Genetic Analysis of Production and Reproduction Traits in Malpura Sheep

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The present study was undertaken in Malpura sheep for genetic analysis of production and reproduction traits. The data consisting 1727 Malpura sheep spread over from 1996 to 2007, maintained at CSWRI, Avikanagar, Rajasthan were used to estimate LSMs, genetic parameters and sire evaluation. The traits studied were BWT, 3WT, 6WT, 9WT, 12WT, ADG1, ADG2, ADG3, GFY1, GFY2, GFY3, AFS, WTFS and AFL. The data were subjected to LSMLMW and MIXMDL packages of Harvey (1990) and derivative free-REML package of Meyer (1998), taking sex, year, season as fixed effects; sire as a random effect; ewe weight and age at shearing as covariates. The least squares means (±S.E.) for above mentioned traits were 3.01±0.01, 13.62±0.07, 20.69±0.11, 23.57±0.12, 26.89±0.12, 118±0.76, 77.01±0.65, 38.11±0.82, 0.586±0.004, 0.371±0.01, 0.381±0.0 (kg.), 645±7.49 days, 26.32±0.13kg and 729.15±4.57 days, respectively. LSMs for all traits were in range. Fixed effects sex and year had significant (p<0.01) effect on almost all traits studied as compared to season. The males were heavier at all ages and produced more wool than female. The sire effect was significant for almost all traits. The estimates of heritability for growth and wool traits were highest for 6WT (0.254±0.07) and GFY-3(0.305±0.05). Model 2 and model 8 had higher estimates of heritability than Univariate DF-REML procedure. The genetic, phenotypic and environmental correlations among the growth traits under study were observed positive and from moderate to very high, except ADG 2 and ADG3. The ranking of sires was done by estimating their breeding values under all methods. All the rank correlations were significant. It can be stated from the present study that the 6WT and GFY1 can be continued for selection of animals. Also, the BLUP and DF-REML reveals better genetic potential of animals than earlier models, hence can be employed for ranking sires for growth and wool traits.