Evaluation of antioxidant status and its modulation in buffaloes affected with dystocia

dc.contributor.advisorSuresh Chander
dc.contributor.authorSandeep Kumar
dc.description.abstractInvestigation was carried out to assess the endogenous antioxidant status of buffaloes suffering from dystocia and the antioxidant potential of ascorbic acid in buffaloes subjected to caesarean section.The study was conducted on 20 buffaloes affected with dystocia. The animals included in the investigation were randomly divided into two groups. To study the antioxidant potential of ascorbic acid on oxidative stress and stress perception by the animal experiencing difficult birth, 7.5 gm of ascorbic acid was administered intravenously prior to caesarean and then at 24 hour interval post caesarean in 10 buffaloes (Group 2). Alterations in vitamin C concentration, -carotene, blood MDA, plasmacortisol and plasma trace elements (Cu, Zn, Mn and Fe) levels were studied in blood samples collected from dystocia cases at 2, 24 hour and 24 hours post treatment and compared with values in pretreatment (0 hour) samples.Treatment with vitamin C significantly reduced the plasma cortisol level by 52.14% which was higher as compared to the reduction of 38.63%% in untreated buffaloes at 48 hours intervals post operatively from the base value. MDA level was significantly reduced in vitamin C supplemented buffaloes (13.49%) where as it was increased in untreated buffaloes (2.16%) at 48 hours intervals post operatively from the base value. significant increased was observed in zinc concentration (25.98%) in vitamin C supplemented buffaloes where as it was decreased in untreated buffaloes (3.17%) at 48 hours intervals post operatively from the base value. No Significant difference was observed in plasma concentration of copper, manganese and iron at any intervals in dystocia affected buffaloes of contol group as well as vitamin C treated group. However, In vitamin C treated group, progressive decreasing trend in plasma copper concentration but in case of iron, progressive increasing trend from 2 to 48 hours time intervals was recorded. Survival rate was higher (62.5%) in those animals which were relatively fresh and not handled at field level when presented in the TVCC, in comparison to 25% survival rate in animals which were already handled at field level.Survival rate following relief of dystocia appears to be slightly better following administration of vitamin C in both type of cases irrespective of previous handling of cases.en_US
dc.keywordsBuffalo, Dystocia, Vitamin C, Antioxidant, Cortisol and MDAen_US
dc.subVeterinary Gynaecology and Obstetricsen_US
dc.themeEvaluation of antioxidant status and its modulation in buffaloes affected with dystociaen_US
dc.titleEvaluation of antioxidant status and its modulation in buffaloes affected with dystociaen_US