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Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur

The history of agricultural education in Kerala can be traced back to the year 1896 when a scheme was evolved in the erstwhile Travancore State to train a few young men in scientific agriculture at the Demonstration Farm, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram, presently, the Cropping Systems Research Centre under Kerala Agricultural University. Agriculture was introduced as an optional subject in the middle school classes in the State in 1922 when an Agricultural Middle School was started at Aluva, Ernakulam District. The popularity and usefulness of this school led to the starting of similar institutions at Kottarakkara and Konni in 1928 and 1931 respectively. Agriculture was later introduced as an optional subject for Intermediate Course in 1953. In 1955, the erstwhile Government of Travancore-Cochin started the Agricultural College and Research Institute at Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram and the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences at Mannuthy, Thrissur for imparting higher education in agricultural and veterinary sciences, respectively. These institutions were brought under the direct administrative control of the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Animal Husbandry, respectively. With the formation of Kerala State in 1956, these two colleges were affiliated to the University of Kerala. The post-graduate programmes leading to M.Sc. (Ag), M.V.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees were started in 1961, 1962 and 1965 respectively. On the recommendation of the Second National Education Commission (1964-66) headed by Dr. D.S. Kothari, the then Chairman of the University Grants Commission, one Agricultural University in each State was established. The State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) were established in India as an integral part of the National Agricultural Research System to give the much needed impetus to Agriculture Education and Research in the Country. As a result the Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) was established on 24th February 1971 by virtue of the Act 33 of 1971 and started functioning on 1st February 1972. The Kerala Agricultural University is the 15th in the series of the SAUs. In accordance with the provisions of KAU Act of 1971, the Agricultural College and Research Institute at Vellayani, and the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, were brought under the Kerala Agricultural University. In addition, twenty one agricultural and animal husbandry research stations were also transferred to the KAU for taking up research and extension programmes on various crops, animals, birds, etc. During 2011, Kerala Agricultural University was trifurcated into Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (KVASU), Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS) and Kerala Agricultural University (KAU). Now the University has seven colleges (four Agriculture, one Agricultural Engineering, one Forestry, one Co-operation Banking & Management), six RARSs, seven KVKs, 15 Research Stations and 16 Research and Extension Units under the faculties of Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering and Forestry. In addition, one Academy on Climate Change Adaptation and one Institute of Agricultural Technology offering M.Sc. (Integrated) Climate Change Adaptation and Diploma in Agricultural Sciences respectively are also functioning in Kerala Agricultural University.


Search Results

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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Molecular characterization of promising isolates of trichoderma spp. and their field evaluation against fusarium wilt of vegetable cowpea
    (Department of plant pathology, college of agriculture,Vellayani, 2023-08-07) Jeevidha, M; KAU; Sible, George Varghese
    The present study entitled “Molecular characterization of promising isolates of Trichoderma spp. and their field evaluation against Fusarium wilt of vegetable cowpea” was conducted at the Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani during 2020-2022. The study aimed at molecular characterization of potential Trichoderma isolates and their evaluation against Fusarium wilt of vegetable cowpea under field conditions. Five potent isolates of Trichoderma viz., TRMW-2, TRKR-2, TRPN-3, TRPN-11 and TRPN-17 were obtained from the previous study. The analysis of Trichoderma isolates for cell wall degrading enzymes like chitinase, protease and lipase revealed that TRPN-17 recorded the highest chitinase activity of 88.38 U ml-1 . Protease activity was found to be higher in TRPN-11 (165.86 U ml-1 ) whereas highest lipase activity was exhibited by TRPN-3 (4.86 U ml-1 ). The compatibility test among the five isolates showed that all the combinations exhibited antibiosis, lysis and overgrowth except the isolates TRPN-3 and TRPN-11 which displayed only overgrowth. A mild level of antibiosis and overgrowth was observed in the combination of the isolates TRKR-2 and TRPN-17. Assessment of competitive saprophytic ability of the Trichoderma isolates showed that per cent colonization of TRKR-2 was found to be higher (67.50 %) than other isolates and was followed by TRPN-3 and TRPN-17 (56.25 %) with no significant difference among all five isolates. In vitro screening of Trichoderma isolates by dual culture technique revealed that the per cent inhibition of TRPN-17 (63.71 %) was found to be higher, followed by TRKR-2 (58.76 %) and TRPN-3 (58.21 %). Based on the in vitro studies the effective isolates TRKR-2, TRPN-17, TRPN-3, consortia of isolates TRKR-2 and TRPN-17 and consortia of isolates TRPN-3 and TRPN-17 were selected for the in vivo evaluation against Fusarium wilt of vegetable cowpea. Molecular characterization of the isolates were done using the primers for Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) regions 1 and 4. All the five isolates produced a single, intact amplicon of size 600 bp approximately. The nucleotide sequences of all the ITS PCR products obtained from the five isolates were confirmed through bidirectional sequencing using the Sangers DNA sequencing. The best match of the amplified sequences was obtained from the GenBank database using NCBI-BLAST and their phylogenetic positions were explored along with the referral sequences from BLAST analysis. The oligonucleotide set of genus-specific primer TvP was used for genus-specific PCR analysis and an amplicon of approximately 245 bp was obtained. The DNA barcoding of the amplicon confirmed the genus identity of all the isolates as Trichoderma. The species-specific identification tried with translational elongation factor- 1 (tef1) and RNA polymerase II (rpb2) gene specific primers did not yield any amplicon indicating that the isolates did not belong to the species T. virens, T. longibrachiatum, T. harzianum and T. asperellum. Application of talc-based formulations of the isolates TRKR-2, TRPN-3, KAU strain and consortium of TRPN-3 and TRPN-17 as seed treatment @ of 20 g kg-1 of seed followed by soil drenching @ 2 per cent at 20, 40 and 60 DAS effectively reduced the incidence of Fusarium wilt of vegetable cowpea in pot culture study. The application of isolate TRPN-3 produced highest pod number (19) in pot culture experiment and also yield per plant (369.57 g) on par with the yield per plant produced by consortia application of TRPN-3 and TRPN-17 (344.52 g). Under field conditions, the disease was most effectively reduced by isolates TRKR-2, TRPN-3, KAU strain and consortia of TRKR-2 and TRPN-17. Lengthy pods (48.16 cm) and highest number of seeds per pod (21.73) were recorded by the application of consortium of TRPN-3 and TRPN-17 whereas application of TRPN-3 resulted in highest yield (1172.63 g/plant), number of pods per plant (19) and reduced days of flowering. Enumeration of population of Trichoderma spp. from soil in different treatments at 90 DAS revealed that, highest population was in treatment with isolate TRPN 3 under pot culture (7 ×104 cfu g-1 ) and field conditions (4 ×104 cfu g-1 ) . In the present study, Trichoderma isolates TRKR-2, TRPN-3, and consortium of TRPN-3 and TRPN-17 were found effective against Fusarium wilt of vegetable cowpea under field conditions. The genus of the isolates under study was identified as Trichoderma. The efficacy of the isolates against other soil-borne diseases of vegetable cowpea and species level identification need to be explored
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Cataloguing and documentation of diseases of sympodial orchids in kerala
    (Department of plant pathology,Vellanikkara, 2023-07-15) Anjali, P; KAU; Deepa, James
    Orchids are valued for their exotic beauty and long vase life, making them one of the most popular cut flowers and ornamental plants worldwide. Currently, orchids hold sixth position among the top ten cut flowers in the world, among which, sympodial orchids rank higher in the export market. However, orchid cultivation is challenged by many biotic factors especially fungal, bacterial and viral diseases, which reduce production potential and economic value. Hence, the present study, ‘Cataloguing and documentation of diseases of sympodial orchids in Kerala’ was proposed with the objective to document various diseases affecting sympodial orchids in Kerala. A purposive sampling survey in orchid growing areas of three districts viz., Thrissur, Ernakulam and Thiruvananthapuram conducted revealed the incidence of leaf blight, leaf spot, wilt, black rot, soft rot, twig blight, petal blight and flower spot diseases in four different sympodial orchids such as Dendrobium spp., Cattleya spp., Oncidium spp. and Spathoglottis spp. Among the 49 diseased samples collected from eight different locations, 21 diseased samples were obtained from Dendrobium spp., 16 from Oncidium spp., six from Cattleya spp. and six from Spathoglottis spp. PDS and PDI were calculated for each symptom from Dendrobium spp., and the highest PDI and PDS were recorded for VY DLB (76.47 %) and MT DLB1 (36.67 %) respectively. In Cattleya spp. highest PDI and PDS were recorded for VY CLS (70.80 %) and VP CSR (48.5 %) respectively. In Cattleya spp. highest PDI and PDS were recorded for VY CLS (70.80 %) and VP CSR (48.5 %) respectively. In Oncidium spp., the highest PDI and PDS were recorded for VK OLS1 with 76.92 per cent and 46.90 per cent respectively. In Spathoglottis spp., highest PDI (48.0 %) and PDS (29.79 %) were recorded for MT SLB1. From the PDS and PDI data, it was found that, leaf blight symptoms were more common and severe in Dendrobium spp. whereas leaf spot symptoms were more severe in Oncidium spp. In Cattleya spp., leaf spot symptoms were most frequently noticed, and soft rot symptom showed highest disease severity. In Spathoglottis spp., leaf blight symptoms were most frequent and severe. PDS and PDI values were correlated with light intensity at different survey locations, and a negative correlation was observed. Isolation of pathogens from diseased samples yielded 52 fungal isolates and one bacterial isolate from different sympodial orchids. A total of 21 fungal isolates were obtained from Dendrobium spp.,18 fungal isolates from Oncidium spp., five fungal isolates and one bacterial isolate from Cattleya spp. and nine fungal isolates from Spathoglottis spp. All the isolates showed different symptoms upon artificial inoculation and these isolates could be reisolated and confirmed as pathogens. The pathogens were identified at generic level based on cultural and morphological characteristics. Different fungal isolates, such as Fusarium spp. (9 nos.), Colletotrichum spp. (6 nos.), Alternaria spp. (2 nos.), Sclerotium spp. (2 nos.), Phytophthora sp. (1 no.) and Curvularia sp. (1 no.) were obtained from various symptoms collected from Dendrobium spp. The pathogens isolated from Oncidium spp. were Colletotrichum spp. (11 nos.), Diplodia sp. (1 no.), Diaporthe sp. (1 no.), Pestalotia sp. (1 no.), Alternaria sp. (2 nos.), Phytophthora sp. (1 no.) and Fusarium sp. (1 no.). Fungal isolates such as Colletotrichum spp. (2 nos.), Fusarium sp. (1 no.), Lasiodiplodia sp. (1 no.), and a bacterial isolate, Pectobacterium sp. were isolated from Cattleya spp, and Colletotrichum spp. (7 nos.), Fusarium sp. (1 no.) and an unidentified fungal culture were obtained from Spathoglottis spp. Molecular characterisation of major pathogens from Dendrobium spp., Oncidium spp., Cattleya spp. and Spathoglottis spp. was done for species level identification. Leaf blight pathogens, VL DF1, VY DF, IK DF1 and MT DF1 were identified as Colletotrichum boninense, Fusarium proliferatum, Fusarium oxysporum and Sclerotium rolfsii respectively, and the leaf spot pathogen, VP DF1 was identified as Alternaria alternata. The leaf spot pathogens, VK OF3 and IK OF1 from Oncidium were identified as Colletotrichum sp. and Diaporthe tulliensis respectively. The isolate, VY CF2 causing leaf spot disease in Cattleya was identified as Lasiodiplodia theobromae and the fungus MT SF1, causing leaf blight symptom in Spathoglottis was identified as Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. The bacteria (VP CB) causing soft rot symptom in Cattleya was identified as Pectobacterium aroidearum. In vitro studies were carried out using chemicals and biocontrol agents against seven fungal pathogens and one bacterial pathogen. Based on the data, hexaconazole was the most effective among the systemic fungicides, which showed 100 per cent inhibition of Colletotrichum boninense (VT DF1), Fusarium proliferatum (VY DF), Sclerotium rolfsii (MT DF1), Alternaria alternata (VP DF1) and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (MT SF1) at all three doses. The fungicide also showed 100 per cent inhibition of Lasiodiplodia theobromae (VY CF2) at higher dose, while it was least effective (38.33-79.58 %) against Colletotrichum sp. (VK OF3). Bordeaux mixture (1 %) was found to be the most effective contact fungicide, which showed complete inhibition of all pathogens under study except Alternaria alternata (76.25 %). Among two combination fungicides evaluated, carbendazim 12 % + mancozeb 63 % could inhibit all fungal pathogens except Alternaria alternata (52.91 to 65 %). Among the chemicals evaluated against Pectobacterium aroidearum, copper hydroxide showed a maximum per cent inhibition (25.92 %) followed by 1 % Bordeaux mixture (15.5 %) while streptocycline showed per cent inhibition ranging from 0-16.67 per cent. Among the biocontrol agents evaluated, PGPM showed maximum inhibition per cent against the fungal pathogens (60.41-100 %) followed by PGPR-II (50.41-100 %) and Trichoderma asperellum (20.41-91.16 %), while Pseudomonas fluorescens was found to be least effective. In the case of Pectobacterium aroidearum, no inhibition was found when evaluated with P. fluorescens, PGPR-II and PGPM. However, Trichoderma asperellum exhibited a lower inhibition percentage (26.67 %) against the bacterial pathogen. Bioassay studies revealed that carbendazim 12 % + mancozeb 63 % was highly effective against Colletotrichum boninense (VT DF1), followed by Fusarium proliferatum (VY DF), S. rolfsii (MT DF1) and Colletotrichum sp. (VK OF3), whereas the fungicide was found least effective in controlling Lasiodiplodia theobromae (VY CF2) under in planta condition. Hence the study has thrown light upon the diseases affecting sympodial orchids in Kerala and disease management by chemicals and biocontrol agents under in vitro condition.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Biochemical response of okra to bhendi yellow vein mosaic virus and production of virus free plants
    (Department of plant pathology,Vellayani, 2023-11-14) Swetha, B Nair.; KAU; Ayisha, R; KAU
    The research entitled ‘Biochemical response of okra to Bhendi Yellow Vein Mosaic Virus and production of virus free plants’ was undertaken at the College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram during the years 2021 to 2023 with the objective of host pathogen interaction of Bhendi yellow vein mosaic virus (BYVMV)infecting okra, screening of different genotypes of okra cultivars for disease resistance and production of virus free plants using meristem culture. Purposive sampling survey was done and samples were collected from AEU8 and AEU 10. The disease incidence of virus infected okra plants in surveyed locations ranged from 37 to 100 %. And vulnerability index varied from 23.40 to 85.20. Highest V. I. was observed in Arka Anamika (85.2) followed by varieties, Varsha Uphar(80) and Anakomban (83.53). The okra variety, Anjitha, recorded lowest disease incidence of 37.20 per cent and vulnerability index of 23.40. Disease incidence was observed to be high at the flowering and fruiting stage. The virus causing BYVMD was serologically detected using ELISA and DIBA and found that BYVMV isolate have close relationship with tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus. The molecular detection of virus was done using PCR and an expected amplicon of size 520 bp was obtained using Deng primer. The BLAST analysis of the sequence of amplicon from okra with vein clearing symptom and enation symptom showed 96.27 % and 96.67 % similarity with DNA-A segment of bhendi yellow vein mosaic virus isolate. Out of 286seeds collected from infected plants seeds sown, only 57.14 % germination was observed. None of the seedlings established symptoms till flowering stage. Molecular analysis of random samples taken from asymptomatic leaves of grow out plants also showed negative reaction to the virus. ELISA also showed negative results confirming absence of seed transmission. But, presence of virus was detected molecularly on whole seeds taken randomly from the seeds collected from infected plants. Out of 20 seeds examined only four seeds showed positive reaction. The presence of virus was also not detected on any of the seed parts examined. Hence it can be inferred that the virus is present on seed samples but there is no seed transmission. On screening of 15varieties, Phule Vimukta variety (V.I.-13.34) was found to be moderately resistant to BYVMD and Anjitha variety (V. I.- 38.30) was moderately susceptible to BYVMD. Arka Anamika, Anakomban, Arka Nikitha and ten NBPGR accessions studied were found to be highly susceptible to BYVMD.(IC 052303, IC 00780, IC 588166, IC 002134, IC 006101,IC 002024, IC 043279, IC 093771, IC 093688, IC 045820)Defense-related enzymes activities varied with genotypes and also with the growth stages of the crop. Tolerant varieties were found to possess the highest content of defence enzymes compared to susceptible varieties. PO activity of moderately resistant variety Phule Vimukta was observed with 270.29 % and 35.02 % more enzyme activity than the susceptible variety, Anakomban at 90 days after sowing and 45 days after graft inoculation respectively. PO and PPO activity showed an increasing trend on inoculation with virus while PAL showed a decreasing trend. Standardisation of production of virus free plants using meristem culture was done. Meristem culture can be successfully done using MS media with BAP (0.5µM), NAA(0.1 µM) and GA3(0.1µM). Virus indexing of meristem cultured plants by PCR confirmed the absence of virus in regenerated plants. Based on the present study, the virus causing BYMD showing symptoms of vein clearing and enation was found to be BYVMV. Presence of virus was detected on seed (20 %) but seed transmission was not observed in grow out test. Breakdown of resistance was observed in Varsha Uphar and Arka Anamika which were earlier reported as resistant. The variety Phule Vimukta, with disease resistance and high defense related enzyme activity can be used for breeding purposes for the development of disease resistant varieties. Meristem culture can be successfully used for the production of disease-free planting materials and production of quality seeds.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Identification of sources of resistance and effective non chemical methods for the management for major viral disease of chilli in Kerala
    (Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture ,Vellanikkara, 2023-01-18) Sujisha, C S; Sumiya, K V; KAU
    The present study was undertaken in an endeavor to gain some understanding regarding the viral diseases affecting chilli and devising suitable management strategies to contain them. A purposive sampling survey conducted involving 3 districts of Kerala, namely Palakkad, Thrissur and Malappuram covering over 15 locations and 44 samples revealed symptoms descriptive of viral infection like curling, puckering, cupping and yellowing of leaves, dwarfing of plants and low fruit set in affected plants. To identify the etiological agent(s) associated with the symptoms, transmission studies were carried out. Whitefly transmission and graft transmission gave positive results whereas none of the samples that were sap transmitted exhibited symptoms indicating the presence of a geminivirus. Detection methods like Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Enzyme Linked Immunosorbant Assay (ELISA) were also carried out. Geminate particles were observed but no mosaic causing virus was detected in EM. ELISA performed on samples with mosaic like symptoms for the presence of potyvirus and CMV did not detect the presence of suspected virus in it. Hence, it was concluded that leaf curl disease was the only major disease affecting the crop in the area. Characterization of the virus (s) responsible for the leaf curl disease was attempted. DNA was isolated from seven representative samples after which PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) was performed with two sets of primers, degenerate (DENG) primer and a specific primer. The PCR amplified products of four representative isolates were sequenced and analysed for homology with sequences available in NCBI using BLAST software. Three of the isolates showed maximum nucleotide identity to the Pepper leaf curl Bangladesh virus isolate India/Coimbatore/Chilli/2008 segment DNA-A, complete sequence (HM007096.1) and the other isolate showed maximum identity with Chilli leaf curl virus-India isolate Raichur segment DNA-A, complete sequence (MK161454.1). A phylogenetic tree was constructed combining different geminiviruses reported from different crops to study the sequence similarity existing amongst them. The amino acid sequence of the coat protein gene of the isolate PKD-1 was predicted using the ExPASy translation tool available online. With the aim of identifying source (s) of resistance against chilli leaf curl disease in Kerala, two sets of screening experiments were carried out. In the initial field screening of 30 accessions, Violet Mulak, a local accession remained symptomless whereas Arka Lohit (IIHR) and Phule Jyothi (MPKVV) remained highly resistant. The molecular confirmation of the incidence of Chilli leaf curl virus (ChiLCV) in the field was done by performing PCR using primers specific to the CP gene region of the concerned virus. A pot experiment was set up to once again score the disease reaction of 48 accessions including those used in field screening along with a few more accessions. In this experiment, Phule Jyothi remained symptomless and Violet mulak turned out highly resistant whereas Arka Lohit remained HR. Twentysix random infected accessions were confirmed for the presence of ChiLCV in them. The three accessions that were adjudged highly resistant following the conclusions of the abovesaid two screening experiments were subjected to graft transmission. Fifty days old field exposed plants of the resistant sources were used as rootstocks in wedge grafting with scions from known susceptible variety. At 60 days of grafting, rootstocks and scions failed to amplify the primer indicating the absence of virus in them. From all these experiments, what could be inferred is that these accessions possessed true resistance against the virus up to 50 days after transplanting in the field. A management study to evaluate the efficacy of certain plant extracts and biocontrol agents in containing chilli leaf curl disease was undertaken the results of which indicate spraying the leaf extract of Azadirachta indica (10 %) or Mirabilis jalapa (10 %) as the best treatment. The only biocontrol agent with an effect on par with the best treatments was Bacillus subtilis applied as seed treatment (10g kg-1 seed) and foliar spray (20g l-1). All the four plant extracts did have a reducing effect on the disease severity with the least mean recorded in A. indica (10 %).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Management of foot rot of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) with mycoinoculant enriched vermicompost
    (Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2002) Divya, S; Sasikumar Nair
    The study, "Management of foot rot of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) with mycoinoculant enriched vermicompost" was done at the Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Veliayani to explore the possibility of using vermicornpost as a carrier material for mass production of biocontrol agents and to test its efficacy in controlling the disease. The talc based inoculum of Trichoderma harzianum and soil based granular inoculum of Glomus Jasciculatum were mass produced in vermicompost either alone or in combination with farmyard manure or neem cake in the ratio 1 : 1 and 5 : 1 respectively and the efficacy was compared with the standard carrier material of FYM + neem cake (10 : 1). The population of T. harzianum 15 DAI was maximum in the treatment combination of VC + NC (5 : 1). However, the influence of these carrier materials on percentage of mycorrhizal infection 50 DAI was not statistically significant. Vermicompost as a carrier material for biocontrol agents was further tested in pepper var. Karimunda inoculated with P. capsici. Carrier materials as such had no significant influence on disease control. Reduction in foliar infection, disease index, stem infection and percentage mortality was observed in treatments with biocontrol agents. Disease control was maximum with the treatments involving T. harzianum while plant growth promotion was maximum with G. Jasciculatum. The physiological changes in pepper plants after inoculation with P. capsici and biocontrol agents were studied. The phenol and OD phenol content was more in pathogen inoculated plants. The defence related enzymes peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase and phenylalanine ammonia lyase were enhanced with pathogen inoculation as well as with the application of biocontrol agents. SDS-PAGE analysis of proteins with samples extracted from plants one day after inoculation of pathogen showed the presence of two novel proteins with molecular . weights of 78 kDa and 28 kDa in diseased samples which were absent in treatments without pathogen and also in plants treated with COC.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Etiology of bud proliferation in vegetable cowpea
    (Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2022) Devika, S; KAU; Radhika, N S
    The study entitled „Etiology of bud proliferation in vegetable cowpea‟ was conducted at Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani during 2019-2021 with an objective of studying the symptomatology, immuno-molecular detection and characterization of incitant/(s) of bud proliferation in vegetable cowpea. Bud proliferation disease of cowpea has been observed in different varieties in different locations. Purposive sampling was carried out in different locations of Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Alappuzha and Thrissur and collected symptoms were used for further studies. The characteristic symptom of the disease is the abnormal proliferation of bud which showed an increase in number of buds up to 16-35. The proliferated buds also showed pinkish- brown patches in it. Noticeable symptoms were also seen in the leaves of the diseased plant. They were smaller, crinkled and unusually dark in colour. The fasciation of stem has also been observed in the fields of Onattukara and Chavara. The infected plants were stunted and completely sterile. The highest disease incidence was found to be in the variety Bhagyalakshmy cultivated in Mannuthy (6.57 per cent). The population of hoppers was observed in the field and the insects identified were Exitanus sp., Balclutha sp., Nilaparvata lugens, Ptoleria sp., Nisia nervosa. The weeds Phyllanthus, Neer-grampu and Jack bean were found to be showing similar symptoms near the diseased cowpea fields. The graft transmission was successful from cowpea to periwinkle with 40 per cent efficiency. The leaves of the graft inoculated periwinkle plants showed severe interveinal chlorosis and later on yellowing. Graft transmission was unsuccessful from cowpea to cowpea. The transmission studies for viruses from cowpea to cowpea and cowpea to Chenopodium revealed the absence of viruses. The DAPI staining of diseased and healthy plants affirmed the presence of phytoplasma in the diseased samples. Small fluorescent-coloured bodies were seen in the stem and leaf of infected plants compared to healthy. The hormonal analysis of the symptomatic plants compared to the healthy ones showed significant difference. The GA content in diseased leaf and bud was increased by 20.88 and 17.46 per cent respectively. The IAA content in diseased leaf (older) and bud was increased by 61.55 and 46.52 per cent respectively. The serological detection for viruses using monoclonal antibodies of CABMV and BICMV and polyclonal antibodies of TSWV and WSMoV divulged the absence of viruses in the diseased samples. The graft inoculated periwinkle plants also showed no presence of viruses. The molecular detection of phytoplasma with nested PCR was carried out. The first primers P1/P7 amplified a 1.8kb fragment and the second set of primers; R16F2n/R16R2 amplified a 1.2kb fragment, giving positive results. The final amplified product was sequenced and by BLAST analysis it was found that the 16S rDNA sequence shared 99.80 per cent similarity with that of the „Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris‟ reference strain (GenBank accession: M30790). Hence the phytoplasma under study is a „Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris‟-related strain. The virtual RFLP pattern derived from the query 16S rDNA F2nR2 fragment was identical (similarity coefficient 1.00) to the reference pattern of 16Sr group I, subgroup B (GenBank accession: AP006628). The phytoplasma under study was found to be a member of 16SrI-B.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    Prevalence of sesamum phyllody in Onattukara tract and evaluation of fungal root endophyte Piriformospora indica for its management
    (Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2022) Gifty, K J; KAU; KAU; Radhika N S
    The research work entitled ‘Prevalence of sesamum phyllody in Onattukara tract and evaluation of fungal root endophyte Piriformospora indica for its management’ was conducted during 2019-21 at Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani and Onattukara Regional Agricultural Research Station with the objectives to study the symptomatology, molecular detection and characterization of phytoplasma inciting sesamum phyllody disease in AEU 3 (Onattukara tract); and evaluation of fungal root endophyte P. indica for its management. Phytoplasma infected sesamum samples were collected from D and F blocks of Onattukara Regional Agricultural Research Station and Karthikapally. Karthikapally recorded highest disease incidence (39.44 per cent) and vulnerability index (23.75). Chocolate weed, Melochia corchorifolia, was found to be exhibiting symptoms of shoot proliferation. Hoppers collected from the infected fields were identified as Orosius albicintus, Hishimonas phycitis and Nephotettix sp. Disease symptoms were observed at the stage of flowering of sesamum plants in all the sampled locations. The associated symptoms were reduction in internodal length of stem, axillary bud proliferation, thickening of the floral veins, phyllody and floral proliferation. Microtome sections of infected and healthy leaf, stem of sesamum stained with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) stain, and observed under fluorescence microscope emitted diffuse fluorescence from the infected tissues, which was brighter than the one from the parenchymal cells indicating the presence of phytoplasma in the infected tissues. Studies on variations in the level of gibberellic acid (GA) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in phyllody infected and healthy sesamum was undertaken. GA content was increased by 2.25 times and 10.46 times, and IAA content was decreased by 1.25 times and 1.97 times in leaves and flowers of infected samples compared to the healthy samples. Molecular characterization of sesamum phyllody was performed with leaf samples collected from ORARS lowland, ORARS upland, Vellayani and Karthikapally. Amplicons of 1.4kb was obtained by amplifying with universal primers P1/P6 for detection of phytoplasma. The sequences obtained were subjected to BLAST analysis and the 16S rDNA gene sequence showed that all the isolates shared more than 99 per cent similarity with that of the ‘Candidatus phytoplasma aurantifolia’ strains in GenBank data base. In the phylogenetic tree constructed, the sesamum phyllody phytoplasma under study clustered with the 16SrII group (Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia) phytoplasmas causing sesamum phyllody in various regions. The virtual RFLP pattern generated by iPhyClassifier, derived from 16S rDNA fragment was found to be identical to the reference pattern of 16Sr group II, subgroup D (GenBank accession: Y10097). Based on the results obtained from sequence analysis and virtual RFLP pattern, the phytoplasma associated with sesamum phyllody was identified as ‘'Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia”-related strain belonging to subgroup 16SrII-D. P. indica obtained from Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani was mass multiplied in sterilized coir pith: FYM mixture (1:1) amended with 2 per cent gram flour and sesamum seeds were sown. Colonization was observed seven days after germination. Wedge grafting was standardized in sesamum at 30 days after germination. Pot culture experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of P. indica against phytoplasma causing sesamum phyllody, by grafting the colonized and non-colonized plants with infected scion. P. indica colonization could significantly reduce the incidence and severity of infection. After 30 and 45 days of grafting, an incidence of 20 and 60 per cent, and severity of 5 and 50 were recorded in the colonized plants grafted with infected scion, whereas an incidence of 60 and 80 per cent and severity of 45 and 75 were recorded in non-colonized plants grafted with infected scion. In colonized plants, enhanced shoot and root length at 30 and 55 days after germination were recorded and also earliness in flowering compared to noncolonized plants. Hence the associated symptoms of phytoplasma infection in sesamum are virescence, thickening of floral veins, phyllody and floral proliferation. The study revealed the association of Candidatus phytoplasma aurantifolia group with sesamum phyllody prevalent in Onattukara tract. The evaluation of beneficial fungal root endophyte P. indica against phytoplasma revealed delayed expression of symptoms in the colonized plants.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of beneficial fungal root endophytes against fusarium rot in small cardamom
    (Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture,Vellayani, 2022-04-02) Aishwarya, Manoharan.; KAU; Dhanya, M K
    The study entitled “Evaluation of beneficial fungal root endophytes against Fusarium rot in small cardamom” was conducted at College of Agriculture, Vellayani and Cardamom Research Station, Pampadumpara during 2020-21 to evaluate the colonisation and interaction of two beneficial fungi, Piriformospora indica and Glomus fasciculatum, in cardamom and their potential to manage Fusarium rot disease of cardamom and elucidation of the role of gibberellic acid in the endophytic fungimediated disease tolerance. Fusarium infection in small cardamom is characterised by root rotting, eye shaped lesion on pseudostem and panicle rot. Fusarium oxysporum Schledt was isolated from the infected roots of the farmer’s field of Pampadumpara in Idukki district. Koch’s postulate was proved by inoculation of the pseudostem of one year plants using pinprick method where the isolate produced the typical eye shaped lesion within two weeks. A pot culture experiment was conducted at CRS, Pampadumpara to assess the interactive effect of the fungal root endophytes P. indica and G. fasciculatum on the vegetative growth of small cardamom seedlings and suckers using four treatments and five replications. Both individual and combinatorial effects of the endophytes on the vegetative characters like plants height, number of leaves, leaf length, leaf width, root parameters, biomass etc. were evaluated. Successful root colonization was observed in P. indica and G. fasciculatum treated roots at six and seven days after their inoculation respectively. This is the first report of colonization of P. indica in small cardamom. The study revealed that the endophytes inoculated plants were superior to control plants in which maximum shoot growth was shown by the dually colonized plants followed by the P. indica-colonized which was then followed by G. fasciculatum colonised plants. The root parameters were higher for P. indica-colonized plants compared to the combined or G. fasciculatum colonized plants in cardamom seedlings whereas dually colonized plants had better root growth in cardamom suckers. P and K analysis of the whole plant clearly indicated the enhanced nutrient uptake to root, shoot and leaf in the endophytes-colonized plants. The IAA analysis of root samples also revealed a higher IAA content in the endophytes colonized seedlings compared to the control seedlings with P. indica colonized plants recording the maximum value of 83.80 µg g-1 in seedlings and 94.30 µg g-1 in suckers; and least value being observed in control plants recording 44.80 µg g-1 in seedlings and 94.30 µg g-1 in suckers. This study stipulate a scope of better establishment of cardamom in field especially in the case of seedlings during transplantation due to well established root system. There was also a reduction in nursery period by two months in the P. indica and G. fasciculatum dually colonized seedlings compared to the non-colonized seedlings. In vitro evaluation of P. indica against F. oxysporum and in vivo evaluation of both the bioagents against F. oxysporum in small cardamom was carried out to appraise the effect of bioagents in the management of Fusarium rot disease of cardamom. In in vitro evaluation, dual culture assay of P. indica with F. oxysporum was performed in PDA in which a percent inhibition of 64.4 (%), antagonism index of 20.53 and an obscure lysis zone was observed. There wasn’t any presence of inhibition zone, antibiosis, coiling, overgrowth, sporulation etc. In in vivo evaluation, a pot culture experiment was laid out at CRS, Pampadumpara with seven treatments and three replications including a bio agent check of 2% Pseudomonas fluorescens and chemical check of 2 % carbendazim as basal drench. The study revealed that the beneficial interaction with bioagent successively decreased the disease severity and lesion size, among which P. indica treated plants showed the best result having the least disease severity of 38.07 (%) and 31.48 (%) in seedlings and suckers respectively. The disease severity of the control plants were the highest, recording 86.62 (%) and 76.77 (%) in seedlings and suckers respectively. Combinatorial and P. fluorescens treatments were the other treatments showing promising results in disease management. Total Gibberellic acid was estimated from leaf samples of challenge inoculated experimental plants to elucidate the role of GA in endophyte mediated disease tolerance and the authors couldn’t interpret any role of GA in disease development. Moreover, the GA content was higher in P. indica colonised recording 18.60 µg g-1 and 10.65 in µg g-1 in seedlings and suckers respectively; and dually colonised plants recording 18.00 µg g-1 and 9.71 µg g-1 in seedlings and suckers respectively. Thus, the present study proclaims a very pronounced plant growth promotion in cardamom seedlings and suckers by the beneficial fungal root endophytes viz., P. indica and G. fasciculatum just before transplanting to the field and therein advocating better development and establishment in the field condition. Furthermore, the results also indicates an effective management of the destructive Fusarium rot disease in small cardamom using endophyte colonization especially in P. indica colonized and dually colonized plants.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Management of a major fungal disease in black pepper (Piper nigrum L.)
    (Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture,Padanakkad, 2022-04-11) Pranavya, A P; KAU; Sajeesh, P K
    Black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) is one of the major spice crops and plantation crops that grow as the sole crop or intercrop in Kerala. In nurseries of black pepper major biotic stress are caused by bacteria, fungus, virus and nematode, out of this fungal infection are the leading one. The seedling blight, anthracnose and collar rot were found to be more severe in the nursery. With this background, the present study was conducted to identify the major fungal pathogen associated with black pepper nursery and formulate disease management strategies against that pathogen. A survey was carried out in black pepper growing nurseries to record the different diseases. Seedling blight, anthracnose and collar rot were observed. The fungal isolates associated with seedling blight in nurseries at Padannakkad and Kanakappalli were designated as Pc1 and Pc2 respectively. Anthracnose affected seedlings were collected from Padannkkad, Balal, Panniyur and Periya black pepper nurseries and the fungal isolates associated were designated as Cg1, Cg2, Cg3 and Cg4 respectively. The collar rot samples were collected from Padannakkad, Periya and Panniyur and isolates were designated as Sr1, Sr2 and Sr3. In the case of seedling blight infection, highest disease incidence (DI) (74%) was recorded in Pc1. The highest percent disease index (PDI) in case seedling blight (32%) was recorded in Pc1 as compared to Pc2 isolate. In the case of anthracnose, higher DI (30%) and PDI (25%) were recorded in Cg1 in comparison with Cg2, Cg3 and Cg4. In case of collar rot, higher DI (20%) was recorded in case of Sr1 isolate. All the isolates were tested for its pathogenicity; in case of seedling blight, the isolate Pc1 recorded higher radial growth (7.90 cm) and recorded lesser time (2days) for the symptom development as compared to Pc2 isolate. In case of anthracnose, isolate Cg1 recorded higher radial growth (8.0 cm) and took lesser time (5days) for the symptom development in comparison with Cg2, Cg3 and Cg4. In case of collar rot isolate Sr1 recorded higher radial growth (8.96 cm) and recorded lesser time (2days) for the symptom development as compared to Sr2 and Sr3. A trial was laid out to identify the most susceptible variety of black pepper as well as the most virulent strain of the pathogen among different isolates on pepper varieties viz., Panniyur (P) 1-6, P8, P9, Vijay and Karimunda. Panniyur 2 was identified as most susceptible variety and Pc1 was the virulent isolate. Based on cultural and morphological characters and molecular characterization, Pc1 was identified as Phytophthora capsici. In vitro evaluation of biocontrol agents, chemical fungicides and organic preparations were carried out to study the efficacy against P. capsici. Under in vitro conditions biocontrol agent T. harzianum (2%) exhibited maximum inhibition (55.56%) followed by P. fluorescens (53.33%). Among the chemical fungicides copper oxychloride (0.3%) and metalaxyl (8%) + mancozeb (64%) at 0.3 percent recorded 100 per cent inhibition. Among the organic preparations, ready to use neem oil garlic soap (3%) and garlic extract at 0.3 percent recorded maximum inhibition 31.11% percent and 28.88% percent respectively in the mycelial growth of the pathogen. The best-performing treatments from the in vitro evaluation were selected for pot culture experiment on variety Panniyur 2. After 7 days of inoculation, the least PDI (0.00 %) as well as the least lesion development (0.00%) was recorded in case of metalaxyl (8%) + mancozeb (64%) at 0.6 per cent. The higher PDI (86.66%), as well as maximum lesion development (46.66%), was recorded in ready to use neem oil garlic soap (3%). The study reveals that, the seedling blight caused by Phytophthora capsici can be effectively managed with the foliar application of metalaxyl (8%) + mancozeb (64%) at 0.6 per cent.