Etio-Pathology Of Female Reproductive Disorders In Slaughtered Murrah Buffaloes

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MAFSU, Nagpur
The present study to investigate the incidence of pathological lesions in genitalia of slaughtered female Murrah buffaloes was conducted at the Department of Veterinary Pathology, Bombay Veterinary College, Mumbai. One hundred and twenty-five female murrah buffaloes of different age slaughtered at an organized slaughter house, Deonar abattoir, Mumbai were randomly screened for postmortem examination of genital tract. Further an attempt was made to study the prevalence of these lesions with the help of hematology, serum biochemistry, bacterial examination, cytology and histopathology. For the present study three separate groups among the selected buffaloes was made. First group (Group I) included animals that showed gross pathological lesions in reproductive organs on P.M. examination and positive for bacterial isolates either single or mixed. Second group (Group II) included animals having significantly lower values of their mineral profile parameters. Third group (Group III) included the animals showing senile changes on both the basis of apparent gross observations and histopathological findings in reproductive organs. Group I showed significant increase in the TLC count and neutrophil count. In serum biochemical analysis there was significant decrease in TP in Group III along with an increase in the AST, ALT and GGT values. In mineral profile analysis a significant decrease in the parameters of Group II was noted. The gross lesions of uteri were categorized as infectious lesions viz. presence of cyst, metritis, pyometra and endometritis and further age related changes viz. uterine atrophy and mixed lesions. The gross lesions of ovaries were characterized as follicular cysts, luteal cysts and par-ovarian cysts. Histopathology of uterus demonstrated non-proliferative changes viz. cystic glandular dilation, lymphocytic and neutrophilic infiltration, glandular degeneration, fibrosis and proliferative changes viz. glandular hyperplasia and stromal hyperplasia. Whereas, histopathology of ovaries demonstrated follicular cysts, luteal cysts, decrease or absence of follicles and atretic follicles. Different bacteria were isolated from 48 uterine samples (38.40%). Out of these Escherichia coli was isolated from 21 (43.75%), Staphylococcus aureus from 14 (29.16%), Streptococcus spp. from 8 (16.68%) and Klebsiella spp. from 5 (10.41%) samples taking into consideration both mixed and single isolates. Infection with these bacteria could be thus co-related to various inflammatory and other pathological conditions of uterus. Cytological investigations revealed the presence of neutrophils, lymphocytes and plasma cells in 42 cases. Conclusively in present study it was observed that endometritis is the most common pathomorphological lesion observed in the slaughtered buffaloes and E. coli is the most common pathogenic bacteria isolated.