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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Characterization for yield and quality traits under aerobic and transplanted condition in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-09) Bhawana; Rakesh Kumar
    The present experiment was carried out at Rice Research Station, Kaul, CCS Haryana Agricultural University Hisar, during Kharif, 2020 to estimate co-efficient of variability, heritability, genetic advance as percent of mean, character association, path co-efficient analysis and genetic divergence for yield and quality traits grown under aerobic and transplanted conditions. A total of 48 genotypes (24 basmati and 24 non-basmati genotypes) were grown in single row (5m long) of each genotype in each replication using randomized block design with spacing 20 x15 cm between rows and plants respectively. Observations were recorded on five randomly selected plants for each genotype on 21 morphological and quality traits. Mean sum of squares due to genotypes were highly significant for all the traits indicating the presence of sufficient variability under both the conditions. Narrow range of GCV and PCV indicated major role of genetic factors in expression of traits than environmental factors. In basmati genotypes, high heritability coupled with high genetic advance as per cent of mean was observed for grain yield/plant, plant height, number of grains/panicle and root dry weight under both conditions. While in non-basmati genotypes, grain yield/plant had high heritability coupled with high genetic advance as percent of mean revealed the importance of additive gene action in expression of the trait. Grain yield/plant showed significant positive correlation with number of tillers/plant, test weight, harvest index % and kernel breadth under both conditions for basmati genotypes, whereas in non-basmati genotypes grain yield/plant exhibited significant positive correlation with biological yield/plant followed by harvest index %, plant height, test weight , number of grains/panicle, number of tillers/plant, root fresh weight and root volume under both conditions suggesting that for improving grain yield direct selection of genotypes for these traits will be more fruitful. Path analysis revealed that biological yield/plant and harvest index % exhibited major positive direct effect on grain yield under both conditions for basmati genotypes whereas, in non-basmati genotypes kernel length followed by number of grains/panicle, days to 50% flowering and biological yield/plant, harvest index % and root volume exerted high positive direct effect on grain yield. Group constellation of genotypes under both the conditions (aerobic and transplanted) did not follow their geographical distribution. On the basis of grain yield HKR 15-455, HKR 16-459, Pusa 1557-06-08-126-162-156 and HKR 15-488 were identified superior than check Haryana Basmati -2 whereas HKR 15-488 and HKR 16-459 were identified as suitable genotypes for quality parameters over check Taraori Basmati. Genotypes, IR14L521, HKR 16-35 and NVSR 2107 were observed suitable under both aerobic and transplanted conditions as these genotypes performed significantly higher than the check HKR 47 and HKR 48 respectively.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of bread wheat genotypes for drought and heat tolerance under field conditions
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-07) Madhu Kumar K G; Somveer
    A field experiment was conducted in the research area of Wheat and Barley Section, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, CCSHAU, Hisar, during the rabi season of 2019-2020 to evaluate 62 bread wheat genotypes under normal, drought, heat and combined stress conditions. Magnitude of variability, character association, path analysis, genetic diversity and cluster analysis for various morpho-physiological characters were studied. The experiment was conducted in four different environments, viz., normal sown-irrigated (normal), normal sown-rainfed (drought), late sown-irrigated (heat) and late sown-rainfed (combined stress) and was laid out in RBD with two replications in each environment. Analysis of variance revealed highly significant variation among the genotypes for all the characters studied. Moderate estimates of GCV and PCV were reported for traits- early vigour, spike weight, number of grains/spike, grain weight/spike, grain yield/plant, harvest index and CTD, accompanied by moderate to high heritability and genetic advance as per cent of mean in all four environmental conditions, which suggests that still there is scope for further improvement of genotypes for these characters. Grain yield per plant reduced by 24.8%, 14.8% and 36.4% due to drought, heat and combined stress, respectively. Grain yield had a positive and significant correlation with number of productive tillers/plant, grain weight/spike, spike weight, number of grains/spike, 1000-grain weight, biological yield, harvest index, chlorophyll content, CTD and NDVI. Path coefficient analysis revealed that harvest index had the highest positive direct effect towards grain yield per plant, followed by biological yield per plant in all four environments. Grain weight/spike in normal and drought stress and number of grains/spike in heat and combined stress had high positive direct effects on grain yield. Thus, these traits may be used as selection criteria for respective environments. Clustering using Ward’s method grouped 62 genotypes into 6, 8, 6 and 7 distinct clusters under normal, drought, heat and combined stress respectively. The highest inter-cluster distance was found between clusters 3 and 4 (9.908), clusters 4 and 8 (9.713), clusters 1 and 4 (8.269) and clusters 3 and 6 (8.876) in normal, drought, heat and combined stress respectively, representing maximum variation between them. Clusters 4, 8, 4 and 6 in normal, drought, heat and combined stress, respectively, recorded the highest cluster means for many of the yield attributing traits, indicating the superior performance of genotypes in these clusters. Genotypes- P 13855, P 13841, P 13666, P 13633, P 13821 had low DSI, genotypes- P 13789, WH 1025, P 13633, P 13644, P 13858 had low HSI and genotypes- DBW 187, HD 3086, P 13815, P 13789, P 13841 had low CSSI values, subsequently they were categorised as drought-tolerant, heat tolerant and combined stress tolerant genotypes, respectively. Among seed quality parameters, standard germination was significantly influenced by parent-plant growing conditions. Drought stress alone reduced the standard germination by 7.9%. The decreased vigour indices in stress environments were particularly due to decreased standard germination. High EC of seed leachates was observed for seeds from plants subjected to drought stress alone.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genetic diversity and path analysis studies in sorghum for dual type characters
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-07) Kamal Singh; Jindal, Yogesh
    The present study was carried out on thirty sorghum genotypes for assessing genetic diversity and path analysis for dual type characters on the basis of 28 traits viz. morphological, biochemical, qualitative and yield traits. Sorghum genotypes were categorized on the basis of various qualitative traits which included leaf midrib color, days to 50% flowering, plant height, leaf length, leaf breadth, panicle shape, panicle length, panicle density at maturity, anther color, awns presence, grain color and grain lusture. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed highly significant differences for all 21 quantitative traits included in the investigation. Maximum green fodder yield, dry fodder yield, stover yield and grain yield were reported for genotypes SH 1560, SH 1485, SH 1952 and SH 1955 respectively. Coefficient of variation (GCV and PCV) were high for leaf stem ratio, panicle length, TSS, crude protein yield, HCN, green fodder yield, dry fodder yield, stover yield and harvest index; while low for days to 50% flowering, leaf length, days to maturity and crude protein. High heritability along with high genetic advance was recorded for most of traits like plant height, internode length, leaf stem ratio, stem girth, panicle length, TSS, crude protein yield, HCN, tannin, green fodder yield, dry fodder yield, stover yield, grain yield, test weight and harvest index. Green fodder yield showed positive significant correlation with days to 50% flowering, plant height, internode length, no. of leaves per plant, leaf length, stem girth and days to maturity; dry fodder yield showed positive correlation with no. of leaves per plant, TSS and crude protein yield while grain yield showed positive significant correlation with tannin only. Path analysis revealed that plant height, no. of leaves per plant, leaf length, leaf breadth, leaf stem ratio, days to maturity, crude protein yield, grain yield and test weight were having positive direct effect on dry fodder yield while negative direct effect was shown by days to 50% flowering, internode length, stem girth, panicle length, TSS, crude protein, HCN, tannin, green fodder yield, stover yield and harvest index. In D2 statistics, thirty genotypes were clustered into five different clusters. Among these clusters, Cluster-I was largest followed by cluster II and cluster IV having 19, 5 and 4 genotypes respectively. The maximum inter-cluster distance was recorded between cluster II and cluster III.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on genetic variability for drought tolerance in advance lines of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell)
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-08) P Arun, Nithya; Om Parkash, Bishnoi
    The present investigation consists of 40 advance lines of wheat raised in RBD design with 3 replications in the Rabi 2019-20 at Research Farm Area of Wheat and Barley section, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, with the objective of assessment of the genetic variability, heritability, genetic advance, correlation and path analysis. Observations were recorded for 16 morpho-physiological traits viz., days to heading, days to anthesis, days to maturity, plant height (cm), number of effective tillers per plant, spike length (cm), number of spikelets per spike, number of grains per spike, biological yield per plant (g), grain yield per plant (g), harvest index (%), thousand grain weight (g), NDVI, SPAD, CTD and DTI under irrigated and drought sown conditions. The findings of the analysis of variance showed that there was significant genetic variability in grain yield and its contributing traits. The magnitude of PCV estimations were greater than that of comparable GCV estimates, implying that environmental factors were also influencing genotype expression. The combined analysis of correlation coefficient analysis and path coefficient analysis revealed that the characters, namely, harvest index, biological yield per plant, thousand grain weight, number of grains per spike, NDVI, SPAD and CTD were the major yield attributing characters and hence; emphasis should be given to these traits while programming any plant breeding programme to develop drought tolerant cultivars. On the basis of drought tolerance index advance wheat lines viz., BRW 3806, C 306, NW 7049, WH 1164, PBW 757, DBW 88, DBW 221, DBW 302, DBW 187, WH 1124, HD 3347, HD 3271 and PBW 824 were found to be tolerant to drought stress. So, these lines can be used for further breeding programme for development of drought tolerant wheat varieties.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on genetic variability and association analysis for various morphological and quality traits in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.Complex) clones
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-09) Hardeep; Sharma, Sudhir
    In present investigation, 50 sugarcane genotypes were evaluated in randomized block design with three replications at the research farm of CCS HAU, RRS, Uchani, Karnal during Spring 2020. This study was intended to determine genetic variability, correlation and path analysis for seventeen characters among fifty early maturing sugarcane clones. Analysis of variance showed that mean sum of squares due to genotypes were highly significant for all the characters studied, indicating the presence of sufficient genetic variability. Higher estimates of PCV than corresponding GCV, thereby, revealing that there is slight influence of environment on different traits. The narrow difference between the GCV and PCV values indicated the greater role of genetic factors on the expression of characters than the environmental factors. High heritability in association with high genetic advance as percentage of mean was observed for number of tillers at 120 DAP, number of shoots at 240 DAP, single cane weight, cane length, cane yield and CCS (t/ha) revealed importance of additive gene action and and selection for these characters will be effective for further improvement in cane yield. Cane yield showed significant and positive association with CCS (t/ha), single cane weight, cane girth, cane length, number of millable canes at harvest, number of tillers at 120 DAP and number of shoots at 240 DAP whereas, CCS (t/ha) exhibited positive and significant correlation with cane yield, single cane weight, cane girth, cane length, number of millable canes at harvest, number of tillers at 120 DAP, number of shoots at 240 DAP, brix % at 8th and 10th month, pol % at 8th month and CCS % at 8th month suggests that for improving cane yield and sucrose content direct selection of clones based on positively associated characters will be more fruitful while planning any sugarcane breeding programme. The results of path analysis disclosed that the characters viz., CCS % at 10th month, CCS (t/ha) ,CCS % at 8th month, brix % at 8th month, number of millable canes at harvest, single cane weight, cane girth and number of tillers at 120 DAP recorded positive direct effects on dependent variable i.e. cane yield and the other traits also showed their indirect positive effects on cane yield through these characters, indicating that these characters are the major contributing traits to cane yield in sugarcane. Some sugarcane clones viz. 15-365, 15-1305, 10-31 and 15-1784 were identified in present investigation. These were significantly or numerically superior over best check Co 0238 in terms of cane yield (t/ha), commercial cane sugar (t/ha), pol % at 10th month and CCS % at 10th month. These sugarcane clones needs to be rigorously tested in mutilocational trials to identify suitable genotype to sustain sugarcane productivity.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Screening of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) genotypes for Drought tolerance
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-09) Gill, Abhishek; Sangwan, Omender
    The present investigation comprised of 30 upland cotton genotypes which were grown in Randomized Block Design with three replications under two environments viz. irrigated (E1) and rainfed (E2 with pre-sown irrigation) conditions during kharif 2020 to evaluate for drought tolerance and to assess the degree of association among various traits. At the research area of Cotton Section, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar. Observations on five randomly selected plants from each genotypes were recorded on eight morphological traits i.e. plant height, number of monopods per plant, days to first flower, number of bolls per plant, boll weight, seed cotton yield per plant, number of seed per boll, ginning out turn; six physiological traits i.e. relative water content, photosynthesis rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, total chlorophyll content, proline content and three biochemical traits i.e. crude protein content, seed oil content and gossypol content. Sufficient amount of variability was observed among genotypes for all the traits under both the environmental conditions. Significant reduction was observed in mean performance of the upland cotton genotypes in rainfed environment for all the traits except proline content. The estimates of GCV, PCV, heritability and genetic advance was high for stomatal conductance, photosynthesis rate, number of bolls per plant, proline content, transpiration rate, total gossypol content, boll weight, seed cotton yield per plant, number of monopods per plant and crude protein content under both the environments. Correlation coefficients concluded that seed cotton yield per plant exhibited positive and highly significant association with number of bolls per plant, boll weight, proline content, days to first flower, number of seeds per boll, stomatal conductance, relative water content and plant height under both the environments. Path coefficient analysis revealed that maximum direct effect on seed cotton yield per plant was shown by traits named, number of bolls per plant, boll weight, proline content, days to first flower, total gossypol content, number of seeds per boll, stomatal conductance, ginning out turn, relative water content and plant height under both the environments. Based on drought tolerance indices; the genotypes viz., Combed seed, Coker, H1454, JLH 168 and H 1117 showed the least reduction in seed cotton yield under drought stress and presence of sufficient amount of genetic variability for yield and its component traits which may further be utilized in upland cotton breeding programmes to develop higher yielding and high drought tolerant varieties.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genetic variability for terminal heat tolerance in advance lines of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell)
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-09) Lalit Kumar; Krishan Kumar
    The present investigation was conducted to identify the terminal heat tolerant lines. The experiments were laid out in Rabi 2019-20 among the forty wheat advance lines taken for the study. Randomized Block Design with three replications was used, under two sowing dates (24th November and 24th December, 2019) at the Research Area of Wheat and Barley Section, Department of Genetics & Plant Breeding, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar. Observations were recorded for sixteen morpho-physiological traits viz., days to heading, days to maturity, plant height, number of effective tillers per meter, spike length, peduncle length, number of spikelets per spike, number of grains per spike, 1000- grain weight, biological yield per plant, harvest index, grain yield per plant, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) at initiation of anthesis and after 15 days of anthesis, soil plant analysis development (SPAD) value at initiation of anthesis and after 15 days of anthesis, canopy temperature depression (CTD) at initiation anthesis and after 15 days of anthesis and heat susceptibility index (HSI). The ANOVA revealed that variance due to genotypes were highly significant for all the traits, under both the conditions. Moderate to high estimates of GCV, PCV, heritability and genetic advance as percent mean were observed for traits viz., grain yield, biological yield, harvest index, number of grains per spike, spike length, peduncle length, number of effective tillers per meter, CTD and SPAD value. Correlation coefficients and direct path effects revealed that the traits i.e., biological yield per plant, harvest index, number of spikelets per spike, 1000-grain weight, NDVI, CTD and SPAD value had a true association with grain yield, whereas maximum indirect path were recorded for biological yield per plant and harvest index, hence these yield attributing traits could be considered as suitable selection criteria for wheat improvement programs under heat stress conditions. On the basis of heat susceptibility index lines viz., NW 7049, DBW 14, WH 1021, PBW 825, DBW 304 and PBW 797 were found highly terminal heat tolerant. These lines can be used for further development of terminal heat tolerant varieties in future breeding programs
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Characterization of advanced breeding lines of bread wheat under terminal heat stress
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-07) Naresh; Dalal, Mohinder Singh
    The present study was undertaken for “Characterization of advanced breeding lines of bread wheat under terminal heat stress”. The experimental material for the present investigation comprised of sixty advanced breeding lines of bread wheat and four standard checks namely, WH-1124, WH-1021, HD-3059 and DBW-90 and planted under late sown conditions in randomized block design. The present investigation was done to assess the various genetic variability parameters, character association, path analysis, genetic diversity and principal component analysis of sixty four bread wheat genotypes under terminal heat stress based on the morphological and physiological traits. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences for all traits studied under heat stress. The correlation studies indicated highly significant positive association of grain yield with almost all of its component traits except days to heading that was exhibiting positive non-significant association. Highest postive direct effect on grain yield was found for biological yield followed by harvest index. The genetic diversity analysis classified 64 genotypes into 9 clusters and cluster I was having maximum number of genotypes (12). The genotypes of cluster 9 were performing better for most of the traits including yield and its component traits. Out of total seventeen principal components only four were retained and the first four principal components were contributing nearly 77.14% of phenotypic variation and among these first principal component (PC I) had highest benefaction of 50.04%. Based on above findings and comparison with standard checks, genotype P-13820 was found most tolerant followed by P-13348, P-13676 and P-14114 to terminal heat stress.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Phenotypic and molecular characterization of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes for terminal heat tolerance
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-09) Singla, Prakhar; Divya
    The present experiment was conducted to identify promising heat tolerant lines, in a core collection of forty-eight bread wheat accessions. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with three replications, under three dates of sowing viz., 25th October, 14th November and 15th December, at the Research Area of Wheat and Barley Section, Department of Genetics & Plant Breeding, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar during Rabi 2019-20. Observations were recorded for twenty-three morpho-physiological and biochemical traits viz., grain yield/plant (g), days to heading, days to anthesis, days to maturity, grain filling duration, tillers per metre, plant height (cm), peduncle length (cm), spike length (cm), spikelets per spike, number of grains per spike, 1000-grain weight (g), biological yield per plant (g), harvest index (%), normalized difference vegetation index at anthesis and 21 days after anthesis, canopy temperature at anthesis and 21 days after anthesis (⁰C), protein content (%), gluten content (%), sedimentation value (mL) and hectolitre weight (Kg/hL), flag leaf angle and waxiness. Significant variance among genotypes was recorded for all the characters, under all three environments. High GCV, PCV, heritability and genetic advance estimates were observed for biological yield, grain yield, CTD-I, CTD-II and sedimentation value in all the environments. Correlation coefficient and path analysis revealed that the traits i.e. biological yield, tillers per metre, harvest index, 1000-grain weight, CTD-I and CTD-II had strong positive association with grain yield, therefore, presenting them as key enhancer of grain yield in wheat under heat stress conditions. Cluster analysis showed high genetic divergence among genotypes and grouped them in different clusters. In stability analysis, genotypes WH 1235 and HD 3182 were found most stable ones, with respect to grain yield. Genotypes WH 1124, HD 3086, WH 730 were found to show high heat tolerance, based on HSI. Tillers per metre were the most affected trait under heat stress and witnessed highest reduction. Molecular analysis revealed the presence of high degree of polymorphism for the selected genotypes. Genotypes that turned out to be best for as maximum number of traits on as many numbers of statistical tests, should be included in breeding programme for crop improvement with respect to grain yield.