Studying variation among Eucalyptus clones for growth traits, flowering, and tolerance to gall wasp (Leptocybe Invasa)

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Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
Clonal Eucalyptus is the widely adopted by farmers of North-Western India and provides raw material for plywood and paper industries. The present study entitled “Studying variation among Eucalyptus clones for growth traits, flowering and tolerance to gall wasp Leptocybe invasa” was conducted at Department of Forestry & Natural Resources, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, by recording observations on 3 year old clonal trial, to investigate variation among the fourteen clones for various growth traits, flowering behaviour and incidence of gall wasp. In this study, clone C-413, C-407 and PE-11 were found to be promising ones from growth point of view, whereas, clone PE-11, C-413, C-72 and C-407 were superior in stem quality traits. Profused flowering were recorded in clone PE-7, PE-8 and PE-9, and nil flowering was in case of C-72, PE-12 and PE-14. In clone C-413 and C-407, floral buds were noticed but blossoming did not occurred. The highest honey bee visitation was recorded during afternoon session and maximum visitation on clone PE-9. The maximum incidence was recorded in F-316 and relatively lowest incidence was in case of clone C-413, PE-11, PE-14 and C-72. Gall incidence was recorded to be the highest in the month of April and starts to decrease from May to December and gradually increased January to April. The content of total soluble sugars and total phenol were found higher in the infested leaves whereas the protein content were found higher in the healthy leaves. Clones C-413 and PE-11 were found to be promising ones on basis of combined index score analysis and followed by C-72.