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Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, Palampur

Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya (renamed as Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya in June, 2001) was established on 1st November, 1978.The College of Agriculture (established in May, 1966) formed the nucleus of the new farm University. It is ICAR accredited and ISO 9001:2015 certified institution. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has ranked this University at eleventh place among all farm universities of the country. The University has been given the mandate for making provision for imparting education in agriculture and other allied branches of learning, furthering the advancement of learning and prosecution of research and undertaking extension of such sciences, especially to the rural people of Himachal Pradesh. Over the years, this University has contributed significantly in transforming the farm scenario of Himachal Pradesh. It has developed human resources, varieties and technologies and transferred these to farming community enabling the State to receive the “Krishikarman award” of Govt. of India four times in row for food grain production among small states of the country. Today, the State has earned its name for hill agricultural diversification and the farming community has imposed its faith in the University.


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Bioecology and management of rice leaf folder, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenee) infesting paddy in Himachal Pradesh
    (Palampur, 2017-06-27) Chhavi; Sharma, Pawan K.
    The present investigation entitled “Bioecology and management of rice leaf folder, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenee) infesting paddy in Himachal Pradesh” was undertaken in the Department of Entomology, CSKHPKV, Palampur and Rice and Wheat Research Centre, Malan during 2014-2016. Under laboratory conditions, C. medinalis completed three generations from August to mid-December. The life cycle of C. medinalis consisted of four distinct stages viz., egg, larva, pupa and adult, each having an average duration ranging between 3.70-4.50, 17.50-20.50, 7.00-7.50 and 6.40-7.40 (female); 2.50-3.30 (male), respectively, during different generations. The fertility parameters worked out for first, second and third generation resulted in the net reproductive rate (R0 ) of 29.16, 17.94 and 17.72 female eggs per female with the corresponding true generation time of 37.06, 37.99 and 39.38 days, respectively. The intrinsic rate of increase (rm) was maximum in the first generation (0.091) and minimum in the third generation (0.073). The field collected adults of last generation when reared under laboratory conditions to study the survival of pest, failed to lay eggs. However, a few individuals of C. medinalis larvae survived in winter till January on paddy plants and weeds and a limited feeding was observed during this period. Survey for the incidence of C. medinalis and its associated natural enemies in four locations viz., Sundernagar, Nurpur, Jogindernagar and Palampur of Himachal Pradesh was conducted during 2015 and 2016 at different time intervals. The pest appearance was noticed in the second fortnight of July at Nurpur, Palampur and Jogindernagar. Whereas, at Sundernagar, the pest activity initiated during first fortnight of July and population of adults was at its peak in the first fortnight of September in all the four locations. From the correlation studies between adult catch and abiotic factors, it was concluded that the temperature (maximum and minimum) favours the C. medinalis build-up. However, RH (maximum and minimum) and rainfall had a negative impact on C. medinalis abundance. During survey, Cotesia cypris (Nixon) was found to be the most dominating larval parasitoid associated with C. medinalis. Fifty natural enemies were encountered in paddy ecosystem of all the four locations, out of which twenty four were found associated with C. medinalis. Spiders viz., Araneus pseudosturmii (Yin et al.), Micropholcus fauroti (Simon) and Runcinia ghorpadei (Tikader) were recorded for the first time from India. Based upon the Shannon index, diversity of natural enemies was maximum at Palampur (2.58-2.65) and minimum at Nurpur (1.52-1.89). The leaf damage and losses inflicted to paddy due to different release levels of C. medinalis viz., 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 larvae per hill released at panicle initiation stage revealed that maximum leaf infestation was 24.48 per cent at highest release level (10 larvae/ hill) and lowest (6.94%) at release level of 2 larvae per hill and per cent avoidable losses varied from 0.94-28.93 per cent. Among forty three genotypes evaluated against C. medinalis, thirty three genotypes were found moderately resistant, nine as moderatey susceptible and one as susceptible. None of the genotypes was found to be free from leaf folder damage. Among the six treatments of Trichogramma chilonis, maximum control was achieved when 1,50,000 parasitized eggs per hectare were released. However, this treatment was found to be at par with 1,00,000 and 1,25,000 parasitized eggs per hectare. Out of six insecticides and one biopesticides evaluated against C. medinalis, flubendiamide (24 g a.i./ ha), indoxacarb (30 g a.i./ ha) and lambda-cyhalothrin (12.5 g a.i./ ha) were found to be efficacious. However, biopesticide, Bt (1.5 kg/ ha) was found to be least effective for the control of pest. Incremental output input ratio was highest in case of lamba-cyhalothrin and lowest in Bt
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2018-09-18) Patial, Ranjana; Mittal, R.K.
    The present investigation entitled “Studies on gene action for seed yield and its related traits in urdbean [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper]” was carried out at the Experimental Farm of the Department of Crop Improvement, CSK HPKV, Palampur to gather information on genetic architecture for seed yield and component traits in urdbean. The experimental material comprised of 81 triple test cross progenies developed by mating 27 lines with three testers viz., HPBU-111 (L1), Him Mash-1(L2) and F1 of HPBU-111and Him Mash-1 (L3). These F1’s along with their parents were raised in randomized block design with three replications during Kharif 2017. Data were recorded and analysed for 12 agro-morphological traits. Sufficient variability was observed in the TTC progenies for all the traits studied. Epistasis was found to be an integral part of genetic variation for all of the traits under study. ‘i’ type epistatic interaction estimates were significant for days to 50% flowering, days to 75% maturity, branches per plant, pods per plant, seed yield per plant, biological yield per plant, harvest index and 100 seed weight. Whereas, ‘j+l’ type interaction was significant for all the traits. Both additive and dominant components were significant for all the traits; where additive and dominance components were of almost equal magnitude for pod length, seeds per pod and 100 seed weight indicating the importance of both additive and dominance type of gene action and additive component being more pronounced for rest of the traits indicating the relative importance of fixable type of gene action in their inheritance. Combining ability estimates showed significant genetic variance in lines for all traits whereas testers had significant genetic variance for nine traits. Lines IC-436910, IC-413306, IC-IC-398973 and IC-343885 were found to be good general combiners for most of the traits. Crosses IC-343885 x HPBU-111 (G x G), IC-436910 x HPBU-111 (G x G), IC-413306 x Him Mash-1 (G x P) and IC-343943 x HPBU-111(P x G) were potential crosses on the basis of SCA estimates, mid parent heterosis, better parent heterosis and standard heterosis for seed yield and most of the traits. With regards to the Comparison of ТГС and L x T, the former is advantageous in providing an unambiguous test for the presence of epistasis, while the latter provides additional information, particularly with regard to the gca and sca effects and variances, helping breeders in the choice of better parents. Hence, both these designs should be applied together in order to have concrete information about the genetic architecture of economic traits in any crop.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2018-09-18) Patial, Ranjana; Mittal, R.K.
    The present investigation entitled “Studies on gene action for seed yield and its related traits in urdbean [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper]” was carried out at the Experimental Farm of the Department of Crop Improvement, CSK HPKV, Palampur to gather information on genetic architecture for seed yield and component traits in urdbean. The experimental material comprised of 81 triple test cross progenies developed by mating 27 lines with three testers viz., HPBU-111 (L1), Him Mash-1(L2) and F1 of HPBU-111and Him Mash-1 (L3). These F1’s along with their parents were raised in randomized block design with three replications during Kharif 2017. Data were recorded and analysed for 12 agro-morphological traits. Sufficient variability was observed in the TTC progenies for all the traits studied. Epistasis was found to be an integral part of genetic variation for all of the traits under study. ‘i’ type epistatic interaction estimates were significant for days to 50% flowering, days to 75% maturity, branches per plant, pods per plant, seed yield per plant, biological yield per plant, harvest index and 100 seed weight. Whereas, ‘j+l’ type interaction was significant for all the traits. Both additive and dominant components were significant for all the traits; where additive and dominance components were of almost equal magnitude for pod length, seeds per pod and 100 seed weight indicating the importance of both additive and dominance type of gene action and additive component being more pronounced for rest of the traits indicating the relative importance of fixable type of gene action in their inheritance. Combining ability estimates showed significant genetic variance in lines for all traits whereas testers had significant genetic variance for nine traits. Lines IC-436910, IC-413306, IC-IC-398973 and IC-343885 were found to be good general combiners for most of the traits. Crosses IC-343885 x HPBU-111 (G x G), IC-436910 x HPBU-111 (G x G), IC-413306 x Him Mash-1 (G x P) and IC-343943 x HPBU-111(P x G) were potential crosses on the basis of SCA estimates, mid parent heterosis, better parent heterosis and standard heterosis for seed yield and most of the traits. With regards to the Comparison of ТГС and L x T, the former is advantageous in providing an unambiguous test for the presence of epistasis, while the latter provides additional information, particularly with regard to the gca and sca effects and variances, helping breeders in the choice of better parents. Hence, both these designs should be applied together in order to have concrete information about the genetic architecture of economic traits in any crop.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2017-04) Urvi; Srivastava, Ajai
    Detailed studies on rice hispa, Dicladispa armigera (Oliver) were undertaken at CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvidyalaya, Rice and Wheat Research Centre, Malan during 2014-2016. The studies included understanding rice hispa’s annual life cycle, its population build-up, assessment of losses inflicted and management with suitable insecticides and biopesticides. The life history of D. armigera consisted of four distinct stages viz. egg, grub, pupa and adult, each having an average duration of 4.5, 14.0, 9.1 and 22.4 (male); 38.7 (female) days, respectively. Both adults and grubs caused damage due to its feeding on paddy leaves. As many as 3-4 generations were recorded under laboratory conditions (mid June-mid November), but the adults of last generation failed to lay eggs. A few individuals of adults of last generation survived on rice seedlings and weed host, Cynodon dactylon (Linn.) till April-May with limited feeding and no egg-laying. Field observations recorded the incidence of hispa adults on wheat crop during February-April. With the early monsoon showers, the adults of hispa started appearing on weeds viz. C. dactylon, Cyperus rotundus (Linn.), Andropogon gayanus (Kunth), Digitaria sanguinalis (Linn.) and Panicum dichotomiflorum Michx., etc in the early June and thereafter it started feeding on paddy crop as soon as it was transplanted (July). During early stages of crop till 39th Standard Meteorological Week (SMW), both adult and grub incidence were recorded on paddy, which built-up during the season. Adults remained associated with the crop till its maturity. The population reached its peak during 31-39 SMW (August-September). Relative humidity significantly and positively influenced its build-up. Natural parasitization of grubs (or pupae) by a eulophid wasp, Chrysonotomyia sp. was reported. Damage and losses inflicted to paddy due to rice hispa as quantified by release density and phenological crop stage revealed that release at early stage (20-days after transplanting, DAT) inflicted more leaf damage (64.9 per cent leaf damage index, at 3-hispa release density) compared to later stages. Moreover, the regression analysis revealed that per unit increase in hispa density at early stage (20-DAT) resulted in 5.82, 5.73, 441.4 reduced number of tillers, panicles and grains, respectively, and the respective grain weight by 8.06g (per four rice hills). Also, at release stage of 40-DAT, the grain number and grain weight reduced significantly (b= 258.5 and 6.87, respectively), but at advanced release stage (60-DAT), no significant losses were recorded. Application of various insecticides viz. dinotefuran 20 SG, triazophos 40 EC, chlorpyriphos 20 EC, monocrotophos 36 SL @ 200g, 500, 1250, 850 ml ha-1, respectively, and biopesticides viz. beauveria 106 spores ml-1, melia 5 per cent, eupatorium 5 per cent @ 5.0, 2.5, 2.5L ha-1, respectively, proved promising in checking hispa infestation, with dinotefuran being the most effective and more or less comparable with other insecticides. Among biopesticides, beauveria application provided a significant check. However, maximum returns were obtained from triazophos.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2017-03-29) Samita Kumari; Chandel, K.S.
    Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) also known as egg plant or aubergine belong to family Solanaceae and one of the most commonly grown vegetable throughout the country. India is considered to be the centre of origin with secondary diversity in China and South East Asia. It is grown commercially as fresh market crop especially in low and mid hill areas of Himachal Pradesh. Inspite of its economic importance, no major strive has so far been made for the improvement of yield and quality traits in this crop. Based on these considerations, the present investigation was, therefore, undertaken to obtain information on the relative magnitude of additive, dominance and epistatic component of genetic variance and average degree of dominance as inferred from the analysis of different traits such as marketable fruit yield per plant, days to 50% flowering, days to first picking, number of marketable fruits per plant, fruit length, fruit diameter, plant height, number of branches per plant, fruit weight, pedicel length, total soluble solids, dry matter content, iron content, phenol content and bacterial wilt incidence by following a triple test cross mating design analysis involving contrasting parents/inbred lines. The experimental material consisted of thirty triple test cross (TTC) progenies of a) SP and H-8, b) AK and BN, c) AN and SN, d) PPC and DPBBWR-2 (Sel-2) developed through the triple test cross mating design proposed by Kearsey and Jink (1968) during Kharif, season 2014. The triple test cross (TTC) progenies of the respective parents were then planted and evaluated along with corresponding original parents/testers (L1 and L2), F1‟s (L3) and F2‟s (Pi lines) in a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications at the Experimental Farm, Department of Vegetable Science and Floriculture, CSKHPKV, Palampur (H.P.) during kharif, 2015. Good quantum of genetic variability has been generated through triple test cross progenies with respect to different traits studied as revealed by the significant analysis of variance. The triple test cross (TTC) progenies viz.,(P1 x L1), (P2 x L3), (P5 x L1), (P7 x L1), (P2 x L1); (P3 x L1), (P4 x L3), (P2 x L2), (P7 x L1), (P3 x L3); (P4 x L1), (P6 x L1), (P3 x L2), (P6 x L3), (P3 x L1) and (P1 x L1), (P9 x L1), (P6 x L3), (P3 x L3), (P8 x L3) manifested high mean values and heterotic effects for fruit yield, quality traits and yield contributing components over the respective better parent/testers in each inter-varietal cross SP x H-8, AK x BN, AN x SN and PPC x DPBBWR-2, respectively. Heterotic effects were observed in almost all the characters studied and supported through genetic analysis of the triple test cross (TTC) progenies, where the preponderance of epistasis, additive and dominance components of genetic variation was observed for marketable fruit yield, quality traits and yield contributing components, revealing thereby the role of additive and non-additive gene action for the inheritance of marketable fruit yield and its component traits which could be exploited through bi-recurrent selection and heterosis breeding for the development of better cultivars possessing high yield and quality traits in brinjal.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2018-05-26) Singh, Sanjeet; Sood, V.K.
    The present investigation entitled “Studies on gene action for agro-morphological traits and factors affecting haploid production efficiency following chromosomal elimination technique in oat (Avena sativa L.)” was carried out at the Forage Section and Experimental Farm of the Department of Crop Improvement, CSK HPKV, Palampur to gather information on genetic architecture for forage yield and component traits and to generate euhaploid embryos following wide hybridization in oat. The experimental material comprised of 45 triple test-cross progenies derived by mating 15 lines and three testers viz., PLP 1(L1), HJ 8 (L2) and their F1 (L3) for gene action studies and eight genotypes for wide hybridisation in an attempt to obtain haploid embryos. The genetic material was evaluated for 13 agro-morphological traits in a randomised complete block design with three replications during rabi 2016-17. Sufficient variability was observed in the TTC progenies for all the traits studied. Epistasis was found to be integral part of genetic variation for all the traits. „i‟ type epistatic interaction estimates were significant for seven traits and „j+l‟ type interaction was significant for all the traits, although the magnitude of „i‟ type interaction was higher for days to 50% flowering, days to 75% maturity, plant height and protein content. Both additive and dominant components were significant for all the traits except for protein content, with additive component being more pronounced indicating the relative importance of fixable type of gene action in their inheritance. Comparison of the D and H components revealed that both were underestimated in line × tester approach, with the underestimation being comparatively more with respect to additive genetic variance (-99.31% to -100%) to dominance genetic variance (-72.19% to -96.39%). Combining ability estimates showed significant genetic variance in lines for all traits whereas testers had significant genetic variance for six traits. Lines RO 19, IG 03 205 and EC 528865 were overall good general combiner for most of the traits and potential parent sources for recombination breeding. SCA estimates showed cross-combinations viz., HFO 114 × PLP 1 (A × A), HFO 114 × HJ 8 (A × A), OS 6 × PLP 1 (P × G) and JPO 46 × HJ 8 (G × P) having highest values for green fodder yield per plant, harvest index and seed yield per plant. HFO 114 × HJ 8 (G × G) showed highest estimates for both SCA and standard heterosis for seed yield per plant, green fodder yield per plant and harvest index and IG 03 205 × PLP 1 (G × G) for protein content. For haploidy induction the natural temperature and photoperiod regime were found to be non-conducive for induction of haploid embryos in this experiment. Direct application of phytohormone combination of 2,4-D + GA3 with concentrations of 50 ppm each to the pistil of the top five florets gave highest percentage of caryopsis. The genotype of the pollen parent and the seed parent did not have any significant impact on the caryopsis development.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2018-09) Banta, Neha; Mohini, Kamal
    The mature seeds of four potentially superior genotypes/varieties each of the nine selected crops viz. barley, oats, wheat (cereals); linseed, sesame, soybean (oilseeds) and kidney bean, horsegram, moth bean (pulses) were evaluated for relevant biochemical constituents by following standard procedures. Significant statistical differences were observed for the biochemical constituents in the four genotypes each of all crops and the three crops of each group. Differences among the three groups were also apparent. The results from this study were utilized for carrying out the cumulative grading based on desirable quality parameters for identifying the best genotype in each crop i.e. Dolma/ VLB-118 in barley, TP-40 in oats, Saptdhara in wheat, Himani in linseed, Nurpur in sesame, Hara Soya in soybean, Mandi in horsegram, Kanchan in kidney bean and Jadia in moth bean. Highest protein content was observed in soybean (36.10%), followed by kidney bean (26.18 %), moth bean (21.51%) and the lowest was seen in barley (10.20%). However the protein digestibility of oats (75.87%) was found to be the best followed by wheat (72.77%), kidney bean (72.17%) and lowest was seen in sesame (56.52%). Linseed exhibited the highest fat content (48.86%) followed by sesame (47.96%) and soybean (20.59%) whereas minimum was observed in horsegram (1.76%). Highest carbohydrate content was seen in wheat (71.57%) followed by barley (69.47%), moth bean (60.73%) and the lowest was seen in sesame (14.62%). Potassium and calcium content was high in soybean (963, 392 mg/100g), horsegram (962, 296 mg/100g) and kidney bean (815, 298 mg/100g). For the trace element iron the best source was sesame (12.80 mg/100g) and moth bean (10.84 mg/100g). In the oilseeds UFA content was found to be more than twice the SFA content. Soybean was the richest source of essential ω-6 linoleic acid (51.87%) and linseed of ω-3 linolenic acid (53.57%). Sesame had the highest content of oleic acid (40.64%) and also a good amount of linoleic acid (44.41%). The lysine content was quite low in cereals (0.51%) in comparison to the pulses (8.95%) whereas an opposite trend was observed for the methionine content in cereals (1.7%) and pulses (0.46%). However a low content of both these amino acids was observed in the oilseeds linseed and sesame while soybean was poor in methionine (0.48%) and high in lysine (8.08%). The potentially superior genotypes/varieties thus identified can be used for further developmental research by the plant breeders and cultivation on a large scale by the farmers of H.P and others. The information regarding the identification of best crop for nutritionally important individual quality parameter will prove highly beneficial for the consumers.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2018-09-20) Thakur, Naresh; Lata, Swaran
    The present investigation entitled “Heterotic grouping of QPM inbred lines and quality profiling based on genetic and molecular markers” was undertaken to study combining ability effects for yield and quality traits, understand the heterotic pattern and estimate the genetic relationship and diversity among QPM inbreds using molecular markers in quality protein maize. Ten QPM inbred lines were hybridized following Griffing‟s Method 2, Model 1 in a half diallel fashion. Experimental materials comprising of ten inbred lines, forty five single cross experimental hybrids, three hybrids along with two standard checks were evaluated in α-RBD with two replications during kharif 2016 (E1) and 2017 (E2) at Palampur (L1) and Akrot (L2). The analysis of variances indicated significant differences among genotypes for grain yield per plant and other component traits in all the environments. Also, significant differences for environment (E) and lines × environment interaction for most of the traits except cob girth indicated a definite role of environment on the performance of genotypes/crosses. Variances due to GCA, SCA and their interaction with environment were significant for most of the traits under Palampur and Akrot conditions, indicating the importance of testing parents as well as hybrids across environments. On the basis of per se performance, heterosis and combining ability for grain yield per plant and other component traits, the cross combination P1 × P7 at both the locations was found best, whereas P3 × P8 and P1 × P4 under Palampur conditions were found best. Parent P1 and P5 were the most promising general combiners for grain yield per plant and most of the yield component traits at both locations. For most of the traits, there was preponderance of non-additive gene action which reaffirms the importance of heterosis in maize. At molecular level, 28 SSR primers amplified 97 polymorphic alleles with an average of 3.46 alleles per primer. Size of amplified alleles ranged from 50 to 480 bp. Mean polymorphic information content was 0.28 showing low level of SSR polymorphism as the present investigation involved few closely related cultivars. Cluster analysis based on SSR data differentiated 48 maize genotypes into two major clusters. Assigning inbreds into different heterotic groups is fundamental for exploitation of heterosis for hybrid development. Heterotic grouping based on morphological trait and molecular markers grouped ten QPM inbred lines in to four heterotic groups. Results indicated that SSR markers effectively and efficiently assigned the inbred lines to heterotic groups for grain yield. This will help to establish maize inbred lines for the purpose of reducing the number of single crosses and their evaluation using the lines from the different heterotic groups. Overall, cross combination P1 × P7 with high heterosis and per se performance for yield was better than that of best check for grain yield per plant, and was found moderately resistant to banded leaf and sheath blight (BLSB), turcicum leaf blight (TLB) and maydis leaf blight (MLB) over the environments and can be further exploited.