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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Influence of Microbial Inoculants on Seedling Growth of Different Tree Species
    (University of Agricultural Science, Dharwad, 2015-07) Garwal, Magan; Shivanna, H.
    These experiments were conducted to study the influence of four Rhizobium strain and combination with AM fungus on seedlings of five leguminous species (Pongamia pinnata, Casuarina equisetifolia, Dalbergia sissoo, Sesbania grandiflora and Albizia lebbeck) in the Department of Forest Biology and Tree Improvement, College of Forestry, Sirsi, University of Agricultural Science, Dharwad, during 2014-15. Experimental result recorded that seedling inoculated with SRG3+AM showed significantly higher plant height, collar diameter, number of leaves/leaflets, number of nodule and their fresh and dry weight followed by SRG2+AM in Pongamia pinnata, Dalbergia sissoo, Sesbania grandiflora and Albizia lebbeck . Least was recorded in control. Dual inoculated seedling showed better result than single inoculation either AM or Rhizobium strain. In Casuarina equisetifolia SF1+AM showed significantly higher in all the physical parameter followed by SF3+AM as compare to single inoculated or control. Seedling biomasses on the basis of dry weight and root and shoot nitrogen was highest in SRG3+ AM in species (Pongamia pinnata, Dalbergia sissoo, Sesbania grandiflora and Albizia lebbeck). In C. equisetifolia SF1+AM showed highest biomass and nitrogen percentage in root and shoot. Similarly nitrogenase activity was higher in SRG3+AM compared to single inoculation of either Rhizobium strain or AM and least in control. In C. equisetifolia SF1+AM showed highest NR activities. Bio-inoculants are a substance which contains living micro-organisms and is known to help in expansion of the root system, better growth and nitrogen fixation. Microsymbionts can promote the growth of a crop species by allowing them to uptake nutrients that would normally be unavailable to the plant. Therefore, the selection of suitable rhizobial strains is most importance as it may help to promote the growth and increase potential yields.