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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on Quality Assessment of Sports Nutrition Formulary
    (palampur, 2020-10-08) Sharma, Diksha; Sood, Sangita
    The present investigation was undertaken with the objectives to assess nutritional status of sports persons and to develop sports nutrition formulary and assessed their quality along with storage stability and economic feasibility. The study was conducted in the two sports hostels i.e. Sports Hostel Dharamshala and Sports Hostel Paprola. The present study was conducted on 80 school students of age groups 14-18 years. Further, 40 respondents from each hostel constituted 20 each of hostlers and non- hostlers. With the help of questionnaires nutritional attitude and behavior, anthropometric and dietary assessment was done. Majority (81.25 %) of respondents were vegetarian and (18.75 %) non-vegetarian. When comparison of nutrient intake was done amongst the hostlers and non-hostlers, it is observed that the nutrient intake of the hostlers was more comparatively day scholars. It is also observed that the intake of macro-nutrients i.e. energy, proteins and fats was higher in boys irrespective of hostlers and non-hostlers in comparison to girls. However, the intake of carbohydrate, calcium, and iron was comparatively more in case of girls. The mean BMI and body fat was higher amongst hostlers. The mean BMI and body fat of girls were recorded significantly higher. BMI and body fat of all the respondents were positively correlated with physical fitness index (p=0.05). Flax, Chia, Pumpkin and Finger millet were analyzed for their nutritional quality. Results of the study showed that Flax, Chia, Pumpkin and Finger millet obtained crude protein as 19.95, 23.98, 21.58 and 7.93 per cent respectively. Lowest crude fat content was found in Finger millet i.e. 1.37 per cent. Chia seeds were rich in calcium (563.58 mg/100g) and phosphorus (811.54 mg/100g) respectively. Whereas, the highest iron content was recorded in Flaxseed (5.05 mg/100g). Seeds were processed by roasting, popping and germination. Roasting and popping resulted in decrease whereas germination resulted in increase of protein content. On the other hand fat content decreased after processing. Different energy bars were developed by using Flax, Chia and Pumpkin seeds at the blending level of 5, 10, 15 and 20 per cent. Finger millet was used as a base for all the bars. Flaxseed blended energy bar with 15 per cent and 20 per cent composition was having highest crude protein and energy when compared to all the energy bars. The proximate parameters were non- significantly affected during the storage period of thirty days. The storage indicates no deterioration in the quality of developed bars. Energy bar containing up to 15 per cent Flax seeds was highly acceptable amongst the panel members.