Zoonoses Risk – Perception of Dairy Farmers of Haryana

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The present study was conducted on 180 dairy farmers selected from eight villages of two districts viz. Hisar and Jind of Haryana to assess their knowledge about prevention of zoonotic diseases. The attitude of veterinary professionals towards Animal Hygiene was also measured. The data were collected by holding personal interview with the dairy farmers and veterinary professionals during 2017-18. Knowledge of the respondents was assessed based on experts opinion prepared in the form of recommendation and contradicted practices. For assessing the communication behavior of the farmers‟ a scale was used. This was assessed in terms of from where the information was sought, how much information was sought and how frequently information was sought. For documenting the undesirable practices of respondent‟s observation method was used. A scale was constructed for measuring the attitude of veterinarians. Summated ratings method was followed for construction of scale. The scale contained 22 items in all. The reliability of scale was 0.86.The knowledge of the respondents varied considerably. The minimum score obtained was the 28 with the highest being 68. It was argued that the farmers‟ knowledge seeking behavior plays an important role. There were significant differences between commercial and household farmers. More of commercial farmers scored high when compared to household dairy farmers. The sources utilized by the respondents most of times were other and progressive farmers followed by Veterinary hospital, Neighbours / Friends, Training, etc. Respondents were seeking most of the information on Selection criteria for disease free animal followed by Storage of feed, Supplemental feed preparation and Health care. More than half the numbers of observed dairy sheds were located in areas with a foul smell. A significantly large majority of farmers were allowing animals in the shed after/before milking. A majority of veterinary professionals were having moderate to strongly favourable attitude towards animal hygiene. Need to focus on continuing veterinary education is emphasized.