Production and export performance of major fruits and fruit products for India

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Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
The production and export performance of major fruits and fruit products viz. banana, guava, citrus, mango and papaya were analysed for the period 1995-96 to 2014-15 using the time series data, to bring out the policy measures required for the upliftment of fruits economy in the country. The study was conducted using secondary data collected from various sources. To analyse the data various statistical tools such as; compound growth rate analysis, cuddy-della valle index, decomposition analysis and markov chain analysis were employed. The results revealed that the growth in banana production was positive and significant which was due to increase in area even though the growth in yield was moderate. The growth in area under papaya was meagre while production showed productivity led growth. The growth in productivity of mango was negative while production was mostly area led. The increased area under guava and citrus have resulted in positive and significant growth in production. The export of banana, orange, mango and papaya in terms of quantity and value were found to be increasing for the last two decades, while in case of guava negative growth was observed in value terms. The growth of export earnings of mango pulp and other processed fruits and vegetables was found to be increasing while the volume of export was minimal. The study emphasised on increasing area under those fruit varieties which have higher export potential, the use of better cultivars and technology to meet demand of the consumers and improved infrastructure along with better research to match the international export standards in order to earn valuable foreign exchange.