Assessment of bio-ethanol production potential from juice using sugarcane varieties

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Punjab Agricultural University
In the present study, 22 different sugarcane varieties/clones belonging to different maturity groups (early and mid-late) were procured from the Regional Research Station, Kapurthala and screened for 8 cane yield and its component traits, 6 physiological traits and 8 juice quality traits. Six potential clones/varieties, namely, CoPb 95, CoPb 92, Co 0118, CoPb 93, CoJ 88, Co 0238 were identified for bioethanol production on the basis of leaf area (cm2), fresh weight (kg), brix (%), extraction (%) and fibre (%) cane and further evaluated for seven biochemical traits and bioethanol production potential under lab scale. Yeast strain (S. cerevisiae MK 680910) was used for bioethanol production under lab scale and scale-up studies. Varieties CoPb 92 (early maturing) and CoJ 88 (mid-late maturing) with higher initial sugars and ethanol content under lab scale were selected as potential sugarcane varieties for scale up studies. CoPb 92 variety with initial °brix (20.97°B), total sugars (20.05 g/100ml), reducing sugars (0.567 g/100ml) yielded 12.44 (% v/v) initial ethanol content with fermentation efficiency of 96.21 (%) and ethanol yield 0.50 (g/g). After first distillation of fermentation wort, 0.340 l ethanol was experimentally recovered from 1.04 l with 32.76 (% v/v) ethanol content. Second distillation recovered 0.329 l ethanol with final ethanol content of 78.46 (% v/v). Whereas, variety CoJ 88 with initial brix (20.24°B), total sugars (19.88 g/100ml) and reducing sugars (0.814 g/100ml juice) yielded initial ethanol content of 11.68 (% v/v) with fermentation efficiency of 94.49 (%) and ethanol yield of 0.47 (g/g). Recovery of 0.481 l ethanol was obtained after first distillation of fermentation wort and subsequent second distillation resulted in 0.301 l ethanol recovery with ethanol content of 75.45 (% v/v). This information generated can be added as basic input to scale up technical process towards enhancing the production of bio-fuel in sugar industries of the state associated in bioethanol production. So, future study can be planned to evaluate bioethanol production for extended period (October – March), when a mix of reducing sugars and non-reducing sugars concentrations are available as a fermenting substrate to be exploited by different fermenting bioagents.The sugar industies can thus work on dual mode: by switching over from sugar production to ethanol production; depending on the situation (sugar deficit/sugar surplus).
Gupta, Alisha (2023). Assessment of bio-ethanol production potential from juice using sugarcane varieties (Unpublished M.Sc. thesis). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.