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  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Social – personal variables and gender role attitude among children
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2024) Pratibha; Dr. Asha Chawla Thakral
    The present study, titled “Social-Personal Variables and Gender Role Attitude among Children” investigated the gender role attitudes and media usage influence among 240 children (120 boys and 120 girls) in both rural and urban primary and senior secondary schools within Ludhiana district. Data on the socio-personal information of the children were collected using a self-structured general information sheet. The study utilized a self-structured gender role attitude scale and a self-structured media usage influence scale to assess the levels of gender role attitudes and media influence among the children. The findings of the study indicated that a significant proportion of the children fell within the transitional category of gender role attitudes, followed by the egalitarian category. Urban children were more likely to exhibit transitional and egalitarian gender role attitudes, while girls were predominantly in the transitional category. Additionally, sixth-grade children demonstrated a higher likelihood of having egalitarian gender role attitudes. In terms of media usage influence, a larger number of rural children were found to be influenced at a medium level. In contrast, girls were more significantly influenced at a high level, and sixth-grade children exhibited a higher level of media influence compared to third-grade children. The study identified a significant difference between fathers' education and children's gender role attitudes, suggesting that the educational level of fathers played a role in shaping their children's gender role attitudes. However, no significant differences were observed in relation to mothers' education, birth order, number of siblings, family size, fathers' occupation, and mothers' occupation in terms of children's gender role attitudes. Similarly, no significant differences were found regarding mothers' education, fathers' education, birth order, number of siblings, family size, fathers' occupation, mothers' occupation, and media usage influence among the selected children.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Psychological Hardiness and Comorbid Mental Health Problems among Rural Adolescents
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2022) Priyanka; Kang, Tejpreet Kaur
    Psychological hardiness is a personality construct that act as a buffer against stressful situations of life. The present study was conducted to find out the relationship between psychological hardiness and comorbid mental health problems among rural adolescents. The study was based on a sample of 240 adolescents (i.e., 120 boys and 120 girls) in the age range of 16-18 years. The sample was randomly selected from four government schools selected from the rural area of Hisar district of Haryana. To collect data regarding the demographic profile of adolescents a self-structured general information sheet was used. Hardiness Scale (HARDY) by Bartone (1989) and Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS) by Lovibond and Lovibond (1995) were employed to access the level of psychological hardiness and comorbid mental health problems among adolescents. Findings revealed significant gender-wise differences in psychological hardiness among adolescents. Boys were found to be highly committed and hardy as compared to their counterparts. Significant gender differences were also found in the level of comorbid mental health problems. Girls were found more stressed, anxious and depressed than boys. Results revealed significant grade-wise differences in psychological hardiness and comorbid mental health problems. 11th grade adolescents were found to be more committed, challenging, controlled and had a high level of overall psychological hardiness as compared to 12th grade adolescents. In the case of comorbid mental health problems, outcomes showed that 12th grade adolescents were more depressed and had more comorbid mental health problems. Father’s education and occupation were found significantly associated with psychological hardiness among adolescents. A significant association was also observed between number of siblings and comorbid mental health problems. Psychological hardiness was found to be negatively correlated with all the dimensions of comorbid mental health problems so it can be concluded that psychological hardiness is a powerful predictor of mental health.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Socio-personal variables and gender role attitude among adolescents
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2023) Pant, Ulka; Vig, Deepika
    The purpose of the present study was to assess the gender and locale differences in gender role attitudes and socio-personal variables of 8th and 11th class adolescents along with the relationship of gender role attitude with selected socio-personal variables. The study was carried out on 240 adolescents, 120 each from rural and urban areas, and both genders were represented equally. A self-structured Personal Information Sheet was used to assess the demographic information. The Gender Role Attitude Scale (Modified) by Pareek and Jain (2019) was used to assess the gender role attitude of adolescents. A Self-Structured Media Influence Questionnaire was used to assess the influence of media in shaping gender role in adolescents. The Self-Structured Peer Influence Questionnaire was used to assess the influence of peers in determining the gender role attitude of adolescents. The results revealed that majority of the adolescents were in the transitional stage of gender role attitude and were under medium media and peer influence. Urban adolescents exhibited modern gender role attitude and experienced higher media and peer influence. A higher proportion of adolescent girls exhibited modern gender role attitudes as well as experienced higher media and peer influence as compared to boys. The adolescents of 11th class were more inclined towards modern gender role attitudes, when compared to class 8th adolescents. The Media Influence, Peer Influence and Father’s education were found to be significantly associated with gender role attitude. This emphasized that with increase in father’s education level, media influence and peer influence, the proportion of individuals with modern gender role attitudes increased significantly.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Association of Defense Mechanisms with Anxiety, Depression and Stress among Adolescents
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Vaishali; Vig, Deepika
    The present study was undertaken to examine the association of defense mechanisms with anxiety, depression and stress among adolescents. The total sample comprised 240 adolescents studying in class +1 and +2. The sample was selected randomly from Government Senior Secondary Schools of Ludhiana district of Punjab and equally distributed across two genders( males= 120 and females=120). A self- structured personal information sheet, Defense Mechanisms Inventory (Mrinal & Singhal 2012) and Anxiety, Depression and Stress Scale (Bhatnagar et al 2020) were used to collect relevant information from the respondents. The results revealed that major proportion of adolescents were at high level of using defense mechanisms and only 5 per cent were at low level.Girls were found to be using defense mechanisms at higher frequency than their counterparts.Majority of adolescents had low level of anxiety, depression and stress. Furthermore, significant gender differences were observed in overall anxiety, depression and stress where in more boys were found to have better mental health as compared to girls. Overall defense mechanisms were found to be non-significantly correlated with overall anxiety, depression and stress except one dimension of defense mechanisms viz. „Turning Against Object‟ which was found to be significantly and positively correlated with anxiety and stress among rural boys. The regression analysis brought light a non- significant contribution of defense mechanisms towards anxiety, depression and stress among adolescents.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Spiritual intelligence as a correlate of life satisfaction among post-graduate students
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Sumanpreet Kaur; Sharma, Seema
    The present study entitled “Spiritual intelligence as a correlate of life satisfaction among postgraduate students” was undertaken to assess the correlation between spiritual intelligence and life satisfaction of rural and urban post-graduate students of district Ludhiana aged between 23-24 years. The total sample comprised of 220 post-graduate students from rural and urban colleges of Ludhiana. Random sampling was employed to draw sample from different colleges which were equally distributed over the locale (110 rural colleges and 110 urban colleges) and gender (110 males and 110 females). A self structured personal information sheet, Sixfold Spiritual Intelligence Scale (Kaur 2017) and Life Satisfaction Scale (Singh and Joseph 2015) were used to collect the relevant information from the respondents. Results revealed that non-significant locale difference exists in all dimensions of spiritual intelligence with rural respondents performed better at medium and high level across different dimensions of spiritual intelligence as compared to urban respondents. Gender based differences revealed non-significant gender differences in mean score of overall spiritual intelligence with female respondents having better overall spiritual intelligence in comparison to their counterpart. In terms of life satisfaction also rural respondents were more satisfied with their life as compared to urban respondents and similarly gender wise females were more satisfied with their life than males. Correlation analysis proved that all the dimensions of spiritual intelligence were positively correlated with life satisfaction.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    School Environment and Academic Anxiety as Correlates of Mental Health among Rural Adolescents
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2022) Jaspreet Kaur; Chawla, Asha
    The present study was conducted to assess the school environment and academic anxiety as correlates of mental health among rural adolescents. The study was based on 200 adolescents (i.e., 100 boys and 100 girls). The sample was purposively selected from two Government Senior Schools of villages Amarpura and Dutaranwali of Fazilka District. Self-structured personal information sheet was prepared to collect the general information of the adolescents. Mental Health Battery by Singh and Gupta (2000), School Environment Scale by (Misra 2012) and Educational Anxiety Inventory by Sood and Anand (2012) were used to assess the mental health, school environment and academic anxiety of the adolescents. Results revealed that majority of adolescents had average level of mental health, school environment and academic anxiety. Boys were found to be significantly better than their counterparts in most of the dimensions of mental health. Significant gender differences were observed in creative stimulation and permissiveness dimension of school environment where boys scored better than girls. Further, boys were found to had significantly high educational anxiety than girls. School environment was found significantly and positively correlated with adjustment, autonomy, intelligence dimensions as well as overall mental health of adolescents whereas significant and negative correlation was found between academic anxiety with emotional stability and autonomy dimensions of mental health. Cognitive encouragement, Creative stimulation of school environment contributed positively and significantly towards the mental health of the adolescents whereas academic anxiety was contributed significantly and negatively towards the mental health among rural adolescents.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Impact of spiritual intelligence on perceived stress and resilience among youth
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2021) Gedela Navya; Sharma, Seema
    The present study entitled “Impact of spiritual intelligence on perceived stress and resilience among youth” was undertaken to assess the impact of spiritual intelligence on perceived stress and resilience among youth in joint and nuclear families aged between 23-24 years studying in Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. The total sample comprised of 160 post graduate students from five constituent colleges of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. Multi stage purposive random sampling was employed to draw sample from different colleges which were equally distributed over the family structure (80 nuclear families and 80 joint families) and gender (80 males and 80 females). A self structured personal information sheet, Spiritual Intelligence Scale (Zainuddin and Ahmed 2010), Stress Scale (Lakshmi and Narain 2014) and Resilience Scale (Wagnild and Young 1993) were used to collect the relevant information from the respondents. Results revealed that youth from joint families had high spiritual intelligence with significant differences in the dimensions of inner self, inter self, biostoria, life perspectives, spiritual actualization and value orientation. With regard to perceived stress, youth belonging to nuclear families were found to score higher mean scores at high level in the dimensions of pressure, physical stress, anxiety and frustration while, youth from joint families were found to have significantly higher resilience with majority of them exhibiting moderate level of resilience. Gender-wise differences revealed that female respondents had high spiritual intelligence with significant differences in inner self, inter self, biostoria, life perspectives, spiritual actualization and value orientation against males whereas male respondents were found to have significantly greater perceived stress as compared to their female counterparts in the dimensions of pressure, physical stress, anxiety and frustration however high level of pressure and anxiety was exhibited by female respondents significantly. In terms of resilience, female respondents were recorded to be significantly better resilient as compared to males. Regression analysis proved that spiritual intelligence had negatively contributed to perceived stress and positively contributed to resilience
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Family Environment and Interfamilial Relationships as Correlates of Mental Health among Rural Adolescents
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2021) Jasvir Kaur; Vig, Deepika
    The present study was conducted to assess the family environment and interfamilial relationships as correlates of mental health among rural adolescents. The study was based on 200 adolescents (i.e., 100 boys and 100 girls) .The sample purposively selected from two Government Senior Secondary Schools of villages Bhaini Baringa and Talwandi Rai of Ludhiana district. Adolescents living with an intact family and with at least one sibling and grandparent with them were the final respondents. Self-structured general information sheet was prepared to collect the general information of the adolescents. Mental Health Battery by Singh and Gupta (2000), Family Environment Scale (Saini & Kaur 2017), Parent-Child Relationship Scale ( Rao 1989), Lifespan Sibling Relationship Scale (Riggio 2000) and Grandparent-Adolescent Grandchildren Relationship Scale by Devi and Dhakar (2016) were used to assess the mental health and various family related variables of the adolescents respectively. Results revealed that majority of adolescents had very poor mental health; average level of family environment; moderate parent-child and sibling relationship and good relationship with grandparents. Girls were found to be significantly better than their counterparts in majority of the dimensions as well as in overall mental health. In family environment, sibling relationship and grandparent-adolescent relationship, significant gender differences existed between adolescent boys and girls where adolescent’s boys scored better than girls in almost all the dimensions. Further, in parent-child relationship significant gender differences were found in adolescent boys and girls. Most of the family related variables were found to be significantly and positively correlated with the mental health of the adolescents however, the ‘Demanding’, ‘Rejecting’, ‘Symbolic’ and ‘Object Punishment’ dimensions of parent-child relationship were found to be significantly and negatively correlated with their mental health. Better communication in the family and ability to adapt in difficult situations as well as present sibling relationship contributed significantly and positively towards mental health of adolescents whereas ‘Demanding’ nature of fathers towards adolescents deteriorated the mental health status of the adolescents.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Friendship patterns as a correlate of need of guidance and counseling services among adolescents
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2021) Vanika; Sharma, Seema
    The present study entitled “Friendship patterns as a correlate of need of guidance and counseling services among adolescents” was conducted to assess the provision status of guidance and counseling services and the correlation between friendship patterns and the need of guidance and counseling services among adolescents in private and government schools of Ludhiana city. The study was conducted on 240 adolescents (120 government school adolescents and 120 private school adolescents). Dimensions of Friendship Scale by Chandna and Chadha (1986) was used to assess the friendship patterns among adolescents. Grewal Guidance Needs Inventory (1997) and Psychological Counseling Needs Scale by Chouhan and Arora (2009) were used to assess the guidance and counseling needs. A self structured questionnaire was used to assess the provision status of guidance and counseling services to adolescents. The results revealed that there was inadequacy of counselor in the government schools. Female adolescents perceived significantly more social and psychological guidance needs than males whereas males were more in need of educational and vocational guidance. Government school adolescents perceived significantly high requirement for psychological counseling needs as compared to private school adolescents. Significant gender differences were found in the mean score distribution where males were seen more in need of psychological counseling than females. Irrespective of the gender and type of school, results of correlation analysis revealed that the adolescents who have better friendships are in lesser need of guidance and counseling needs.