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Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar

After independence, development of the rural sector was considered the primary concern of the Government of India. In 1949, with the appointment of the Radhakrishnan University Education Commission, imparting of agricultural education through the setting up of rural universities became the focal point. Later, in 1954 an Indo-American team led by Dr. K.R. Damle, the Vice-President of ICAR, was constituted that arrived at the idea of establishing a Rural University on the land-grant pattern of USA. As a consequence a contract between the Government of India, the Technical Cooperation Mission and some land-grant universities of USA, was signed to promote agricultural education in the country. The US universities included the universities of Tennessee, the Ohio State University, the Kansas State University, The University of Illinois, the Pennsylvania State University and the University of Missouri. The task of assisting Uttar Pradesh in establishing an agricultural university was assigned to the University of Illinois which signed a contract in 1959 to establish an agricultural University in the State. Dean, H.W. Hannah, of the University of Illinois prepared a blueprint for a Rural University to be set up at the Tarai State Farm in the district Nainital, UP. In the initial stage the University of Illinois also offered the services of its scientists and teachers. Thus, in 1960, the first agricultural university of India, UP Agricultural University, came into being by an Act of legislation, UP Act XI-V of 1958. The Act was later amended under UP Universities Re-enactment and Amendment Act 1972 and the University was rechristened as Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology keeping in view the contributions of Pt. Govind Ballabh Pant, the then Chief Minister of UP. The University was dedicated to the Nation by the first Prime Minister of India Pt Jawaharlal Nehru on 17 November 1960. The G.B. Pant University is a symbol of successful partnership between India and the United States. The establishment of this university brought about a revolution in agricultural education, research and extension. It paved the way for setting up of 31 other agricultural universities in the country.


Search Results

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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of inoculation methods for screening of germplasm against Dickeya Zeae inciting stalk rot of maize
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, District Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand. PIN - 263145, 2022-07) Jha, Shivani; Singh, R.P.
    Bacterial stalk rot (BSR) of maize caused by Dickeya zeae is one of the devastating diseases of maize rop in India especially in tarai region of Uttarakhand. Present study were carried out for identification and characterization of test bacterium, evaluation of different inoculation methods to artificially create disease under field and glasshouse conditions and to find out best susceptible for disease screening programme. The bacterium was found to be gram negative, oxidase negative, KOH positive, catalase positive and latin liquification positive. Bacterium produced red colonies on Logan’s media, deep pit on CVP media and blue pigment on NGM media. These tests along with molecular identification indicated that the isolated bacterium was Dickeya zeae. Under glasshouse conditions 4 genotypes CM 600, PSM 6, Chakrata Local, and Rasi 4212 were inoculated with 4 different inoculation methods. Maximum disease incidence and severity (PDI) was observed in syringe inoculation followed by tooth method. Highest disease incidence and severity was found in Chakrata Local followed by CM600 while lowest in PSM 6. In germplasm screening 10 different genotype such as ADV 7022, IIMR PBT POOL, RCRMH 41, CM 500, CM 600, PSM 6, Early Composite, Surya, Chakrata Local, and Rasi 4212 of maize were evaluated by syringe inoculation. PSM 6 showed lowest disease incidence and severity while maximum incidence and severity found in Chakrata Local. Under field trail different inoculation methods were evaluated over 2 genotypes - PSM 3 and DKC 9106. Highest disease incidence and severity was found in stem injection followed by tooth-pick. Based on above findings syringe inoculation method was found to be best inoculation method for artificially creating BSR of maize and Chakrata Local found as most susceptible genotype.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Utilisation pattern and perceived constraints regarding use of ICT tools among farm women in tarai region of Uttarakhand
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2020-07) Jha, Shivani; Kashyap, S.K.
    With revolution in ICT sector and increase in the possession of ICT tools and devices, it has gained wide popularity. Its users are rising exponentially over years and ICT tools are being utilized for many purposes viz. information, education and entertainment. ICT tools can be effectively used as an agricultural information source because it has a potential to make communication more collaborative through discussions and involvement. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) include technologies that give access to information through communication (Khan et al., 2012). ICTs in agriculture have the potential to facilitate greater access to information that drive or support knowledge sharing. ICTs essentially facilitate the creation, management, storage, retrieval, and dissemination of any relevant data, knowledge, and information that may have been already processed and adapted. In order to make effective use of ICT tools into agricultural information services it is necessary to know the Utilization pattern of ICT tools i.e. Accessibility of ICT tools, Extent of use of ICT tools and purpose of use of ICT tools among farm women. ICT tools can be used as a source of exchanging agricultural information. Thus, a study entitled “Utilization Pattern and Perceived Constraints Regarding Use of ICT tools Among Farm Women in Tarai Region of Uttarakhand” was undertaken to know about utilization pattern of ICT tools including accessibility, extent of use and purpose of use of ICT tools for agriculture purpose and general purpose The study was conducted in Udhamsingh nagar purposively. Rudrapur and Kashipur were selected by random sampling method for the present study. From each block, two villages were selected randomly. Rudrapur block has total of 89 villages out of which Kolaria and Chhatarpur were selected; and Kashipur has 77 village, out of which Gopipura and Chandpur were selected randomly. Thus, a total of four villages were selected to collect the data from farm women. From each village respondents were selected by using PPS. (Probability proportional to size) sampling method. According to the population of villages, 10% proportionately respondents were selected. The total number of respondents was fixed as 120 keeping in view the total number of households in the village. Ten percent households were selected and a member from each of these 10 percent households were selected which approximately rounded off to 120. Pre tested interview schedule was administered to collect data from 120 respondents and statistical methods such as mean, frequency , standard deviation , percentage, Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation, mean weight score, testing of significance of correlation coefficient and Garett Ranking method were used to treat the data for meaningful interpretation. Findings of the study revealed that majority of the respondents were in the age group 33-55 years. Most of farm women had small and semi-medium land area holding. Majority of farm women belonged to medium category having 8 to 30 years of farming experience, low extension agency contact, have favourable attitude towards ICT tools based extension services, low social participation. Age, education, family size, annual family income, media ownership, social participation had significant relationship with the extent of use of ICT tools. This study may help the developers to improve services provided by ICT tools and to combat the existing gaps.