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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on temporal and spatial variations of circulation and hydrographic characteristics of Panangad region of the Vembanad Lake
    (Department of Fishery Hydrography, College of Fisheries, Panangad, 2003) Vijayakumar, C T; KAU; Varna, K K
    The objective of the study was to find the seasonal and spatial variations of different hydrographical factors of the Vcmbanad Lake around Panangad region and compare the situation with that of the other parts of the lake. Salinity, temperature, current velocity and direction, dissolved oxygen, primary production and nutrients like phosphate, nitrite and nitrate were the parameters studied. For this monthly observations of these factors were made from nine stations located in and around Panangad region of Vembanad Lake. Beside this tidal cycle observations were carried out from two stations to study the tidal variation of the factors. S.T.D. meter was used to measure salinity, and temperature and a current meter for the current measurements. Water samples from surface and sub surfaces were collected with a clean bucket and a Van Dorn bottle. The estimation of dissolved oxygen, primary production and nutrients were done by standard methods. Marked seasonal fluctuation was noticed in the temperature of different stations. Annual variation showed two maxima. The temperature was minimum during southwest monsoon and maximum during pre monsoon months. In general, the vertical thermal stratification was small. The salinity exhibited marked seasonal fluctuation and generally the monsoon months recorded very low salinity values. After that there was an increase, reaching the maximum in pre monsoon months. Some vertical stratification was noticed during certain months. The Dissolved oxygen values were low during pre monsoon months and the content was more at surface than at the bottom layers. There was high seasonal fluctuation In the phosphate concentration. It showed high concentration during pre monsoon period. Generally bottom layers showed higher phosphate concentration than the surface layers. In the case of nitrite high values were observed durin 118 the monsoon and low values during dry season. Nitrate concentration also showed seasonal variation and high values were observed during the monsoon and low values during pre monsoon. The nutrient concentration was more in the inner smaller arms of the study area, in general. These inner arms were vertically homogenous also possibly due to higher mixing generated by the friction of the sides. In the tidal cycle observations it is found that salinity showed an increase during flood tide and decrease during ebb tide. At both stations considerable reduction in flood current speed was observed during post monsoon, compared to pre monsoon. During pre-rnonsoon a comparatively well mixed condition was prevailed. Post monsoon observations indicated very clear salinity stratification. This was due to the effect of freshwater discharge, which continued during this season though at reduced rate compared to monsoon season. It is found that the tidal effect on temperature was not well marked. It can be seen that different hydrographic factors of Panangad region of the Vembanad Lake exhibited much seasonal and spatial variations and the trend was in general, same to that shown by other parts of the lake.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Community changes in zooplankton and macrobenthos of a prawn culture field in relation to hydrographical conditions
    (Department of Fishery Hydrography, College of Fisheries, Panangad, 2003) Shreeram Sudheer, Gubba; KAU; Cherian, C J
    The present study was carried out in the prawn filtration field of the College of Fisheries at Panangad adjacent to the Cochin backwater system to find out the faunal variations of zooplankton and macrobenthos and to correlate them with the variations in hydro graphic conditions and compare the results with those obtained from the observations in the adjacent lake. Monthly samples for hydro graphical and biological studies were collected during the period from November 2002 to July 2003 from the culture field and adjacent backwater. Hydrographical features like temperature, salinity, transparency, pH, total alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, nitrate-N, phosphate-P, silicate-Si were observed. Crustacean larvae, copepods, tintinnids, nematodes, rotifers and veliger larvae of molluscs were the zooplankton groups obtained in the present study. Crustacean larvae and copepods were the dominant groups in both places and were found during all the months whereas tintinnids and nematodes were observed during saline period and their number decreased with decreasing salinity. Rotifers were recorded during low saline period only. Veliger larvae were recorded during December and February in the culture field, whereas, they were not present in the samples form the adjacent backwater. Statistical analysis for the influence of hydrographical parameters on the zooplankton showed that none of these had significant influence independently and the variations in the zooplankton abundance may be due to the combined effect of all these factors. Even though the seasonal changes in the total zooplankton were not pronounced the per cent composition of different groups showed fluctuation. Tanaidaceans, gastropods, polychaetes, amphipods, bivalves, isopods and chironomid larvae were the benthic groups obtained. Among these 112250 124 gastropods, tanaidaceans and polychaetes were the dominant forms. In the culture field benthic populations were maximum during the post-monsoon months and a showed a decreasing trend during pre-monsoon. With the onset of the monsoon they showed an increasing trend. In the backwater high benthic abundance was observed during January and February when high salinity prevailed and gradually decreased from March onwards reaching the minimum in July. In the culture field benthic abundance was mainly influenced by substratum characteristics and pH, whereas in the adjacent backwater salinity also played a role. The area of the present study is away from the barmouth and the nutrient levels especially phosphate is low in the culture field. This may be limiting the primary productivity of the area leading to low secondary production in terms of zooplankton and macrobenthos in the culture field. The high pH noticed in the culture field may be another reason for the low productivity.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Incorporation of fish protein gel from shark meat into fishery products
    (Department of Processing Technology, College of Fisheries,Panangad, 2004) Bisheswar Prasad, KAU; Lizy Behanan
    A study was undertaken for the incorporation of fish protein gel from shark meat into fishery products. Fish sausage was prepared with and without protein gel. Standardization was done based on various combinations of starch, protein gel and ice water and most acceptable combination was selected. Fish meat was mixed with various food additives such as salt, sugar, starch or fish protein gel, monosodium glutamate, colour and water and stuffed into cellulose casings, cooked, cooled, packed using low-density polyethylene of thickness 300 gauge, subjected to freezing and stored at –200C in frozen condition. The various starch: protein gel: ice water proportion used for study were 10: 0: 10, 10: 5: 5, 10: 10: 0 and 5: 15: 0. The effect of protein gel was assessed based on gel strength and sensory evaluation of products. Based on these parameters, the following proportion 10: 10: 0 of starch: protein gel: ice water was selected. Fish sausages were prepared using the standardized method and subjected to storage studies along with a control in frozen condition at temperature of freezing -200C. Quality changes during storage were monitored at appropriate time interval based on various tests, viz., moisture content, peroxide value, total volatile base nitrogen content, pH, gel strength, sensory evaluation, total plate count and fungal count. Both control and test were acceptable with no significant reduction in sensory quality during frozen storage. Products were acceptable throughout storage period. Both products showed some changes in moisture content, pH, gel strength and TVBN content with storage period. Products were remained acceptable up to 60 days of storage. The Gel incorporated product appeared to be slightly the better of the two based on sensory responses eventhough statistically there was no significant difference.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development of a ready to consume sweetened fish powder for children
    (Department of Processing Technology, College of Fisheries,Panangad, 2004) Varghese John; KAU; Sherief, P M
    A sweetened snack food was developed from a lean and cheap fish (Priacanthus hamrur Forskal, 1775) for children, to meet their increased requirements for protein and energy, corresponding to their higher growth rate and physical activities. The food was planned to be attractive & palatable to children; without any fish flavour and bones; and that could be stored at room temperature. The product was developed from surimi, since the latter was devoid of all the undesirable characteristics of fish flesh but retained its nutritive qualities. Surimi was solubilized with salt, into a protein-sol and sweetened it with sucrose, which also had a protective effect on protein from heat-denaturation. The sol was dried, ground and flavoured with cocoa- powder. The most preferred levels of sucrose and cocoa-powder were standardized by sensory evaluation of samples prepared with different levels of sucrose and cocoa powder. The final product was prepared by the standardized procedure, packed in polyester-LDPE laminated pouches and stored. Children's response to [he product was also tested. A 90day's storage study was conducted and the quality changes during storage were monitored periodically. There were no significant variations in the pH and TVBN values (P>O.05). The moisture and TBARS values showed a statistically significant increase. A decreasing trend was observed in the aerobic plate counts. The sensory quality parameters like odour, texture, taste and overall acceptability, did not decrease significantly. The product was acceptable throughout the storage period.