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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Contribution of backyard Poultry farming in the livelihood of Paroja tribes of Koraput district
    (Department of Poultry Science, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, 2021) Padhy, Pritisha Kumar; Samal, Lipismita; Dash, S.K.; Jena, G.R.; Das, D.P.
    The purpose of the study was to evaluate the contribution of backyard farming in the livelihood of tribal farmers in the Paroja community, to assess the socio-economic aspects of tribal farmers, to study the production performance of backyard poultry and production systems. A total of 221 respondents were chosen at random from two blocks in the Koraput district i.e., Laxmipur and Dashmantpur. Through the participatory rural appraisal method, data was collected directly from respondents through a questionnaire schedule. According to the data, the majority of farmers (64 percent) were male, belonged to the older age group (37.5 percent), had low educational qualifications (primary or middle level schooling) (81.4 percent), and had small or medium flock sizes (71 percent). Backyard poultry farming had a moderate impact on farmers' social welfare. The chi-square test revealed a significant (p<0.05) dependency between the parameters education and flock size. In the study area, the average flock size (Mean±SD) was 26.6±0.68 birds. The birds were raised in a backyard free range system to collect their feed naturally with minimal addition of kitchen garbage, broken rice, and other items. There was no effective disease control or vaccination protocol in place for the birds. About 17.2% farmers practiced better housing system for their birds. Overall average performance of the indigenous birds for marketable age, marketable bodyweight, age at sexual maturity, eggs/bird/clutch were estimated to be 8.30±0.11 month, 2.13±0.03 kg, 6.47±0.04 month and 12.15±0.01 respectively. Significant (P<0.05) difference was found for the Factors viz. marketable age, egg per clutch, clutch interval with regard to blocks and body weight, clutch interval, rate per kg of bird differed significantly (p<0.05) with regard to flock sizes. The respondents' annual net income was projected to be between Rs. 20000 and Rs. 40000/-, and the benefit cost ratio was assessed to be between 2.34 and 2.13, depending on the size of the flock maintained by the farmers. Diseases were identified as a key constraint in the backyard production system in the study area, followed by predator attacks, a lack of quality food, unhygienic rearing, and a lack of veterinary assistance. As a result, the government should concentrate on these issues in order to increase rural backyard poultry production and tribal people's socioeconomic status.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of carcass traits and meat quality characteristics of indigenous chickens of some certain regions of Odisha
    (Department of Poultry Science, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, 2021) Kayande, Sadashiv Ramdas; Pati, Prasad Kumar; Dash, S. K.; Panigrahi, B.; Samal, L.
    The purpose of this study was to assess the carcass features and meat quality parameters of certain Odisha native chicken populations, including Gujuri, Dumasil, Chitri, and Kabri. The experiment was carried out by purchasing 48 birds (6 male and 6 female chickens from each population) at marketable weights from farmers and slaughtering them at the PG Department of Poultry Science, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, OUAT, Bhubaneswar. Male birds had considerably higher dressed and eviscerated percents than female birds (P≤0.05). The present study found that, with the exception of breast and giblet, the yield percentage of different carcass characteristics was considerably (P≤0.05) greater in male birds than female birds, but the back-yield percentage of both sexes showed no difference. Chitri birds had significantly higher dressing and evisceration percentages, cut-up part, and giblet yield percentages than the remainder of the population (P≤0.05). Chitri and Kabri birds had significantly higher dressing percent and eviscerated percent in both sexes than Gujuri and Dumasil birds, with no significant difference between Chitri and Kabri birds. All native birds of both sexes had significantly different cut-up parts percentages such as neck, wing, back, breast, thigh, drumstick, and giblet percentages (P≤0.05). The dry matter percent, protein percent, and ash percent of all native birds differed considerably (P≤0.05) among them, with no difference in fat content, according to the proximate analysis of meat. In terms of pH, WHC, and TBA value, no significant differences were found among the birds studied. All natural bird meat had identical microbiological features, such as TPC and TCC, and no yeast or mould formation.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Comparative ultrasonographic study of reproductive organs of Hansli chicken and a non-descriptive chicken
    (Department of Poultry Science, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, 2021) Sutar, Gautam Kumar; Dash, Susanta Kumar; Samal, L.; Panigrahi, B.; Mohanty, G.P.
    Hen‟s reproductive organ health status evaluation is important for raising native chicken in Odisha in order to optimize the production and reproduction potential triggering animal protein supply to cater people demand. This study aimed to discover the images of reproductive organs of Hansli and Dumasil using ultrasonography and to compare the reproductive parameters of Hansli and Dumasil by both survey and ultrasound technique. Total 73 numbers of Hansli chickens with an average age and body weight of 16 months and 1.44 kg, respectively and 52 number of Dumasil with an average age and body weight of 15 months and 1.35 kg, respectively were taken into consideration randomly for this study and farmers having at least 5 birds reared as backyard poultry and small farm owner having 15 birds reared in farm were selected as a respondents. There were 12 hens that used in this study, 6 from Hansli and 6 from Dumasil for brightness-mode ultrasonography imaging. The 12 hens that were used for brightness-mode ultrasonography divided into two groups based on body weight i.e. more than 1.5 kg and less than 1.5 kg in both Hansli and Dumasil and it‟s also divided in two groups based on their age less and more than thirteen months old. The transcutaneous ultrasonography was performed in this study. The transducer lubricated by ultrasound transmission gel and positioned on caudal femur with an approximately angle 30- 45 degree against left abdomen wall. The results showed that follicles were ease to found and appeared as anechoic oval to round form confined by a hypo-echoic layer at left position of ultrasound scanning. Furthermore, follicles were difficult to scanning in hens with age less than twelve months and under 1.25 kg body weights. The average number of PoF were found to be more in Dumasil than Hansli through ultrasonogrphy imaging. The relative diameter of PoF was found to be larger in Dumasil than Hansli chicken. The ultrasonogram of the uterus of Hansli and Dumasil revealed rounded structure with anechoic to hypo-echoic echogenicities, bordered by walls which showed hypo-echoic to hyper-echoic echogenicity. The reproductive performance of Dumasil was better than that of Hansli. This was the preliminary report on the application of transcutaneous ultrasonographic technique to monitor ovarian status on Hansli and Dumasil demonstrating that the ovarian follicular activity and morphological structure can be monitored non-intrusively throughout hen‟s life which can used as model for reproductive and biomedical research
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Phenotypic characterization and socio-economic impact of indigenous Phulbani chicken population of Odisha
    (Department of Poultry Science, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, 2021) Sahu, Akash Kumar; Samal, Lipismita; Dash, S.K.; Sathapathy, S.; Sarangi, K.K.
    A study was conducted to estimate the phenotypic characteristics of Phulbani chicken, to judge the population distribution of Phulbani chicken, to study the socioeconomic status of farmers rearing Phulbani chicken and to evaluate the opportunity and constraints of farmers rearing Phulbani chicken. A total of 204 respondents were selected from two district viz. Boudh and Kandhamal, purposively. A questionnaire schedule was prepared through participatory rural appraisal method and data were collected accordingly. Analysis of data revealed that Phulbani chickens were having multicoloured plumage. Brown coloured birds were constituting maximum proportion of the population. This bird was having patchy plumage pattern. 85% of the Phulbani chickens were having yellow skin whereas rest were having white colour of skin. All cocks were having yellow colour shank whereas in females 68% were having yellow shank and 25% slate/greenish coloured shank and 7% black coloured shank. 88.3% adult male birds were having white ear lobe and 11.7% were having red ear lobe. All the birds were having red colour, comb and wattle. The egg shell colour was invariably white. 86.6% adult male were having single comb and 13.4% were having V shaped comb. The mean age at 1st egg is 7.77±0.18 months and ranged from 6-9 month. Mean annual egg production of this bird was 53.01±1.46 and ranged from 32-80. The mean clutch size of Phulbani chicken was 16.33±0.25 days. The mean egg weight of Phulbani chicken was 40.51±0.32g. The Mean hatchability of this bird was 85.5% and it was ranging from 75-95%. The mean body weight of male and female at 1 st week of age were 29.53±0.67g and 26.23±0.36g, respectively. The mean body weight of adult male and female were 1464.42±18.47g and 940.82±11.79g, respectively. The mean flock size per respondent was 25.5. It was found that 19.4% of total respondents were female and rest majority were male. Maximum number of respondents were of middle age group meaning they were between 31- 50 years old. Majority of the respondents (78.4%) belonged to a nuclear family. Predators were found to be the main constraint in Phulbani chicken rearing and disorganised marketing was the least important one. They were housed in different type of houses, but majority of farmers keeping in a separate poultry house. This Phulbani chickens have significant sociocultural value. They act as scavenger of the house. Phulbani chickens were having a significant socio-cultural benefit. The economic analysis of Boudh and Kandhamal district show that Phulbani chicken rearing was a profitable business. Finally, this study revealed that Phulbani chicken were dual type birds and farmers were getting benefitted by rearing this chicken.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Opportunities and constraints of backyard poultry production among Gadaba tribes of Koraput district
    (Post Graduate Department of Poultry Science, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, 2020) Martha, Subrata; Samal, Lipismita; Behura, N.C.; Das, B.C.; Sarangi, K.; Jena, G.R.
    The study was conducted to assess the socio-economic aspect of tribal farmers, to study the production performance of backyard poultry and production system and to evaluate the opportunities and constraints of tribal farmers of Gadaba community. A total of 240 respondents were selected from three purposively selected blocks viz. Similiguda, Lamataput, Potangi of Koraput district. Data was collected directly from the respondents using a questionnaire schedule through participatory rural appraisal method. The analysis of data revealed that maximum farmers were male (62.9%), belonged to middle age group (68.8%), had poor educational qualification viz. primary or middle level of education (77.9%), maintained small or medium flock size (91.1%), sell directly in the local market (64.6%). Backyard poultry rearing had moderate impact on social welfare of the farmers. Significant (p<0.05) dependency was found between the factors viz. age of the farmers and block, education and block as shown by chi-square test. An overall average flock size (Mean±SE) was 32.9±0.61 birds in the study area. Birds were reared under free range system in the backyard to obtain their feed naturally with little supplementation of kitchen waste, broken rice etc. No proper protocol was maintained with regard to disease management and vaccination of the birds. About 34% farmers practised better housing system for their birds and significant (p<0.05) dependency was found between the factors viz. house and block. Overall average performance of the indigenous birds for marketable age, marketable bodyweight, age at sexual maturity, eggs/bird/clutch were estimated to be 8.63±0.10 month, 1.89±0.01 kg, 6.49±0.04 month and 12.52±0.10, respectively. Significant (P<0.05) difference was found for the Factors viz. block, flock size, source of birds with regard to marketable age, marketable bodyweight and the factor Gender differed significantly (p<0.05) with regard to eggs/bird/clutch. Annual net income of the respondents was estimated to be ranged between Rs. 14000-30000/- and the benefit cost ratio was estimated to be ranged between 2.20-2.36 depending upon the flock size maintained by the farmers. Incidence of diseases was observed as major constraint in the backyard production system in the area of study followed by attack of predators, lack of knowledge on management, lack of veterinary support, disorganized market etc. Therefore government should focus on these aspects in order to improve rural backyard poultry production and socio economic status of the tribal people.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Production and reproduction performances of CSML X Hansli crossbred chicken under intensive system of management
    (Post Graduate Department of Poultry Science, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, 2020) Mishra, Amit Kumar; Behura, N.C.; Panigrahi, B.; Samal, L.; Bagh, Jessy
    A cross breed chicken is a breed of higher productivity as well higher adaptability to native environment. They can serve us highly proteinaceous foodstuff. Two hundred forty day old CSML X Hansli cross bred chicks were randomly distributed in 3 replicate groups to have 80 chicks per replicate group. They were given feed and water on ad-libitum basis. Then during the grower stage (8th -20th week), sex separated feeding was practiced. Male and female chicken were housed separately. Restricted feeding was practiced throughout the period. After completion of grower stage, around 80 female layers were taken and randomly distributed into 8 replicas. Feed was allotted to layers @ 110 g/ day/bird and the feeding continued from 21st to 52nd week. Proper vaccination schedule and medication were followed. Birds were reared up to 52 weeks of age. The following parameters such as Growth performance, Feed conversion efficiency, Mortality at different ages, Linear body measurement, Egg Production %, egg production performances, Age at sexual maturity in females, External egg quality parameters, Internal egg quality parameters were studied at different ages. The body weight of male and female of experimental cross at 8th week of age was 755.33±4.95g and 679.44±6.49g respectively. The body weight of male and female of the above cross at 20th week of age was 2403.94±61.72g and 1900.95±27.29g respectively. The FCR gradually increased from 1.72±0.01 at 1st week of age to 2.96±0.02 at 8th week of age. The FCR was significantly higher (p≤ 0.01) in male as compared to female at grower phase. The linear body measurements of male birds were significantly higher (p≤ 0.01) than that of female birds at all ages except shank width. The age at first lay of these birds was 170.00±0.27 days. The peak egg production 70.75±1.12 was obtained at 308.25±0.16 days. The egg weight increased significantly (p≤ 0.05) from 25th week of age (43.29±1.23) to 52nd week of age (53.00±1.73). The albumen index was 0.0957±0.007 at 30th week of age and 0.1026±0.003 at 52nd week of age. The above measured characters were compared with different crossbreeds and some native breeds which indicates dual purpose persona of these birds.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of CSML × Hansli cross bred chicken and it’s reciprocal for broiler traits under different plane of nutrition
    (Department of Poultry Science, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, 2020) Samantaray, Sudhansu; Behura, N.C.; Mishra, S.K.; Sethy, K.; Samal, L.
    The present experiment was conducted to study the performance of two crossbreds (Hansli X CSML and CSML X Hansli) chicken genotypes under two different plane of nutrition. Ninety day-old chicks of each genotype (Hansli x CSML and CSML x Hansli) were randomly distributed in 6 replicate groups and three replicate groups were allotted to either high nutrient dense (HN) diet (starter: 3100 Kcal ME/Kg, 22% CP and finisher: 3200 Kcal ME/kg , 20 % CP during phase (5-8 weeks) or low nutrient dense (LN) diet(starter 2650 Kcal ME/Kg, 20% CP and finisher 2850 Kcal ME/kg, 19 % CP). The experiment continued for a period of 8 weeks. Feed was offered ad libitum and clean water was provided round the clock. Standard management practices were adopted. The 8th week body weights of the chicks of T1, T2, T3 and T4 groups were, 1628.71, 748.80, 1464.9 and 754.29 grams respectively. The body weights of birds fed HN diet were significantly (p0.05). When fed HN diet, the body weight of Hansli X CSML males were significantly higher than the body weight of CSML X Hansli males. Under LN diet the body weight of males and female of different treatment groups were similar. The mean cumulative 8th week FCR of the chicks of T1, T2, T3 and T4 groups were 2.25, 2.63, 2.51 and 2.59 respectively without much variation. The mean cumulative 8th week PER and EER values of the chicks of different groups did not differ significantly. The shank length, keel length and breast angles were significantly and positively affected by diet but not by genotype. It may be concluded that, the Hansli X CSML genotype performed better than the CSML X Hansli genotype in terms of body weight and FCR when fed a high nutrient dense diet under intensive system of management with adequate.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Comparative performance of some coloured chicken genotypes for broiler traits under intensive system of management
    (Department of Poultry Science, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, 2020) Mallick, Bhaktahari; Behura, N.C.; Das, K.C.; Pati, P.K.; Panda, N.; Samal, L.
    Considering the high demand for low input birds for small scale rural farming, a lot of emphasis is being given to develop suitable chicken varieties to bridge the gap by various government agencies and private breeders. Two triple-crossbred varieties have been developed by AICRP Bhubaneswar centre. The objectives of the present investigation were to evaluate the performance of two triple cross progenies for broiler traits and compare with those of Palliishree and Kuroiler varieties. Day-old straight run chicks of four different chicken varieties, two triple-cross varieties , namely (Hansli X CSML) ♂ X CSFL♀, (HMF,T1) and (CSML X Hansli) ♂ X CSFL♀, (MHF, T2), one two-way cross variety, CSML♂XCSFL♀, (Pallishree, T3), and Kuroiler (T4), were reared under intensive system for a period of 7 weeks. The 7th week body weight of T1, T2, T3 and T4 groups were 1616.43 ± 31.88, 1707.79 ± 30.7, 1974.48 ± 30.29 and 1546.00 ± 30.07 g respectively. The 7th week body weight of both the three way crosses (T1 andT2) were similar but significantly lower than that of the two way cross (T3). T4 group average 7th week body weight was comparable with that of T1 group but significantly lower than T2 and T3 groups. The average 7 th week cumulative feed intake of recorded T1 and T2 groups were similar but significantly lower than T3 group. The average 7th week cumulative FCR for T1, T2, T3, and T4 groups were 2.10, 2.10, 2.31 and 2.33 respectively. The T1 and T2 groups had significantly lower FCR than T3 and T4 groups. Mortality (%) for T1, T2, T3 and T4 groups were 0, 0.03, 0.03 and 0 respectively and were well within the normal range. The dressing percentage, breast, thigh, neck and giblet % of both the triple cross (T1 and T2) under evaluation were similar (p>0.05). Abdominal fat and drumstick % of T1 group were higher than T2 group but the wing and back % of T1 group were significantly lower than T2 group. Most of the carcass parameters of T1 and T2 groups were at par with T3 group but higher than the T4 group. The net return per kg of live weight as well as B : C ratio followed the order T2>T1 >T3 >T4 . The B:C ratio were 1.41, 1.46, 1.39 and 1.29. Out of the two triple crosses evaluated, the performance of (CSML X Hansli) ♂ X CSFL♀ (T2) was better in terms of body weight gain, B : C ratio and net return/kg live weight than (Hansli X CSML) ♂ X CSFL♀ (T2).The overall performance of both the triple crosses (T1 and T2) were superior to Kuroilers (T4) and Palishree.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Carcass characteristics and meat quality traits of some native chicken population of Odisha
    (Department of Poultry Science, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, 2020) Roul, Amrut Kumar; Pati, Prasad Kumar; Behura, N.C.; Mallick, B.K.; Mishra, B.P.; Samal, L.
    The present study was conducted to evaluate the carcass characteristics and meat quality traits of some native chicken population of Odisha, namely, Kalahandi, Phulbani, Hansli and Vezaguda. The experiment was performed by procuring 48 birds (6 male and 6 female birds from each population) directly from farmers at their marketable weights and slaughtered at PG Department of Poultry Science, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, OUAT, Bhubaneswar. The dressing % and eviscerated % were significantly (P≤0.05) higher in male than female birds. The current study showed that the yield percentage of different attributes of carcass characteristics except breast and giblet were significantly (P≤0.05) higher in male birds than its female counterparts while no variation was observed in the back yield percentage of both sexes. The dressing and evisceration percentage, cut-up part and giblet yield percentage of Hansli birds were significantly (P≤0.05) higher in comparison with the rest of the population. In both sexes the dressing % and eviscerated % of Hansli and Phulbani birds were significantly (P≤0.05) higher followed by Kalahandi and Vezaguda birds with no significant difference between Hansli and Phulbani birds. The cut-up parts percentage such as neck, wing, back, breast, thigh, drumstick and giblet percentage of all native birds in both sexes differed significantly (P≤0.05). The proximate analysis of meat concluded that the dry matter %, protein % and ash % of all native birds differed significantly (P≤0.05) among them with no variation in fat content. No significant difference among the birds under study was observed in the parameter like pH, WHC and TBA value. The meat of all native birds showed similar microbiological characteristics like TPC and TCC with no growth of yeast and mould. There was no variation of sensory attributes among the native population, but Hansli birds had slightly higher score for overall acceptability.