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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Incidence of leukaemia and leukaemoid reactions in cattle in Kerala
    (Department of Therapeutics, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1980) Vijayan, R; KAU; Krishnan, Nair M
    The present study was taken up to investigate the incidence of leukaemia and leukaemoid reactions in cattle in Kerala, utilizing 550 animals from selected private and Government farms and Veterinary institutions of the state. For the haematological diagnosis Benedixen’s key was followed. The haematological values of all the animals examined fell within the category of normal animals and it could be said that bovine leukaemia was not encountered in the bovine population screened in the present investigation. None of the samples showed any evidence of leukaemoid reactions. A few animals with enlarged lymphnodes showed lymphocyte per cent above 80 but their absolute lymphocyte values were within the normal range. The lymphocytes in the blood smears did not show any cytological abnormalities to indicate noeplastic property.