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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effectiveness of television and print advertisements for green durables: A study of rural and urban consumers of Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Gurbir Singh; Sukhmani
    The present study is focused on the effectiveness of television and print advertisements of green durables. The study was conducted to gain insight into the perception of rural and urban consumers about various print and television advertisement campaigns of green durables. The study also highlighted some other important factors concerning with green marketing in rural and urban areas of Punjab, like level of awareness among consumers towards green durables and green values among the consumers. The study is completely based on primary data. A non disguised structured questionnaire was developed for data collection. For data collection the state of Punjab was divided into three regions namely Majha, Malwa and Doaba. One district from each region was selected for data collection. Data was collected from 540 respondents. Consumers’ exposure and level of awareness towards advertisements was analyzed using mean score, ranking method and factor analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis was applied to know the perceived effect of advertisements on consumers. Advertisement effectiveness, brand preference and advertisement persuasiveness were major effects of advertisements. Post purchase behaviour of consumers was studied using one sample t-test, independent sample t-test and regression analysis. Further one sample t-test and independent sample t-test were applied along with exploratory factor analysis to know the effect of advertisements on consumers’ life style. Advertisements forced the respondents for impulse purchase, transformation in the consumer profile, make them variety seeking, increase in consumers’ spending and preference to quality over cost.
  • ThesisItemRestricted
    Marketing of convenience food in Punjab
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Verma, Shivani; Ramandeep Singh
    The study on marketing of convenience food in Punjab was undertaken with objectives to study the marketing practices being followed by selected convenience food companies in Punjab, to understand the major challenges of convenience food marketing and to study and analyze the prospects of convenience food market in Punjab. The results depicted that the competition, change in consumer habits and change in technology were often responsible for changes in the product line. The selected food processing organizations often adopted the promotional pricing strategy, rarely used the direct channel and preferred to use social media tools over any other media for promoting their products. While comparing the opinions of organizations’ representatives and agri-business experts towards the challenges of convenience food marketing, the significant statements were shortage of raw material, negative perception of the brand, government regulations and control, lack of distribution network, high prices of food products, inefficient transportation facilities and availability of cheap substitutes. The results further showed that manufacturing date, expiry date, quality and nutritional contents were important attributes before the purchase of convenience food. According to the respondents, convenience foods often have better taste and flavor; hygienic and uncontaminated; decrease cooking time and make life comfortable.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Combining financial statement analysis and technical analysis to enhance stock portfolio performance: A study of Indian stock market
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Manpreet Kaur; Aggarwal, Navdeep
    The study was undertaken to examine the performance of combined financial statement analysis and technical analysis vis-à-vis standalone financial statement analysis and technical analysis among high book-to-market (value stocks) and low book-to-market (growth stocks). To fulfil the objectives, the research was carried out for each of the FY ranging from 2008-09 to FY 2012-13. For each of FY all the listed companies of National Stock Exchange (NSE) were arranged in descending order of book-to-market (B/M) ratio using the CMIE database Prowess. The companies were then sorted into five quintiles. Top quintile (that is, highest book-to-market ratio) was chosen for high book-to-market companies and bottom quintile (that is, lowest book-to-market ratio) was chosen for low book-to-market companies. The financial statement analysis among high book-to-market stocks was carried out using Piotroski (2000) framework and that among the low book-to-market (growth stocks) was carried out using Mohanram (2005) framework. Technical analysis among both types of stocks was carried out by applying Jegadeesh and Titman (1993) and Lee and Swaminathan (2000) methodology. Results show that financial statement analysis based strategy for both value and growth stocks outperforms the market for all holding periods of 3 months, 6 months and one year. However using technical analysis based strategy this outperformance hold good only for 3 months and 6 months formation and holding periods. The combined strategy outperforms standalone technical analysis and financial statement analysis based strategy for 3 months and 6 months holding periods. However for longer holding periods (one year) this outperformance disappears. But the degree of outperformance on combining the financial statement analysis and technical analysis was greater as compared to standalone financial statement analysis or technical analysis based strategies. It can be concluded from the results that it is beneficial for investors to form their investment strategy by combining financial statement analysis and technical analysis; if he plans to hold the portfolio for not more than 6 months.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Performance attribution and fund managers’ ability : A study of equity d i v e r s i fi e d mutual fund s c h eme s in India
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Vashisht, Chetna; Gupta, Mohit
    Brinson Hood Beebower (Brinson et al 1986) Performance Attribution model was applied on 110 equity diversified mutual fund growth schemes. The mean relative return was found to be 6.61% and significant at 5% level almost all due to significant selection effect and consequently the allocation effect was found to be nil in the entire period under study. Performance Attribution was also assessed with in different categories of mutual funds. Different parameters like mutual fund rating, mutual fund portfolio composition, 3 year and 5 year return rating, 3 year risk rating are found to be significant determinants of performance attribution. Fund managers’ stock selection ability and market timing ability was found using unconditional and conditional models. The study found positive and significant stock selection ability negative but not significant market timing ability as per Treynor Mazuy unconditional model. Further the study found positive and significant stock selection ability as per Henriksson Merton unconditional model. The unconditional models further constrained the results as the study found both stock selection ability negative and significant but the market timing ability as positive and significant. Overall results can be best sighted as neutral to positive stock selection ability and negative to neutral market timing ability both in terms of holding based and regression based models.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation Of Option Strategies In Different Scenarios And Identification Of Fundamental Determinants Of Exchange Rate Movement: A Study Of Indian Currency Market
    (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 2018) Avneet Kaur; Kapur, Sandeep
    Empirical literature lacks in quantum of studies on option payoffs especially in context of Indian foreign exchange contracts. The present study was undertaken to study the option payoffs especially in context of Indian foreign exchange contracts. The study has tried to assess the bullish, bearish and neutral option payoffs with underlying USD-INR contract. The study was done for a period of 68 months from October 2010 to June 2016. Three bullish option strategies namely long call, short put and covered call were applied and their pay offs were assessed for different moneyness. Payoffs of three bearish option strategies namely long put, short call and bear call spread was also assessed. In addition, four neutral strategies namely long and short straddle; and long and short strangle were employed. Various combinations of options using ATM, ITM and OTM calls and puts were formed and analysed. The findings of the study show that under bullish option strategies 2%OTM covered call strategy performed better with least coefficient of variance. 2%OTM short call and ATMC ATMP long straddle performed better with least coefficient of variance in bearish and neutral option strategies respectively. No statistical significant differences were recorded when compared for different moneyness in the any respective strategy. The study also attempted to find various macroeconomic variables which affect the movement in USD-INR exchange rate. Monthly data related to 11 variables was taken for the time period starting from 1st May, 1998 to 30th June, 2015. It was found that the predictor variables such as ratio of export to import for India, foreign exchange reserve, 10-year bond yield of India has a positive impact on the USD-INR, whereas other predictors i.e. index of industrial production, foreign institutional investor flow, brent crude oil, S&P500 has a negative impact on the USD-INR.