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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Transcriptomics studies in bread wheat under terminal heat stress
    (Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University hisar, 2022-12) Kavita; Mukesh Kumar
    In the present investigation 50 wheat genotypes were sown with two replications in a randomized complete block design (RBD) at the experimental area of Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, CCSHAU, Hisar, during Rabi seasons of 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 under normal and late sown conditions. Combined ANOVA showed that all traits had high level of genotypic variations among all the genotypes under both conditions. Highest heritability was shown by days to anthesis under both conditions while high GCV, PCV and genetic advance as percent mean were high for relative stress injury and chlorophyll stability index under normal and late sown conditions, respectively. Biochemical parameters and heat stress indices were used to screen out heat tolerant genotypes. Grain yield per plot exhibited positive and highly significant correlation with membrane stability index, chlorophyll stability index and all yield contributing traits under both conditions. Correlation among heat stress indices exhibited that grain yield per plot under both conditions is positively correlated with stress tolerance index, yield index, mean productivity, geometric mean and harmonic mean. Path analysis showed that harvest index and biological yield per plot had highly positive direct effects on grain yield per plot under both conditions. The principal component analysis for morpho-physiological traits under normal and late sown conditions and heat stress indices depicted that the first four, three and two components reflected more than 78%, 76% and 97% of the total variance, respectively. Cluster analysis grouped genotypes into 7 and 5 clusters, most divergent clusters were IV and VI, II and V under normal and late sown conditions, respectively. UPGMA cluster tree analysis divided genotypes into two clusters and also confirmed that sufficient variability is present among genotypes. Transcriptome analysis revealed that the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) under control and heat stress conditions were identified in both genotypes (WH-730 and WH-1184). These DEGs were utilised to set up a subsequent unigene assembly and GO analysis was done using unigenes to analyze functions of DEGs which classified into three main domains; biological process, cellular component and molecular function. KEGG ontology was used to visualize the physiological processes or to identify KEGG pathways that provide plants their ability to shield in adverse conditions of heat stress. From KEGG ontology it was reported that the gene encoded enzyme (peroxidase) of KEGG pathway was upregulated in WH-730 while downregulated in WH-1184.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Crop residue management options and effects on soil properties and crop productivity under rice - wheat cropping system
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-07) Kavita; Dev Raj
    An experiment on residue management was conducted during Rabi, 2018 at Research Farm KVK, Panipat, CCS Haryana Agricultural University to study the effect of residue management options and fertilizer levels on soil properties and crop productivity under rice wheat cropping system. The experiment was laid out in spilt plot design consisted 4 residue management practices (R1: Residue removal, R2: Residue Burning, R3: Residue Incorporation and R4: Residue Retention ,Direct seeding of wheat with happy seeder into rice stubbles) in main plot and with five fertilizers level (F1: Control, F2: 100% N + 50% RD of P&K, F3: 100% N + 75% RD of P&K and F4: 100% N+75% RD of P&K+ Waste decomposer and F5:100% of RDF) in sub-plot. N and P mineralisation were highest at 25 and 55 DAS, respectively, values decline thereafter for both during first year whereas during second year value again increase at 115 DAS. MBC and enzymes values were also reported higher at 55 DAS during both the years. Urease and alkaline phosphatase followed same trend as mineralisation during both the year, however MBC and dehydrogenase followed the different trend during 2019-20. Burning of rice residue decreased the MBC, dehydrogenase and urease activity, however alkaline phosphatase activity increased after burning. The available N.P and K content in soil after rice harvest varied from 115 to 129 and 113 to 134, 24.6 to 44.2 and 25.2 to 48.2 and 175 to 193 and 176 to 196 kg ha-1, respectively among different treatment combination during 2019 and 2020, respectively. Available nutrient status in soil followed the order retention> incorporation> burning> removal under residue management and 100% RDF>100% N+75% RD of P&K> 100% N + 75% RD of P&K> 100% N + 50% RD of P&K> control in case of fertilizer level except for the Fe (higher under control) during both years. Higher value of TOC (0.800 and 0.814 %) and SOC (0.680 and 0.694 %) was reported with the retention treatment while mean value of MBC (350 and 379 mg/kg) and DOC (418 and 540 mg/kg) recorded higher under incorporation during both the year. Organic carbon fraction followed the order: recalcitrant > less labile> very labile> labile during both years. Lower value of bulk density and higher value of water holding capacity recorded with R4 treatment. Germination index was reported higher under removal and lowest value recorded with retention during both the year. The highest grain and straw yield of wheat was recoded with removal and 100% RDF during 2018-19 and retention and 100% RDF during 2019-20. Grain and straw yield of rice grown after wheat in the same plot follows the order: incorporation>retention>burning>removal.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    An analytical study on impact of WTO on agricultural trade in India
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2019-12) Kavita; Mehta, V P
    The study on “An analytical study on impact of WTO on agricultural trade in India” was done with the following objectives: (1) To study the trends of agricultural trade in India during Pre and Post-WTO regime (2) To compute the terms of trade in Indian agriculture (3) To examine the comparative advantage in India‟s agricultural trade (4) To study the instability of India‟s agricultural trade and suggest appropriate policy measures for improving the agricultural trade. The present study was based on secondary data collected from the various published sources, viz., various issues of hand book of RBI, FAO Trade year Book, Statistical Abstract in India, indiastat.com, FAOSTAT etc. The data were grouped into two periods (Pre-WTO and Post-WTO) depending upon the formation of world trade organization and its effect on export and import of agricultural sector, Period-I is characterized by impact of world trade organization on agricultural trade before formation of world trade organization and ranged from 1975 to1994 and Period-II ranged from 1995 to 2015 which is the Post-WTO period. India became a member of WTO on 1st January 1995 and it was the first multilateral agreement, meant to curb unfair practices in agricultural trade and set off the process of reforms in the agricultural sector. A decreasing trend was observed in agricultural export share of India in world‟s agricultural export during pre- WTO period and an increasing trend during post-WTO period whereas India‟s import share showed reverse trend. Agricultural export share in national export has been showing decreasing trend during pre as well as post-WTO period. Similarly agricultural import share in national import has been showing decreasing trend during pre and post-WTO period. Terms of trade of agricultural sector of India in quantity as well as value terms were decline during pre-WTO period and intensified during post-WTO period. Indian agricultural sector shows trade surplus during pre-WTO period as well as post-WTO period. India has gained comparative advantage in export of cereals, pulses, spices and cash crops and comparative disadvantage in oilseeds, dairy products and eggs, meat and meat preparation whereas mixed result observed in case of fruits and vegetables export. Agricultural trade and national trade were stable during pre-WTO period as compared to post-WTO period.