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Dr.RPCAU, Pusa
Mushroom cultivating before very long will be a productive venture to work on the financial states of ranch families and take care of business issues of both proficient and ignorant of rustic regions and semi-metropolitan, particularly ladies as it is ladies well-disposed calling. It guarantees a consistent pay for country families. The homestead ladies can take up this cultivating as a business venture mode through self-improvement gatherings and in close linkage with Krishi Vigyan Kondras, Research Organizations and State Agricultural Department. Ladies' association in bundling, reviewing, arranging and reaping was viewed as most noteworthy in mushroom cultivating. The mindfulness level in regards to assortments of mushroom for the most part developed in the space was most noteworthy and ladies’ ranchers felt the need of preparing for post-collect administration and promoting was of most extreme need. The mushroom development has an extraordinary potential for strengthening of homestead ladies and upgrade the pay of their family as well as helps in supporting country economy as well as country's economy by sending out to nations having interest for mushroom. The popularity for mushroom in global market can support and lift the feeling of confidence for ladies to take up mushroom as an essential yield for development. The fortune of ladies’ ranchers will positively be switched by taking around this undertaking. The research was directed in Samastipur District of Bihar state. Samastipur is one of the 38 Districts of Bihar in India. The District likewise gloats of a Central Agricultural University in Pusa, notable as Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar. From each chose town (Morsand, Thahra Gopalpur, Motipur and Kothia) 15 respondents were chosen by snowball procedure and additional data were assembled with the assistance of individual meeting plan. The fundamental reason for this examination is to assess the ladies mushroom cultivator's maintainability and its effect on their work. Keeping in view the goal of the research related data was assembled relating to financial profile, association of ladies’ mushroom cultivators, information, demeanor and the executive’s practices of ladies’ mushroom producers and important imperatives for their mushroom development. For obtain consequences of the review information were broke down by applying appropriate recipe and factual technique for example rate, mean, standard deviation, coefficient of relationship was applied for getting precision of the outcomes. To examine the factors affecting physical properties of Mushroom, after analysing the data, we found that 37% of female respondent have High knowledge of factors those are affecting physical properties of mushrooms. Around 53% of female respondents have average too high knowledge of physical properties affected of mushroom and 10% of female respondent they have low to average knowledge of factors affecting physical properties of mushroom. After analysis the data we found out that the mean value of all the respondents individual score is equal to 34.58 and median is cool is 34 mood is 33 and the standard deviation is deviated between 3.21. The mean score of respondents 34.58 completely demonstrate that female respondents have average too high knowledge of factors affecting physical properties of mushroom which is a good sign of knowledge. To understand the knowledge and attitude of women mushroom growers regarding storage management, after analysis of data we found that around 52% female respondent have a high knowledge of storage and management of mushrooms which is a plus sign be called in a small place like Pusa and Tajpur this is like very knowledge. 35% of female respondents have moderate knowledge of stories and management of mushroom. 8% of females didn't have very little knowledge about storage and management of mushroom, mean value of female respondent attitude of growing regarding a storage and management is 30.5 it meaning that majority of the female respondent have a high knowledge about the storage management. Mode value is 36, median value is 31 and a standard deviation is 4.26. Knowledge of respondents constrains perceived by mushroom growers regarding mushroom storage management. After analysis of data we found that 46 of respondents have High Knowledge Constraints perceived by Mushroom, 12 respondents have moderate Knowledge Constraints perceived by Mushroom and only 2 respondents have Low Knowledge Constraints perceived by Mushroom. When we see these data in percentage then got that 77% respondents have High Knowledge Constraints perceived by Mushroom, 20% respondents have moderate Knowledge Constrain perceived by Mushroom and 3% respondents have Low Knowledge Constraints perceived by Mushroom.