Study of rubber producer`s society of Thrissur district- sap analysis

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Department of Agricultural extension, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara
Rubber in Kerala is no longer a crop grown only in large plantations; it is , now gaining importance as a homestead crop also. The Rubber Board have setup the field level rubber growers' co-operative institution - the Rubber Producers' Society " (RPS) for providing infrastructural and technological support services needed by the small farmers. The present study entitled "A Study of Rubber Producer's Society of Thrissur District - SAP analysis" was aimed to analyse the structural and functional dimensions of RPS using Situation-Actor-Process (SAP) analysis, to analyse the shift in role perceptions and role performance of RPS in the present scenario, to analyse the managerial roles as employed by the RPS for the production and marketing of quality rubber production and to analyse the constraints in the functioning of RPS. Data were collected from a sample of 60 office bearers and 150 grower members identified at random from ten well functioning and ten poor functioning RPS of Thrissur District. The data on analysis revealed that majority of the RPS in Thrissur district were observed to be in the category of average performance. The experience of the RPS, membership strength, rate of growth in membership, extent of gender balance among the participants, maintenance of accounts, service area of the RPS, services of marketing, information and processing provided to the members, innovative programmes taken up, formation of SHG and community biogas plant were observed to be important contributing factors in the effectiveness of RPS. All the RPS were claiming good linkage with Rubber Board through field officials. It was observed that , , RPS officials were giving least importance to the major expected roles of creating awareness on grade based marketing, value addition, initiating Self Help Groups (SHGs) for women enabling community processing activities and industries. Negative correlation is found between the role expectation by the grower members about RPS and role performance by the RPS. Majority of the RPS officials keep good attitude towards the RPS. But a very low percentage of the grower members keep favourable attitude as majority of them were with neutral attitude only towards RPS. The major problems experienced by the office bearers in the implementation of RPS were - lack of co-operation on the part of grower members, lack of interest on the part of grower members, lack of working. capital, non adoption of new technologies etc while problems experienced by the RPS grower members were lack of training and technical knowledge, lack of physical facilities, lack of remunerative .prices, non co-operation among members, poor leadership of the RPS office bearers, lack of timely assistance and input supply, poor functioning and services of RPS, poor credit faci lities etc. The lapse on the part of the RPS office bearers and growers as 'Actors' witli role clarity of the situation are well pronounced here. The office bearers should be made aware of the 'goals' and vision of the RPS and the resultant role expectations and mission of the various stakeholders of the situation. Capacity building among the office bearers for effective leadership and management is of crucial importance. Efforts for initialization of the RPS should be there through focus on status, industries and participatory leadership.