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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Performance of ber (Ziziphus mauritiana Lamk.) cultivars under semi- arid conditions of Haryana
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-09) Hardeep; Mukesh Kumar
    A research study was carried out at the experimental orchard of CCS Haryana Agricultural University, RRS, Bawal (Rewari), Haryana on ber cultivars planted at 7×7 m in RBD. These cultivars have wide range of variability in growth, flowering, fruiting and qualitative traits. Growth parameters such as plant height, trunk girth and plant spread were recorded maximum in Kaithli while, minimum plant height in Chhuhara, plant spread and trunk girth in Narendra Ber Selection 2. The growth habit of all the cultivars was upright, semi-erect or spreading, while the leaf shape was oval, obovate, cordate or ovate. Ber cultivars may also be classified by to the intensity of pubescence on the lower side of the leaf, either smooth, sparsely tomentose or densely tomentose. Maximum leaf fresh and dry weight was recorded in Umran and chlorophyll content in Gola. Superior to half-inferior ovary was observed in all the cultivars. Anthesis occurred in forenoon in some cultivars whereas, in afternoon in others. Dehiscence time was observed from 1 to 3 hours in different culitvars. Thorn shapes was observed curved and alternate curved in all the cultivars. Date of initiation of flowering to end of flowering, flowering duration, time taken from flowering to fruit setting, time taken from fruit setting to fruit maturity varied as 16 August to 31 October, 49-62 days, 16-21 days and 128-151 days, respectively. Mature fruit colour varied as greenish-yellow, yellowish and yellowish-green. The maximum fruit length (4.67 cm) was recorded in Chhuhara and maximum fruit width (3.69 cm) was found in Narendra Ber Selection 1. Fruit weight, pulp weight, specific gravity, stone length, stone weight varied as 16.90-29.43 g, 15.72-26.95 g, 0.98-1.08, 18.16-28.30 mm, 1.07-2.48 g, respectively. The maximum stone length and stone width was recorded in Chhuhara and Narendra Ber Selection 1, respectively, whereas minimum stone length and stone width was rercoded in Narendra Ber Selection 2 and Kaithli, respectively. Pulp/stone ratio, fruit set per cent ranged as 7.54-188.77 and 10.70-19.35, respectively. Fruit firmness in mature fruits was soft, medium and hard. Difference in fruit maturity group was also recorded viz. early, mid and late and yield of different cultivars varied from 24 to 48 kg/plant. Pulp TSS, ascorbic acid, titratable acidity and TSS/acid ratio varied as 15.30 to 20.72ᵒB, 88.7-94.7 mg/100 g pulp, 0.32-0.38% and 42.5-64.8, respectively. Gola and Kaithli were found susceptible in fruit fly infestation and Kaithli was recorded highly susceptible to powdery mildew whereas, Gola, Umran and Chhuhara were found susceptible and others were resistant to powdery mildew. Fruit cracking was also found in Gola and Narendra Ber Selection 1 whereas, frost injury was observed in Chhuhara.