Development of carotenoid rich jaggery based products from pumpkin (PAU Magaz Kadoo-1)

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Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
The present study aimed at optimizing the processing techniques for preparation of nutritionally rich jaggery based products (toffee and bar) from pumpkin and to study physicochemical and phytochemical characteristics of the prepared products. Although pumpkin pulp contained bioactive compounds, liquid jaggery too was found to contain appreciable amount of phytochemicals and minerals. Five different formulations of toffee and bar were prepared by replacing sugar with liquid jaggery at different levels (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%). Compared to control (with refined sugar), addition of liquid jaggery considerably enhanced the minerals and phytochemical content of the formulated toffee and bars. Based on sensory analysis, pumpkin toffee and bar with 50% liquid jaggery was selected for shelf-life evaluation. Pumpkin toffee was wrapped in 3 different packaging material (laminated foil, butter paper and plain paper) under room temperature conditions (25±2ºC). While, bar was packed in laminated foil and butter paper and stored under room (25±2ºC) and refrigerated (4±1°C) conditions. During storage of toffee, a significant (p<0.05) effect on quality parameters (physico-chemical, phytochemical, color, textural and microbial attributes) were noticed. It was observed that shelf stability of pumpkin toffee wrapped in laminated foil and butter paper was up to 6 months. However, plain paper toffee was shelf stable for 4 months. Irrespective of packaging material, a significant effect was observed in physicochemical and phytochemical parameters of pumpkin bars stored at room and refrigerated conditions. Whereas, quality of bar was more affected at room temperature conditions. Among the packaging materials, quality characteristics of the products were more retained in laminated foil.
Gagandeep Kaur (2022). Development of carotenoid rich jaggery based products from pumpkin (PAU Magaz Kadoo-1) (Unpublished M.Sc. thesis). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.