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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Biochemical evaluation of immature pods and mature seeds of wild abelmoschus genotypes
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2021) Amandeep Kaur; Sangha, Manjeet Kaur
    In the present study the immature pods and seeds of wild Abelmoschus species were biochemically characterised. Total carbohydrates in pods varied from 22.34- 93.10% DW. Total soluble sugars (TSS), reducing sugars and non-reducing sugars exhibited range of 13.74- 84.36%, 0.17- 19.41% and 31.25- 64.95% DW respectively. Mucilage, dry matter, ash, crude protein and total soluble protein depicted range of 6.64- 19.64% DW, 11.18- 27.59%, 1.10- 6.94%, 2.13- 6.32% and 0.93- 3.56% FW respectively. Free amino acids range was 0.16- 0.27% (FW). Carotenoids, phenolics, O-dihydroxyphenols and flavonols varied from 4.48- 13.25 mg/100 g FW, 122.95- 412.01 mg/100 g DW, 4.30- 17.99 mg/100g and 63.63- 274.49 mg/100g DW respectively. Vitamin E and C varied from 15.14- 51.24 mg/100 g DW and 41.26- 120.10 mg/100 g FW respectively. DPPH and FRAP activity ranged from 39.74- 62.90% and 4.54- 11.22 mg AAE/g DW respectively. Phytate, oxalate, saponin and tannins depicted variation of 0.65- 2.08% DW, 0.23- 0.63% DW, 0.19- 1.04% DW, and 1.26- 3.30% DW respectively. Seed oil ranged from 10.68-27.61% DW. A. manihot and A. tetraphyllus pods were high in antioxidants, mucilage and low in tannins and saponins. A. moschatus was rich in nutrients in pods and Vit. E, oleic, linoleic acid and minerals in seeds, while A. tetraphyllus possessed high antioxidants and was low in phytate and oxalate and A. mizonagenesis exhibited high seed oil content. These genotypes can be used for improvement of cultivated okra for end product diversification.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Relationship of Mental Health with Suicidal Ideation among Adolescents
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Amandeep Kaur; Kang, Tejpreet K.
    The study was conducted to assess the ‘Relationship of Mental Health with Suicidal Ideation among Adolescents.’ The study was based on 240 adolescents (i.e. 120 rural and 120 urban) in the age range of 16-18 years. The sample was randomly drawn from four Government Senior Secondary Schools purposively selected from rural as well as urban areas of Ludhiana district. Self-structured general information sheet was prepared to collect the general information of the adolescents. Mental Health Battery by Singh and Sengupta and Suicidal Ideation Scale by Sisodia and Bhatnagar were used to assess the mental health and suicidal ideation of the respondents respectively. Results revealed significant differences in mental health of the respondents. Boys were scoring better than their female counterparts in majority of the dimensions as well as in overall mental health. Significant locale differences existed between rural boys and girls. In suicidal ideation gender differences were found to be significant among rural boys and girls whereas non-significant differences were seen among urban boys and girls. Significant locale differences existed between rural and urban adolescents. Emotional stability, overall adjustment, self-concept, intelligence and better overall mental health made a negative contribution towards suicidal ideation as compared to autonomy and security-insecurity which made a positive contribution towards suicidal ideation among adolescents. In demographic variables, family size and presence of male and female sibling were having a significant and positive relationship with mental health whereas family income was having a significant and negative relationship with the dimension of mental health among adolescents.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Utilization of lemongrass for shelf life extension and flavor enhancement of cookies
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Amandeep Kaur; Amarjeet Kaur
    Study was carried out on “Utilization of lemongrass for shelf life extension and flavor enhancement of cookies”. Lemongrass was procured from department of Agronomy, washed, sliced and dried at two temperatures i.e. 35 and 500C for 16-18 hrs. Drying temperature which was selected was 500C for 16-18 hours. Lemongrass was ground into powder and analyzed for proximate composition, total phenols and phytochemicals. It was found to contain 8.1% moisture, 9.01% ash, 1.31% fat, 8.6% protein, 7.36% fibre and 65.28% carbohydrates. Total phenol content of powder was 0.13 g/100g as GAE gallic acid equivalent and flavonoids ranged from 0.49 g/100 g powder. The powder was incorporated in cookies at 0, 2.5% and 5% levels. Cookies containing 2.5% of lemongrass powder were found best on sensory evaluation scores. Cookies were stored in high density polyethylene (HDPE) for a period of 6 months. During this period changes in free fatty acid (FFA), moisture content, water activity (aw) and peroxide value (PV) were recorded. Although there was non significant increase in these constituents but cookies were found acceptable only upto 2 months organoleptically. The estimated cost for the cookies was Rs. 211.21/kg and Rs. 211.71/kg, respectively for 2.5 and 5% level of lemongrass incorporation as compared to Rs.210.71/kg for the control.