Influence of Dietary Habits on Atherosclerosis

dc.contributor.advisorUsha, V
dc.contributor.authorLeena Joseph, P
dc.description.abstractA study on the influence of dietary habits on atherosclerosis was conducted among patients attending the Cardiac clinic at Medical College. Trivandrum. An assessment of the socio economic and food consumption pattern of the families of atherosclerotic patients. personal characteristics as well as dietary pattern of the patients and the effect of diet counselling which was imparted to selected case studies was also made. The results of the socio economic and dietary survey conducted in 100 families of the atherosclerotic patients, attending the Cardiac clinic at Trivandrum Medical College, revealed that, most of the patients belonging to the low socio economic group, resided in the rural areas and were habitual non vegetarians (95 per cent). Around 63 per cent of the families spent upto 60 per cent of their monthly income on food, purchasing staple food articles like cereals and roots and tubers weekly, perishable foods like milk, fish, leafy vegetables and other vegetables daily, and other foods like oilseeds, cooking oils, sugar and spices and condiments monthly. Pulses, fruits, meat and egg were purchased only occasionally by majority of the families. All the families used rice daily but majority of them were not in the habit of using cereals other than rice and wheat in their daily dietaries. Milk, fish, vegetables and cereals, palm oil, coconut oil, sugar, coconut, spices and condiments etc. were consumed daily by almost all the families. A comparison of daily food intake with RDA indicated that consumption of fruits, fish and meat, milk and milk products and sugar were in excess. The intake of almost all the nutrients were found to be satisfactory in the case of male members in the family, while the intakes of most of the nutrients was found to be higher among the female members. The personal characteristics and dietary pattern of the patients showed that the prevalence of the disease was high in men and the age at onset of disease was between 41-65 years. Twenty two per cent of the patients had a family history of the disease. The occurrence of hyper-tension (54 per cent), obesity (33 per cent) and diabetic (25 percent) among the patients was found to be prevalent. Alcoholism, smoking and tobacco chewing were also found in few patients. Fried food items prepared in palm oil or coconut oil were consumed without any restrictions some patients were in the habit of taking hypocholesterolemic agents like bittergourd, garlic etc. Inclusion of food exchanges which supplied more calories was food to be more frequent in their daily diets. Diet counselling at Cardiac clinic was imparted without the help of a dietition and the diet planning was not according to the individual needs of the patients. Most of the patients were not satisfied with the modified diet prescribed in the clinic. Amount of the actual intake of major nutrients by patients through food weighment survey indicated that the proportion of calories from fat was found to be high in all the patients and the proportion of calories from carbohydrate was considerably low. The present study indicated that educating the patients. With regard to a modified diet suitable to their individual life styles and economic conditions is very important in the control of the disease. The diet counselling which was imparted by the investigator in selected case studies for six months was found to be effective in controlling blood lipid levels of atherosclerotic patients. This implies that a well balanced diet with the correct proportion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats according to the patients ideal body weights will bring about a reduction in the blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels.en_US
dc.keywordsEstimation of triglyceridesen_US
dc.publisherDepartment of Home Science, College of Agriculture, Vellayanien_US
dc.subHome Scienceen_US
dc.themeDietary Habits on Atherosclerosisen_US
dc.titleInfluence of Dietary Habits on Atherosclerosisen_US
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