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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of crop sequences under natural farming, organic and integrated nutrient management production systems
    (CSK HPKV, Palampur, 2023-07-06) Shalley; Pathania, Pawan
    A field experiment entitled “Evaluation of crop sequences under natural farming, organic and integrated nutrient management production systems” was conducted during Kharif 2019-20 to Rabi 2020-21 at the Research Farm of Agronomy Department, College of Agriculture, CSK HPKV, Palampur to explore the production potential of identified cropping sequences and to monitor the change in soil fertility, quality and economic viability of the crop sequences. The soil at the experimental site was silty clay loam with an acidic reaction, medium organic carbon content, available phosphorus and potassium and low available nitrogen. The experiment consisted with sixteen treatments and three replications were laid out in split plot design. The treatments consisted of four production system viz. integrated nutrient management, organic farming, natural farming, conservation agriculture in main plots and in sub plots, maize - wheat, maize + cowpea - wheat + gram, maize + soybean-radish-onion and okra + pole bean - cabbage + garden pea were undertaken. In different cropping sequences, okra + pole bean – cabbage + pea sequence in combination with integrated nutrient management came out to be best in terms of maize grain equivalent yield (33009 kg ha-1 ) followed by organic farming system. However, integrated nutrient management in okra + pole bean – cabbage + pea sequence proved to be more economical and resulted in low cost of cultivation (₹146095 ha-1 ), high gross returns (₹523945 ha-1 ) and highest net returns per rupee invested (₹377850 ha-1 ). In terms of quality, integrated nutrient management production system with maize-wheat cropping sequence proved to be high in carbohydrate yield, fat yield and in energy equivalents. Integrated nutrient management with maize + soybean – radish – onion resulted in high protein yield. Application of conservation agriculture in combination with maize + cowpea- wheat + gram cropping sequence resulted significant increase in organic carbon, available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and also improve soil health of the system as microbial population in the soil i.e., bacteria and fungi were highest under conservation agriculture production system.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Comparative performance of maize and wheat based intercropping systems under natural and organic farming practices
    (CSK HPKV, Palampur, 2023-07-17) Raveena; Kumar, Rameshwar
    A field experiment entitled “Comparative performance of maize and wheat based intercropping systems under natural and organic farming practices” was carried out at the Zero Budget Natural Farm (ZBNF), Department of Organic Agriculture & Natural Farming, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur, from kharif 2020 to rabi 2021-22 to study the effect of natural and organic farming practices on the productivity, soil health and economics of maize and wheat based cropping systems. Soil of the experimental site was silty clay loam in texture, acidic in reaction, high in organic carbon and medium in available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replications and thirteen treatments viz.,T1 - Maize + Lobia - Wheat + Gram and jeevamrit spray at 14 days interval, T2 - Maize + Lobia - Wheat + Gram and jeevamrit spray at 21 days interval, T3 - Maize + Lobia – Wheat + Gram and jeevamrit spray at 28 days interval, T4 - Maize + Soybean - Wheat + Lentil and jeevamrit spray at 14 days interval, T5 - Maize + Soybean - Wheat + Lentil and jeevamrit spray at 21 days interval, T6 - Maize + Soybean - Wheat + Lentil and jeevamrit spray at 28 days interval, T7 - Maize (sole) - Wheat (sole) and jeevamrit spray at 14 days interval, T8 - Maize (sole) - Wheat (sole) and jeevamrit spray at 21 days interval, T9 - Maize (sole) - Wheat (sole) and jeevamrit spray at 28 days interval, T10- Maize + Lobia – Wheat + Gram (Organic), T11- Maize + Soybean - Wheat + Lentil (Organic), T12- Maize sole - Wheat sole (Organic) and T13- Maize sole - Wheat sole (Absolute control). Significantly higher values of growth, yield attributes, grain and stover yield of maize were recorded under T1 during kharif 2020 and T4 during kharif 2021. Maize grain equivalent yield was significantly higher under T4 during both the seasons (2020 and 2021). In case of nutrient uptake, significantly higher nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium uptake by grain/seed, stover/straw as well as total uptake was recorded under T4 during kharif 2020 and T11 during 2021. In case of wheat, significantly higher growth and yield attributes were recorded under T1 during rabi 2020-21 and T11 during rabi 2021-22. Significantly higher grain and straw yield of wheat were obtained under T7 during 2020-21, while during 2021-22, it was higher under T12. However, there was an increment in the wheat grain equivalent yield of T10 and T11 by 26.89% and 45.58 % in rabi 2021-22 as compared to rabi 2020-21. Significantly higher nitrogen uptake by grain/seed, straw as well as total uptake was recorded under T10 during 2020-21 and T11 during 2021-22. However, highest phosphorus uptake by both grain/seed and straw as well as total uptake was recorded under T7 during first season and T11 during second season. In case of potassium, highest uptake by grain/seed was recorded under T11 during both the seasons, whereas straw as well as total uptake was highest under T7 during first season and T11 during second season. Amongst different intercropping systems, maize + soybean – wheat + lentil intercropping system along with application of jeevamrit at 14 days interval (T4 ) came out to be the best in terms of system equivalent yield (90.30 q/ha in 1st year and 82.53 q/ha in 2nd year) followed by organic farming practices, T11 (85.69 q/ha in 1st year and 81.83 q/ha in 2nd year). Use of natural farming practices in maize + soybean – wheat + lentil intercropping system (T4 ) also proved to be more economical and resulted in higher gross returns (249101 ₹/ha and 231759 ₹/ha), net returns (156061 ₹/ha and 132551 ₹/ha), B:C (1.68 and 1.34) and profitability (516.8 ₹/ha/day and 433.2 ₹/ha/day) of the system during both the years. Soil health was also significantly improved under organic farming treatment T11 in terms of organic carbon, available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and microbial count, microbial biomass carbon and dehydrogenase activity.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on physio morphological attributes of crops and weeds as influenced by organic weed management practices in maize - pea cropping system
    (CSK HPKV, Palampur, 2023-01-20) Kumar, Sarwan; Rana, S.S.
    Studies were carried out in a long-term experiment in maize - peas cropping system under All India Coordinated Research Project on Weed Management (AICRP-WM) during October 2019 to September 2021 at Palampur. Ten weed control treatments based on T1-hoeing, T2-stale seed bed + hoeing, T3-raised stale seedbed + hoeing, T4- mulch 5t ha-1 , T5-stale seed bed + mulch, T6- raised stale seed bed + mulch, T7- intercropping of soybean in kharif and fenugreek in rabi, T8-crop rotation (alternating soybean - mustard with maize - peas), T9-intensive cropping (additional crops of mustard in autumn and buckwheat in summer) and T10-chemical check (pendimethalin in rabi and atrazine in kharif) were evaluated in a randomized block design with three replications. The weed flora were comprising of 14 species in rabi 2019-20 and 11 in rabi 2020-21, 8 weed species during kharif 2020 and 15 in kharif 2021. There was considerable change in weed species composition during the second year as compared to the first year. Diversity and phytosociological analysis revealed diverse weed flora in the organic weed management treatments as compared to the chemical check. Phenological study revealed extended periods of germination/emergence, flowering and fruiting. Rabi weeds emerged during October to January and kharif during May to August, flowered and bore fruits/seeds during March (rabi) and September (kharif) and reached maturity in April (rabi) and September (kharif), respectively. Yield, net income and net energy were significantly higher under RSSB + Hoeing/HW followed by crop rotation, however, chemical check was at par to this treatment in the second year. Crop rotation also gave higher profitability over the check. The growth analysis parameter viz, CGR, AGR and RGR found to be significantly more in intercropping and crop rotation.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Ecology and control of Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb and Synedrella vialis (Less.) A. Gray
    (CSK HPKV, Palampur, 2022-11-26) Bhalla, Tamanna; Kumar, Suresh
    A field experiment was conducted at the Research Farm, Department of Agronomy, CSK HPKV, Palampur during Kharif 2020 and 2021 to study the ecology and control of Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb and Synedrella vialis (Less.) A. Gray. Eleven weed control treatments viz. glyphosate 1000 g/ha, paraquat 1000 g/ha, 2,4-D Na salt 1250 g/ha, 2,4-D ethyl ester 1000 g/ha, metsulfuron methyl 4 g/ha, carfentrazone 25 g/ha, glufosinate ammonium 500 g/ha, bispyribac Na 20 g/ha, flumioxazin 200 g/ha, diuron 500 g/ha and weedy check (control) were tested in Randomized Block Design with three replications. To study the ecology of both the weeds, experiments were conducted at three locations i.e. Research Farm of Department of Agronomy (Palampur), KVK (Berthin, Bilaspur) and on farmer’s field (Kangra). Alternanthera philoxeroides recorded the highest shoot length (97.25 and 100.75 cm) and number of leaves per shoot (40 and 42) in the month of October and this weed did not flower throughout the duration of study at both the locations i.e. Palampur and Kangra. Whereas, Synedrella vialis exhibited a low growing, mat forming habit with maximum shoot height (13 to 15.50 cm) and number of leaves per shoot (12) in August and September. This weed propagated vegetatively (runner) as well as through seeds since flowering occurred throughout the growth period at all the three locations. Results of the weed control study revealed that the application of glyphosate 1000 g/ha and metsulfuron methyl 4 g/ha behaving statistically alike were significantly effective in reducing the count (No./m2 ) and dry weight (g/m2 ) of Alternanthera philoxeroides and Synedrella vialis during both the years of study. The bioassay study indicated that all the herbicides used for the control of these weeds did not retain any residue in the soil and thus, can be considered safe for use.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of seed priming, nutrient management and tillage practices on productivity of rainfed maize-wheat system
    (CSK HPKV, Palampur, 2022-12-24) Kaur, Navneet; Kumar, Anil
    A field experiment was conducted from kharif 2020 to rabi 2021-2022 at the Irrigation and Water Management Farm of Department of Soil Science, CSKHPKV, Palampur. (H.P.) to study the effect of seed priming, nutrient management and tillage practices on productivity of rainfed maize-wheat cropping system. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three factors viz., tillage practices, seed priming and nutrient management practices and was replicated thrice. The treatments comprised of three tillage practices [Conventional tillage (CT), CT + mulch (CT+M) and Zero tillage+ mulch (ZT+M)]; two seed priming [Hydropriming and micronutrient priming (0.5%Zn and 0.1%Mn)] and two nutrient management practices [recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF) (120:60:40 in maize and 80:40:40 in wheat) and Integrated nutrient management(50% N through FYM + 50% N and rest of P and K through inorganic sources)]. An additional treatment of control (CT, No priming, RDF) was also kept for general comparison of results. The soil of the experimental site was silty clay loam in texture, acidic in reaction, medium in organic carbon, available phosphorus and potassium and low in available nitrogen. Results revealed that significantly higher growth and yield attributes, yield, nutrient content and uptake, system and water productivity and economic returns were obtained with conventional tillage + mulch followed by zero tillage + mulch amongst tillage practices, integrated nutrient management over RDF among nutrient management, whereas seed priming methods did not differ with respect to different parameters. As compared to initial status soil physical and chemical properties viz. bulk density, porosity, hydraulic conductivity, organic carbon, available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content at end of two years cropping cycle improved significantly under conventional tillage + mulch and integrated nutrient management practice followed by zero tillage + mulch and integrated nutrient management system. For obtaining higher crop and water productivity as well as economic returns in maize-wheat cropping system under rainfed condition, conventional tillage + mulch practice with integrated nutrient management and seed priming should be adopted.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Refinement of conventional integrated farming system model with natural farming
    (CSK HPKV, Palampur, 2022-12-12) Singh, Gurpreet; Sharma, Vinod Kumar
    An experiment was carried out in rabi and kharif seasons of 2019-20 and 2020-21 to evaluate the productivity and profitability of integrated farming system under conventional and natural farming in mid-hill conditions of Himachal Pradesh at 1 hectare AICRP-IFS on station research farm (Bhadiarkhar) of Department of Agronomy, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur. The objective of the study was to refine existing integrated farming system model with natural farming and to identify and optimize component linkages for profit maximization. Components under study were field crops (CS), vegetable crops, livestock, poultry and mushroom. Farm area between different components was allocated as, 0.65 ha to field crops (4875 m2 under conventional farming, 1625 m2 under natural farming), 0.175 ha to vegetable crops (1050 m2 under conventional farming, 350 m2 under natural farming), 0.10 ha to fodder crops (750 m2 under conventional farming, 250 m2 under natural farming)and 0.075 for livestock, poultry, mushroom and other enterprises (manure pit, vermicompost unit and fodder chopping unit). Comparisons were made on the basis of production and economic benefits of different enterprises. Results revealed that among field crops, “maize + soybean- gobhisarson” and “soybean –wheat” cropping systems performed better under conventional and natural farming, respectively. Among vegetable-based cropping systems, “okra-radish-garlic” and “okra+ soybean-pea” remained economically efficient under conventional and natural farming, respectively. Among different farming systems, integration of CS + Vegetable + Dairy+ Mushroom+ Poultry resulted in highest net returns under conventional farming; whereas under natural farming, combination of CS + Vegetable + Mushroom + Poultry resulted in highest net returns under existing farm plan. Optimization of farming system was done using linear programming. With optimal resource allocation it was predicted that under conventional integrated farming system, maximum returns can be obtained with allocating maximum area and resources to field crops and vegetable cropping systems components. Whereas, maximum returns can be obtained by integrating and allocating available resources to vegetable based cropping systems component and poultry component under natural farming. The study suggests that farm resources were not optimally allocated in existing plan. With modification in existing component combinations emanated from the linear programming net farm profit can be increased.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of nutrient management and irrigation scheduling on crop and water productivity of rice wheat cropping system
    (palampur, 2022-08-25) Gangmei, Tigangam P; Kumar, Anil
    The field experiment was conducted at Water Management Farm of CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur during kharif 2018 to rabi 2019-20 to evaluate the effect of irrigation scheduling and nutrient management practices on crop and water productivity and soil health parameters in direct seeded rice-wheat cropping sequence. The soil of the experimental field was silty clay loam in texture, acidic in reaction, medium in organic carbon, medium in available nitrogen and potassium and high in phosphorus content. The experiment was laid out in split plot design with three irrigation schedules {irrigation at critical stages (I1), 0.6 CPE (wheat)/ 0.8 (rice) CPE (I2) and 1.0 CPE (I3)} in main plot and four nutrient management practices {inorganic nutrient management (F1), organic nutrient management (F2), natural farming management (F3), integrated nutrient management (F4)} in subplots, replicated thrice. Better root growth, higher yield attributes, crop and water productivity, nutrient uptake and net returns in rice were obtained when the crop was irrigated at critical stages and integrated nutrient management practice was used. Whereas for wheat crop, irrigation scheduled at 1.0 CPE and integrated nutrient management was found best for all the parameters. The flowering and maturity got delayed under natural farming whereas lesser number of days was taken for these phenophases when integrated nutrient management practice was followed. Higher iron, zinc and protein content in rice and protein content in wheat were recorded under integrated nutrient management. Crop quality parameters amylose in rice and gluten in wheat with lower values were better under natural farming practice. Higher soil pH, water holding capacity and lower bulk density was observed under integrated nutrient management. All the other nutrient management practices except inorganic nutrient management practice recorded a buildup of available nutrient content at the end of 2 year cropping system. Thus for higher crop and water productivity, crop quality and better soil health under direct seeded rice-wheat cropping sequence, the rice crop should be irrigated at critical stages whereas wheat should be irrigated at 1.0 CPE schedule; and in both crops, the integrated nutrient management practice should be followed.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of wheat and rice varieties under conservation and natural farming systems
    (palampur, 2022-08-22) Ankit; Manuja, Sandeep
    A field experiment was conducted from rabi 2019-20 to kharif 2021 at the Experimental Farms of Department of Agronomy, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur and at Rice and Wheat Research centre (RWRC) Malan (H.P.) to study the performance of wheat and rice varieties under different cultivation system. The objective of the investigation was to identify the varieties specially suited for different cultivation practices. The soil of the experimental field at both the locations was silty clay loam in texture, acidic in reaction, medium in organic carbon, medium in available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in content. The experiment was laid out in split plot design with four cultivation practices namely reduced tillage, zero tillage, conventional tillage and natural farming in main plot and three varieties each of wheat (HPW 349, HPW 368 and HS 562) and rice viz., Sukara Dhan 1 (HPR 1156), Him Palam Dhan 1 (HPR 2656) and Him Palam Lal Dhan 1 (HPR 2795) in sub plots, replicated thrice. Results so obtained revealed that conventional tillage resulted in significantly higher values of growth, yield attributes and yield of both the crops at both the locations though the adoption of reduced tillage, in which secondary tillage is avoided both the crop residues were used gave comparable yield in wheat. Among the wheat varieties tested HPW 368 recorded significantly higher values of growth parameter, yield attributes and yield while rice variety Him Palam Lal Dhan 1 recorded significantly higher values of yield attributes and yield at both the locations. Significantly lower values of yield attributes and yield were recorded in natural farming treatment in both the crops and at both the locations Higher value of economic indicators were recorded in conventional tillage in both the crops while natural farming resulted in the lowest values of gross return, net return and B:C ratio. Bulk density and water holding capacity of soil was not influences by cultivation practices as well as varieties while significantly higher values of available nutrients as well as higher organic carbon was recorded in reduced tillage while lowest values were recorded in natural farming. In case of wheat, conventional tillage and HPW 368 while in case of rice, conventional tillage and Him Palam Lal Dhan 1 (HPR 2795) were found to be the best treatments for better growth & higher productivity and profitability of wheat- rice cropping system.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of organic and inorganic sources of nutrients on productivity and carbon sequestration of maize-wheat cropping system
    (palampur, 2022-05-21) Singh, Sukhchain; Kumar, Naveen
    The field experiment was conducted at Fodder Unit, CSK HPKV, Palampur from Kharif 2019 to Rabi 2020-21 to study the effect of organic and inorganic sources of nutrients on productivity and carbon sequestration of maize-wheat cropping system. The soil of experimental field was silty clay loam in texture; acidic in nature; high in organic carbon; low in available nitrogen; medium in available phosphorus and potassium. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replications, consisting of seven treatments i.e., 10 t ha-1 FYM + 5% Jeevamrit, 10 t ha-1 FYM + 10% Jeevamrit, 50% recommended N + 10 t ha-1 FYM + 5% Jeevamrit, 50% recommended N 10 t ha-1 FYM + 10% Jeevamrit, seed treatment with Beejamrit + 5% Jeevamrit, seed treatment with Beejamrit + 10% Jeevamrit and recommended NPK through inorganic sources. Integration of nutrients using 50% recommend N + 10 t ha-1 FYM + 10% Jeevamrit resulted in better plant height (cm), number of plants/tillers (m-2 ), leaf area index, dry matter accumulation (g m-2 ), yield attributes with higher grain yield (4.08 and 4.22 t ha-1 ), stover/straw (6.72 and 7.28 t ha-1 ) yield and primary (NPK), secondary (Ca, Mg, S) and micronutrients (Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, B) content and uptake by both maize and wheat crops. Soil properties viz., soil pH, bulk density, organic carbon, available primary (NPK), secondary (Ca, Mg, S), micronutrients (Zn, Fe, Cu, B), viable microbial count (bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi) and microbial biomass carbon was increased with 50% recommended N + 10 t ha-1 FYM + 10% Jeevamrit application. Application of recommended NPK resulted in higher mean net returns of maize and wheat 39.29 (₹ x 103 ) and 52.64 (₹ x 103 ) and B:C ratio of 1.11 and 2.33, respectively.