Characterization of advanced breeding lines of bread wheat under terminal heat stress

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The present study was undertaken for “Characterization of advanced breeding lines of bread wheat under terminal heat stress”. The experimental material for the present investigation comprised of sixty advanced breeding lines of bread wheat and four standard checks namely, WH-1124, WH-1021, HD-3059 and DBW-90 and planted under late sown conditions in randomized block design. The present investigation was done to assess the various genetic variability parameters, character association, path analysis, genetic diversity and principal component analysis of sixty four bread wheat genotypes under terminal heat stress based on the morphological and physiological traits. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences for all traits studied under heat stress. The correlation studies indicated highly significant positive association of grain yield with almost all of its component traits except days to heading that was exhibiting positive non-significant association. Highest postive direct effect on grain yield was found for biological yield followed by harvest index. The genetic diversity analysis classified 64 genotypes into 9 clusters and cluster I was having maximum number of genotypes (12). The genotypes of cluster 9 were performing better for most of the traits including yield and its component traits. Out of total seventeen principal components only four were retained and the first four principal components were contributing nearly 77.14% of phenotypic variation and among these first principal component (PC I) had highest benefaction of 50.04%. Based on above findings and comparison with standard checks, genotype P-13820 was found most tolerant followed by P-13348, P-13676 and P-14114 to terminal heat stress.