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  • ThesisItemRestricted
    An Economic Analysis of Winter Vegetables in Punjab
    (College of Basic Science and Humanities, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2005) Singh, Harmeet; Joshi, AS
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    An Analytical Assesment of Utilization Pattern of Income of Ludhiana Farmers - A Sociological Perspective
    (College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2006) Bhagat, Vipal; Sidhu, MS
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    An Economic Analysis of Litchi Cultivation in Punjab
    (College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2005) Anchal, Deepak; VK, Sharma
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Enzymatic Characterisation and Yield Potential of Pleurotus Florida Dikaryons
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2008) Pallavi Sood
    ABSTRACT Seven hybrid dikaryons of Pleurotus florida developed from the parent strain Pleurotus florida PAU-5 were analyzed for their lignocellulolytic enzyme activity and yield potential. Five enzymes-cellulase, hemicellulase, laccase, esterase and peroxidase were studied in culture broths. The extracellular enzyme activities of cellulases (CMCase, cellobiase and filter paper activity), hemicellulase and laccase were found to be correlated with mycelial dry weight values. Mycelial dry weight values were more for dikaryons (PS 2, PS 5, PS 6 and PS 7) which exhibited greater enzyme activities. The activity of cellulase, hemicellulase and laccase were also monitored in wheat straw substrate of P.florida hybrid dikaryons at the time of fruit body initiation. The percent Biological Efficiency of these hybrid dikaryons were directly correlated with lignocellulolytic activity. Max yield was obtained for PS7 giving 46.3 kg/100kg wheat straw followed by PS2 with 43.8kg/100kg wheat straw. Isozymic electrophoresis of two enzymes-esterase and peroxidase was conducted. For esterase, single band at Rm value 0.107 was obtained for all dikaryons. In case of peroxidase, two bands of Rm value 0.104 and 0.746 were obtained for all dikaryons. However, for PS 2 and PS 8 one extra band at Rm value 0.138 was also obtained. Isozymic electrophoresis of esterase and peroxidase revealed that all the dikaryons were very similar with P.florida parent and exhibited 90-100% similarity Pleurotus florida hybrid dikaryons, cellulases, hemicellulase, laccases, esterase, peroxidase, isozyme electrophoresis.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Role of dairy farming in the structural transformation of agriculture in Punjab
    (2008) Parminder Kaur
    Diversification of crop farming through dairy enterprise can play a more significant role as dairy farming provides nutrition, draft animal power, organic manure, supplementary employment and generate continuous flow of income. The present study examined the trends in the growth of dairy sector, determinants of the growth of dairying, effect of dairying on farm income, employment and resource use and constraints, inhibiting the growth of dairying and suggests policy measures to promote and accelerate the growth of dairying in the state. To meet the stipulated objectives, both primary as well as secondary data were used. Apart from averages, percentages, budgeting techniques, compound growth rates, the additive decomposition model was used to analyse the contribution of various sources to growth in milk production. Significant regional disparities were observed in the stocking rates in the state. Of the total milk produced in the state during 2005-06, 73.39 per cent was produced by buffaloes, 25.40 per cent by crossbred cows and 1.21 per cent by indigenous cows. There were two sources of growth in milk production i.e. the increase in the population of milch animals and the increase in productivity per milch animal. The results of the additive decomposition model revealed that contribution of yield effect was more in the growth of milk production. The comparison of relative contribution of these sources in the production of cow and buffalo milk revealed that the yield effect was higher in case of cow milk while the population effect was more strong in case of buffalo milk. Average retail price of milk and credit were found to the significant determinants of the growth of dairying. The annual farm business income from dairying (at constant prices) on an average farm increased from Rs. 7162.91 in 1987-88 to Rs. 12501.99 in 2004-05. The use of labour in dairying increased from 170.82 mandays in 1987-88 to 250.13 mandays per year in 2004-05. Scarcity of green fodders and low yield of animals were found to be the major constraints inhibiting the growth of dairying in the state. The high proportion of 'not calved' bovines, animal health constraints, inadequate A.I. facilities, insufficient dairy credit support, inadequate extension services were also found to be the other constraints. Thus it seems desirable to resolve these problems so as to develop the dairy sub sector on a sound footing. Growth of dairy farming is a viable option to bring about the structural transformation in the agriculture sector of Punjab.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Kinnow as an Economic Alternative for Diversification in South- western Districts of Punjab State
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2009) Dhillon, Harsimranjeet Kaur
    Diversification of Punjab agriculture from foodgrains to high value crops such as fruits and vegetables seems to be an important solution for the emerging ecological problems like declining water table, soil fertility and air, water and soil pollution. The present study was taken up to examine the economic viability, problems and potential in terms of production and marketing of kinnow fruits as an alternative to paddy-wheat and cotton-wheat rotation in south- western districts of Punjab. The multistage random sampling was used for the present study, consisting of six blocks, 12 villages, 120 farmers and different market functionaries at different stages of sample selection in the three local markets viz. Abohar, Malout and Maur and big kinnow consuming markets of Delhi and Ludhiana. The establishment cost was higher for the large orchards (Rs 24755/ ha) as compared to medium (Rs 21020/ha) and small (Rs 19515/ha) orchards due to higher establishment costs. The small farmers incurred higher operational cost as compared to medium and large farmers. The annual average return was observed to be higher for large orchards followed by medium and small. The seasonal indices signified that kinnow price showed relatively less elastic response to arrivals as demand was more than supply especially in consuming market. The kinnow growers suffered a loss by selling produce to pre-harvest contractors as their share in consumer’s rupee was low (about 30 %). The case study farmers incurred lower cost on establishment and other production operations but they still obtained better yields, earned higher gross and net income as compared to the sampled orchards in each category. The farmers faced acute shortage of quality planting material, inept marketing facilities and high incidence of insets/pests causing economic loss to kinnow crop. The study showed that kinnow cultivation was more profitable than the existing crop rotations and can emerge as an important source of crop diversification in south- west belt of the Punjab state.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Kinnow as an Economic Alternative for Diversification in South- western Districts of Punjab State
    (Punjab Agricultural University, 2009) Dhillon, Harsimranjeet kaur; Sidhu, R.S.
    Diversification of Punjab agriculture from foodgrains to high value crops such as fruits and vegetables seems to be an important solution for the emerging ecological problems like declining water table, soil fertility and air, water and soil pollution. The present study was taken up to examine the economic viability, problems and potential in terms of production and marketing of kinnow fruits as an alternative to paddy-wheat and cotton-wheat rotation in south- western districts of Punjab. The multistage random sampling was used for the present study, consisting of six blocks, 12 villages, 120 farmers and different market functionaries at different stages of sample selection in the three local markets viz. Abohar, Malout and Maur and big kinnow consuming markets of Delhi and Ludhiana. The establishment cost was higher for the large orchards (Rs 24755/ ha) as compared to medium (Rs 21020/ha) and small (Rs 19515/ha) orchards due to higher establishment costs. The small farmers incurred higher operational cost as compared to medium and large farmers. The annual average return was observed to be higher for large orchards followed by medium and small. The seasonal indices signified that kinnow price showed relatively less elastic response to arrivals as demand was more than supply especially in consuming market. The kinnow growers suffered a loss by selling produce to pre-harvest contractors as their share in consumer’s rupee was low (about 30 %). The case study farmers incurred lower cost on establishment and other production operations but they still obtained better yields, earned higher gross and net income as compared to the sampled orchards in each category. The farmers faced acute shortage of quality planting material, inept marketing facilities and high incidence of insets/pests causing economic loss to kinnow crop. The study showed that kinnow cultivation was more profitable than the existing crop rotations and can emerge as an important source of crop diversification in south- west belt of the Punjab state.