Prevalence and Management of Rice Root-knot Nematode (Meloidogyne graminicola) in rice

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Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
The rice root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne graminicola) is one of the most economically important nematodes affecting rice. It has been reported to cause significant yield losses in many regions of rice production. Surveys were conducted in rice growing areas of Punjab of district Bathinda and Faridkot in order to study the prevalence and incidence of rice root-knot nematode-M. graminicola. A total number of 152 nurseries were surveyed out of which 58 nurseries were found infested in both the districts with overall percent incidence of 38.16 percent. During a survey of rice crop a total number of 63 fields were visited out of which only 14 fields were found infested with an overall percent incidence of 22.22 per cent in both the districts. The studies were conducted on build-up of rice root-knot nematode M. graminicola in four different soils viz; sandy, sandy loam, clayey and loamy sand in two cultivars viz; PUSA 1121 and PR 116. Present studies revealed that significantly higher nematode population densities were observed in sandy soil while build up of rice root-knot nematode was minimum in clay soil indicating that losses caused by M. graminicola to rice crop were observed to be higher in infested sandy soils as compared to infested clayey soils. Effect of three water regimes viz; alternate wet and dry, saturated and flooded on build-up of rice root-knot nematode M. graminicola on two basmati (PUSA1121,PUSA PB1509) and two non basmati (PR116, PR114) varieties was studied. Significantly higher nematode population densities were observed in alternate wet and dry conditions followed by saturated conditions while build up of nematode population was observed to be minimum in flooded conditions. Studies revealed that nematode population would increase under water stress condition and more losses were observed to be caused by M. graminicola under aerobic cultivation. Of the eighty three genotypes screened against rice root-knot nematode five genotypes were found to be moderately susceptible and twenty two genotypes showed susceptible reaction and fifty six genotypes had showed highly susceptible reactions. In studies on effectiveness of chemicals, bio-agents and amendments, significant reduction in rice root-knot nematode population was reported with all the treatments. Basamid @ 40 g/m2 was found to be most effective in reducing rice root-knot nematode population.