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  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Role of Technology Attributes, Elements of Diffusion and Adopter Categories on Farmers‘ Decision of Adopting Agricultural Innovations
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2024) Deepika; Dr Manmeet Kaur
    The present study was undertaken with the objectives to study the stages of adoption process, influence of elements of diffusion, attributes of innovations, adopter categories and farmers‘ preferences on their decision of adopting mechanical, biological, chemical, agronomic and informational innovations in Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. This study comprised of farmers who were growing wheat and rice crops and were aware of at least one innovation in each category of innovations. A total of 600 farmers were selected from the twelve villages of the six selected districts from three states. Data were collected by personal interview method. Findings of the study revealed that amongst all categories of innovations, majority of the farmers across all three regions reached at interest, evaluation and trial stages of adoption process in biological innovations with highest in Punjab followed by Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. The study revealed that adoption rate was found higher for biological innovations among all categories with highest adoption were done by farmers of Punjab followed by Haryana and Uttar Pradesh.The data regarding farmers‘ preferences towards various aspects revealed that performance in mechanical innovations, disease & pest resistance in biological innovations, ease of availability in chemical innovations, soil health management in agronomic innovations and accessibility to information in informational innovations were mostly preferred by the farmers in across all three regions.Impersonal cosmopolite channels were frequently used channels during the awareness stage & interest stage across all three states in adopting innovations while personal localite and personal cosmopolite channels were both highly approached in the interest and evaluation stages by the farmers in all three states. The data regarding social system revealed that farmers‘ across all three regions had strong linkages with peer groups for adopting different categories of innovations.Observability attribute was found to have significant influence on farmers‘ decision of adopting mechanical as well as agronomic innovations across all three regions Mechanical innovations had the lengthiest adoption time across all regions with the total average time being highest in Uttar Pradesh while fastest adoption was seen in chemical innovations by farmers in all three regions. Early majority and late majority was the major adopter categories in Punjab and Haryana for different categories of innovations while in Uttar Pradesh majority of the adopters belonged to laggard category. Personal cosmopolite channels significantly influenced farmers‘ decision of adopting mechanical and biological innovations.The study suggested that the policy makers should give due consideration to the categories of innovation while planning the allocation of funds for extension activities and the extension functionaries should give due consideration to the categories of innovations and further the stages of adoption process while planning the extension approaches.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Attitude and knowledge of farmers towards use of agrochemicals on selected crops in Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2020) Sharma, Priyanka; Riar, T.S.
    The present study entitled “Attitude and knowledge of farmers towards use of agrochemicals on selected crops in Punjab” was entitled in the state of Punjab by selecting 100 rice growers from Ludhiana district, 100 cotton growers from Bathinda district and 50 vegetable growers from Sangrur district. The findings revealed that among the rice growers most of them were growing varieties which are recommended by Punjab Agricultural University. Among the cotton and vegetable growers farmers prefer to grow hybrid varieties which are developed by private companies. Most of the respondents were having low mass media exposure. Most of the farmers were getting information about agrochemicals from the private dealers whereas some of them also prefers to go to extension specialists for getting information about use of agrochemicals. Majority of the respondents purchase fertilizers from cooperative societies whereas for purchasing pesticides and other agrochemicals they prefer to go to private dealers. Most of the farmers were using high doses of agrochemicals as compared to the recommended doses. Some of the farmers were still using obsolete or banned pesticides. Most of the farmers were having low to medium level of knowledge about use of agrochemicals on all three crops. Most of the farmers were having moderately favorable attitude towards the use of agrochemicals. Among all the respondents very few farmers were getting their soil tested. Most of the respondents were not using recommended methods for disposing the empty containers of agrochemicals. Majority of the respondents were not using safety measures while preparing and spraying the spray fluid. Respondent’s age, education, training about agrochemicals and the mass media exposure were found significantly positively correlated with knowledge level of the respondents in case of paddy and vegetable crops whereas operational land holding and family size were having non- significant correlation with knowledge level of respondents. In case of cotton crop, only respondent’s education and the mass media exposure were reported to be significantly positively correlated with knowledge level of the farmers.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Attitude and knowledge of farmers towards use of agrochemicals on selected crops in Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2020) Sharma, Priyanka; Riar, T. S.
    The present study entitled “Attitude and knowledge of farmers towards use of agrochemicals on selected crops in Punjab” was entitled in the state of Punjab by selecting 100 rice growers from Ludhiana district, 100 cotton growers from Bathinda district and 50 vegetable growers from Sangrur district. The findings revealed that among the rice growers most of them were growing varieties which are recommended by Punjab Agricultural University. Among the cotton and vegetable growers farmers prefer to grow hybrid varieties which are developed by private companies. Most of the respondents were having low mass media exposure. Most of the farmers were getting information about agrochemicals from the private dealers whereas some of them also prefers to go to extension specialists for getting information about use of agrochemicals. Majority of the respondents purchase fertilizers from cooperative societies whereas for purchasing pesticides and other agrochemicals they prefer to go to private dealers. Most of the farmers were using high doses of agrochemicals as compared to the recommended doses. Some of the farmers were still using obsolete or banned pesticides. Most of the farmers were having low to medium level of knowledge about use of agrochemicals on all three crops. Most of the farmers were having moderately favorable attitude towards the use of agrochemicals. Among all the respondents very few farmers were getting their soil tested. Most of the respondents were not using recommended methods for disposing the empty containers of agrochemicals. Majority of the respondents were not using safety measures while preparing and spraying the spray fluid. Respondent’s age, education, training about agrochemicals and the mass media exposure were found significantly positively correlated with knowledge level of the respondents in case of paddy and vegetable crops whereas operational land holding and family size were having non- significant correlation with knowledge level of respondents. In case of cotton crop, only respondent’s education and the mass media exposure were reported to be significantly positively correlated with knowledge level of the farmers.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Comparative analysis of drip and conventional irrigation systems in kinnow cultivation of Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2020) Shachi Singh; Rupinder Kaur
    The present study entitled ‘A comparative analysis of drip and conventional irrigation systems in kinnow cultivation of Punjab’ was undertaken with the objectives to determine the knowledge level of kinnow growers about drip irrigation system, to study the extent of adoption of drip irrigation system amongst kinnow growers, to analyze water use pattern under drip irrigation system in kinnow cultivation, to assess the comparative economics of drip and conventional irrigation systems, to identify the constraints faced by the farmers in adoption of drip irrigation system and their suggestions and to develop technical bulletin based on the results of the study. The study was conducted in four districts of Punjab i.e. Bathinda, Fazilka, Hoshiarpur and Sri Muktsar Sahib/ Faridkot which were selected purposively. From each district 25 farmers were selected randomly who had adopted drip irrigation system while 25 non-adopters were selected from the same area or the adjoining area of adopter farmers which constituted a sample of 200 farmers for the study. Findings of the study revealed that majority of the respondents had medium level of knowledge regarding drip irrigation system. A positive and significant relationship was found between age, education, mass media exposure and extension contacts with the knowledge level of respondents. Adoption of proportional area under drip irrigation system was highest in Fazilka district. A positive and significant relationship was found between operational land holdings, annual income, mass media exposure, extension contacts, economic motivation and innovativeness with extent of adoption of respondents. A significant difference was found between drip irrigation system and conventional irrigation system in terms of economics of fertilizer and pesticides application, weeding and intercultural operation, productivity of kinnow etc. Uncertainty of power supply, delay in sanction of subsidy were some of the major constraints cited by the respondents. Facility of regular power supply, flexible subsidy providing system, low initial cost for purchasing drip irrigation system were suggested by the respondents.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Attitude and knowledge of farmers towards use of agrochemicals on selected crops in Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2020) Sharma, Priyanka; Riar, T. S.
    The present study entitled “Attitude and knowledge of farmers towards use of agrochemicals on selected crops in Punjab” was entitled in the state of Punjab by selecting 100 rice growers from Ludhiana district, 100 cotton growers from Bathinda district and 50 vegetable growers from Sangrur district. The findings revealed that among the rice growers most of them were growing varieties which are recommended by Punjab Agricultural University. Among the cotton and vegetable growers farmers prefer to grow hybrid varieties which are developed by private companies. Most of the respondents were having low mass media exposure. Most of the farmers were getting information about agrochemicals from the private dealers whereas some of them also prefers to go to extension specialists for getting information about use of agrochemicals. Majority of the respondents purchase fertilizers from cooperative societies whereas for purchasing pesticides and other agrochemicals they prefer to go to private dealers. Most of the farmers were using high doses of agrochemicals as compared to the recommended doses. Some of the farmers were still using obsolete or banned pesticides. Most of the farmers were having low to medium level of knowledge about use of agrochemicals on all three crops. Most of the farmers were having moderately favorable attitude towards the use of agrochemicals. Among all the respondents very few farmers were getting their soil tested. Most of the respondents were not using recommended methods for disposing the empty containers of agrochemicals. Majority of the respondents were not using safety measures while preparing and spraying the spray fluid. Respondent’s age, education, training about agrochemicals and the mass media exposure were found significantly positively correlated with knowledge level of the respondents in case of paddy and vegetable crops whereas operational land holding and family size were having non- significant correlation with knowledge level of respondents. In case of cotton crop, only respondent’s education and the mass media exposure were reported to be significantly positively correlated with knowledge level of the farmers.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Determinants of entrepreneurship development in beekeeping : case studies of Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2019) Vajpai, Vikas; Rupinder Kaur
    The present study was undertaken with the objectives to study the socio-economic and psychological traits, institutional framework, impact of family capital and social capital on beekeeping, document marketing strategies and innovations used by beekeepers, identify challenges in exploiting innovative opportunities and identify major problems being faced by the beekeepers. Study was conducted in 22 districts of Punjab state. A total of 44 progressive beekeepers were selected using proportional probability sampling and case study design for the study. Data were collected by personal interview method. It was found that 47.73 per cent of the respondents belonged to middle age (44-55) and most of them were educated up to senior secondary with operational land holding more than 10 acres. Respondents had high level of mass media exposure. Hort. Dept. and PAU scientists were major formal sources of information. Nearly 60.00 of the respondents had high level of achievement motivation and half were moderate internal risk takers. Respondents had rational decision-making style. Nearly one third of the respondents had balanced locus of control and 60.00 per cent of farmers were having high level of innovativeness. Commercial banks were the first preferred economic institutional support by the Respondents. Majority of the respondents preferred “PAU or KVKs” For capacity building through training. In case of standardization and certification of honey, respondents were registered under the AGMARK. Nearly one third of the Respondents preferred NAFED/ MARKFED for regulating market quality, supply and price of honey and honey products. For social support respondents preferred family. Family capital and social capital both had positive impact on up scaled beekeeping enterprise. For maintenance of good quality of honey, nearly 66.00 per cent of respondents avoided the use of restricted chemicals as well as keeping honey in air tight containers. About two third of the respondents were practicing direct marketing of honey and honey products. Nearly 61.36 per cent of the respondents had sold honey directly to wholesaler/ through distributors. Very few (13.64%) respondents exported honey through APEDA. The challenges faced by the respondents which had a key role of exploiting innovative opportunities were seeking financial support for the enterprise followed by looking market for quality bee products, convincing/ satisfying consumers for quality and search of bee flora in other states as well as meeting standard of quality of trade the major challenges. The major problems were lack of bee flora in the Punjab state followed by too much use of agrochemicals, lack of insurances policy, accidental or any other major loss and burning of crop residue.