Effect of harvesting and growth regulator on seed yield qulaity and vigour in cucumber (cucumis sativus L.)

dc.contributor.advisorAnnamma, George
dc.contributor.authorSindhu, B
dc.description.abstractA field experiment was conducted at the College of Agriculture, Vellayani to study the influence of harvest and growth regulator on seed yield, quality and vigour and also to standardise the physiological stage of maturity in cucumber. Growth characters such as length of vine, number of branches and leaf area index were significantly influenced by vegetable harvests and these characters increased with increase in number of vegetable harvests. The bearing capacity of the plant is improved by frequent picking of green fruits, but the mature fruit yield and seed yield were significantly reduced. Highest seed yield was obtained when the plants were left for seed collection without green fruit picking. Seed quality is not influenced by number of harvests. But when the economics is considered highest net return and B : C ratio were obtained for two vegetable harvest. So to obtain maximum returns we can combine seed production along with two vegetable harvests which gives some vegetable yield and reasonably good yield of quality seeds. Growth regulator caused reduction in vine length. Number of branches was not influenced by growth regulator. But LA! showed a significant Increase. Growth regulator caused significant increase in green and mature fruit yields and seed yield. Fruit yield, seed yield and net return were highest at 200 ppm of ethephon. Seed quality was not affected by the application of growth regulator except for] 000 seed weight. Seed quality is significantly influenced by stages of harvest. Weight of seeds per fruit and quality were highest for seeds when fruits were harvested 45 days after flowering which was on par with that at 30 days after flowering. Storage of fruits intact before seed extraction also had significant effect on increasing seed quality. Seed quality was highest when the seeds were extracted after storing the fruits for nine days. Even when the fruits were harvested at immature stage (15 days after flowering) the seed weight per fruit and seed quality parameters can be increased by storing the fruits intact before seed extraction for nine days. But when the fruits were harvested at 30 and 45 days after flowering there was not much variation in seed quality by post harvest storage of fruit before seed extraction.en_US
dc.keywordsHarvest, Farmyard manure ,Gibberellic acid ,Hectare ,Ethephonen_US
dc.publisherDepartment of Agronomy, College of Agriculture,vellayanien_US
dc.themeHarvesting and growth regulator on seed yield qulaityen_US
dc.titleEffect of harvesting and growth regulator on seed yield qulaity and vigour in cucumber (cucumis sativus L.)en_US
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