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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Tree Pruning And Fruit Storage Studies On Pear (Pyrus Communis L.) Under Ranchi Condition
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2001) Sunil Kumar; B.K.Bhagat
    Pear ( Pyrus communis).L, a member of Rosaceae family grown both in temperate and sub tropical conditions is a highly delicious fruit which helps in maintaining a desirable acid base balance in human body. The fruit is available during July-August months of the year when other fruits are not found in the market. Pruning helps to maintain vigour of the pear and provides optimum conditions for its growth and also in creases the canopy space, maintaining good light interception and easy access for tree management .It provides balance between vegetative and reproductive growth. Storage of fruit aim to increase the keeping quality of fruits as far as practicable. The self life of fruits can be increased by controlling transpiration, respiration and disease infection.Thus , there is need to find out chemicals best suited in increasing the shelf life of fruits from few days to a week. Keeping these point in view, the present investigation was under taken to study the “ Tree pruning and fruit storage studies on pear (Pyrus communis).L under Ranchi condition.” It was conducted in two parts, the first Tree pruning studies on pear and second fruit storage studies on pear under Ranchi condition.The experiment was conducted at central Horticulture experiment station,Plandu, Ranchi during the year 1999.The Pruning experiment comprising of ten treatments with three replications was laid out in Randomized Block Design .Important plant character like number of days taken in bud – break , shoot length , number of leaves and leaf area were taken . The storage experiment comprising of nine treatments with three replications was laid out in completed randomized design viz weight loss % TSS(0BRIX) acidity (%) Total sugar (%) incidence of spoilage, percentage of edible quality were studies. The minimum days in bud break in the primary branches was observed in pruning to 4 primaries and 4 secondaries at first node, second node and third node which were 13.0, 17.0 and 13.6 days respectively being significant also. In secondary branches the bud break was first noted in pruning to 3 primaries and 4 secondaries at first and second node while pruning to 2 primaries and 4 secondaries at third node like – wise at fourth node and fifth node bud burst took earliest in pruning to 4 primaries and 4 secondaries.The shoot length after 30 days of bud break was measured and found maximum in pruning to 4 primaries and 4secondaries from first node which were 35.66 cm, 32.83cm,34.90cm, 32.33cm, and 38.66cm. respectively being significantly superior also. Even after 60 days of bud break the trend of shoot elongation were observed similar at different nodal position. After 30 days and 60 days of bud break number of leaves was found maximum 10.33 to 10.80 respectively in prunig to primaries and 3 secondaries. After 30 days and 60 days of bud break leaf area was found maximum 175.85 cm and 185.37cm respectively in pruning to 4 primaries and 4 secondaries and were also found significantly. In case of storage experiment weight loss (%) in pear fruits after 5, 10 and 15 days was significant in water soluble lac coating 1.5% .After 15 days storage in all other treatment fruit got damage expect water soluble lac coating 1.5% and water soluble lac coating 3.0%.After 30 days of keeping the pear at room temperature, minimum weight loss (9.72%) was found in treatment water soluble lac coating 1.5% which followed by treatment water soluble lac coating 3.0% i.e. 40.0%.Total sugar in pear fruit was found maximum (10.7%) in treatment water soluble lac coating 1.5%at 15 daya storage which was significantly superior to control total soluble soild was found maximum (17.0BRIx) in water solubale lac coating 1.5 % at 30 days storage . In case of acidity at 15 days of storage minimum acidity (021) was found in water soluble lac coating 1.5% and maximum in control (0.30%) .At 30 days storage percentage of edible quality was found maximum (68%) in water soluble lac coating 1.5% which was followed by water soluble lac coating 3.0% i.e. 60%.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect Of Boron And Growth Regulators On Growth, Yield And Quality Of Bottle Gourd (lagenaria Siceraria (molina ) Standl.)
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2000) Abdul Majid Ansari; B.M.Chowdhary
    The experiment entitled “Effect of boron and growth regulators on growth, yield and quality of bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl.)” was conducted during summer season of 1999 at vegetable section of Horticulture Garden under Faculty of Agriculture, Birsa Agriculture university ,Kanke ,Ranchi in randomized block design in factorial fashion having fourteen treatment combination replicated thrice with an objective to increase yield and quality of bottle gourd cv G-2 .The seed was soaked in boron (0.05%) solution and the foliar spray of PGRs (GA,MH & Ethrel ) in two different level (50& 100ppm)of each at 2 and 4 –true leaf stages. The vegetative characters of bottle gourd like, vine length, number of leaves, number of nodes and intermodal length were significantly superior by application of GA (100ppm). Seed soaking of boron (B1) was also found to have significantly effect in increasing number of leaves and intermodal length on main vine. The best treatment combination B1GA100 (boron 0.05% and Gibberellic acid 100ppm ) regarding overall vegetative characters .The number of branches was significantly in ethrel (100ppm) and the best treatment combination was B1Ethrel100. The earliest flower initiation was in GA 100 ppm and MH100ppm both. While the best combination wasB1MH100.The first female flower appearance and node number of first flower (male and female) were significantly lowered by etherl 100 ppm and boron both. Among the quality and yield attributing characters like fruit maturity,fruit length ,fruit diameter, fruit weight and fruit yield per vine as well as estimated total fruit yield per hectare were found to be signicivantly effect by ethrel 100 ppm as well as boron and the best treatment combination was B1ethrel100. The number of fruits per vine was observed maximum in B1GA100 (4.00) followed by B1Ehrel 100(3.93). Interaction effect of PGRx B) was found to be non-significant for all the characters . So far as the economic of the trial was concerned the treatment combination B1 Ethrel 100 gave the maximum net return (Rs. 40.475.00 per hac) as well as the benefit cost ratio of 2.65.Based on these observation it could be suggested that the significant increase in growth,yield and quality would be obtained by the spraying of ethrel 100ppm and 2 and 4 true leaf stages along with seed soaking by boron (0.05%) for 12 hours. However more experiments are needed to confirm the result.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Comparative Performance of Tomato ( Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill.) Lines as A Rainy Season Crop
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2000) Anupam Bharti; B.P.Jain
    Tomato (Lycopersion esculentum Mill) is native to peru and mexico. It is well known popular vegetable for vegetarian as well as non vegetable dishes. It is used as a fresh vegetable and also cooked with several other vegetable. From nutritive point of view, it is a very nutritious, since it is rich in vitamin A (1000IU),Vitamin B (0.20mg),vitamin C(23)m gm), Oxalic acid (7.5m gm), potassium (268 mMg) and phosphorus (27m mg)with dry matter content of 5.5 per cent. Two sowing of tomato is done in North India. First in June – july for the autumn and November-December for the spring season. It is grown mainly during Rabi due to good fruit quality, but there is very few knowledge about their performance in different agro-climate conditions regarding yield potentialities and morphological character during Kharif season. Hence the experiment entitled “comparative performance of tomato(Lycopersion esculentum Mill) lines in rainy season ” was conducted in the cropping year 1999. In this experiment, the same seed rate as well as similar standard cultural practices were adopted for all 30 lines of tomato .All treatments were replied twice in a Randomized block Design during the course of investigation. Maximum plant height (57.00cm)was recorded in Arka Abha. The number of leaves and branches was recorded in line EC-320571 with 70 and 13.64, respectively. Maximum weight of individual fruit (66.06g) was found in line EC-339074 which also attained the maximum yield per plant (6.792 Kg) and also yield per hectare (176.01). In qualitative characters, maximum juice percentage (84.63).TSS(6.68 Brix ) and fruit acidity (0.73%) were found in lines EC-238308, CH-24 and CH-25, respectively .Maximum number of locules (05) were found in CH-24 and CH-22. The line EC -339074 gave maximum yield and economic return (Rs.78,005) under same management and cultural operations with comparatively lessor wilting (11.745%) Among other lines tested EC-369060 and CH-28 gave higher yield 155.16 and 153.13 q/ha and consequently higher return also with Rs67.580 and Rs 66.560 respectively .These two lines had also less affected by wilt with 13.45 per cent. In all the characters, the variability was good enough expect plant height and number of flower and fruit per tree . The genotypic (@g )variances were found maximum for yield per hectare (1040.737, 1042.483), PCV, GCV and GA as per cent of mean was maximum in character wilting percentage (47.769, 47,465 and 97.155 ) Respectively. The Yield per plot is highly and positively correlated with individual fruit weight and yield per Plant . Thus it may be concluded that the line EC-339074 was found most suitable for farmer in Kharif season because there was less percentage of wilting (11.74) in adverse climatic condition and good yield with considerable economic return.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Sulphur And Boron Nutrition On Growth,Yield And Quality Of Onion (Allium Capa L.) CV .Nasikred
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2000) Suman Smriti; Rajesh Kumar
    The present investigation was conducted for the maximization of bulb yield in onion by the application of sulphur and boron. The experiment was laid out during rabi 1998-99.Experiment was conducted in Randomized Block Design with factorial fashion, comprising of four levels of sulphur ( 0,20,40 and 60 kg-1) and three levels of boron (0,1, and 2 Kg ha-1) to study the effect on growth, yield and quality of onion crop. The significant effect of treatments was observed particularly for growth attributes in later stages. The ultimate plant height (66.30cm), number of leaves (13.06),leaf length(53.33cm) and leaf width(4.05 cm)were recorded maximum in the treatment combination S2B2 while minimum neck thickness (4.63cm) was also observed in the same combination. Among the yield attributes bulb weight (70.33g),bulb volume(75.20cc) bulb length (5.60cm) and bulb diameter (5.92) were found maximum in the treatment combination S2B1.Finally the bulb yield per plot (9.03Kg ) as well as estimated bulb yield (209.10q ha-1)were obtained in the treatment combination S2B1.The quality attributes like dry matter percentage were recorded maximum 9.86 per cent for leaves and 14.36 per cent for bulbs in the treatment combination S2B2,while TSS percentage was maximum (14.25) in the treatment combination S3B2.Storability of onion bulbs at room temperature was recorded maximum (103.33days) in the treatment combination S0B2 and the minimum storability period(76.66days) was observed in the treatment combination S3B0.Interaction effect of sulphur and boron (S X B) were found to be non significant for most of the characters .So far as the economics of the trial was concerned the treatment combination S2B1 gave the maximum net return Rs 71.692=ha-1) as well as benefit cost ration (3.20) The present investigation suggested that significant increase in growth yield as well as quality were observed by the application of sulphur upto 40Kg per hectare and boron upto 1 Kg per hectare with recommended dose of NPK fertilizers.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of date of Sowing And Economics of Early Production of Cucurbitaceous Crops
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2000) Sunil Kumar Singh; B.M. Chaudhary
    Cucurbitaceous crops comprise an important and large group of vegetable crops of the family cururbitaceae. In plateau region of chotanagpur the farmers grow cucurbitaceous crops as summer and rainy season crops. However ,farmers can get more benefit by growing these crops in early summer, coinciding with peak consumer preference and high market price. Therefore, the present investigation entitled “ Effect of date of sowing and economics of early production of cucurbitaceous crops” was undertaken to find out the suitable date of sowing and most economic crop among the four cucurbitaceous crops. The experiment was conducted with four popular cucurbitaceous crops, cucumber ,watermelon, longmelon and ridge gourd with three dates of sowing i.e. 30th November, 10th December and 20th December .The sowing was done in polythene tubes which was kept under polythene house for germination and growth till final shifting in the field. Planting was done on 20th January in the field in Randomized Block Design which was replicated three times. Germination is affected by temperature and in general, more days are taken in germination at low temperature. In respect of growth characters first date of sowing (i.e. 30th November ) maintained its superity to subsequent dates in all the crops. Sex ratio male/female was found significantly lower at first date of sowing (i.e.30th November ) in compare to rest of sowing dates in all the cucurbitaceous crops. The highest yield in cucumber (123.07q/ha ) , watermelon (215.74q/ha ) and ridge gourd (108.9q/ha) were obtained when they were sown on 30th November. Among the four crops tested, highest yield (159.78)q/ha) was obtained from watermelon, followed by cucumber (109.89 q/ha),longmelon (104.8q/h) and minimum (89.81q/ha) in ridge gourd .similarly ,highest net return was obtained in watermelon ,followed by cucumber and ridge gourd i.e. 34.69 ,27.36 and 25.03 thousand rupees/ha respectively, while minimum(14.34 thousand rupees/ha )was obtained in long melon. On the basis of yield and economic ,30th November sowing was found best for all the four crops and watermelon gave more yield and maximum profit among different crops grown.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Efficacy of Herbicides in Transplanted Rice(oryza sativa L.)
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2000) Kamlesh Kumar Singh; G.P.Saha
    In order to study the efficacy of herbicides in transplanted rice (IR 36), an experiment was conducted in the Eastern section of the Ranchi Agricultural College Farm, Kanke, Ranchi during Kharif season (July-November 1999). The experiment was laid out in randomized block design. The treatments included five different herbicides viz. Butachlor, anilofos, oxyfluorfen, pendimethalin and benthlocarb applied alone and their five combinations with 2,4-D, single and twice hand weeding’s and a weedy check. Thus, there were thirteen treatments which were replicated thrice. The soil of the experimental plot was sandy clay loarn in texture, low to medium in fertility status and slightly acidic in reaction. The results revealed that among all the treatments, it was two hand weedings which recorded maximum grain yield (45.45 q ha''), straw yield (55.55 q ha') and gross return (Rs.23,092.95 ha). Amongst the remaining treatments, only butachlor + 2,4-D and benthiocarb + 2,4-D did not differ significantly from hand weeding twice in reducing weed population and weed dry weight and in enhancing growth, most of the yield attributes and grain and straw yields and gross return of rice. However, so far economics is concerned, it was butachlor + 2,4-D which registered maximum net return (Rs.13,965.21 ha) and benefit: cost ratio (1.54). A close perusal of data on net return and benefit cost ratio clearly indicated that only benthiocarb + 2,4-D and butachlor were comparable to butachlor + 2,4-D In enhancing net return, while the treatments like anilofos + 2,4 D, benthiocarb + 2,4-D, butachlor and anilofos were as effective as butachlor + 2,4 D with respect to increase in benefit: cost ratio. Hence, the above results clearly indicated that under the existing soil and fertility condition the weed control measures like butachlor + 2,4-D, benthiocarb + 2,4-D, anilofos + 2,4-D and butachlor might be adopted from both productivity and profitability point of view. Moreover, this is the result of a single year and therefore, for the confirmation of the result, the investigation needs to be repeated.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Fertility Levels And Boron Application On Growth ,Yield And Quality Of Potato(Solanum Tuberosum L.) Cv.Kufri Lalima
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2000) Udit Kumar; Rajesh Kumar
    The present investigation was conducted for the maximization of tuber yield in potato ( solanum Tuberosum L.) by the application different levels of NPK fertilizers and boron . The experiment was laid out during rabi 1998-99. Experiment was conducted in Randomized Block Design with factorial fashion , comprising of four levels of fertilizers (0%, 50%, 75% and 100%) of recommended dose of NPK i.e. 120Kg N. 80Kg P2O5 & 80Kg K2O ha-1) and three levels of boron (0,1 and 2 Kg ha-1) to study the effect on growth, yield and quality of potato crop. Altogether, the experiment consisted of 12 treatments which were replicated thrice. Growth,yield and quality characters were studied, including economics .Growth attributes were recorded at 1 5days interval. The significant effect of treatments were observed for growth attributes,yield and it attributes. The ultimate plant height (43.86cm), number of leaves per plant (72.40) and number of branches per plant (8.20) were recorded maximum in the treatment combination F3B2 but the spreading E-W(71.23 cm) and spreading N-S(62.20cm)were recorded maximum in the treatment combination F3B1. Among the yield attributes tuber weight per plant (419.00g), number of tubers per plant (20.10) and quality of (A) grade tubers per plot (10.80Kg) were found maximum in the treatment combination F3B1.Finally the tuber yield per plot (25.76 Kg) as well as estimated tuber yield (2.71.1Q ha-1)were obtained in the treatment combination F3B1. The attributes like harvest index (83.17% ) and TSS (10.86%) were recorded maximum in the treatment combination F3B2,while haulm weight per plant (81.86g) was recorded maximum in F3B1, drymatter percent age of tuber (20.70%) was recorded in the treatment combination F3B2 and storability of tubers in the treatment combination F3B2 and storability o f tubers at room temperature was recorded maximum (173.00 days) in two of the treatment combinations F1B1 and F2B1.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Variability And Character Association Studies In Chilli (Capsicum Annuum L.)
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 1999) Kiran Mary Kandir; Rajesh Kumar
    The present investigation on variability and association studies in chilli (capsicum annuus L.) was carried out in Department of Horticulture, B.A.U.,Ranchi. The experiment was conducted during rabi season of 1997-98 with 30 genotype collected from different parts of our country. The performance study of 30 cultivar showed good range of variation for plant characters viz plant height no of braches no of leaves and plant spread. Fruit characteristics also observed to have significant differences. Longest fruit was observed in cultivar RHRC-16-5(14.15cm) while the fruit with maximum weight was recorded in Phule suryamukhi (71.3 g) Fruit yield estimated on hectare basis was maximum in genotype LCA-304(113.33q/ha, which was followed by PKM (102.60q/ha) and PCi(86.09q/ha respectively. Drymatter(%) was observed to be highest in AC-3(23.86%.Plant mortality was highest in genotype sel-1-1(16.65% ) while fruit damage by insect infestation was maximum (24.70%) in genotypeAc-3. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences among the cultivars for all the characters except no of pickings.PCV and GCV were high for plant height, no of flowers per plant, no of fruit per plant, fruit length, fruit weight and fruit yield .High heritability coupled with high genetic advance were observed to be high for days to 50%flowering ,no of flower s per plant , no of fruits per fruit per plant, days to first picking ,first yield. The character association studies revealed that the fruit yield per plot had highly significant positive correlation with fruit yield per plant (0.641), no of fruits per plant (0.585) and no of flowers per plant (0.632).Results indicated that the cultivars LCA-304 ,PKM and PC-1 were high yield cultivars for green chilli fruits,and the component characters like no of flowers per plant,no of fruits per plant and fruit weight per plant were found important in improvement of chilli cultivars.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Nitrogen And Weed Management in Okra (abelmoschus esculentus Moench)
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 1999) Abhay Kumar; B.M.Chowdhary
    The experience entitled “ Nitrogen and weed management in Okra” was conducted during rainy season of 1998 at vegetable section of Department of Horticulture under the faculty of Agriculture , Birsa Agriculture university ,Kanke,Ranchi. It was conducted in randomized block design having sixteen treatment replicated three times with an objective to increase production of Okra use of herbicides /hand weeding along with the application of nitrogen in proper dose, four levels of nitrogen(0,40,80 and 120kg/ha) and a herbicide pendimethaline at the rate of 1 kg a.i./ha in 800 liters of water pre-emergence spray and two hand weedings (20and 40DAS). The vegetative characters like, plant height (92.16cm)number of branchs (10.46) number of nodes (13.93)were significantly better in N120 WM while minimum in control. Minimum days taken to first flower (1.40) was found in N 40 W0 and maximum (5.73) was in N120 wm. Among the yield attributing characters significant influence with application of nitrogen and herbicides were observed maximum fruit length (12.06) ,number of fruit per plant (10.33) were recorded in N120wm ,closely followed by N120 Wph and minimum in control. The treatment N120Wm gave maximum yield (108.02q/ha)followed by N80 Wm (68.92q/ha) and N80 Wph (66.25q/ha). Maximum profit of Rs. 44,777=50/ha and best benefit cost ratio (4.80) were obtained in treatment N120 Wm followed by a profit of Rs 25.619=00/ha and a benefit cost ratio 2.89 in treatment N80 Wm Based on these observation, judicious use of 120Kg N/Ha +hand weeding is suggest for maximum growth and yield of okra cultivation. However, herbicide (pendimethaline)may be used, if the labour is not available.