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  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Eucalyptus oil based hybrid nanoemulsions as larvicidal agents against Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus)
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2020) Komalpreet Kaur; Vashishat, Nisha
    The growing threat of vector-borne diseases and environmental pollution has prompted the nanotechnology based investigations. The present study aimed to use one of the nanotechnological applications with larvicidal potential against Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) by preparing aqueous hybrid nanoemulsions of zinc and copper sulfide nanoparticles with non polar nanoemulsion of Eucalyptus globulosa oil by sonication. GC-MS analysis revealed presence of total 22 compounds with major composition of 1, 8-cineole (42.16%) and Pcymene (14.81%). 1:2 and 1:5 ratio of non polar oil emulsion and both nanohybrids were found to be most stable after thermodynamic stability tests. TEM studies of non polar oil nanoemulsion, CuS and ZnS based nanohybrids were found to have average size of 20-40, 80100 and 50-70 nm with spherical, globular and rectangular shapes respectively. The larvicidal activity of prepared nanoformulations were tested at different concentrations (in triplicate) and 70, 6.5 and 9.5 ppm of oil nanoemuslion, CuS and ZnS based nanohybrids were found to be the most effective concentrations as 100% mortality was observed within 24 hours. LC50 and LC90 values were calculated to be 51.95 and 64.21 ppm, 5.00 and 5.81 ppm, 7.63 and 9.22 ppm for non polar oil nanoemulsions, CuS and ZnS based nanohybrids after 24 hrs respectively. The toxicological data was assured by SEM, histological and biochemical results. Under simulated conditions, nanohybrids treatment demonstrated optimum larvicidal potency after 48 hrs of exposure. These nanohybrids did not show toxicity in Scapholebris kingi and Mesocyclops spp. Thus, the following research is a step towards safe and efficient approach against Aedes aegypti
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Diversity and risk assessment of parasitic infections harboured by commensal rodents in central zone of Punjab state
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2020) Sukhmanpreet Kaur; Singla, Neena
    Present study on diversity and prevalence of ecto and endo-parasites of commensal rodents was conducted in Ludhiana, Punjab from November 2017 to October 2019. A total of 300 rodents belonging to three species namely Rattus rattus (201), Bandicota bengalensis (90) and Mus musculus (09) were live trapped from residences/shops, poultry farms and fish market in three seasons. Fifty eight percent of the total rodents were found infested with 724 specimens of five ectoparasite species namely Xenopsylla cheopis (249), Polyplax spinulosa (394), Ornithonyssus bacoti (32), Liponyssoides sanguineus (41) and Haemaphysalis sp. (08) with infestation rate of 61.19% and 56.67% in R. rattus and B. bengalensis. No parasite was found in M. musculus. A significant effect of host species was found on prevalence of ecto and endo-parasites, however, season, study location, sex and age had no significant effect. Oocysts/trophozoites of protozoans, Cryptosporidium murisand Giardia sp. were also recorded in faecal samples. Overall prevalence of endoparasites was 65.67% with highest rate in B. bengalensis (72.22%) followed by R. rattus (65.67%). Amongst nematodes, highest prevalence was recorded for Capillaria hepatica (59.33%) followed by Strongyloides ratti (49.00%), Trichuris muris (34.33%), Syphacia muris (26.33%), Aspiculuris tetraptera (22.67%) and Heterakis spumosa (21.33%). Amongst cestodes, Cysticercus fasciolaris (64.68%) was the most prevalent followed by Hymenolepis nana (63.00%) and H. diminuta (52.00%).One acanthocephalan species (Moniliformis moniliformis) (8.60%) was also recorded. Significant effect of parasitic infection was observed on sperm parameters, estrous cycle, hormones, and biochemical parameters. Histopathologically, necrotic changes were observed in infected liver and intestine. The study suggests that proper rodent pest and vector management should be conducted in animal and human inhabitations to avoid the spread of zoonotic diseases caused by them
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development of neem based formulation for management of Rattus rattus (Linn.) population
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Jasvir Kaur; Babbar, B.K.
    Six different concentrations of NSP (2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12%), nine different doses from stock solution of NSAE (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 ml) and six different doses from NSO (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6 ml) were tested under laboratory condition to determine the effective dose with repellent effect against R. rattus. Results revealed antifeedant/ secondary repellent effect with the all doses and there was non-significance difference in antifeedant index (AI) among doses, therefore for the further studies, two dose each of NSAE ( 0.2ml and 2ml) and NSO (0.1ml and 0.6 ml) were selected. Testing of existence of primary effect revealed that rats avoided all the treated baits four first one to four hours after exposure. After that rats developed habituation to primary/olfactory repellent effect and started eating treated baits but consumption of treated baits remained low. Rats were not habituated for secondary repellent effect with the effective doses of NSAE (2 ml) and NSO (0.6ml) upto experiment period of 30 days. Six formulation (F1 to F6) were prepared using effective doses of NSAE and NSO and were tested under simulated storage conditions and in grain stores. Result revealed potential of F3 and F4 as repellent in preventing rodent damage for considerably long time as compared to other formulations tested. For using antifertility property of neem, seven different formulations (F7 to F13) were prepared using neem seed alcoholic hexane extract (NSAHE). As consumption of F11 was maximum, therefore antifertility effect was recorded in rats fed on F11 as well as in rats given oral dose of NSAHW. Results revealed potential of neem seed alcoholic hexane extract and its F11 formulation in reducing reproductive potential of rats. However there is need to further increase the acceptance of F11 based bait.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Biomanagement of sugarcane bagasse and paddy straw through vermicomposting and its use on growth of vegetable crops
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Dhatt, Jasgeet Sofia; Hundal, S.S.
    The ever-growing population and increasing urbanization has necessitated the need to produce large amount of food and resulted in intensive farming leading to accumulation of various crop wastes, thereby imposing stress on environment. The disposal of these wastes has become a mandatory issue for maintaining sustainable and pollution free environment. Thus, vermicomposting is an environmentally sound and economically viable technology to recycle these wastes for the production of organic fertilizer. The present study deals with the efficacy of Eisenia fetida in bioconversion of agricultural crop residues: sugarcane bagasse (SB) and paddy straw (PS) amended in farm yard manure in the ratio 1:1. The results revealed that the maximum weight gain of 46.42% and the shortest life cycle of 45 days was recorded in PS+SB+FYM. The longest life cycle of 56 days was observed in control and the maximum number of cocoons produced per worm and per day was observed in PS+SB+FYM (1.85 and 5.60 respectively). The duration of conversion of substrate into vermicompost was recorded maximum in sugarcane bagasse (SB) of 80 days as compared to control. The nutrient analysis of the vermicompost showed a general trend in increase in the level of macronutrients i.e. nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (%) and decrease in the level of pH and total organic carbon content (%). It was inferred that among the test substrates studied, vermicompost from paddy straw+sugarcane bagasse+FYM (PS+SB+FYM) in 1:1 ratio was the best for its nutrient value and worms showed better growth and reproduction, thereby concluding that E.fetida exhibited a better efficacy in this substrate than others. Vegetable crops viz. Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) and Indian palak (Beta vulgaris. var. bengalensis) were grown in soil amended with vermicompost in 1:1 ratio in the earthen pots. Growth, yield and quality attributes were analyzed using Randomized Block Design (RBD). It was inferred that the vermicompost prepared from test substrate paddy straw and sugarcane bagasse (PS+SB) i.e. treatment T5 revealed beneficial outcomes with improved quality of both the crops. In conclusion, vermicomposting can be regarded as ecofriendly and economical technology to convert agricultural crop wastes into value added manure for sustainable farming.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Postnatal Development of Testis in Murrah Buffalo
    (Deaprtment of Zoology College of Basic Sciecnes & Humaniteis, PAU, Ludhiana, 1996) Rana, Bhupinder Kaur
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    In Vitro Effects of Anthelmintics on Histopathology of Some Nematodes of Sheep / GOAT
    (Department of Zoology College of Basic sciecne And Humanities PAU, Ludhiana, 1992) Kaur, Manpreet; Sood, M. L.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Habitat ecology and management of Rose-ringed Parakeet (Psittacula krameri) in central plain and sub-mountainous undulating zones of Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Dar, Muzamil Hussain; Vashishat, Nisha
    Birds have a special place in human science and culture: they capture our hearts, arouse our curiosities, and inspire a sense of wonder. We may revel in the diversity and simple beauty of their forms, but birds also fuel fascinations that drive us towards deeper scientific inquiries into their varied ways of life. The Rose-ringed Parakeet (Psittacula krameri) is commonly known as a parrot and belongs to the family Psittacidae and order Psittaciformes. It is considered to be the worst avian pest throughout the Indian subcontinent. The present study was carried in central plain and sub-mountainous undulating zones of Punjab, aimed at feeding and roosting behaviour, assessment of damage caused to sunflower, maize and guava, evaluation of different management methods, estimation of the pesticide residues and heavy metals in feathers and fecal pellets of Rose-ringed Parakeet. The parakeets foraged in these crops in two sessions, each separated by a period of inactivity in the afternoon. The morning-forenoon sessions on an average lasted for 157 to 175 minutes for different crop while as afternoon-evening session lasted for 155 to 175 minutes. The average number of parakeets during morning-forenoon and afternoon-evening session in the sunflower varied between 33 to 178, in maize between 3 to 195 and guava 8 to 154. The morning-forenoon session started after 40 to 50 minutes for sunflower, 41 to 51 minutes for maize and 22 to 64 minutes for guava, while as the afternoon-evening session ended 16 to 17 minutes for sunflower, 25 to 27 minutes for maize and 21 to 29 minutes for guava before the sunset. The parakeets roost on the tall and old trees (Eucalyptus, Poplar and Acacia) at both the locations. The first early morning departure was recorded to take place a few minutes to 84 minutes before sunrise. The number of departing parakeets generally declined before sunrise, past which the number of parakeets returning to the roost casually increased. The damage caused to the control sunflower crop ranged from 5.8 to 19%. The average damage caused to the sunflower fields covered with the reflective ribbons, shining plates, CDs, scare crow was 0.7 to 4.5%, 0.9 to 5.20 %, 1.20 to 9.70% and 0.60 to 8.00%. The damage caused to the control maize fields ranged from 9.5 to 29.5% while as reflective ribbon installed fields have a damage in range of 4 to 12.5%. Guava had a damage of 14.69 to 16.76 % in control fields while as reflective ribbon installed fields have a damage of 5.67 to 8.51%. Ripened fruits were more preferred and the top canopy of trees was more affected. The pesticides viz. chlorpyriphos, triazophos were found to be present in concentrations of range 0.02-1.61 ppm. 0.02-3.08 ppm respectively and ethion (2.141 ppm). The Heavy metals were in the descending concentrations in the order: Zinc (Zn), Manganese (Mn), Copper (Cu), Lead (Pb), Chromium (Cr), Arsenic (As), and Cadmium (Cd). Cr, Cu and Mn was found above the threshold level at both the locations. The results of this study will contribute to environmental management at both the locations.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Egg characteristics of granivorous birds in agro-ecosystem of central Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Kamalpreet Kaur; Kler, Tejdeep Kaur
    Birds are one of the major victims of environmental contaminants as they occupy a wide range of trophic levels in different food chains. The present study was carried out at the three study areas i.e. PAU (Ludhiana), Jagraon and Ladhowal to investigate the characteristics of eggs belonging to granivorous birds. The selected transects of the PAU, Ludhiana, Jagraon and Ladhowal were surveyed for the presence of granivorous birds i.e. Blue Rock Pigeon (Columba livia) and Ring Dove (Streptopelia decaocto). The number of Blue Rock Pigeon and Ring Dove was significantly different in different months in selected transects of study areas. The breeding season of selected birds was observed to be from first week of February, 2017 to last week of July, 2018. The morphometric parameters of eggs such as weight, length and width of eggs, specific gravity, egg volume, shape index and weight and percentage of components of eggs (shell, albumen and yolk) were determined along with calcium carbonate content and eggshell thickness. Results revealed that morphometry and parameters of eggs of Ring Dove and Blue Rock Pigeon varied significantly depending upon the availability of food and environmental contamination. Egg shell thickness and calcium content (weight and proportion) in Blue Rock Pigeon and Ring Dove were highest in eggs collected from Punjab Agricultural University (Ludhiana) followed by Ladhowal and Jagraon villages with thinner egg shell and lowest calcium content in egg shell. Organochlorine residues were not found in examined egg samples. Chlorpyriphos and triazophos pesticides exceeded Maximum Residual Limits (MRLs) of (0.01) mg/kg in examined samples collected from Jagraon. But no residue was found in eggs of Blue Rock Pigeon and Ring Dove collected from Punjab Agricultural University and Ladhowal. The chlorpyriphos was found to be higher in eggs of Blue Rock Pigeon than eggs of Ring Dove. In eggs of Blue Rock Pigeon and Ring Dove, 8 heavy metals were detected through ICAP-AES, out of which As, Cd, Pb were heavy metals and Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn, Mn were essential elements. The concentration of all metals varied significantly at 0.05% level of significance among the different locations of district Ludhiana. The large fluctuations in levels of heavy metals and pesticide residues between the species illuminate the fact that there are significant variations in the level of environmental contamination in which birds live
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Postanatal development of epididymis in murrah Buffalo
    (College of Basic Sciences & Humanities PAU, Ludhiana, 1999) Kaur, Gurpreet; Bilaspri, G. S