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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Survival of Xanthomonas campestris pv. Oryzae and its Control in Kuttanad
    (Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1996) Mary, C A; KAU; Sasikumar Nair
    The present investigation was taken up to understand the factors responsible for the recurrence of bacterial blight disease in a severe from only during the additional crop season in Kuttanad. The mode of survival of the pathogen during and in between the two major cropping seasons of Kuttanad region were also studied in detail. An extensive survey was also conducted among 115 farmers in 12 Krishibhavans of Kuttanad taluk for this purpose to collect specific informations on existing cultural practices, crop variety, nature and distribution of weed flora and self sown rice plants in and around rice fields and on wether data from June 1992 to March 1994. The efficacy of two different methods of spraying, prophylactic and curative using streptocycline, mixture of streptomycin and oxytetracycline in the proportion 1:9, Bactrinol – 100 cowdung extract on the control of bacterial blight disease was tested under field condition at Nedumudi in Kuttanad. The survey showed that there was considerable variation in the incidence of bacterial blight in Kuttanad taluk. Among the 12 Krishibhavan areas the disease incidence was maximum in Ramankari and Nedumudi and minimum in Kavalam, Kainakary and Muttar. In Neelamperoor and Thalavadi areas there was no incidence of this disease during the period of survey. Between the two major cropping seasons the disease incidence was more during the additional crop season than during Punja season. Red Triveni and Jyothy were the most popular varieties cultivated in the area and more than 50% of the farmers cultivate Red Triveni. It was observed that the variety Red Triveni as highly susceptible to bacterial blight disease. The isolate of the pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae from the rice variety Red Triveni was capable of both gelatin liquefaction and starch hydrolysis. The pathogen X. oryzae pv. oryzae was found to survive for a maximum period of 42 days in infected seed, 105 days in infected straw, 56 days in infected stubbles at room temperature, 24 days in infected stubbles under dry land condition and 14 days under wet land condition. The pathogen did not survive in soil and water. Weeds like Oryza sativa var. fatua and Paspalum conjugatum served as alternate host for the pathogen. Bacterial blight infected self sown rice plants could be seen in Kuttanad during the cropping and non cropping seasons. Due to certain specific reasons, the cultivation practices were often found to extend beyond the normal cropping seasons in the region resulting in the chances of survival of bacterial blight pathogen in the host plant itself. The specific weather conditions during the additional crop season played an important role for the severity of bacterial blight desease in this season in Kuttanad. The pathogen X. oryzae pv. oryzae was tested for sensitivity to antibiotics, Bactrinol – 100 and cowding extract under in vitro conditions. The maximum growth inhibition was obtained with oxytetracycline followed by chloramphen icol which was statistically on par with oxytetracycline. The effect of increasing concentrations of oxytetracycline in combination with streptomycin on growth of X. oryzae pv. oryzae was studied with 100, 250 and 500 ppm concentrations. The growth inhibition increased not only with the concentrations of antibiotic from 100–500 ppm but also with increasing concentration of oxytetracycline. The maximum zone of growth inhibition was obtained with 1:9 proportion of streptomycin and oxytetracycline. The five treatments selected for field evaluation trial included streptocycline at 500 ppm, streptomycin + oxytetracycline (1:9) at 250 ppm and 500 ppm, Bactrinol -100 at 500 ppm and fresh cowdung extract at 20g/1. Two different spraying methods, prophylactic and curative were evaluated in two rice varieties, T(N) 1 and jyothy. The reduction in disease index by prophylactic and curative sprayings was maximum after spraying with cowdung extract 20g/1. As regards to two methods of spraying, significant reduction in per cent disease index was obtained with curative spraying. The maximum per cent increase in grain yield over control was obtained after curative spraying with 500 ppm streptomycin and oxytetracycline mixture in jyothy followed by cowdung extract 20 g/l. In T(N) 1 and jyothy both by prophylactic and curative spraying, the thousand grain weight was maximum with cowdung extract 20 g/1. As regards to two method of spraying, significant increase in grain yield and thousand grain weight was obtained after curative spraying. In T(N) 1, both by prophylactic and curative spraying the per cent increase in straw yield was maximum with a mixture of streptomycin and oxytetracycline at 500 ppm and jyothy with cowdung extract 20g/1. In T(N)1 significant reduction in chaff per cent was recorded by prophylactic spraying while in Jyothy no significant difference was obtained by the two methods of spraying. In both these varieties the reduction in chaff per cent was maximum by spraying with cowdung extract (20g/1). It was observed that two prophylactic spraying with selected bactericidal agents, neither resulted in any significant reduction in disease index nor increase in yield as compared to curative spraying. This could be due to the fact that in Kuttanad bacterial blight disease usually occurred only around the panicle initiation stage or even later. Therefore a need based curative spraying schedule would be most effective for the control of bacterial blight disease in Kuttanad. On working out the economic benefits of controlling bacterial blight it was observed that there will be economic return only from spraying infected plants of both (T(N) 1 and jyothy with cowdung extract 20g/1. The return from plants sprayed with all other treatments in the investigation was low when compared to unsprayed control plants. Thus it will be economically advantageous to use cowdung extract to control bacterial blight of rice.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Optimization of shade, nutrients and growth regulators for cut-flower production in anthurium
    (Department of Pomology and Floriculture, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1997) Salvy, B R; KAU; Valsalakumari, P K
    Experiments were conducted at the Department of Pomology and Floriculture, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, during 1995-1997 to optimize the shade, nutrients and growth regulators for cut flower production in Anthurium andreanum var. 'Hawaiian Red'. The effects of three growth regulators, viz., GA, BA and Ethephon with two concentration each, 750 ppm and 1500 ppm, in combination with four nutrients, viz., 1 % fertilizer complex, Hoagland solution, Knop's solution and Ohio solution, were assessed at four levels of shade, viz., 80, 70, 60 and 50 per cent. Post harvest studies were also carried out with an objective to prolong the longevity of cut blooms, following different stage of harvest and giving different pulsing and hold- ing treatments. Results revealed that the different levels of shade and growth regulators significantly influenced all the morphological characters of the plant, viz., height, spread, number of leaves, leaf area, petiole length, number of branches and suckers. Plant height was significantly superior under 80 per cent shade (5.68 cm), 1 per cent fertilizer complex sprays (5.46 cm) and BA 750 ppm sprays (6.11 cm), were superior individually. The superior treatment combination was 70 per cent shade + Knop's solution + 750 ppm BA (7.60 cm). The maximum plant spread (EW - 20.13 cm and NS - 19.80 cm) was under 80 per cent shade. Eighty per cent shade + Ohio solution + 1500 ppm BA recorded the maximum EW spread (26 cm), while NS spread was maximum (28.70 cm) in the treatment combination involving 80 per cent shade + 1 per cent fertilizer complex + 750 ppm BA. The best values of growth parameters were recorded under 80 per cent shade and 750 ppm BA, viz., 14.03 and 14.02, respectively, for number of leaves (9.29 and 10.79 cm, respectively) for petiole length, leaf length (7.76 and 8.33 cm, respectively), leaf breadth (5.93 cm and 6.49 cm, respectively), index leaf area (50.75 cm- and 59.60 cm-, respectively). Total leaf area (423.25 cm? and 517.56 cm>, respectively) and LAI (0.43 and 0.51, respectively) were maximum under 70 per cent shade and BA 750 ppm. The superior combinations for these parameters were 80 per cent shade + Ohio solution + 750 ppm BA, for highest number of leaves (26.20); 80 per cent shade + Ohio solution + 1500 ppm BA for highest petiole length (14.00 cm); 60 per cent shade + Hoagland solution + 750 ppm BA for maximum leaf length (10.50 cm) and 60 per cent shade + 1 per cent fertilizer complex + 750 ppm BA for maximum leaf breadth (8.0 cm). The treatment combination involving 70 per cent shade + 1500 ppm BA with Hoagland solution was the best for maximum index leaf area (90.90 cm-) while same with 1 per cent fertilizer complex was the best for total leaf area (872.00 cm-) and LAl (0.89). Branching started only after 6 months from the commencement of the experiment. It was one month earlier under 80 per cent and 70 per cent shade levels. Significantly superior branching was observed under 80 per cent shade (2.29), fertilizer complex (2.13) and GA 750 ppm (2.37), individually. Treatment combination involving 80 per cent shade + 1 per cent fertilizer complex + 1500 ppm GA recorded the maximum branching (3.80). .' . Sucker production was the best under 80 per cent shade (1.35) and 750 ppm BA (1.35). Treatment combination involving 80 per cent shade + Ohio solution + 750 ppm BA produced the maximum number of suckers (2.5) per plant. Growth behaviour with respect to height, number of leaves, leaf area, number of suckers and branches showed a linear trend. The linear growth rate was consistent and positive under the treatment combination of 80 per cent shade + Ohio solution + 750 ppm BA. Dry matter production was significantly superior under higher shade intensity and lower concentration of BA. The dry weight ratio of shoot:root was the highest (2.15) under the treatment combination of 80 per cent shade + Knop's solu- tion + 750 ppm Ethephon. Leaf longevity was significantly highest (161 days) in the treatment combination, 70 per cent shade + 1 per cent fertilizer complex + 750 ppm BA. Stomatal distribution and size were not influenced significantly by the treatments. Leaf senescence, though was influenced significantly, no particular trend was observed. The aerial root production decreased significantly with decrease in shade intensity. Primary and secondary roots and root spread were the highest under 80 per cent shade and BA 1500 ppm. Maximum root length was observed under 60 per cent shade. Flowering with small stalkless flowers was first observed under 50 per cent shade with GA 750 ppm, at the age of 8 months. Inflorescence with normal size were produced at the age of 13 months, first under 80 per cent shade followed by 70 per cent, 60 per cent and 50 per cent. The time taken for various stages of flower development and the number of inflorescence produced per plant were not influenced significantly. Chlorophyll content in leaf was significantly influenced by shade levels. There was a decrease in chlorophyll content with decrease in intensity of shade. Eighty per cent shade and 1500 ppm Ethephon was superior with respect to the content of green pigments. The highest total chlorophyll content was observed in the treatment combination involving 60 per cent shade + Ohio solution + 750 ppm Ethephon (8.8 mg g -1 fresh weight). Anthocyanin content was not influenced by any of the treatments or combinations. The leaf nutrient content and uptake of nutrients was maximum under 80 per cent shade and BA 750 ppm, individually. Post harvest studies showed that the right stage of harvest of inflorescence was when 1/3 flowers were open on the spadix. Inflorescence harvested at this stage with medium to large size spathe lasted for a longer period (23.33 days). Among the pulsing treatments, BA 50 ppm for 12 hrs, recorded maximum vase life (20.00 days). Among the different holding solutions tried, 8-HQ 30 ppm, BA 20 ppm and Triadimefon 30 ppm recorded the optimum values of PL W, uptake of vase solution, change in pH and EC, and recorded late spathe blueing, late spadix necrosis and high gloss retention. Highest vase life period (27.00 days) was recorded in 8-HQ 30 ppm (25.00 days) and Triadimefon 30 ppm (25.00 days). Among the combinations tried, BA 20 ppm + Bavistin 0.1 per cent showed longest vase life (23.67 days). Maximum net profit per pot (Rs.204.60) was recorded by the treatment combination involving 80 per cent shade + Ohio solution + 750 ppm BA.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Leaf litter dynamics in acacia and eucalyptus plantations
    (Department of soil science and agricultural chemistry, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1997) Moossa, P P; KAU; Venugopal, V K
    An investigation entitled “Leaf litter dynamics in Acacia and Eucalyptus plantations” was undertaken to study the leaf litter production, litter decomposition and nutrient release characteristics, and impact of Eucalyptus and Acacia monoculture plantations on the soil physico-chemical and biological characteristics during 1994-97. One hectare each of Acacia auriculiformis, Eucalyptus tereticornis and a moist deciduous forest coming under the Kulathupuzha range of Kerala Forest Department were selected for the study. Field experiment were conducted to determine the leaf litter production and decomposition characteristics of plantation and natural forest. Leaf litter collected at monthly intervals showed that highest litter production was in Acacia (9.4 t ha-1 year-1) followed by natural forest (6.67 t ha-1 year-1) and Eucalyptus (4.68 t ha-1 yaer-1). Pattern of litter production was unimodal in Acacia and natural forest while in Eucalyptus it was bimodal. Chemical analysis of litter samples of plantations and natural forest revealed that with respect to nutrient content fresh and leaf litter of Acacia and Eucalyptus is superior to natural forest whereas litter quality in terms of water soluble components, polyphenols, lignin and cellulose were superior in natural forest. Annual dry matter loss of leaf litter by decomposition followed the order natural forest > Acacia > Eucalyptus. Nutrient release pattern of major and micro nutrients were also worked out for the leaf litter during the process of decomposition and natural forest litter recorded the highest mobility for all the nutrients on decomposition. Improvement in soil physico-chemical properties were noticed due to leaf litter decomposition in the monoculture plantation and natural forest. Biological activity in terms of earthworm and nematode under monoculture plantation was significantly lower than that of adjacent natural forest. Microbial content of soil below the litter bag during different months of decomposition were low in Eucalyptus and Acacia. Chemical analysis of the profile samples of various plantations revealed lower nutrient status in respect of major and micronutrients compared to natural forest. The physical properties of the soil also recorded as unfavourable change in the monoculture plantations as compared to the adjacent natural forest. Proximate anlysis of soil organic matter and humus characterization of the soil organic matter separated from various plantations indicated a low rate of humification and condensation under Eucalyptus. Low humic acid and fulvic acid content in humus and dominance of fulvic acid over humic acid was also noticed in Eucalyptus plantations. Functional group analysis of humic acid and fulvic acid showed that humic material separated from natural forest contained higher quantity of total acidity, contributed by COOH and phenolic group compared to plantation soils. UV, IR, DTA and TGA analysis of humic acid and fulvic acid separated from various plantations showed no variation with respect to natural forest. Allelopathic effect of fresh leaf and leaf litter extract of various plantations on the germination and growth of rice and cowpea followed the order Eucalyptus > Acacia > natural forest and as the concentration decreased from 1: 2 to 1: 10, the allelopathic inhibition also decreased significantly. Allelopathic effect of soil extract also followed the order Eucalyptus > Acacia > natural forest. Thus it can computed that though the leaf litter production and litter quality of monoculture plantations are comparable with that of natural forest, leaf litter decomposition and nutrient released were significantly lower than that of natural forest. Soil physico-chemical properties, soil fertility and biological activities were also adversely affected by monoculture plantations.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Response of cucumber (Cucumis melo L.) to drip irrigation under varying levels of nitrogen and potash
    (Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1997) Lakshmi, S; KAU; Sasidhar, V K
    Two field experiments and one observational trial were conducted in the Instructional Farm, College of Agriculture, Vellayani during 1992 and 1993 to study the effect of drip irrigation and application of N and K fertilizers on the growth and yield of cucumber. In the preliminary observation trial (Experiment I a) three levels of drip irrigation, (2, 3 and 4 I plant-1 day-1) four timings of irrigation (1, 2, 3 and 4 hours) and two number of drippers per plant (1 and 2 dripper plant-1) were evaluated and based on the results of this experiment, the number of drippers per plant and duration of drip irrigation was standardised. Experiment 1 b was conducted to standardise the method of application of fertilizers in Experiment 2 and 3 for which cucumber plants raised under different levels of drip irrigation (2, 3 and 4 I plant-1 day-1). This was conducted during April 1992. The results of these experiments indicated the duration for drip irrigation as 3 hours per day and one number of dripper per plant to be the best. The spread and depth of root system of cucumber plants raised under drip irrigation pointed out that the fertilizers as a ring around the base of the plant at a distance of 20 cm will be within the root zone of the plant. The experiments 2 and 3 were laid out in the field with three levels of drip irrigation (2, 3, and 4 I plant-1 day-1), three levels of nitrogen (35, 70 and 105 kg ha-1) with three levels of potassium (25, 50 and 75 kg ha-1) with three drip irrigation controls (2, 3 and 4 I plant-1 day-1) and farmer's practice. The yield of cucumber was highest at the drip irrigation level of 31 planr-1 day-1. Irrigation at this level favourably influenced the vegetative characters, yield attributes and yield. But root dry matter was not influenced by the different drip irrigation level while the root spread and root depth were highest at the drip irrigation level of 41 plant-1 day-1. When different levels of nitrogen applied were observed, the vegetative characters yield attributes and yield were found to be favourably influenced at 70 kg N ha-1. The root spread of cucumber was highest at the highest level of N applied (l05 kg ha-1). Potassium at 50 kg ha-1 produced the highest yield due to its favourable influence on the vegetative and yield characters. There was no influence of potassium on my of the root characters studied. The soil moisture status was highest up to 30 cm depth in all drip irrigated treatments while in pot watered plots, the soil moisture was higher in the lower layers below 30 cm. The field water use efficiency was highest at the drip irrigation level of 3 I plant-1 day-1, 70 kg nitrogen ha-1 and 50 kg potassium ha-1. The nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium uptake by the plants and fruits were highest at the drip irrigation level of 31 plant day I, 70 kg N ha-I and 50 kg K ha-I. The physical optium levels of drip irrigation was 31 plant -1 day -1, 93 kg N ha-1 and 65 kg K ha-1 in the first season. When another crop is repeatedly grown in the same field, the Nand K levels can be reduced to 75 kg ha-1 and 60. kg ha-1 but drip irrigation is required at the rate of 31 plant-1 day-1. This resulted in higher benefit cost ratio of 2.83 and internal rate of returns of 23%. The payback period of this project worked out to 1.13 years.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Soil test crop response studies in cassava in laterite soils of Kerala
    (Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1997) Kumari Swadija, O; KAU; Sreedharan, C
    An investigation was undertaken at the College of Agriculture, Vellayani to establish soil test crop response correlation for soil test based balanced fertilizer prescription for cassava var. M-4 in laterite soils of Kerala. The field investigation consisted of fertility gradient experiment, STCR experiment and technology verification trial. The fertility gradient experiment was conducted during April- May 1994 in the Instructional farm, Vellayani. The desired gradient in soil fertility was created in one and the same field by applying graded doses of N, P and K fertilizers and raising fodder maize var. African Tall. The STCR experiment was conducted in the same field during June '94-March '95 using the test crop, cassava var. M-4. The treatments consisted of factorial combinations of four levels of N (0, 50, 100 and 150 kg ha-1), three levels of P (0, 50 and 100 kg P2O5 ha-1) and five levels of K (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg K20 ha-1) along with three levels of farmyard manure (0, 6.25 and 12.50 t ha-1) fitted in a response surface design. Using multiple regression model, the fertilizer adjustment equation for N at varying soil test values for available N for maximum tuber yield (t ha-1) of cassava in laterite soil was derived as FN = 136.6 - 0.2 SN where FN is fertilizer N (kg ha-1) and SN is soil available N (kg ha-1). The equation becomes FN = 136.6 - 0.2 SN - R for economic tuber production where R is the ratio of cost of one kg of fertilizer N to price of one kg of tuber. At varying soil test values for organic carbon% (OC) the above equations become FN = 226.13 - 378.13 OC for maximum tuber yield and FN = 226.13 - 378.13 OC - 1.25 R for economic tuber yield. The behaviour of fertilizer P and K was found to produce responses other than 'normal' and hence optimisation could not be done for fertilizer P and K for maximum and economic tuber yield at varying soil test values. The nutrient requirements of cassava var. M-4 were estimated to be 6.58, 2.37 and 6.28 kg N, P2O5 and K2O respectively to produce one ton of tuber. In the laterite soil, the efficiencies of contribution of nutrients from the soil for cassava were calculated as 40.17, 41. 3 3 and 48.60% N, P2O5 and K2O respectively. The fertilizer efficiencies were worked out as 54.38, 47 and 52.650% N, P2O5 and K2O respectively. The efficiencies of contribution of nutrients from farmyard manure were calculated as 78.24, 57.33 and 69.66%) N, P2O5 and K2O respectively. From the above basic data, fertilizer prescription equations for specific yield targets of cassava var. M-4 in the laterite soil were derived as given below. Without FYM FN = 12.10 T - 0.74 SN FP2O5 - 5.04 T - 2.02 SP FK2O = 11.93 T - 1.10 SK With FYM FN = 12.10 T - 0.74 SN - 1.44 ON F P2O5 - 5.04 T - 2.02 SP - 2.79 OP FK2O = 11.93 T - 1.10 SK - 1.58 OK where FN, F P2O5 and FK2O are fertilizer N, P2O5 and K2O respectively in kg ha-1, T is the target of tuber yield in t ha-1, SN, SP and SK are soil available N, P and K in kg ha-1 respectively and ON, OP and OK are quantities of N, P and K supplied through organic manure in kg ha-1 The technology verification trial was undertaken during June '96-March. '97 in the laterite soil in three farmers' fields in Thiruvananthapuram district and also in the Instructional Farm, Vellayani. The treatments consisted of Package of Practices recommendation for fertilizer, fertilizer recommendation by the Soil Testing Laboratory and fertilizer doses for the yield targets of 15, 20 and 25 t ha-1 along with a uniform dose of 6.25 t ha-1 of farmyard manure for all treatments. The fertilizer doses based on targeted yield equations recorded higher tuber yield and net income, benefit cost ratio and net returns per rupee invested over the fertilizer recommendation by the Soil Testing Laboratory and Package of Practices recommendation emphasising the need for site specific recommendation based on soil tests. The yield targets of 15 and 20 t ha-1 recorded more than cent per cent achievement and the yield target of 25 t ha-1 recorded about 90% achievement. Higher tuber yield, benefit cost ratio and net returns per rupee invested could be achieved for the yield target of 20 t ha-1. The fertilizer dose for the yield target of 15 t ha-1 recorded the highest returns per rupee invested on fertilizers. The study has revealed the superiority of fertilizer application based on targeted yield approach over the semi-quantitative approach employed in the soil testing laboratories and generalised state level Package of Practices recommendation for the crop. In this approach, the fertilizer dose can be adjusted in accordance with the specific objective and available resources of the farmer.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of feeding onion (allium cepa var aggregatum g. don) and garlic (allium sativum linn) on lipid profile in Japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica)
    (Department of Physiology and Biochemistry, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1997) Girish Kumar, V; KAU; Surendranathan, K P
    Poultry products are comparatively rich in cholesterol. WHO report indicates incidence of coronary heart disease and high dietary cholesterol level to be positively correlated. In such a situation, decreasing the cholesterol content in poultry products would be appropriate. Onion and garlic are ascribed with therapeutic effects such as hypocholesterolemia, hypolipidemia and immunosuppressant action in mammals, while no convincing reports are available on the effect of supplementation of these agents in reducing cholesterol level in egg and poultry meat. Hence, this study reports on the hypolipidemic effects and/or other effects of dietary onion and garlic on the lipid profile in the tissues of Japanese quails. Further, information on the physiological norms of tissues is essential for understanding any pathological entity. Although in recent years, the Japanese quail has gained increasing popularity as a biological model for various investigations, published reports on the lipid profile in the tissues of this species are very few. Essentially, all the previous studies on this aspect are based on observations in only a particular tissue or a particular lipid component or sex and age. Hence, the present investigation is also aimed at establishing a more or less complete picture of lipid profile in liver, plasma and muscle in both sexes at three different physiological stages of growth viz., three-week old (immature), six-week old (onset of sexual maturity) and in nine-week old (mature) birds. Likewise, the lipid profile that are analysed in the liver will also be: established in the egg yolk. The results revealed an increase in the liver and plasma total lipid content (Table II) due to onion and garlic. Although a trend of decrease in the cholesterol level in the liver and muscle was observed the results were statistically nonsignificant (Table III), indicating the hypocholesterolemic effect of onion and garlic to be of questionable biological significance. The plasma free cholesterol level (Table IV) was found to be decreased due to onion and garlic, while no effect of the same was observed with regard to plasma esterified cholesterol (Table IV). The effect of onion and garlic on the cholesterol content in different lipoproteins (Table IV) indicated that these alliums are causing recirculation of plasma cholesterol between different lipoproteins and/or tissues in such a way that the plasma LDL-C is not increased. There was an increase in the triglyceride content in the liver and plasma due to dietary alliums (Table V). The phospholipid level in the plasma was found to be increased with a decrease in the plasma free fatty acid (Table XII) level due to dietary alliums. The variations in the plasma esterified fatty acid content (Table XII) due to alliums are in accordance with the variations in the plasma content of esterified form of lipids. The iodine value of liver lipid was increased due to alliums in both sexes, while these alliums were found to have no influence on the saponification and acid value of the liver lipid. In all the above instances where onion and garlic were found to have significant effect, dietary garlic was found to have either a similar or significantly more alliaceous effect than dietary onion. No significant variations in the lipid profile of the muscle and yolk were observed due to dietary supplementation of onion and garlic. The influence of onion and garlic on the feed consumption by birds was found to vary with duration of feeding. In the first week of feeding alliums to both sexes and in the second week in the male birds, no change in the feed consumption was observed. Thereafter in both the sexes the feed consumption increased due to dietary onion and garlic. Dietary onion and garlic caused a nonsignificant increase in the body weight. Feed efficiency in both the sexes and egg production in the females were unaltered due to dietary supplementation of onion and garlic. The levels of total lipid, total cholesterol, triglycerides, total phospholipid and phospholipid fractions in liver, plasma and muscle were found to differ significantly due to effect of age within a sex and due to effect of sex within an age group. Similarly the level of plasma free cholesterol, esterified cholesterol, HDL-C, VLDL-C, HDL-C, free fatty acid and esterified fatty acid differed significantly due to age within a sex and due to sex within an age group. Iodine value and saponification value of lipid in liver were influenced due to age and sex, while the same was not observed in the muscle. The acid value of the lipid in the liver and muscle was unaltered due to age or sex. The feed consumption and body weight increased with age in both sexes and it was more in the females. The feed efficiency was unaltered due to age or sex. The egg production was also not influenced by age.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Differential adoption of plant protection technology by farmers of Kerala - a critical analysis
    (Department Of Agricultural Extension, College Of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1995) Meera, B; KAU; Thyagarajan Nair, G
    Indian agriculture has undergone intensive farming with the introduction of high yielding varieties of crops. Adoption of improved technology and management practices for boosting up production of food grains have resulted in serious pest and disease complexes warranting intensive and extensive use of plant protection chemicals. A number of limitations and adverse side effects such as pest resistance to pesticides, pesticide residues, health hazards, environmental pollution and ecological imbalance have been identified recently. The components of plant protection technology were taken to study the differential adoption in important crops like paddy and vegetables by the farmers and explained the variations in their cognitive, affective and connative components of behaviour with a selected set of independent variables. The study analysed the indigenous practices of plant protection being followed by farmers and also their perception about the impact of pesticides on environmental aspects. The major constraints experienced by the farmers in the adoption of plant protection technology along with the suggestions to overcome the same were also studied. The study was undertaken in two districts of Kerala viz., Thiruvananthapuram and Alappuzha. A sample of 120 farmers each from the two districts was selected and the total sample size for the study was 240.The data were collected using an interview schedule and analysed using suitable statistical techniques. There was significant difference among the farmers of Thiruvananthapuram and Alappuzha districts with regard to their knowledge about chemical and cultural methods of plant protection. Majority of farmers of both the districts belonged to low knowledge group. The farmers of both the districts were ignorant about biological, physical and integrated methods of plant protection methods. Majority of the farmers of both the districts possessed favourable attitude towards chemical method of plant protection. The farmers of Alappuzha district were significantly higher adopters of plant protection methods than the farmers of Thiruvananthapuram district. Majority of the farmers of both the districts belonged to low perception category with regard to their perception about the utility and practicability of plant protection methods. Crops yield index and scientific orientation emerged as significant independent variables in the correlation and multiple regression analysis with regard to the farmers of both the districts. The practices, viz., controlled application of nutrients for reducing pest and disease attack in paddy and use of ‘thulsikeni’ in ‘pandals’ to trap and kill fruit flies in vegetables were judged as the most effective and scientifically rational practices adopted by farmers. The farmer’s perception about the impact of pesticides on environmental aspects was very low and majority of them belonged to low perception category. The constraint ‘untimely supply and high cost of imputs’ was the most important constraint experienced by the farmers of Thiruvananthapuram district, while ‘lack of proper drainage facilities’ was the most serious constraint experienced by the farmers of Alappuzha District. The most important suggestion given by the farmers to overcome the constraints was to ‘develop simple and more compatible plant protection technologies’ and the most important suggestion given by the experts to overcome the constraints experienced by the farmers was to ‘impart adequate training to farmers as well as extension workers on IPM practices’. The strategic model developed by integrating the salient findings of the present study, emphasized the importance of popularizing effective plant protection technology among the farmers in ecologically sensitive rice and vegetable production systems in Kerala.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effectiveness of soil solarization for the control of soft rot disease in ginger
    (Department of Plant Pathology, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1996) Vilasini, T N; KAU; Peethambran, C K
    The effectiveness of soil solarisation for the control of soft rot disease in ginger was studied at the College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, Thrissur during March 1992 to December 1993. The beds were inoculated with Pythium aphanidermatum, five days before the solarisation. Transparent, 150 guage polyethylene sheets were used for solarizing the beds. Maximum soil temperatures recorded were 63.00, 59.00 and 46.50 at 5, 10 and 15 cm depths in solarized soil, while, that in non-solarized soils were 49.50, 43.00 and 40.00C, respectively, at 5,10 and 15 cm depths. Temperature in the solarized soil at 5 cm depth was above 50.00 C for the entire solarisation period and above 55.00 C for 38 days, while, at 10 cm depth the temperature was above 50.00 C for 35 days and above 55.00 for five days. The soil temperature at 15 cm depth never reached 50.00 C during the solarisation period. Based on the soil and air temperature recorded, two simple regression equations at 5 and 10 cm depths, one simple equation at 15 cm depth and one multiple regression equation at 10 cm depth were developed for predicting soil temperature under polyethylene mulch. Rate of germination in ginger was enhanced by solarisation. Significant effect of solarisation was observed in controlling the pre and post-emergence rotting in ginger. Increasing the period of solarisation from 30 to 45 days did not result in a corresponding reduction in the pre-emergence rotting. Trichoderma incorporated neem cake amended 30 day solarized treatment was highly effective and recorded cent percent control of the soft rot disease, while, maximum disease incidence (90.67%) was in Trichoderma incorporated neem leaves amended 45 days solarized plots. Reduction in Pythium population ranging from 79.49 to 99.1 per cent was observed in solarized plots immediately after the removal of polyethylene sheets. Solarization reduced the total fungal, bacterial, actinomycetal and Pseudomonas sp. population in the field. Plants grown in solarized plots showed better colonization of VAM and Azospirillum. Significant reduction in the nematode population was recorded by solarisation. Solarization had a profound suppressive effect on the weed population and it lasted till harvest. Solarization effect was more pronounced in dicots. Eventhough, solarisation substantially reduced weed population, its effect was less in the edges. Bulbostylis barbata, Cynodon dactylon and Cyperus rotundus survived the solarisation effect. Increased growth response of ginger plants was observed as a result of solarization. Growth parameters like height, number of leaves/plant, number of tillers, number of roots, leaf length, leaf breadth, fresh weight of shoots and rhizomes were influenced by solarisation. Significant increase in the yield was obtained through solarisation. Trichoderma incorporated and neem cake amended 30 days solarized treatment gave the maximum yield/plant (623.23 g) and also per plot yield (10159.57 g), which was 5361 per cent more than that of control. Availability of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was improved by solarisation. The initial cost of solarization is comparatively high, an amount of Rs. 52,500/- is required for solarizing one hectare of ginger field. An additional profit generated from this technique was Rs. 40,136/ha for 30 days solarisation.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genetic analysis of biological nitrogen fixation traits and yield components in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (Linn). walp)
    (Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1995) Sreekumar, K; KAU; Manikantan Nair, P
    A study on the parameters of variability, correlations, path-coefficients, combining ability, gene action and heterosis in cowpea was undertaken at the Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, College of Agriculture, Vellayani during 1991 to 1993. Fifty three genotypes of cowpea collected from different sources were planted in a field experiment for the estimation of variability, correlation and path coefficient. Eleven biological nitrogen fixation characters, viz., number of days to flower, length of primary root, number of secondary roots, number of nodules in the primary root, number of nodules in the secondary roots, total number of nodules, weight of effective nodules in the primary root, weight of nodules in the secondary roots, total weight of nodules, nitrogen content in the plant at 50 per cent flowering and plant dry weight and six yield characters, viz., grain yield per plant, length of pods, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, weight of 100 seeds and seed protein content were considered for this study. The ten selected varieties/types from the initial evaluation trial were crossed in a line x tester model, keeping the three high nitrogen fixing types and three high yielding types as lines (total six lines) and two low nitrogen fixing and two low yielding types as testers (total four testers). The F1’s along with their parents were compared in a field experiment and combining ability, gene action and heterosis were estimated. The study of combining ability and gene action were confined to six biological nitrogen fixation characters, viz., number of days to 50 per cent flowering, weight of nodules in the primary root, total weight of nodules, weight of effective nodules, dry weight of the plant and nitrogen content per plant and six yield characters, viz., length of pod, number of seeds per pod, number of pods per plant, hundred seed weight, seed protein content and grain yield per plant. The analysis of variance revealed that a considerable amount of variation among the varieties was present with respect to the characters under study. Characters like number of days to flower, total nodule weight, nitrogen content per plant, weight of 100 seeds and seed protein content had recorded narrow relative magnitude of difference of phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variation along with high heritability estimate. Moderate magnitude of difference of PCV and GCV along with moderate heritability was recorded for the characters viz., number of nodules in the primary root, number of nodules in the secondary roots, total number of nodules, weight of effective nodules in the primary root, weight nodules in the secondary root, length of pods and number of pods per plant. Plant dry weight and grain yield registered a wider difference of PCV and GCV along with low heritability indication the greater influence of environment over these two characters. Genetic advance as percentage of mean was found to be high for the characters like number of nodules in the secondary roots, weight of effective nodules in the primary root, weight of nodules in the secondary roots, total nodule weight, number of pods per plant and 100 seed weight and moderate for number of nodules in the primary root, total number of nodules and grain yield. Low genetic advance was recorded by number of days to flower, plant dry weight, nitrogen content per plant, length of pod and seed protein content. Hence characters such as number and weight of nodules in the primary root, number and weight of nodules in the secondary roots, total number and weight of nodules, number of pods per plant and weight of 100 seeds may be controlled by additive genes whereas days to 50 per cent flowering, nitrogen content in plant, length of pod and seed protein content may be controlled by non-additive genes. Correlation coefficients were workedout at the genotypic and phenotypic levels. Based on the genetic correlation of characters studied, it was understood that high nitrogen fixing genotypes may not be high yielders because of the antagonistic relationship between grain yield and total nitrogen per plant. Weight of nodules in the primary root and total nodule weight were positively correlated with the nitrogen content in plant. Hence genotypes which was able to form effective large nodules on the primary root system seems to be a better nitrogen fixer. Number of days to 50 per cent flowering had negative genotypic correlation with grain yield. Hence an early flowering genotype may be better yielder than a late flowering type. Weight of hundred seeds and seed protein content exhibited very strong negative correlation indicating that small seeded genotypes may be better with respect to protein content. Grain yield recorded positive phenotypic and genotypic correlation with number of pods per plant. Path coefficient analysis at the genotypic level revealed that total number of nodules had the highest positive direct effect on nitrogen content per plant followed by weight of effective nodules in the primary root and weight of effective nodules in the secondary root. Highest positive direct effect was recorded for length of pod with grain yield. The combining ability analysis revealed that both additive and non-additive gene actions were important for all the characters under study. However GCA and SCA variance ratio which was less than unity for all the traits under study indicated the predominance of non-additive gene action in the inheritance of these traits. Considering the combining ability effects, VCP 4 was found to be the best general combiner for most of the biological nitrogen fixing characters and V 322 was the best general combiner for the grain yield. The cross combination of V 27 x C 152 and V 271 x Co Vu 85020 showed the best performance with respect to sea for the character number of days to 50 per cent flowering while VCP 4 x C 152 for weight of nodules in the primary root and nitrogen content in plant. DPLC 210 x PTB 2 recorded high sea for total weight of nodules, weight of effective nodules, dry weight of the plant and number of pods per plant, on the other hand Co Vu 358 x C 190 recorded high sca for length of pod, number of seeds per pod and seed protein content. The cross combination V 322 x C 190 exhibited high sca for hundred seed weight and V 27 X C 152 for grain yield per plant. Marked heterosis was observed in many cross combinations for most of the characters studied and pronounced heterotic expression was obtained for weight of nodules in the primary root, total weight of nodules, weight of effective nodules, dry weight of the plant at 50 per cent flowering, number of pods per plant and grain yield. It was already established that these characters are predominantly governed by the non – additive gene action. Hence the heterotic vigour expressed by the hybrid combination with respect to these characters are justified. Since the biological feasibility for the exploitation of heterosis is not economical as a plant improvement programme in this crop, genetic improvement of these trait can be brought about more effectively through combination breeding involving genetically diverse and high combining parants.