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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Management of calcium, magnesium and boron deficiency for enhancing yield and quality in chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)
    (Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture ,Padanakkad, 2022-04-28) Anjitha K.; KAU; Sailaja kumari M S
    The investigation entitled ‘Management of calcium, magnesium and boron deficiency for enhancing yield and quality in chilli’ was carried out at Instructional farm, Nileshwar, College of Agriculture Padannakkad, with an objective to develop nutrient management practices for mitigating calcium, magnesium and boron deficiency and to evaluate its effect on growth, yield and quality parameters. The field experiment was carried out during December 2020 to May 2021. The experiment was carried out with chilli variety Anugraha, in randomized block design with ten treatments and three replications. Treatment combinations were T1(KAU POP + lime (based on soil test)), T2 (T1 + 125 kg gypsum per hectare), T3 (T1 + 80 kg magnesium sulphate per hectare), T4 (T1 + 125 kg gypsum per hectare + 80 kg magnesium sulphate per hectare), T5 (T1 + foliar application of borax (0.2%)), T6 (T2 + foliar application of borax (0.2%)), T7 (T3 + foliar application of borax (0.2%)), T8 (T4 + foliar application of borax (0.2%)), T9 (KAU POP + dolomite (based on soil test)) and T10 (T9 + foliar application of borax (0.2%)). Soil application of amendments were done as a single dose and foliar nutrition was given four times in a 20 days interval. Analysis of experimental results showed that various treatments showed significant effect on growth characters, fruit quality parameters as well as nutrient content in both soil and plant, over KAU POP recommendation. Significant positive effect of treatments on plant root characters and total dry matter production was observed whereas plant height and days to 50% flowering were found to be non significant. Among the treatments, maximum tap root length (13.50 cm), root volume (23.23 cm3 ), root shoot ratio (0.16) and total dry matter production (2694.65 kg ha-1 ) were recorded in T8 (KAU POP + lime application based on soil test) +125 kg gypsum per hectare + 80 kg magnesium sulphate per hectare + foliar application of borax (0.2%). Various treatments showed significant influence on yield and yield attributes. Maximum fruit weight (37.16 g) and total fruit yield (4456.79 kg ha-1 ) was also observed in T8 and in case of fruit yield, it was significantly superior to all other treatments. Combined application of gypsum, magnesium sulphate and borax were effective and maximized fruit yield. 94 Soil analysis was carried out at flowering and harvest wherein, the treatments showed significant effect on soil pH, EC, available potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulphur, iron, manganese and zinc content whereas available nitrogen, phosphorus, copper and boron were not influenced by treatments. Addition of calcium and magnesium sources significantly increased available calcium and magnesium content in soil. Among the various treatments, the highest available calcium was recorded in T8 and was on par with T2, T6 and T4 at flowering. Highest available magnesium content was recorded in T9 and T10 at flowering and harvest respectively. Analysis of Index leaves at flowering and total plant analysis at harvest were carried out and it was found that plant nutrient content was significantly influenced by treatments. Significant effect of various treatments on plant nutrients except nitrogen and phosphorus was observed. Foliar application of borax significantly improved boron content in plants. Fruit quality parameters such as capsaicin, oleoresin, ascorbic acid and shelf life and total nutrient content were analysed and results showed significant positive response to treatments. Analysis of nutrient content in fruits showed that primary nutrients mainly, nitrogen and potassium, secondary nutrients and micronutrients in fruits were significantly influenced by various treatments. The treatment, T8 (KAU POP + lime based on soil test) +125 kg gypsum per hectare + 80 kg magnesium sulphate per hectare + foliar application of borax (0.2%)) recorded highest capsaicin (0.352 %), oleoresin (11.00 %), ascorbic acid (96.83 mg 100 g-1 ) and maximum shelf life (13.66 days) in chilli. The results obtained from the experiment revealed the significant influence of soil amendments over KAU POP recommendation and it can be concluded that combined application of gypsum, magnesium sulphate and borax was effective for increasing fruit yield and quality in chilli
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Soil test crop response studies in cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.) in lateritic soils of Kerala
    (Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture,Vellanikkara, 2022) Ayisha, V V; KAU; Rajalekshmi, K
    Cluster bean, commonly known as guar, is a legume crop cultivated as a vegetable, green manure and forage crop. India is the leading producer of cluster bean in the world and accounts for around 80 per cent of global production. The generalised application of fertilizers by farmers result in under or over fertilization, lowering production and profitability while also polluting the environment. So the emphasis on soil test based balanced fertilizer recommendation has become more pertinent in the current scenario of high fertilizer costs and yield maximisation programmes. Hence, the investigation entitled “Soil test crop response studies in cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.) in lateritic soils of Kerala” was undertaken. The study was conducted at College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara in lateritic soils (Ultisol) in the STCR field during 2020-2021 with the objective of developing soil test based fertilizer prescription equation for cluster bean using inorganic fertilizers alone and with the combined use of organic manures. A fertility gradient experiment was conducted to create soil fertility gradient in the field by applying graded doses of N, P and K fertilizers and raising fodder maize var. CO1. After the development of fertility gradient, the main STCR experiment was conducted in the same field with the test crop, cluster bean var. Pusa naubahar. The treatment structure consisted of four levels of nitrogen (0, 10, 20 and 40 kg ha-1 ), four levels of phosphorous (0, 30, 60 and 120 kg ha-1 ) and four levels of potassium (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg ha-1 ) along with three levels of FYM (0, 15 and 25 t ha-1 ). The basic parameters such as nutrient requirement (NR) and contributions of nutrients from soil (CS), fertilizer (CF) and FYM (COM) were computed from the field experimental data. The nutrient requirements (NR) for cluster bean were worked out as 0.68, 0.05 and 0.22 kg N, P2O5 and K2O to produce one quintal yield. The contributions from soil (CS) were estimated as 9.84, 2.29 and 1.99 per cent of N, P2O5 and K2O respectively. The contributions from fertilizer (CF) were calculated as 90.90, 3.29 and 10.82 per cent and that from FYM (COM) were 7.17, 1.92 and 2.96 per cent for N, P2O5 and K2O respectively. From the above basic data, fertilizer prescription equation for specific yield targets of cluster bean in the lateritic soils were derived as follows, NPK alone: FN = 0.74*T - 0.11*SN FP2O5 = 1.47*T – 1.59*SP FK2O = 2.05*T- 0.22*SK NPK + FYM (IPNS) FN = 0.74*T - 0.11*SN – 0.08*ON FP2O5 = 1.47*T – 1.59*SP – 1.34*OP FK2O = 2.05*T - 0.22*SK – 0.33*OK Where, FN, FP2O5 and FK2O = Fertilizer N, P2O5 and K2O in kg ha-1 T = Yield target in q ha-1 SN, SP and SK = STV for available N, P and K in kg ha-1 . ON, OP and OK = Amount of N, P and K supplied through FYM in kg ha-1 . The multiple regression model calibrated with yield as dependent variable and soil test results and inorganic fertilizer doses as independent variables had 62.5 per cent predictability. The yield of cluster bean increased with the application of NPK alone and IPNS viz. NPK plus FYM treatment and the magnitude of increase was higher under IPNS over NPK alone. The study is useful to adjust fertilizer doses based on yield target and available resources of organic manure with the farmers. The equations developed for cluster bean should be tested in places with similar agro climate and soil situations for validation.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Exploration on the links between soil carbon storage and root biomass and elucidation of drivers of carbon stabilization
    (Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2022) Geethu Jacob; KAU; Manorama Thampatti, K C
    The study entitled ―Exploration on the links between soil carbon storage and root biomass and elucidation of drivers of carbon stabilization‖ was conducted at the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Vellayani during November 2019 to September 2021 with the objective to study the links between soil carbon storage and root biomass in soils of different agro ecological units and to identify the key drivers of C stabilization and NP fluxes under different management practices. The study area comprised of three Agro ecological units (AEUs) of Southern Kerala viz. Southern and Central Foot Hills (AEU 12), Southern High Hills (AEU 14) and Kumily High Hills (AEU 16). The study was carried out in three parts namely exploration on the links between soil organic C and NP pools with root biomass in soils of different AEUs, assessment of carbon storage under different land use system and identifying the drivers of C stabilization and field experiments to study the effect of management practices on the link between root and shoot biomass C and SOC and NP pools. For the study exploration on the links between soil organic C and NP pools with root biomass in soils of different AEUs, the study area was surveyed and geocoded soil samples from 0-20 cm and 20-60 cm depth were collected using core samplers. The root biomass from the soil samples were separated out and weighed. The soil samples were analyzed for its various physical, chemical and biological properties. For assessment of carbon storage under different land use system and identifying the drivers of C stabilization, the most prominent land use system of each AEU was identified and five samples were collected from each system. The sampling size was one sq.m to a depth of 60 cm. The plants of the same area were uprooted and their shoot and root biomass were recorded. Both the soil and plant samples were collected and analysed for various parameters. The field experiment in split plot design on grain cowpea – fodder maize cropping sequence was laid out with the main plot treatments as m1: conventional tillage, m2: deep tillage (30 cm depth) and m3: no till and sub plot treatments as s1: POP recommendation, s2: soil test based POP, s3: organic nutrient management (TOF-F), s4: POP + AMF, s5: soil test based POP + AMF, s6: TOF-F + AMF and s7: absolute control. After the harvest of grain cowpea, shoot biomass were removed and roots were retained in three replications and in the other three replications total biomass of grain cowpea were added into the soil and left for decomposition. After that fodder maize was raised in the field and the crop and soil samples were collected and analysed for various parameters. The results of the Part I revealed that the physical properties like bulk density (BD) and gravel per cent of all the AEUs showed an increase towards depth while the electrochemical properties showed a decrease. Among the different AEUs, AEU 16 recorded lowest BD (1.22 Mg m-3 ) and gravel per cent (30.53 %) and had a subsoil increase of 12 per cent and 17 per cent for BD and gravel per cent respectively. The different fractions of soil C and N showed a decrease with depth for all AEUs. The soil total organic carbon (TOC-5.94 %) and recalcitrant C (RC-1.64 %) content were highest for AEU 14 with a decrease of 26 per cent and 31 per cent respectively for subsoil. The highest dissolved organic C (DOC-54.63 mg kg -1 ) and labile C (LC- 877.50 mg kg -1 ) content were for AEU 16 with a subsoil decrease of 45 per cent and 27 per cent respectively. AEU 12 recorded lower values for C fractions which may be due to decreased root biomass by 38 per cent and 25 per cent in surface soil and 55 per cent and 70 per cent in subsoil than that of AEU 14 and AEU 16 respectively. The root biomass and soil C fractions were positively and significantly correlated at both sampling depths. The highest correlation coefficients between root biomass and soil C fractions were recorded by DOC (0.976) followed by RC (0.931) and LC (0.975) followed by DOC (0.953) for surface and subsoil respectively. From the regression analysis perfect fit towards linear regression model, expressed as R2 value, was highest for DOC (0.95) and LC (0.94) at sampling depths of 0-20 cm and 20-60 cm respectively. The different fractions of N were highest for AEU 12 and surface soil showed an increase in total nitrogen (TN) by 6 per cent and NH4-N by 20 per cent, NO3 – N by 18 per cent and organic N (ON) by 5 per cent than subsoil. For soil P fractions an increase was observed with depth and AEU 12 recorded highest values for P fractions. Among soil N and P fractions, ON and labile P (LP) were found to be more correlated to root biomass and with higher R2 values at both sampling depths. The MBC (26.89 mg kg -1 ) and DHA (34.94 µg TPF g-1 24 hr-1 ) were highest for AEU 16 and surface soil showed an increase in MBC by 28 per cent and DHA by 30 per cent, than subsoil. For part II, the most prominent land use system of each AEU were identified as rubber plantations for AEU 12 and AEU 14 and cardamom plantations for AEU 16. The rubber plantations of AEU 14 recorded highest C storage (434.0 t ha-1 ) and lowest value was observed for cardamom plantations of AEU 16 (329.9 t ha-1 ). The soil physical properties and electrochemical properties behaved similar to that of Part I. Cardamom plantations of AEU 16 recorded lowest BD (0.97 Mg m-3 ) and gravel content (28 %) while AEU 12 had highest pH (5.61) and lowest EC (0.39 dS m-1 ). Among the different land use systems, rubber plantations of AEU 14 recorded highest values for soil TOC (6.72 %) and DOC (55.16 mg kg-1 ) content while cardamom plantations had highest soil LC (910.91 mg kg-1 ) and surface soil RC (1.92 %) content but subsoil RC content was more for rubber plantations of AEU 14. In rubber plantations the root biomass were correlated to all C fractions and more correlated to RC and TOC and in cardamom plantations root biomass were significantly correlated to TOC (0.98) and DOC (0.95) fractions only. A significant and positive correlation between root lignin and soil C fractions (RC and TOC) was also observed. The different fractions of N and P were highest for cardamom plantations of AEU 16 and surface soil showed an increase in TN by 5 per cent, NH4-N by 14 per cent, NO3– N by 22 per cent and ON by 4 per cent than subsoil and a subsoil increase of TP by 12 per cent, LP by 29 per cent and NLP by 11 per cent were also observed. The shoot biomass were more correlated to soil N and P fractions than root biomass and were more correlated to ON and TN and to TP and NLP among soil N and P fractions respectively. A significant positive correlation between N and P removal and soil NP pools were also obtained. The MBC and DHA were highest for cardamom plantations of AEU 16 and surface soil showed an increase in MBC by 25 per cent and DHA by 23 per cent than subsoil. In the field experiment, among the various nutrient management treatments, soil test based POP + AMF (s5) recorded the highest plant height, shoot biomass and grain yield plant-1 (107.70 g) and TOF-F + AMF (s6) showed highest values for root characteristics and quality parameters for grain cowpea. Similarly for fodder maize grown under both conditions, the treatment soil test based POP + AMF (s5) gave highest shoot biomass, fodder yield and quality parameters while highest root biomass were recorded by the treatment, TOF-F + AMF (s6). Among the tillage levels, the no till treatment (m3) performed best in connection with growth, yield and quality characteristics throughout the cropping period. Tillage and nutrient management had significantly influenced various soil properties. The lowest soil BD and higher WSA per cent and soil pH were reported by the treatment TOF-F + AMF (s6) throughout the cropping sequence. Among tillage levels, deep tillage (m2) remained superior for soil BD and pH and no till treatment (m3) for WSA per cent respectively. The treatment, TOF-F + AMF (s6) remained superior for soil C fractions viz., TOC, LC and RC content, mineralizable N fractions (NH4-N and NO3-N), labile P and MBC content and dehydrogenase activity throughout the cropping sequence. The treatment, soil test based POP +AMF (s5) recorded higher values for NP fractions like TN, ON, TP and non labile P (NLP). Among the tillage levels, the no till treatment (m3) remained superior in connection with soil chemical and biological properties especially towards the end of cropping period. As the cropping sequence advances an improvement in soil physical, chemical and biological properties were observed and this is mainly attributed to the crop residue addition of grain cowpea and more improvement was observed for total residue incorporation than root residue alone addition. The soil C pools were highly linked to root biomass and NP pools to shoot biomass. The root biomass and root lignin were the main drivers of C stabilization. The treatments with AMF remained superior in various soil properties and yield and growth attributes emphasizing the favourable role of AMF in C storage and nutrient cycling in soils. With regard to nutrient management, soil test based POP + AMF recorded the highest yield in cropping sequence while organic nutrition (TOF-F) + AMF contributed more to soil properties indicating the need for further research on nutrient translocation and assimilation under organic nutrition. The no tilled condition with total residue incorporation responded better than root residue alone incorporation, hinting to the fact that more organic matter contributing practices improved the physicochemical and biological conditions of soils favourably.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Sulphur dynamics in major rice-growing soils of Kerala
    (Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara, 2022) Unnikrishnan, R; KAU; Jayasree Sankar, S
    Sulphur has been recognized as an essential nutrient to plants and it is ranked as fourth among major plant nutrients after nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Most of the soils in Kerala are rich in total S and the maximum amount of sulphates has been reported in Kari and Pokkali soils. Representative soil samples were collected from seven different rice growing tracts falling under different agro-ecological units (AEU) of Kerala for the study entitled Sulphur dynamics in major rice-growing soils of Kerala. Five samples each were collected from various locations pertaining to a particular soil type for initial characterisation. In addition three soil and plant samples were also collected from each soil type at active tillering and harvest stage of rice crop. The study aims at understanding sulphur dynamics in major rice soils of Kerala and its relationship with that of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. It also envisages at unfolding the antagonism/ synergism between sulphur and other nutrients, if any. Sixteen out of 35 samples belonged to the category of strongly acidic to moderately acidic. It can be concluded from characterisation study that the sandy soils of Onattukara was low in terms of fertility wherein Pokkali soils, Kole land and Kari soils of Kuttanad were high with respect to soil fertility. None of the soils were found deficient in available sulphur with Pokkali soils being the remarkably highest. The low land brown hydromorphic laterite and Onattukara sandy soils had relatively lower sulphur content. The Kari soils accounted for highest microbial biomass carbon and aryl sulphatase activity. The estimated soil pH was slightly elevated at active tillering and harvest stage. The sulphur exhibited an antagonistic relationship with phosphorous, potassium as well as manganese Fractionation of S was conducted at three stages to find out the dominant different forms of sulphur. The Pokkali soils and Onattukara sandy soils had the highest as well as lowest value for all the sulphur fractions before cropping. The Kari soil concluded the highest total organic sulphur at active tillering and harvest stage. All the sulphur fractions were positively influenced by microbial biomass carbon and aryl sulphatase activity. An identifiable positive relation existed between available nitrogen and total organic sulphur as well. The C:S ratio was high in Laterite soil and lowest in Pokkali soil at all the three stages. The Onattukara sandy soil and Laterite soil accounted for the highest N:S ratio wherein Kari soil and Pokkali soil had the lowest ratio. The decreased C:S and N:S ratio contributed to the raised plant available sulphur in soil. Sulphur adsorption experiment was conducted at 25 ℃ as well as 40℃ and quantity-intensity relations were carried out based on data. While The samples from Pokkali and Kari soil exhibited desorption of sulphur at both the temperatures (25 ℃ and 40 ℃) studied, it was found to get adsorbed in the case of Laterite soil and Onattukara sandy soils at both 25 ℃ and 40 ℃.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Spatial and temporal variations in nutrient dynamics in Pokkali soils of Kerala
    (Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Vellanikkara, 2022) Silpa, P; KAU; Jayasree Sankar, S
    The Pokkali soils (Typic Sulfaquents) are low land soils situated below the mean sea level, located along the coastal tracts of Alappuzha, Ernamkulam and Thrissur districts. These soils are acid saline in nature where shrimp/prawn farming is practiced during high saline phase (December to April) coinciding with sea water entry followed by cultivating the salt tolerant Pokkali rice during low saline phase (June to October) when the dilution of salts occurs after South West monsoon. Only very few studies have been undertaken so far on nutrient status in Pokkali soils. Wide variations in nutrient content ranging from deficient to toxic level were reported in these studies. A comprehensive study is very much essential to unravel the seasonal and temporal variations of nutrient dynamics in Pokkali soils. The soil samples (lowland soils and neighbouring upland soils) from different land use systems and the water samples (both standing water and nearby brackish water inundating the Pokkali tract) were collected at bimonthly intervals starting from June 2017 to April 2018 to understand the nutrient dynamics in these soils with respect to spatial and temporal variation and to find out the influence of source water on them. Physico-chemical properties and biological properties of the collected soils were analysed. Salt water intrusion during high saline phase into Pokkali fields caused drastic increase in electrical conductivity, decrease in soil pH and associated changes in available plant nutrients. A gradual decrease in redox potential from June to October and increase from December to April were also observed as an influence of sea water intrusion. The south west monsoon received during the low saline phase played a significant role in diluting soil salinity and loss of H + ions from top soil, thus affecting the soil nutrient dynamics in total. High content of available plant nutrients and the change in nutrient content with respect to spatial and temporal variations were observed in low land soils compared to the nearby upland soils. Spatial variation of all available nutrients except phosphorus was highly influenced by the nearness of brackish water rather than the type of land use system. Highest available phosphorus recorded in paddy alone land use might be due to the phosphorus mineralisation from left out crop stubbles in paddy field. Some land uses in uplands showed deficiency of available Ca, Mg and B also. In terms of temporal variation, all nutrients except available phosphorus remained very high during high saline phase as influenced by marine water whereas availability of phosphorus was highly influenced by soil pH. High acidity and salinity during high saline phase adversely affected the soil biological properties. Fractionation of phosphorus and copper was carried out to study their major fractions and to ascertain their contribution to the available pool. All the P fractions were high in Pokkali soil. Temporal variation of all the P fractions was also prominent in Pokkali soil. Ws-P, Ca-P and residual-P were very high in October (low saline phase) whereas other fractions were high in April (high saline phase). Effect of land uses on P fractions was absent except for Org-P and Ca-P. Temporal variation of all the Cu fractions was clearly evident in Pokkali soil. Ws-Cu, Ex-Cu and residual Cu were high in April (high saline phase). All other fractions were high in October (low saline phase). Land uses did not show any direct effect on distribution of copper fractions. All the land uses showed same trend in copper fractions across the seasons. Phosphorus adsorption was high in April (high saline phase) whereas Cu adsorption was high in October (low saline phase). L and S-shaped curves were obtained for P and Cu adsorption respectively. Adsorption of P and Cu increased with increase in soil temperature. Adsorption of P and Cu among various soil textural classes followed the order clay>clay loam>sandy clay loam>loam>silt loam. Adsorption of P was mainly in inorganic forms ie. oxide and oxy hydroxides of Fe and Al surface whereas that of Cu was mainly in organic form. Freundlich adsorption isotherm was found as the best to explain the adsorption of P and Cu in Pokkali soils. Adsorption of both P and Cu was spontaneous and endothermic in nature. Low and high saline phases attributed to variations in physico-chemical and biological properties of Pokkali soils. South West monsoon caused leaching losses of nutrients particularly potassium, sulphur, magnesium and boron during low saline phase. The presence of brackish water source nearer to field had more effect on nutrient dynamics in Pokkali soils, rather the type of land use system. The influence of temperature on nutrient was visible in the quantity –intensity relations of P and Cu. The present study has clearly shown that the nutrient dynamics in Pokkali soils is influenced more by temporal variations than the spatial variations.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Exploration on the links between soil carbon storage and root biomass and elucidation of drivers of carbon stabilization
    (Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture,Vellayani, 2022) Geethu Jacob; KAU; Manorama Thampatti, K C
    The study entitled ―Exploration on the links between soil carbon storage and root biomass and elucidation of drivers of carbon stabilization‖ was conducted at the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Vellayani during November 2019 to September 2021 with the objective to study the links between soil carbon storage and root biomass in soils of different agro ecological units and to identify the key drivers of C stabilization and NP fluxes under different management practices. The study area comprised of three Agro ecological units (AEUs) of Southern Kerala viz. Southern and Central Foot Hills (AEU 12), Southern High Hills (AEU 14) and Kumily High Hills (AEU 16). The study was carried out in three parts namely exploration on the links between soil organic C and NP pools with root biomass in soils of different AEUs, assessment of carbon storage under different land use system and identifying the drivers of C stabilization and field experiments to study the effect of management practices on the link between root and shoot biomass C and SOC and NP pools. For the study exploration on the links between soil organic C and NP pools with root biomass in soils of different AEUs, the study area was surveyed and geocoded soil samples from 0-20 cm and 20-60 cm depth were collected using core samplers. The root biomass from the soil samples were separated out and weighed. The soil samples were analyzed for its various physical, chemical and biological properties. For assessment of carbon storage under different land use system and identifying the drivers of C stabilization, the most prominent land use system of each AEU was identified and five samples were collected from each system. The sampling size was one sq.m to a depth of 60 cm. The plants of the same area were uprooted and their shoot and root biomass were recorded. Both the soil and plant samples were collected and analysed for various parameters. The field experiment in split plot design on grain cowpea – fodder maize cropping sequence was laid out with the main plot treatments as m1: conventional tillage, m2: deep tillage (30 cm depth) and m3: no till and sub plot treatments as s1: POP recommendation, s2: soil test based POP, s3: organic nutrient management (TOF-F), s4: POP + AMF, s5: soil test based POP + AMF, s6: TOF-F + AMF and s7: absolute control. After the harvest of grain cowpea, shoot biomass were removed and roots were retained in three replications and in the other three replications total biomass of grain cowpea were added into the soil and left for decomposition. After that fodder maize was raised in the field and the crop and soil samples were collected and analysed for various parameters. The results of the Part I revealed that the physical properties like bulk density (BD) and gravel per cent of all the AEUs showed an increase towards depth while the electrochemical properties showed a decrease. Among the different AEUs, AEU 16 recorded lowest BD (1.22 Mg m-3 ) and gravel per cent (30.53 %) and had a subsoil increase of 12 per cent and 17 per cent for BD and gravel per cent respectively. The different fractions of soil C and N showed a decrease with depth for all AEUs. The soil total organic carbon (TOC-5.94 %) and recalcitrant C (RC-1.64 %) content were highest for AEU 14 with a decrease of 26 per cent and 31 per cent respectively for subsoil. The highest dissolved organic C (DOC-54.63 mg kg -1 ) and labile C (LC- 877.50 mg kg -1 ) content were for AEU 16 with a subsoil decrease of 45 per cent and 27 per cent respectively. AEU 12 recorded lower values for C fractions which may be due to decreased root biomass by 38 per cent and 25 per cent in surface soil and 55 per cent and 70 per cent in subsoil than that of AEU 14 and AEU 16 respectively. The root biomass and soil C fractions were positively and significantly correlated at both sampling depths. The highest correlation coefficients between root biomass and soil C fractions were recorded by DOC (0.976) followed by RC (0.931) and LC (0.975) followed by DOC (0.953) for surface and subsoil respectively. From the regression analysis perfect fit towards linear regression model, expressed as R2 value, was highest for DOC (0.95) and LC (0.94) at sampling depths of 0-20 cm and 20-60 cm respectively. The different fractions of N were highest for AEU 12 and surface soil showed an increase in total nitrogen (TN) by 6 per cent and NH4-N by 20 per cent, NO3 – N by 18 per cent and organic N (ON) by 5 per cent than subsoil. For soil P fractions an increase was observed with depth and AEU 12 recorded highest values for P fractions. Among soil N and P fractions, ON and labile P (LP) were found to be more correlated to root biomass and with higher R2 values at both sampling depths. The MBC (26.89 mg kg -1 ) and DHA (34.94 µg TPF g-1 24 hr-1 ) were highest for AEU 16 and surface soil showed an increase in MBC by 28 per cent and DHA by 30 per cent, than subsoil. For part II, the most prominent land use system of each AEU were identified as rubber plantations for AEU 12 and AEU 14 and cardamom plantations for AEU 16. The rubber plantations of AEU 14 recorded highest C storage (434.0 t ha-1 ) and lowest value was observed for cardamom plantations of AEU 16 (329.9 t ha-1 ). The soil physical properties and electrochemical properties behaved similar to that of Part I. Cardamom plantations of AEU 16 recorded lowest BD (0.97 Mg m-3 ) and gravel content (28 %) while AEU 12 had highest pH (5.61) and lowest EC (0.39 dS m-1 ). Among the different land use systems, rubber plantations of AEU 14 recorded highest values for soil TOC (6.72 %) and DOC (55.16 mg kg-1 ) content while cardamom plantations had highest soil LC (910.91 mg kg-1 ) and surface soil RC (1.92 %) content but subsoil RC content was more for rubber plantations of AEU 14. In rubber plantations the root biomass were correlated to all C fractions and more correlated to RC and TOC and in cardamom plantations root biomass were significantly correlated to TOC (0.98) and DOC (0.95) fractions only. A significant and positive correlation between root lignin and soil C fractions (RC and TOC) was also observed. The different fractions of N and P were highest for cardamom plantations of AEU 16 and surface soil showed an increase in TN by 5 per cent, NH4-N by 14 per cent, NO3– N by 22 per cent and ON by 4 per cent than subsoil and a subsoil increase of TP by 12 per cent, LP by 29 per cent and NLP by 11 per cent were also observed. The shoot biomass were more correlated to soil N and P fractions than root biomass and were more correlated to ON and TN and to TP and NLP among soil N and P fractions respectively. A significant positive correlation between N and P removal and soil NP pools were also obtained. The MBC and DHA were highest for cardamom plantations of AEU 16 and surface soil showed an increase in MBC by 25 per cent and DHA by 23 per cent than subsoil. In the field experiment, among the various nutrient management treatments, soil test based POP + AMF (s5) recorded the highest plant height, shoot biomass and grain yield plant-1 (107.70 g) and TOF-F + AMF (s6) showed highest values for root characteristics and quality parameters for grain cowpea. Similarly for fodder maize grown under both conditions, the treatment soil test based POP + AMF (s5) gave highest shoot biomass, fodder yield and quality parameters while highest root biomass were recorded by the treatment, TOF-F + AMF (s6). Among the tillage levels, the no till treatment (m3) performed best in connection with growth, yield and quality characteristics throughout the cropping period. Tillage and nutrient management had significantly influenced various soil properties. The lowest soil BD and higher WSA per cent and soil pH were reported by the treatment TOF-F + AMF (s6) throughout the cropping sequence. Among tillage levels, deep tillage (m2) remained superior for soil BD and pH and no till treatment (m3) for WSA per cent respectively. The treatment, TOF-F + AMF (s6) remained superior for soil C fractions viz., TOC, LC and RC content, mineralizable N fractions (NH4-N and NO3-N), labile P and MBC content and dehydrogenase activity throughout the cropping sequence. The treatment, soil test based POP +AMF (s5) recorded higher values for NP fractions like TN, ON, TP and non labile P (NLP). Among the tillage levels, the no till treatment (m3) remained superior in connection with soil chemical and biological properties especially towards the end of cropping period. As the cropping sequence advances an improvement in soil physical, chemical and biological properties were observed and this is mainly attributed to the crop residue addition of grain cowpea and more improvement was observed for total residue incorporation than root residue alone addition. The soil C pools were highly linked to root biomass and NP pools to shoot biomass. The root biomass and root lignin were the main drivers of C stabilization. The treatments with AMF remained superior in various soil properties and yield and growth attributes emphasizing the favourable role of AMF in C storage and nutrient cycling in soils. With regard to nutrient management, soil test based POP + AMF recorded the highest yield in cropping sequence while organic nutrition (TOF-F) + AMF contributed more to soil properties indicating the need for further research on nutrient translocation and assimilation under organic nutrition. The no tilled condition with total residue incorporation responded better than root residue alone incorporation, hinting to the fact that more organic matter contributing practices improved the physicochemical and biological conditions of soils favourably.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Spatial and temporal variations in nutrient dynamics in Pokkali soils of Kerala
    (Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara, 2022) Silpa, P; KAU; Jayasree Sankar, S
    The Pokkali soils (Typic Sulfaquents) are low land soils situated below the mean sea level, located along the coastal tracts of Alappuzha, Ernamkulam and Thrissur districts. These soils are acid saline in nature where shrimp/prawn farming is practiced during high saline phase (December to April) coinciding with sea water entry followed by cultivating the salt tolerant Pokkali rice during low saline phase (June to October) when the dilution of salts occurs after South West monsoon. Only very few studies have been undertaken so far on nutrient status in Pokkali soils. Wide variations in nutrient content ranging from deficient to toxic level were reported in these studies. A comprehensive study is very much essential to unravel the seasonal and temporal variations of nutrient dynamics in Pokkali soils. The soil samples (lowland soils and neighbouring upland soils) from different land use systems and the water samples (both standing water and nearby brackish water inundating the Pokkali tract) were collected at bimonthly intervals starting from June 2017 to April 2018 to understand the nutrient dynamics in these soils with respect to spatial and temporal variation and to find out the influence of source water on them. Physico-chemical properties and biological properties of the collected soils were analysed. Salt water intrusion during high saline phase into Pokkali fields caused drastic increase in electrical conductivity, decrease in soil pH and associated changes in available plant nutrients. A gradual decrease in redox potential from June to October and increase from December to April were also observed as an influence of sea water intrusion. The south west monsoon received during the low saline phase played a significant role in diluting soil salinity and loss of H + ions from top soil, thus affecting the soil nutrient dynamics in total. High content of available plant nutrients and the change in nutrient content with respect to spatial and temporal variations were observed in low land soils compared to the nearby upland soils. Spatial variation of all available nutrients except phosphorus was highly influenced by the nearness of brackish water rather than the type of land use system. Highest available phosphorus recorded in paddy alone land use might be due to the phosphorus mineralisation from left out crop stubbles in paddy field. Some land uses in uplands showed deficiency of available Ca, Mg and B also. In terms of temporal variation, all nutrients except available phosphorus remained very high during high saline phase as influenced by marine water whereas availability of phosphorus was highly influenced by soil pH. High acidity and salinity during high saline phase adversely affected the soil biological properties. Fractionation of phosphorus and copper was carried out to study their major fractions and to ascertain their contribution to the available pool. All the P fractions were high in Pokkali soil. Temporal variation of all the P fractions was also prominent in Pokkali soil. Ws-P, Ca-P and residual-P were very high in October (low saline phase) whereas other fractions were high in April (high saline phase). Effect of land uses on P fractions was absent except for Org-P and Ca-P. Temporal variation of all the Cu fractions was clearly evident in Pokkali soil. Ws-Cu, Ex-Cu and residual Cu were high in April (high saline phase). All other fractions were high in October (low saline phase). Land uses did not show any direct effect on distribution of copper fractions. All the land uses showed same trend in copper fractions across the seasons. Phosphorus adsorption was high in April (high saline phase) whereas Cu adsorption was high in October (low saline phase). L and S-shaped curves were obtained for P and Cu adsorption respectively. Adsorption of P and Cu increased with increase in soil temperature. Adsorption of P and Cu among various soil textural classes followed the order clay>clay loam>sandy clay loam>loam>silt loam. Adsorption of P was mainly in inorganic forms ie. oxide and oxy hydroxides of Fe and Al surface whereas that of Cu was mainly in organic form. Freundlich adsorption isotherm was found as the best to explain the adsorption of P and Cu in Pokkali soils. Adsorption of both P and Cu was spontaneous and endothermic in nature. Low and high saline phases attributed to variations in physico-chemical and biological properties of Pokkali soils. South West monsoon caused leaching losses of nutrients particularly potassium, sulphur, magnesium and boron during low saline phase. The presence of brackish water source nearer to field had more effect on nutrient dynamics in Pokkali soils, rather the type of land use system. The influence of temperature on nutrient was visible in the quantity –intensity relations of P and Cu. The present study has clearly shown that the nutrient dynamics in Pokkali soils is influenced more by temporal variations than the spatial variations.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Approaches to assess chlorpyrifos degradation in northern laterite soils of Kasaragod (AEU 11)
    (Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Padanakkad, 2022) Arya, P R; KAU; Binitha, N K
    The investigation on “Approaches to assess chlorpyrifos degradation in northern laterite soils of Kasaragod (AEU 11)” was undertaken with the objective to evaluate the impact of physical, chemical and biological methods on degradation of chlorpyrifos in laterite soils. The study was carried out during 2019 – 2021 at College of Agriculture, Padannakkad in two incubation experiments. The incubation experiment no. 1 was carried out to know the pattern and time required for degradation of chlorpyrifos in soil. Northern laterite soils (AEU 11) collected from Pilicode were selected for the study. Pot culture study was conducted in five pots filled with 10 kg soil and drenched with chlorpyrifos (20 EC) at the concentration of 2.5 ml/L. Soil was analyzed at weekly intervals and results from the incubation study showed that chlorpyrifos content was reduced to 34.76% within 60 days. Significant decrease on soil pH (2.29%) was noticed after the application of chlorpyrifos. Chloride and phosphate ions were increased during the incubation period due to release of these ions from the chlorpyrifos compound during the degradation process. Microbial biomass carbon (8.2%) in soil was reduced significantly. Based on the results and findings from the incubation experiment no.1, duration of incubation experiment no.2 was decided for 60 days. The incubation experiment no. 2 was carried out to assess the best method of degradation of chlorpyrifos in laterite soil. The experiment was laid out in CRD with 12 treatments and three replications. Physical, chemical and biological agents were applied and evaluated to study their effect on degradation of chlorpyrifos. The treatment combinations were control (T1), hydrogen peroxide-5% (T2), Fenton reagent -0.5% (T3), hydrogen peroxide-5% + Fenton reagent -0.5% (T4), Pseudomonas fluorescens (T5), Trichoderma viride (T6), Pseudomonas fluorescens + Trichoderma viride (T7), sunlight – 6hrs (T8), ultra violet – 4hrs (T9), sunlight – 6hrs + ultra violet – 4hrs (T10), soil under saturated condition at 5 cm level of submergence (T11) and soil under saturated condition at 5 cm level of submergence with azolla (T12) Results from the incubation study revealed that combination of Pseudomonas fluorescens + Trichoderma viride showed the highest rate (74.99%) of chlorpyrifos degradation followed by Pseudomonas fluorescens (69.94 %) and Trichoderma viride (66.35 %) within 60 days. Effect of chlorpyrifos application on chemical properties of soil was studied at biweekly intervals. Soil pH was found to be significantly decreased throughout the incubation period. Highest pH (5.09) was recorded in treatment T10 (sunlight + UV light) whereas lowest in T4 (4.93). Effect of treatments on chloride ions in soil were found to be non significant, however it was continuously increased throughout the incubation period. Phosphate ions in soil decreased significantly in the initial period followed by gradual increase in the phosphate ions in soil. In the 8th week, 106 T5 recorded the highest phosphate ions (31.80 mg kg-1 ) while T1 recorded the lowest phosphate ions (28.86 mg kg-1 ) in soil. The effect of treatment application on soil biological properties were studied and showed that chlorpyrifos has inhibitory effect on microbial biomass carbon, dehydrogenase, phosphatase and urease activities of the soil immediately after chlorpyrifos application but later restored the activities. The treatments that received biological agents were not much affected with respect to the biological properties of the soil. Biological treatments such as T5 recorded the highest dehydrogenase activity (11.74 µg TPF g-1 soil day-1 ) while the T6 recorded the highest phosphatase activity (17.06 µg PNP g-1 soil hr-1 ) of the soil. Treatment T7 recorded the highest microbial biomass carbon (99.15 µg g-1 ) and the urease activity (36.16 µg NH4 + -N g-1 soil hr-1 ) in soil. There was a significant effect with respect to the two treatments maintained under submergence. The leachate from the chlorpyrifos treated soils were analysed at biweekly intervals. Treatments showed significant effect on leachate of chlorpyrifos residue at sixth and eighth week intervals. Treatment T11 (2598.62 µg L-1 ) showed the highest degradation followed by T12 (3318.07 µg L-1 ). The growth of azolla was normal during the initial period, later decaying of azolla was noticed. Growth of azolla was inhibited under the chlorpyrifos treatment because it could not tolerate the residual effect of chlorpyrifos. The results from the investigation revealed that chlorpyrifos degradation using combination of Pseudomonas fluorescens + Trichoderma viride had the best potential to remove the residues of chlorpyrifos insecticide present in treated soils. Biological treatments are recorded as the prominent agents in chlorpyrifos degradation and also maintains the soil health. On account of these findings, we can recommend the use of biological agents in combination or alone, as an ideal approach for degradation of chlorpyrifos in laterite soils
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of salinity on carbon mineralisation under different land uses in Pokkali ecosystem
    (Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara, 2022) Anju, Sajan; KAU; Sreelatha, A K
    Soil forms the largest storehouse for terrestrial organic carbon, encompassing approximately two-thirds of the carbon in the ecosystem. This plays a pivotal role in reducing atmospheric CO2 and combating global warming and related concerns. Differences in land use have a considerable effect on soil organic carbon pools and fluxes. Mineralisation of soil organic carbon enhances CO2 emission into the atmosphere and salinity of soil can affect the rate of this process. In this context, an investigation was carried out with the objective to study the effect of salinity on carbon mineralisation under different land uses in Pokkali ecosystem. The study was conducted by collecting georeferenced surface soil samples (0- 20 cm) from three land uses of Pokkali ecosystem namely rice-prawn, rice alone and prawn alone from Kumbalangi, RRS, Vyttila and Kadamakkudy respectively. The samples were analyzed for different soil properties such as pH, electrical conductivity (EC), particle size, cation exchange capacity, bulk density and estimated soil organic carbon pools such as soil organic carbon, labile carbon, water soluble carbon and microbial biomass carbon. Soil organic carbon stocks and dehydrogenase activity were also estimated as per standard procedures. Carbon mineralisation was studied by a laboratory incubation experiment for 74 days where two sets of soil (with and without 1% paddy straw) was amended with different concentrations of CaSO4 and Na2SO4 alone or both in combinations of 40 and 80 mmol per kg soil in order to get the desired change in electrical conductivity similar to field conditions. The mean pH registered for rice-prawn, rice alone and prawn alone land uses were under neutral range and mean EC were less than 4 dS m-1. Soil texture of rice-prawn and rice alone belonged to clay and prawn alone in sandy clay loam class. Cation exchange capacity was highest in rice-prawn and lowest in prawn alone land use. The highest mean bulk density was observed in prawn alone and the lowest in rice-prawn land uses. The results revealed that rice-prawn land use recorded the highest organic carbon pools and prawn alone land use recorded the lowest organic carbon pools. Rice-prawn land use recorded higher content of soil organic carbon, labile carbon, water soluble carbon, microbial biomass carbon and total carbon followed by rice alone land use due to abundance of organic matter in these soils. The maximum soil organic carbon stock was recorded in rice alone (26.46 Mg ha -1) and minimum in rice-prawn (22.53 Mg ha -1) land use. The maximum dehydrogenase activity was recorded from rice alone (2959.697 µg TPF h-1 g-1) and the lowest from prawn alone (2132.491 µg TPF h-1 g-1) land uses. Carbon mineralisation study revealed that CO2 evolved from soil decreased with time. The maximum CO2 was evolved on day 11 for rice-prawn and prawn alone land uses and day 17 for rice alone land use and declined steadily thereafter. The maximum cumulative CO2 was recorded from the treatments other than control (without paddy straw and salts). The lowest mean cumulative CO2 in the control was recorded from rice- prawn (7.2 mg 100 g-1) land use and the highest recorded from prawn alone (26.48 mg 100 g-1) followed by rice alone (25.15 mg 100 g-1) land uses. A significant positive correlation was observed between pH, dehydrogenase activity and total organic carbon with cumulative CO2 in all land uses. After 74 days of incubation study, the pH of control was reduced and that of other treatments (with paddy straw and salts) was increased in all land uses. The EC of the treatments with salts amendments were more than 4 dS m-1 in all land uses before the start of incubation. After the incubation period, EC decreased in all salt amendments of different land uses and increased in treatments without salt amendments. Dehydrogenase activity and total carbon were found higher in the treatments with paddy straw and salts than in control. Relatively higher dehydrogenase activity was recorded in rice-prawn land use followed by prawn alone and rice alone land uses. The EC was positively correlated with dehydrogenase activity which stimulated carbon mineralisation in these soils. In these land uses, there was no discernible difference between paddy straw and salt amended treatments with respect to carbon mineralisation. Both the dehydrogenase activity and the total carbon content contributed to carbon mineralisation process. In Pokkali ecosystems, rice-prawn land use recorded the highest soil organic carbon pools and the lowest carbon mineralisation, indicating the existence of an environment that is conducive for building organic carbon which is crucial for sequestering more carbon into these soils. As the salinity increased carbon mineralisation was also increased. The rice cultivation in the low saline phase reduces salinity by leaching out the accumulated salts, whereas prawn farming does not. Therefore, prawn alone land use remains saline throughout the year, resulting in increased carbon mineralisation and decreased carbon sequestration. This study emphasizes the importance of integrated rice-prawn farming systems in Pokkali lands to maintain soil quality and slow down the global warming through increased carbon sequestration.