Innovative curtain designs through computer technology

dc.contributor.advisorYadav, Nirmal
dc.contributor.authorRuhil, Anita
dc.description.abstractThe present study was conducted to develop innovative curtain designs. To attain the specific objectives 30 respondents were selected from Hisar city for evaluation about the existing practice use of curtains/curtain materials and 30 experts were purposively selected from I.C. College of Home Science to evaluate the innovative designed curtains. Existing practice use of curtains/curtain materials was got assessed on different parameters. Self structured choice index was prepared to know the preferences regarding the colour, fabric, fashion, cost, designing features, purpose of curtain, motivational source, criteria for purchase and satisfaction level by the respondents that is ultimate users. Twenty five innovative designed curtains were developed by incorporating various designing techniques /features using Corel Draw. Among the total of twenty–five innovative designed curtains, the five designs were preferred by the experts. The colours of innovative curtains were selected by the common consent of three experts that was cream and maroon. Fabric type was selected by 30 experts for the selected designs. Light weight material for design no. 7 and 10 and medium weight fabric material for design no. 15, 21 and 25 was selected. On the basis of assessment of designed curtains design no. 21 was preferred most and design no. 25 was least preferred by the experts in terms of designing techniques/features. The fabric and texture used for design no. 21 was found suitable and design no. 25 was found comparatively less suitable as per the expert’s opinion. The suitability of cost price was also evaluated and the innovative curtains fall in the category of high cost except design no. 15 whose cost was opinioned appropriate by the experts. Through innovative designed curtains the experts were influenced and got innovative ideas like use of Sindhi appliqué work give an idea to reuse the waste embroidered dupatta/ saree/or other unused material as an appliqué work on curtains. They also opinioned that designed curtains had harmony in using principle of art and are trendy. It imparts an idea that innovative designed curtains enhance the room in a better manner.en_US
dc.subHome Science
dc.subjectTechnological changes, Manpower, Selection, Processed products, Costs, Markets, Productivity, Economics, Self help, Physical controlen_US
dc.titleInnovative curtain designs through computer technologyen_US
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Innovative curtain designs through computer technology
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