Comparative efficiency of lignocellulolytic fungi for bioconversion of coirpith

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Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani
Nine lignocellulolytic fungi, of which SIX viz., Pleurotus eous, P. squarrosulus, two strains of Calocybe indica, Schizophyllum commune and Coprinus comatus collected from Thiruvananthapuram district as a part of the study entitled "Comparative efficiency of lignocellulolytic fungi for bioconversion of coirpith" and three from AfCRP Centre on Mushrooms, College of Agriculture, Vellayani were used to find out their ability to decompose coirpith. All these fungi preferred natural media such as Oatmeal Agar and Potato Dextrose Agar, a temperature range of 25 -. 35°C and neutral to acidic pH for their optimum growth. , ' I In vitro studies were conducted to find out the efficient strains. Pre and post composting physico-chemical analysis were carried out. Coirpith was found to be acidic in nature. EC of non retted coirpith was very high. Ability of these fungi in degrading organic carbon, cellulose and lignin thereby narrowing down the C : N ratio and increasing the nutrient status were found out. Field level trials using P. eous, P. squarrosulus, P. sajor-caju, P. florida, C. indica-Z and S. commune revealed that all these fungi could efficiently degrade coirpith, Better degradation of retted and non retted coirpith was observed when they were inoculated with lignocellulolytic fungi for 45 days. Maximum reduction in organic carbon and C : N ratio was brought about by P. eous and S. commune in non retted coirpith. Higher concentration of nitrogen was observed in retted coirpith inoculated with the same fungi. The phosphorus content was maximum m non retted coirpith inoculated with P. eous, C. indica-Z; S. commune and P. squarrosulus. Maximum potassium content was observed In non retted coirpith treated with P. eous and P. sajor-caju. P. eous and P. sajor-caju treated retted coirpith brought about maximum reduction in cellulose, while lignin degradation was maximum for P. sajor-caju and P. eous treated non retted coirpith. P. eous brought about the maximum reduction in weight of retted and non retted coirpith, while maximum volume reductioh was noticed in retted and non retted coirpith inoculated with P. eous and S. commune respectively. The final compost was dark brown in colour with low levels of organic carbon, cellulose, lignin, narrow C : N ratio and with increased nutrient status. The results of the experiment clearly showed that P. eous, P. sajor- caju and S. commune are efficient decomposers of coirpith.