Standardization of conditions for extraction of fibre from corn stover

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Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
Agriculture and textile have had a long standing relationship from ancient times. Maize is emerging as third most important crop after rice and wheat in India. Nowadays this crop is widely used for research purposes in textile to get fibre from its leftover stover. The present study deals with the various treatments given to the corn stover which includes retting of the corn stover, treatment of sodium hydroxide and xylanase enzyme. In this study the effect on physical and mechanical properties were observed and SEM of the corn stover fibre was also observed. The fibre retted for 15 days was having yield, i.e. 350 g/kg and was having good quality fibre as comparative to fibre retted for 10 and 20 days. It can be concluded that the corn stover retted for 15 days and the treatment given with 15.0gpl sodium hydroxide at 90°C for time duration of 90 min with pH7, can be recommended to treat corn stover fibre as it improves its physical properties, i.e. length (12.60 cm), crimp (0.32 %) and moisture content (0.31%) and mechanical properties, i.e. bundle strength (7.13 g/tex) and elongation (5.45%) which was maximum as comparative to the other treatment conditions. It was found that the optimized conditions for the application of xylanase enzyme on corn stover fibre were found 0.2 percent at 50°C for 30 min and pH7 which shows the best results on the physical properties, i.e. length (11.50 cm), crimp (0.53 %) and mechanical properties, i.e. bundle strength (8.11 g/tex) and elongation (6.33%) as comparative to the other treatment conditions. The SEM analysis of fibre shows that the fibre treated with sodium hydroxide was having diameter of 100 µm which was reduced after enzymatic treatment to 30 µm.