Morphological, biochemical and molecular characterization of available germplasm and induced mutants in garlic (Allium sativum L.)

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Punjab Agricultural University
Garlic (Allium sativum L.) a bulbous crop propagated through vegetative means, has high therapeutic value due to abundance in sulphur containing compounds. In spite of clonal propagation, garlic has shown tremendous genetic variation. Present study was planned with the vision to explore magnitude of variation at genetic level among 139 garlic clones. Significant variation at morphological, biochemical and molecular level was witnessed among the garlic clones. Mahalanobis D2 categorized them into 8 clusters and PCA compressed 15 vectors to 7 components with 92.44% variation. Genotyping analysis represented that the PIC value ranged from 0.041 - 0.888, with average value of 0.583. Jaccard’s dissimilarity coefficient constructed dendrogram into two major clusters, where garlic clones belonging to Allium ampeloprasum formed cluster-I and rest Allium sativum subsp sativum and Allium sativum subsp ophioscorodon formed cluster-II. Extensive variation in biochemical attributes among various genotypes exhibited huge variation, where, dry matter ranged from 26.68 to 53.96%, pyruvic content 119.99 to 443.19mg/100g, allicin content 0.12 to 0.42%, total soluble solid content (TSS) 23.70 to 49.63ºB, total phenol content 0.32 to 1.39mg/100g, ortho-dihydroxy phenol 0.02 to 0.18mg/100g and Flavonol content 0.04 to 0.30 mg/100g. Screening of germplasm against stemphylium blight under natural conditions categorized it into- moderately resistant (28), moderately susceptible (72), susceptible (33) and highly susceptible (6), whereas, no genotype was found to be immune and resistant. Assessment of available germplasm has its own constraints, as it is limited to studying the existing variations and lacks the ability to generate novel genetic alterations. Due to sexual sterility and inability to exchange genetic material, new genetic modifications can be effectively induced through mutation in garlic. Hitherto, two garlic clones exposed to different mutagens viz., EMS, sodium azide and gamma irradiation at various doses and durations gave morphological mutants in MV2 generation, to be utilized in further crop improvement programmes. To overcome the challenge posed by its sterile behaviour, various growth regulators were tried for induction of flowering. Though, these treatments altered the morphology of garlic genotypes, affected aspects like germination as well as early and high scape length but were unable to trigger the process of flowering in garlic. However, the variability available in germplasm provided substantial opportunity to develop new clones with table and processing properties.
Karanveer Kaur (2023). Morphological, biochemical and molecular characterization of available germplasm and induced mutants in garlic (Allium sativum L.) (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.