 days on wheat arrival in the market. Mandi labour working in paddy-wheat pattern earned Rs. 39138.95 by working 75 days while they earn Rs. 42978.60 in cotton-wheat pattern by working 142 days. During the whole year, mandi labour worked for 237 days, out which they worked 107 days in regulated agricultural market and 130 days on supplementary work earning Rs. 41058.76 and Rs. 31800 respectively. Major problems reported by the respondents in regulated agricultural market were lack of proper facility of toilet/washroom, unavailability of purified water and no provision of resting space in the market. The study suggested that wages of mandi labour should be increase by increasing the rates of various market activities and provide proper infrastructural facilities so that labour may get medical aid, toilets, washroom, purified water and resting space in regulated agricultural markets.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Etiology of stem gummosis and leaf blight of bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) in Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Gurpreet Singh; Jain, Sandeep
    Three simultaneously occurring syndromes viz. stem gummosis and slow vine decline; quick wilting and leaf blight were deciphered in the bottle gourd fields and their primary pathogenic causes were established. All the three types of syndromes were more prevalent in south-western districts of Punjab. The incidence of stem gummosis and slow vine decline varied from 0 to 68.30 per cent and 20.57 to 67.89 per cent, whereas the severity varied from 0 to 51.22 per cent and 11.77 to 39.33 per cent in the years 2015 and 2016 respectively. The incidence of quick wilt varied from 2.33 to 57.00 per cent and 5.15 to 27.78 per cent in the years 2015 and 2016 respectively. The incidence of leaf blight varied from 35.57 to 85.15 per cent and 28.88 to 80.15 per cent whereas the severity from 11.55 to 53.33 per cent and 20.44 to 59.67 per cent in the year 2015 and 2016, respectively. Pathogenicity tests were conducted to prove Koch’s postulates and identification of organisms was done through morphological as well as molecular studies. The causal organism of stem gummosis and slow vine decline was identified as Fusarium verticillioides (Sacc.) Nirenberg. The pathogen associated with quick wilting was identified as Fusarium oxysporum Schltdl. and the pathogen associated with leaf blight was identified as Lasiodiplodia theobromae (Pat.) Griffon & Maubl. Best medium for vegetative growth of F. verticillioides was observed to be potato dextrose agar followed by czapek’s dox agar and richard’s agar while for F. oxysporium it was czapek’s dox agar followed by potato dextrose agar and richard’s agar and for L. theobromae it was observed to be potato dextrose agar followed by V8 juice agar and rye agar. None of the test genotypes showed the resistant or moderately resistant reaction against stem gummosis and slow vine decline or quick wilting whereas two bottle gourd genotypes were adjudged as the moderately resistant against leaf blight. Under in vitro evaluation of fungitoxicants, carbendazim 50 WP was found to be the most effective fungicide against Fusarium verticillioides and Fusarium oxysporum. Trifloxystrobin + tebuconazole 75% WG was found to be the most effective fungicide against Lasiodiplodia theobromae. Soil drench with carbendazim 50 WP @ 0.2 per cent along with foliar application of tebuconazole 25 EC @ 0.1 per cent three times at fortnightly interval starting from end of July proved to be the most effective against stem gummosis and slow vine decline. Against leaf blight, three foliar sprays of propiconazole 25 EC @ 0.1 % were found to be most effective against leaf blight of bottle gourd under field conditions. This is the first systematic study on stem gummosis in Punjab.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Simulation of nitrogen balance in rice as influenced by irrigation, nitrogen and climate change scenario
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2017) Gurpreet Singh; Vashisht, B.B.
    Yield potential of rice depends on climatic factors including rainfall, solar radiation and temperature as well as irrigation regime, cultivar and fertilizer nitrogen level. The excessive fertilizer N is being applied by farmers in the quest for higher yields ignoring economic water and N productivities, and environmental pollution. Whole fertilizer N not utilized by rice plants, some portions of N fertilizer are easily lost through various processes, such as NH3 volatilization, leaching and uptake. With prime importance to quantify the nitrogen balance components in rice, field studies were conducted at two different locations at research farms of Department of Soil Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, on sandy loam soils during kharif 2016. In the field study, effect of irrigation regimes (irrigation based on two days drainage period, and based on soil water suction (16 kPa)) and nitrogen levels (0, 60, 120 and 180 kg N ha-1) on growth, yield of rice and nitrogen uptake were evaluated. To assess the N balance components, DNDC (Denitrification-Decomposition) model was evaluated and simulations for yield and N balance components were made for past 30 years (1986-2016) and future 30 years (2021-2050) on different soil series of Ludhiana district of Punjab. Averaged over irrigation regimes, rice yield increased significantly with increasing nitrogen levels. Highest rice grain yield was recorded with application of 180 kg N ha-1 (52.9-59.6 q ha-1), which was significantly higher than control, 60 and 120 kg N ha-1 at location 1 but at par with application of 120 kg N ha-1 at location 2. N uptake was also found higher (46.3-56.4 kg ha-1) in the treatments with 180 kg N ha-1. However, treatments with 60 kg N ha-1 gave higher nitrogen use efficiency in terms of agronomic (20-25 kg kg-1) and recovery (54.8-59%) efficiency. Simulated rice yield, N uptake and volatilization would decrease with lower nitrogen levels, coarseness in soil texture and future time slices but leaching losses would increase with higher nitrogen levels, coarseness in soil texture and future time slices. However, percent reduction in yield would be more in end part of mid century (2041-2050). Percent yield reduction would be low at higher nitrogen levels (150-180 kg N ha-1) and in fine textured soils (silt loam). The study suggests that higher N levels could be good option to compensate yield reduction in future however higher nitrogen levels would lead to higher N leaching and volatilization.