Dormancy studies in in-situ germination in mungbean (Vigna radiata L.)

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Kadam, Sandeep Raosaheb
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Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani
The present investigation was undertaken to assess the Dormancy in Mungbean having entitled “Dormancy studies in in-situ Germination in Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.)” at Department of Agricultural Botany, VNMKV, Parbhani during kharif 2020 and kharif 2021. The experiment arranged in Randomized Block Design with two replications and every treatment has four rows of 4.5 meter long with 45 cm distance in between rows. The package of practices was carried out as per recommendation for raising the good crop. The experimental materials included in the present study were 34 entries containing 25 genotypes and 9 standard checks which were collected from the Agriculture Research Station, Badnapur, VNMKV, Parbhani and Pulses Research Unit, Dr. PDKV, Akola. The observations were recorded on twenty three traits of yield contributing and seed quality characters. The yield contributing characters were days to 50 % flowering, days to maturity, days to shattering, plant height(cm), number of primary branches, number of cluster per plant, length of pods (cm), number of seed per pod, 100 seed wt. (g), seed yield per plant (g), biological yield per plant (g) and harvest index % whereas, seed quality parameters were recorded on germination (%), hard seed (%), time to opening pod (hrs), seedling length (cm), vigour index I, vigour index II, seedling dry wt. (g), seed hardness(Kg/cm2), α-amylase (mg/g) and dehydrogenase(µg/g).The observations on field level were taken of five randomly plants of all the yield contributing characters except days to 50% flowering, days to maturity and days to shattering. Laboratory work has completed in the laboratory of Seed Technology, Department of Agricultural Botany, VNMKV, Parbhani and laboratory of Soil Science and Agriculture Chemistry, College of Agriculture, VNMKV, Parbhani. The statistical analysis of data was carried out as per the standard method by Panse and Sukhatme. The genotypes BM-2019-1, AKM-1609, Phule M 818-8, AKM-1606 and check PKV Green Gold showed earliness and genotype TBM-6 showed late for day to 50 % flowering in kharif 2020 whereas in kharif 2021 and in pooled mean a genotype AKM-1609 recorded early and TBM-6 late in this trait. In days to plant maturity character earliness of maturity showed in the genotypes AKM-12-14, AKM-1609, AKM-1602 and Phule M 818-8 while genotype Phule M 817-13 observed late in kharif 2020. In second season i.e. in kharif 2021 and in pooled mean of both seasons genotype Phule M 818-8 showed early and TBM-4 for late maturity whereas genotype AKM-12-14 observed earliness while Vaibhav Ch. found late. The observations responsible for yield showed in the trait of plant height in cm, on the basis of pooled mean data, genotype Phule M 402-2-1 recorded tallest plant height, followed by check varieties PKVM-4 and Utkarsh whereas genotype Phule M 707-5 recorded dwarf plant height. In number of primary branches per plant which is directly contribute to yield and showed the range values of from 2.5 to 7.0. The next one number of pods per cluster is also an important factor which has effect on seed yield showed the range from 2.9 to 5.5. The number of pods per plant and length of pod also the important factors, which are also yield contributing traits and showed the positive correlation with seed yield. Among the genotypes Phule M 816-10 recorded highest and AKM-1606 lowest number of seeds per pod and range values were found from 9.4 to 15.1 in this trait. In the observation of 100 seed weight (test wt.) data revealed the genotypes TBM-4 recorded highest and AKM-1608 lowest test wt. The traits of seed yield per plant (g) and biological yield were observed range values from 5.4 to 11.7 g of seed yield per plant and 14.4 to 31.6 g of biological yield per plant in both seasons. These two traits showed significant relation to harvest index % and genotype Phule M 818-8 recorded high harvest index % followed by PKVM-8802, Phule M 817-13 and PKV-Green Gold while PKVM-4 exhibited low harvest index percentage. The main important seed quality parameter is germination percentage which has direct influence on seed yield by maintaining plant population in field. The germination percentage of different genotypes in this study measured the range from 72.8 to 93.8 %. Among the genotypes germination percentage values were recorded more than the Minimum Seed Certification Standard (MSCS) excepting only one genotype i.e. TBM-6. MSCS for mungbean is 75 % minimum. The seedling dry weight (g) showed a direct relation to the seedling length. Analyzed data showed highly positive significant relationship between seedling length (cm) and seedling dry weight (g). Seed vigour is a complex physiological trait that is necessary to ensure the rapid and uniform emergence of plants in the field. In this study vigour index I and vigour index II recorded positive significant with germination percentage. The genotypes Phule M 818-8, AKM-1605, Phule M 817-13 and Phule M 504-20-2 showed significant in germination %, vigour index I and II. The Fresh Seed Dormancy (FSD) of mungbean has assessed in this study by observing the time of opening of pods (hrs) in in-situ germination. The range values were observed from 0.8 to 80.8 hrs. Analyzed data revealed the result regarding different genotypes and checks, six were showed less, 18 were moderate and remaining ten were categorized in high fresh seed dormancy (FSD). The enzymatic activity of the enzymes α-amylase and dehydrogenase showed highly positive correlation with the character germination percentage, vigour index I and II in mungbean. It means increase in enzyme activity of α-amylase and dehydrogenase with increased germination percentage, vigour index I, vigour index II and vice-versa. However, it noticed negligible range of correlation with α-amylase and negligible non-significant negative correlation with time to opening of pods.