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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (SRI VENKATESWARA VETERINARY UNIVERSITY TIRUPATI - 517 502. (A.P.) INDIA, 2017) YUGANDHAR KUMAR, M; Ramana, J. V(MAJOR); Ravi, A; Suresh, J; Sivakumar, A. V. N.
    ABSTRACT: Shrimp shell meal (SSM) containing chitosan was evaluated for its prebiotic effect during creep, grower and finisher phases of swine feeding. During creep phase a total of 240 pre-weaned piglets were assigned at random to 5 dietary treatments of control diet (T1), T1 supplemented with antibiotic (T2), while in treatments T3, T4, and T5 dried and autoclaved SSM containing 15.5% chitosan was included at 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5%, respectively such that the rations contained 700, 1500 and 2300 mg chitosan/kg. Each treatment contained six replicate pens with eight piglets per pen. From 240 piglets at creep stage, 40 pigs were selected as and when they attained 15 kg body weight for growth studies during grower phase (15-35 kg) and were shifted to the corresponding diet during finisher phases ( 35-70 kg live weight). During these phases, the standard ration (T1) was supplemented with chlorotetracyclin (T2) while dried SSM was included at 2.5 (T3), 5.0 (T4) and 7.5% (T5), as a source of chitosan. The experimental diets were formulated as per NRC, 1998 and the diets were isocaloric and isonitrogenous. The growth performance and nutrient digestibility were studied. Two pigs per treatment at the end of creep and grower phases and 6 pigs per treatment at the end of finisher phase were slaughtered to study the small intestine morphological structures, gut pathogen load, serum biochemical profile and haematological parameters while carcass characteristics were studied after finisher phase. During creep phase, the initial litter weight (kg) was not significantly different among treatments whereas the final weight (kg) was higher (P<0.01) in piglets fed T2 toT5 than those fed on T1 and the values were 66.01 (T1), 73.33 (T2), 75.16 (T3), 75.83 (T4) and 79.56 (T5). There was no significant difference among treatments in total feed intake (kg). The feed per kg gain was higher (P<0.05) in T1 than in other treatments and the values were 0.88, 0.78, 0.73, 0.65 and 0.71 for T1 to T5 fed piglets, respectively. The height of villi in duodenum, jejunum and ileum as well as the ratio of villi height to crypt depth increased (P<0.01) with increasing levels of SSM. The height of villi (μm) in duodenum, jejunum and ileum of pigs fed on T4 and T5 ration was significantly higher (P<0.01) than in other treatments and the values were 166.8, 177.4, 217.8, 393.4 and 315.2; 171.0, 243.0, 245.0, 254.2 and 246.6; 174.4, 184.4, 177.6, 247.4 and 226.8 in duodenum, jejunum and ileum for T1 to T5 fed pigs, respectively. The ratio of villus height to crypt depth (VH/CD) which is a useful criterion for estimating the digestive capacity in the small intestine was highest (P<0.01) in pigs fed T4 ration when compared to other treatments and the values were 0.94, 1.26, 1.14, 2.08 and 1.18; 1.02, 1.27, 1.08, 2.08 and 1.12; 0.97, 1.08, 1.01, 1.76 and 1.06 in duodenum, jejunum and ileum for T1 to T5 fed pigs, respectively. There was a reduction in the E.Coli and Salmonella count in gut content of piglets fed diets containing antibiotic and shrimp waste when compared to control group and the values (cfu/g) were 76.35, 24.09, 32.23, 23.67 and 19.37 (E.coli); 53.52, 31.13, 40.29, 29.98 and 16.99 (Salmonella) in pigs fed T1 to T5, respectively. During grower phase, the ADG (g) was higher (P<0.01) in T4 (348) or T5 (324) than in T3 (310), T2 (303) and T1 (267) fed pigs. The ADFI (kg) was also higher (P<0.01) in T5 (0.80) or T4 (0.78) fed pigs than in T1 (0.73), T2 (0.75) and T3 (0.75) fed pigs which was not significantly different. The quantity (kg) of feed consumed per kg gain and the cost of feed per kg gain (Rs) were higher (P<0.01) in T1 fed pigs than in other treatments and the values were 2.77 and 61.24 (T1), 2.47, and 54.47 (T2), 2.42 and 53.46 (T3), 2.26 and 49.84 (T4) and 2.46 and 54.40 (T5), respectively. During finisher phase, the initial, final and total weight gain (kg) were not significantly different among the treatments and the values were 35.50, 70.75 & 35.25; 35.08, 70.66 & 35.58; 35.91, 71.33 & 35.41; 35.75, 70.91 & 35.16 and 35.75, 71.41 & 35.66, respectively for T1 to T5 fed pigs. The number of days taken was lower (P<0.01) in T4 (72) or T5 (79) than in T2 (90), T3 (80) or T1 (104) fed pigs. The ADG (g) was higher (P<0.01) in T4 (485) followed by T5 (451) than in T1 (338), T2 (393) or T3 (439) fed pigs. The height of villi in duodenum, jejunum and ileum and the ratio of villi height to crypt depth increased (P<0.01) with increasing levels of SSM. The height of villi in duodenum, jejunum and ileum of pigs fed on T4 ration was significantly higher (P<0.01) than in other treatments and the values were 177.4, 190.6, 176.8, 202.8 and 186.2; 176.4, 182.8, 178.4, 187.2 and 188.4; 172.0, 182.0, 171.4, 204.0 and 180.8 (μm) in duodenum, jejunum and ileum for T1 to T5 fed pigs, respectively. There was a reduction in the E. Coli and Salmonella count in gut content of pigs fed diets containing antibiotic and shrimp waste when compared to control group and the values (cfu/g) were 72.36,25.81, 35.70, 26.77 and 18.37 (E.coli); 61.25, 21.49, 34.61, 22.65 and 14.17 (Salmonella) in pigs fed T1 to T5, respectively. The digestibility of major nutrients except ether extract was increased when pigs were offered diets supplemented with SSM during finisher phase. The digestibility of DM, CP, CF and NFE was significantly higher (P<0.01) in pigs fed T4 and T5 rations than in other treatments and the values were 85.27, 85.84, 84.08, 87.69 and 86.61; 85.00, 85.98, 85.13, 89.65 and 85.01; 53.79, 56.78, 56.80, 64.75 and 64.85; 90.37, 90.91, 90.76, 93.22 and 93.15 in pigs fed T1 to T5, respectively, However, EE digestibility was significantly higher (P<0.01) in T1 and T2 compared to T3, T4 and T5 fed pigs. The nitrogen intake (g/d) was higher (P<0.01) in pigs fed T1 than in other treatments and was lowest in pigs fed T4 and it might be due to differences in feed intake during metabolism trial. The serum total protein concentration was increased (P<0.01) in response to SSM supplementation compared to control group which indicated that the protein status of the pigs had improved. The total protein (g/dl) content was highest (P<0.01) in T4 fed pigs than in T1, T2, T3 and T5 and the values were 5.41, 5.98, 5.96, 6.75 and 5.95, respectively for T1 to T5 pig feds. The albumin (g/dl) content was not significantly different among the treatments and the values were 4.25, 4.41, 4.43, 4.15 and 4.26, respectively for T1 to T5 fed pigs. The globulin (g/dl) and IgG (mg/dl) content was highest (P<0.01) in T4 fed pigs and was in order of T4>T5>T2>T3>T1 fed pigs and the values were 1.16, 649.16; 1.57, 695.16; 1.52, 694.16; 2.60, 716.50 and 1.69, 697.00, respectively for T1 to T5 fed pigs. The increased total protein concentration was primarily due to an improved globulin concentration, since there was increase in the serum IgG concentration. During creep phase, there was a decrease in the serum triglycerides, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and increase in HDL cholesterol and the values were 76.25, 70.75, 69.00, 64.25 and 65.25 (total cholesterol); 66.80, 65.25, 66.00, 58.50 and 61.75 (triglycerides); 41.00, 43.00, 42.25, 45.00 and 41.75 (HDL); 53.25, 27.75, 26.75, 19.25 and 23.50 (LDL) (mg/dl), respectively for T1 to T5 fed pigs. During grower phase also, there was a decrease in the total cholesterol, triglyceride and LDL cholesterol and increase in HDL cholesterol in pigs fed T2 to T5 than in T1 and the values were 76.75, 72.00, 71.75, 64.75 and 69.00 (total cholesterol); 72.25, 68.00, 68.25, 60.25, 68.00 ( triglycerides); 41.50, 43.25, 43.75, 44.25 and 44.25 (HDL); 35.25, 28.75, 28.00, 20.50 and 24.75 ( LDL) and the same trend was observed even in finisher phase and the values were 77.33, 75.33, 74.08, 67.40 and 71.08 (total cholesterol); 72.80, 70.00, 68.58, 61.50 and 65.83 (triglycerides); 43.08, 45.83, 46.16, 48.75 and 46.66 (HDL); 34.25, 29.50, 27.91, 18.65 and 24.41 (mg/dl) ( LDL). The major finding emerging from the current study was that indicators of gut function such as nutrient digestibility, small intestine morphology and ratio of villus height to crypt depth were augmented with supplementation of SSM, resulting in higher body weight gain and superior feed/kg gain ratio and it was concluded that SSM at 1% during creep stage and at 5% during grower and finisher phases was optimum as a source of chitosan to replace antibiotic feed additive. Further, the enhanced small intestinal morphology observed during creep phase was beneficial in sustaining the same trend of improved gut function, nutrient utilization and better growth performance during grower and finisher phases where SSM was included at higher levels than during creep phase.