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Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar

After independence, development of the rural sector was considered the primary concern of the Government of India. In 1949, with the appointment of the Radhakrishnan University Education Commission, imparting of agricultural education through the setting up of rural universities became the focal point. Later, in 1954 an Indo-American team led by Dr. K.R. Damle, the Vice-President of ICAR, was constituted that arrived at the idea of establishing a Rural University on the land-grant pattern of USA. As a consequence a contract between the Government of India, the Technical Cooperation Mission and some land-grant universities of USA, was signed to promote agricultural education in the country. The US universities included the universities of Tennessee, the Ohio State University, the Kansas State University, The University of Illinois, the Pennsylvania State University and the University of Missouri. The task of assisting Uttar Pradesh in establishing an agricultural university was assigned to the University of Illinois which signed a contract in 1959 to establish an agricultural University in the State. Dean, H.W. Hannah, of the University of Illinois prepared a blueprint for a Rural University to be set up at the Tarai State Farm in the district Nainital, UP. In the initial stage the University of Illinois also offered the services of its scientists and teachers. Thus, in 1960, the first agricultural university of India, UP Agricultural University, came into being by an Act of legislation, UP Act XI-V of 1958. The Act was later amended under UP Universities Re-enactment and Amendment Act 1972 and the University was rechristened as Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology keeping in view the contributions of Pt. Govind Ballabh Pant, the then Chief Minister of UP. The University was dedicated to the Nation by the first Prime Minister of India Pt Jawaharlal Nehru on 17 November 1960. The G.B. Pant University is a symbol of successful partnership between India and the United States. The establishment of this university brought about a revolution in agricultural education, research and extension. It paved the way for setting up of 31 other agricultural universities in the country.


Search Results

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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A comparative study on carbon pool in disturbed and undisturbed stands of oak (Quercus leucotrichophora)
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2005-06) Bhatt, Pankaj; Melkania, Uma
    The forest is a fundamental natural resource that represents value for many aspects of human development. Forests provide a lot of goods and environmental services, which must be properlyaccounted to evaluate the total dconomic value of the forest. Theree has been a growing recognition of the intangible benefits desived ftom the forest, like the role of forest in meetigating the effect of green house gases by carbon sequestration. During the course of this study, carbon sequestration, one of the major intangible benefits is valued by using replacement cost method. The value of the carbon stored in forest is evaluated by the cost that would be in curd in offsetting by alternatives means the CO2 realised by forest plant conversion. The present study was undertaken in the Oak forest of Nainital, to assesss the prelocked stocek of carbon in two oak forest of varying degree of distrubencee. The present status pf the forest was studied by standard ecological methods. The biomass stored was determine byt using the allometric equations. Results showed that in case of stock forest , the contribution of querces to the total forest biomasss was 84% ehich decreased to 62% in disturbed forest site> The carbon content was determinewd by Ash method and by regrewsssion methods. The bioles stem had the maximum carbon percentage followed by twigs and leaves. Acconting for the above grown carbon stocks only in the forest yield and annual flow of U$ 1179621 – IS $ 93544.7. This reflects the immense economic and ecological value of the forest.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Suitability of non-conventional adsorbents for the discolouration of textile dyes from their aqueous solutions
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2005-06) Kalla, Bhavna; Gupta, R.K.
    Effect of various non-conventional adsorbents (bagasse, rice husk and wood ash) were studied on different concentrations of three dye solutions for the changes in colour and pH, at varying time periods (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 hours). Discolouration of dye solutions increased with increasing dye concentration upto 40ppm, by treatment with various adsorbents. The discolouration also increased with the increase of time up to 4 hours. However, the rate of colour removal was highest in first hour of treatment. Effects of different amounts (0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 gm/50 ml dye solution) of various adsorbents on changes in colour and pH of three dye solutions were investigated. Discolouration considerably increased when adsorbents were employed up to the amount of 0.5 g; afterwards colour removal was negligible. Effects of adsorbents (bagasse, rice husk and wood ash) singly and in combinations on pH, colour and COD of the dye solutions were studied. In all 3 dyes, there was an increase in pH when adsorbents singly and combination were employed, the increase was maximum in Malachite green. The colour reduction was slightly higher in combinations than adsorbents when employed singly. Effect of adsorbents (bagasse, rice husk and wood ash) singly and in combinations led to maximum COD reduction in Crystal violet solutions and minimum in Congo red solutions.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Regeneration status of protected and disturbed forests patch of Ranikhat, Uttarakhand
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2019-06) Verma, Prateek; Melkania, Uma
    The present study was conducted in the forests of Ranikhet, a cantonment town in Almora district of Uttarakhand located at an altitude of 1,869 meters (6,132 ft) above mean sea level and within sight of western peak of Himalayas. The study area is located between 29.650 N and 79.420 E. The cantonment is spread across two ridges, the former one called the Ranikhet ridge that is situated at an elevation of 5,983 ft and later one is the Chaubatia ridge at an elevation of 6,942 ft. The purpose of the study was to understand the growth behavior of tree species in the Cantonment protected and disturbed forests of Ranikhet in terms of dominance, diversity, regeneration dynamics and biomass at different altitude levels. Plot design was used to analyse quantitatively and qualitatively the tree, sapling and seedling vegetation. The entire forest regime reflected a dominance of Pine (Pinus roxburghii), Oak (Quercus leucotrichophora) and Deodar (Cedrus deodara) trees. Other trees are Kafal (Myrica esculenta), Buransh (Rhododendron arboreum) and sub-alpine fir (Abies pindrow). The overall tree density in protected forest varied from 444 trees ha-1 (at hill top) to 346 trees ha-1 (at hill slope) to 255 ind. ha-1 (at hill base) while in disturbed forest, it varied between 423 trees ha-1 (at hill top) to 355 trees ha-1 (at hill slope) to 221 trees ha-1 (at hill base). Variations in forest composition, structure and their regeneration status are also influenced by the climatic condition of this area. Cedrus deodara and Myrica esculenta exhibited good regeneration in protected forest while Pinus roxburghii was the only species having comparatively better regeneration in disturbed forest. The regeneration status was found comparatively good in the protected forest maintained by the cantonment board as compared to the disturbed forest as the anthropogenic activities such as fodder and fuel wood collection, frequent forest fire, overgrazing, activities like trekking, jungle safari, fire camping and rapidly growing tourism has resulted in poor regeneration of forest communities. The Forest Management department of Ranikhet has taken many initiatives to protect the forests. Afforestation and sustainable forest management is practiced. The study seeks to understand the current forest composition, regeneration potential and the dynamics of forest management in Ranikhet.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Biochar: a carbon negative technology to manage crop residue burning
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2019-06) Prakriti Kumari; Melkania, Uma
    Crop residue burning is one of the reasons for climate change and increase in green house gas emissions into the atmosphere. Farmers usually face problems to manage crop waste generated after harvesting. Short window of time is present between harvesting of paddy and sowing of wheat. Farmers are left with no choice besides burning it in the field itself. This causes huge loss of beneficial organisms present in soil and causes changes in the soil physico-chemical characteristics of top layer of soil. Air pollution has increased to a greater extend due to this reason. Biochar is good alternative to manage crop residue burning. Biochar is prepared in controlled environment which prevent emissions of harmful gases into the atmosphere. Biochar also have many benefits in soil as it increases carbon content in soil which further increases soil fertility. It also prevents leaching of nutrients from the soil. Biochar has liming effect on soil and can be used as alternative to lime to prevent acidity in soil. Carbon stock generated by biochar plus recommended dose of fertilizers was 17.76 t/ha which was 20.07% more than control. Carbon stock produced by crop treatment crop residue and fertilizers was 17.39 t/ha. Labile carbon is converted to non-labile form by biochar which is resistant to decomposition and persists in soil for many years. Therefore, it works as attractive tool to conserve carbon for long term. Carbon nonlabile amount in biochar and fertilizer treated soil was 6.624 g/kg and labile carbon was 5.655 g/kg. In control labile carbon fraction was 5.85 g/kg and non-labile fraction was 3.19 g/kg. Carbon lability index of treatment of biochar and fertilizers was recorded to be 0.85 and crop residue and fertilizers treatment was noted as 2.09. Low carbon lability index of biochar is due to more non-labile fraction of soil organic carbon. Due to this property carbon can be sequestered for many years in soil. The study concluded that biochar has great potential to sequester carbon and manage crop residue burning which will prevent emissions of various gases into the atmosphere due to burning.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Phytoremediation of metal contaminated soil from Yamuna river bank in Delhi
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2019-06) Belwal, Hemant; Singh, Vir
    The present study focuses on phytoremediation potential of coriander and fenugreek plants in using contaminated soil collected from the Yamuna river bank. Accumulation of metals, viz. Cu, Pb, Zn, in plant parts in shoots and roots was analyzed. Coriander and fenugreek are well known hyperaccumulator plants. The presence of high concentration of metals led to reduction in soil organic contents. The pH value of the control soil was significantly (p<0.05) than that of the treated samples. Soil respiration and soil dehydrogenase were significantly (p<0.05) declined in treated soil. However, there was no significant variation (p>0.05) in organic carbon content in control and treated pots. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were also reduced significantly (p<0.05) in treated soil. Heavy metal analyses using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer in shoots revealed that Cu was found higher in shoots of coriander grown in treated soil than in fenugreek plants grown with coriander in the same pot in control soil. Zn was found higher in shoots of fenugreek grown in treated soil and lower in coriander shoots grown in control soil. In roots Cu concentrations was found higher in roots of coriander plants grown in treated soil and Pb and zinc were in higher concentrations in the roots of fenugreek plants grown in treated soil. Cu registered minimum accumulation in fenugreek plants grown in control soil whereas Pb and Zn had minimum values of accumulation in coriander plant grown with fenugreek in control soil. However, there was no significant variation (p>0.05) in Pb for shoots and roots in all treatments.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Assessment of fermentive hydrogen production potential of rice straw and vegetable agro-wastes
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2019-05) Rawat, Sumit; Sarawat, Shweta
    The present study was undertaken to assess the hydrogen production potential of rice straw, vegetable agro-wastes and their combination employing Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli and their mixed inoculum under anaerobic conditions. All the pretreated substrates i.e. rice straw, vegetable waste, and rice straw+vegetable waste yielded higher hydrogen gas as compared to their untreated substrates. In general, the maximum hydrogen production was obtained at pH 6.0, OD 0.5 and temperature 37° C in case of each treatment. Among all substrates, rice straw yielded maximum hydrogen gas throughout the experiment. The pretreated rice straw yielded maximum hydrogen gas i.e. 65.6 ml / 100 g VS using mixed culture followed by 64.2 ml / 100 g VS using K. pneumoniae and 56.8 ml / 100 g VS using E. coli at pH 6.0 and OD 0.5. In case of mixed culture i.e. K. pneumoniae+ E. coli the hydrogen gas production was recorded maximum i.e. 240.46 ml / kg rice straw followed by K. pneumoniae (220.1 ml / kg rice straw) and E. coli (160.2 ml / kg rice straw) at pH 6.0 and OD 0.5. The ability to produce hydrogen by mixed culture was 10% higher than K. pneumoniae and 33% higher than E. coli. The results revealed that the pretreated rice straw in combination of K. pneumoniae and E. coli can be used to produce green renewable energy for the sake of agrowastes and environmental management.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Phytoremediation of Zn and Pb from the polluted soils by sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2019-06) Khalid Muhib; Melkania, Uma
    Phytoremediation is an emerging cost effective remediation technology that uses plants to remove metals from contaminated soils. Potexperiments were conducted to compare the biomass of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus), plant grown on Pb and Zn contaminated soils, and to assess its efficiency for the removal of Pb and Zn. The obtained results showed that as the concentration of heavy metals increased in soil, the fresh and dry weights of the growing plants gradually decreased. The application of 835mgkg−1 soil of Pb and 598mg kg-1 Zn reduced the fresh weights of shoot and root. The maximum concentration of Pb and Zn in shoot (146.27 and 277.83mgkg−1) and roots (589.77 and 287.97mgkg−1, respectively) were recorded in the plant cultivated in contaminated soil. The highest bioaccumulation was recorded for Pb in the root grown on soil treated with 835mgkg−1.Highest plant shoot and root length was found in control soil with average values 75.67 cm and 9.5 cm, respectively.While the shortest plants shoot 58.5 cm and root 6 cm was recorded under the 835 mg kg-1 soil Pb concentration. Similarly, zinc significantly decreased plant shoot and root by 55.67 cm and 7 cm respectively when the soil treated with 598 mg kg-1 soil zinc.Therefore, the study concludes that Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) plant was more favorable for Pb and Zn uptake, and we suggest its ability for the remediation of Pb and Zn contaminated soils.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Comparative study of Ageratum conyzoides dead biomass and its biochar for heavy metal removal from industrial wastewater
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2019-05) Anusha, B.V.; Saraswat, Shweta
    The present study was done in order to evaluate the use of Ageratum conyzoides biomass (DB) and its biochar (BC) for the heavy metal removal from electroplating industry wastewater. The analyses of both Ageratum conyzoides DB and its BC were carried out to study their physico-chemical properties. The initial concentrations of various parameters in the electroplating industry wastewater were analyzed to determine the heavy metal load in the wastewater. Ageratum conyzoides DB and BC were used as adsorbents for the adsorption of heavy metals which includes zinc, cadmium, chromium and lead present in the wastewater sample. Heavy metal removal per cent at different dosage of Ageratum conyzoides DB and BC, varying pH and at different time interval from the wastewater was studied. Heavy metal adsorption using BC was more in all the treatments compared to A. conyzoides DB. Maximum removal using A. conyzoides DB was 62.45%, 45.63%, 98.05% and 78.65% for Zn, Cd, Cr and Pd, respectively and for A. conyzoides BC was 98.65%, 51.83%, 100 % and 80.05%. Order of adsorption was Cr>Pd>Zn>Cd with DB and Cr>Zn>Pd>Cd with BC. Within 30min rate of adsorption was maximum though further increase contact time showed higher per cent removal, rate of adsorption decreased. Maximum adsorption of heavy metals was seen at pH 6 using Ageratum conyzoides DB, whereas Ageratum conyzoides BC showed maximum adsorption at different pH for different metals. Ageratum conyzoides can be successfully utilized as DB powder or converted to BC to treat the industrial wastewater and bring down the heavy metal concentration below permissible limit.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effects of water stress on morpho- and physiobiochemical parameters of Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertner and Echinocloa frumentacea Link
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2019-05) Tiwari, Anjali; Singh, Vir
    Water scarcity induces water stress which, in turn, alters plant physiology. The altered plant physiology imposes restrictions on the crop plants to realize their natural potential such as appropriate growth, high yields, protection against pests and the likes. Millet crops, especially the finger millet (Eleusine coracana) barnyard millet (Echinocloa frumentacea), constitute the major crops in summer crop season in mountain areas. The present investigation attempts to examine morpho- and physiobiochemical effects of water stress in these crops which often experience water scarcity in summer season. A pot experiment was conducted to analyze water stress conditions on the two millets crop. Water was given to plants at 7, 15, 30 and 45 days interval. A comparative study of both the millets crop under well-watered and water stress conditions revealed that finger millet was more tolerant to drought than barnyard millet in terms of plant height, numbers of leaves, relative water content, harvest index, proline content, chlorophyll content, protein content, carbohydrate content, malondialdehyde (MDA) content, phenol content, flavanoid content, amylose content, and catalase (CAT). ANOVA for these parameters was also found significant at 0.05% level. Effect of water stress on biochemical parameters like proline content, chlorophyll content, protein content, carbohydrate content, MDA content, phenol content, flavanoid content, amylose content, and CAT activity accounted more reduction in barnyard millet than in finger millet.