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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Initial viability and crop yields in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp)
    (Division of Seed Technology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, 1980) Mohan Kumar, B; KAU; Agarawal, P K
    An investigation was conducted at the Division of Seed Technology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi to study the effect of loss of viability on growth and yield of cowpea and to find out whether the deleterious effects due to loss of viability could be compensated by increasing the plant population per unit area. The treatments comprised of four levels of germinations (72, 63, 48 and 39 per cent) and two plant populations (20 and 40 plants/m2). The field experiment was laid out in a 4 x 2 factorial randomized block design with three replications. The crop was sown on 22nd of March, 1980 and harvested on 19th of July, 1980. The findings are summarized below: 1. In order to create variability in germination percentage accelerated ageing treatment was given. During accelerated ageing, seed deterioration was maximum between 2nd and 3rd week after treatment. There was no deterioration during the first week. The length of root, shoot and their dry weight did not vary much until 3rd week after treatment. However, there was a drastic reduction in these attributes during the 4th week. 2. The rate as well as total field emergence were inversely related to the seed deterioration. 3. Leaf area decreased with seed deterioration at the final phase of crop growth. Similarly the low population density was superior to the high one. 4. Regarding leaf dry weight, the control and the low population density were significantly superior to other treatments at the time of harvest. 5. Germination levels 72 and 63 per cent had significantly more stem dry weight per plant. Similarly the low population density registered higher dry matter accumulation in the stem. 6. The germination levels exerted no significant influence on plant height except at the final stage when control recorded the highest value. The effect of planting densities on height was also not markedly evident at any of the stages. 7. The low population density had invariably higher number of branches per plant at various stages of observation. Regarding the effect of germination levels, they were not statistically different. 8. Appearance of first flower was significantly earlier in the plants from deteriorated seed lots. The population density had no marked bearing on this aspect. 9. Total dry matter yield was highest in the plants from the maximum deteriorated seed lot during the early stage. However, at later stages the control plants accumulated maximum dry matter which was on par with the 63 per cent germination level. 10. Relative growth rate was least in the maximum deteriorated seeds in the beginning. But control registered the least value during the period between 45 and 103 days after sowing. The 63 per cent and 48 per cent germination levels were having significantly higher values at this stage. 11. The various yield components were not significantly influenced by the germination levels. However, population density had a marked bearing on the pod dry weight per plant and the dry weight of pod covers. 12. The low population density tended to increase the leaf nitrogen content at the final stage. However, the interaction effects were significant on the 45th day after sowing, with maximum leaf nitrogen content in the low population- 63 per cent germination combination. 13. With regard to stem nitrogen content, the control and 63 per cent germination level were significantly superior to other deteriorated lots at the final phase of crop growth. Similarly the plants of high density planting had remarkably more stem nitrogen than the low density. 14. Neither the germination level nor the population density did significantly influence grain nitrogen content. 15. Nitrogen uptake followed the same trend as that of total dry matter yield except in the case of total nitrogen uptake per hectare with reference to the population density. From this study, therefore, we may conclude that the four germination levels can be grouped into two distinct categories considering the loss of viability- yield relationships in cowpea. The control and the 63 per cent constitutes the first group, where no deleterious effects of seed deterioration was noted. The 48 and 39 per cent germination levels forms the second group where a significant reduction in terms of various growth attributes and dry matter yield was observed. This would, then, mean that the use of old seeds would not have a significant effect on yield, provided that viability is around 60 per cent and appropriate compensatory seed rates are used to allow for that fraction of seed population which is non- viable.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of seed protectants against pulse beetle on viability, vigour and health of cowpea seeds
    (Department of Seed Science and Technology,College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2016) Libi, Antony A; KAU; Rose, Mary Francies
    Experiments to assess the effectiveness of seed protectants against cowpea pulse beetle (Callosobruchus spp.)and their impact on seed quality and seedling vigour of selected cowpea varieties were conducted at College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara during 2014-2016. Separate experiments were conducted for both Lola and Kanakamony varieties following a completely randomized design with 13 treatments and three replications. Seeds were treated with seed protectants viz. neem oil, castor oil, coconut oil, sweet flag rhizome powder, neem leaf powder, paanal leaf powder, karinotchi leaf powder, neem kernel powder, diatomaceous earth, rice husk ash, Beauveria bassiana and spinosad. Untreated seeds served as control. Both treated and untreated seeds were dried to nine per cent moisture content were stored under ambient conditions for a period of 13 months. The seed quality parameters like germination, speed of germination, seedling vigour indices, electrical conductivity of seed leachate, mortality of adult pulse beetles, number of eggs laid by beetle, egg hatchability and seed infestation were recorded at monthly intervals. Seed microflora infection per cent were recorded at start and end of storage period.The results revealed that germination and other seed quality parameters in both treated and untreated seeds decreased progressively over the storage period.However, irrespective of the variety, the seed protectants significantly enhanced the viability and quality of treated seeds. The quality of treated seeds was higher than that of untreated seeds for most part of the storage period. The germination in untreated seeds was retained above 75 per cent (the minimum seed certification standards (MSCS) required for cowpea) for eight months while it was retained for nine months in all treated seeds. The rate of decrease in seed germination and quality was slower in semitrailing variety Kanakamony compared to trailing variety Lola. In both the varieties, the germination was lower in untreated seeds in comparison to the treated seeds. Germination, speed of germination, seedling growth parameters and vigour indices were invariably high in seeds treated with neem based seed protectants viz., neem kernel powder, neem leaf powder and neem oil. Among the neem based botanicals used, seed treatment with neem kernel powder maintained higher germination and seed quality parameters viz., seedling shoot length, seedling root length, seedling dry weight and seedling vigour index I and II during storage. Similarly, the electrical conductivity of seed leachate and per cent infection by seed microflora was found to be consistently low in seeds treated with neem based botanicals, vegetable oils and spinosad.The efficacy of seed protectants against pulse beetle was evaluated at monthly intervals by recording weight of infested seed, seed infestation, mortality, fecundity and egg hatchability in twenty five seeds drawn randomly from each replication. The results revealed that all the seed protectants used were effective against pulse beetle during the initial period of storage and were significantly superior to control over the period of storage.Among the seed protectants evaluated, highest mortality of adult beetles,lowest fecundity, egg hatchability and seed infestation were recorded in seeds treated with spinosad followed by oils viz., neem oil, coconut oil and castor oil as well as other neem based botanicals. Seed treated with spinosad offered protection against pulse beetle for up to seven months of storage as evident from the cent per cent mortality of adult beetles, complete suppression of egg hatchability as well as low seed infestation in both varieties. Seeds treated with neem oil, castor oil, coconut oil, neem kernel powder and neem leaf powder recorded cent per cent mortality of adult beetles for five months of storage in both varieties. No seed infestation was recorded in seeds treated with neem oil, castor oil and coconut oil for up to five months of storage while a similar protection was offered by neem leaf powder and neem kernel powder for up to four months of storage. Spinosad was found to be the most effective in controlling pulse beetle infestation throughout the storage period. Based on the impact of seed protectants on seed viability, seedling performance as well as protection against pulse beetle infestation in cowpea, seed treatment with seed protectants viz., spinosad or neem based products (neem kernel powder, neem leaf powder and neem oil) or as oils (coconut oil and castor oil) can be recommended to be most effective in enhancing seed viability (by a period of one month over control), higher seed and seedling performance and protection from pulse beetle infestation and infection by microflora in cowpea. Among the above Spinosad can be recommended as the best seed treatment for cowpea if it can ensured that the treated seeds would be used only for seed purpose. However, in case the stored pulse seeds are meant for use as food, feed and seed, treatment with coconut oil could be recommended in place of neem based products since neem based botanicals are reported to cause sterility in humans and animals.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Halogenation for improvement of storage Life of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) seeds
    (Department of Seed Science and Technology,College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2016) Navya, P; KAU; Dijee, Bastian
    An experiment ‘Halogenation for improvement of storage life in chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) seeds’ to standardise the optimum dose and mode of halogenation of chilli seeds and to evaluate the storage potential of halogenated seeds under ambient storage condition was conducted in Department of Seed Science and Technology, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara during 2014-16.Seeds of two chilli varieties Ujwala and Anugraha were utilized for the study. Calcium oxy chloride (CaOCl2), iodine crystal (I2) and potassium iodide (KI) were the halogens used. Seeds were treated with halogens either alone or in combination with a carrier (CaCO3). Performance of treated seeds was compared to untreated control (T1). The halogen treatments comprised of each halogen at two doses viz.CaOCl2 @ 2g per kg of seeds (T2), CaOCl2 @ 4g per kg of seeds (T3), Iodine crystal @ 50mg per kg of seeds (T4), Iodine crystal @ 100mg per kg of seeds (T5), KI @ 50mg per kg of seeds (T6) and KI @100mg per kg of seeds (T7). In addition, seeds were also treated with a combination of halogen and carrier (CaCO3) in equal proportions (T8 to T13). After dry dressing the seeds with halogen or halogen carrier combination it was packed in 400G polyethylene bag and stored under ambient conditions. Seed quality parameters were recorded at monthly intervals for a period of 14 months. With the advancement of storage period, germination (%) declined irrespective of the treatments in both the varieties. Irrespective of the varieties throughout the storage period, performance of treated seeds was found to be superior over control irrespective of the varieties. In var. Ujwala, at the end of storage (14th month) high germination per cent was recorded in seeds treated with iodine crystal + CaCO3 @ 50mg each per kg of seeds followed by CaOCl2 +CaCO3 @ 4g each per kg of seeds. Seed treatment with CaOCl2 @ 2g per kg of seeds and CaOCl2@ 4g per kg of seeds were found to be the lower.Combination treatments such as iodine crystal + CaCO3 @ 50mg per kg of seeds , CaOCl2 + CaCO3 @ 2g each per kg of seeds, CaOCl2 + CaCO3 @ 4g each per kg of seeds and KI+ CaCO3 @ 50mg each per kg of seeds retained germination per cent above Minimum seed certification standards(MSCS) till 9th month of storage while in untreated seeds viability was retained only upto 5th month. Similarly in the case of parameters like vigour indices and dehydrogenase activity, seed treatment with iodine crystal + CaCO3 @50mg each per kg of seeds and CaOCl2 +CaCO3 @ 4g each per kg of seeds were found to be superior. In case of electrical conductivity of seed lechate a higher value was observed in untreated control while the least was recorded in seed treatment with Iodine crystal + CaCO3 @ 50mg each per kg of seeds. In var. Anugraha, high germination per cent was recorded in seeds treated with CaOCl2 + CaCO3 @ 2g each per kg of seeds, iodine crystal + CaCO3 @100mg each per kg seed and iodine crystal + CaCO3 @50mg each per kg of seeds. These treatments retained germination per cent above MSCS till 12th month of storage where as untreated seeds were viable only upto 9 months. Electrical conductivity of seed lechate was least in seeds treated with CaOCl2 + CaCO3 @ 2g each /kg of seeds compared to the highest value in untreated control. Microflora infection was found to be lower in halogenated seeds when compared to control in both the varieties. The major organisms observed were Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Pencillium sp. The results indicated that seed treatment with halogens was highly beneficial in enhancing the storage life of chilli. Iodine crystal with carrier @50mg each per kg of seeds and CaOCl2 with carrier @ 2g each per kg of seeds may be recommended. Seed treatment with halogens therefore provides a cheaper method to enhance seed viability and seedling performance under ambient storage condition.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Amelioration of subsoil acidity by calcium sources in laterite soils of black peper garden
    (Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry,College of Horticulture, Vellakikkara, 2008) Deepa K, Kuriakose; KAU; Suresh, P R
    Soil acidity is a major problem in humid tropical regions due to high rainfall and temperature. Hydrogen and aluminium are the major ions responsible for soil acidity. Historically, soil scientists and agronomists have addressed the problem of soil acidity and recommend amelioration by conventional liming and ploughing. Black pepper, an important and widely used spice around the globe, is cultivated widely in our state. In Kerala, this crop is grown in laterite soils, which poses many soil related stress of which soil acidity is a major one. The productivity of pepper is very low in these tracts, and lower compared to other places. High exchangeable Al and low Ca content in subsurface horizons act as barriers for the root growth of black pepper towards lower layers. The effect of conventionally surface applied liming materials like CaCO3, Ca(OH)2 will be confined to the top layer alone. While in materials like Phosphogypsum, Ca is soluble and can move to lower depths and offer possibility of ameliorating subsoil layers. Isotopic techniques are useful for a quick and reliable means of studying the movement of ameliorants through the soil and also to examine the distribution of active roots at lower depth of soil column without destroying the plant. With this background, an investigation was carried out at College Of Horticulture, Vellanikkara about the subsoil acidity amelioration in laterite soil of black pepper garden using three calcium sources- CaCO3, Ca(OH)2 and Phosphogypsum. The whole study was conducted as 5 experiments using the soil collected from the pepper garden, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara. Analysis of soil sample revealed that the exchangeable aluminium content was 69 ppm at the subsoil layer is in significantly higher concentration than the surface. On the basis of this an incubation experiment using three calcium sources, lime, slaked lime and Phosphogypsum was done and the results revealed that lime is more effective in increasing the pH while Phosphogypsum is effective for reducing the exchangeable Al in soils. In continuation to this soil column study using PVC columns filled with soil layers simulating field condition revealed that liming at 1 LR level was better for good plant growth. The effect of three sources on ameliorating subsoil acidity was evaluated by measuring the root activity of pepper plants grown in the columns by isotopic method. For this 32P was applied at a depth of 50 cm depth and the counts on leaf after a period of 8 days were taken as an indication of presence of active roots at 50 cm depth. The counts obtained from the leaf sample of black pepper revealed that count rates increased with increase in level of application of liming materials. In soil columns treated with phosphogypsum, significantly higher counts were noticed which indicates better root growth at subsurface layer of the PG treated columns. This result was confirmed by performing a leaching experiment in PVC columns using 45Ca labelled ameliorants. Radio assay and autoradiography done on this experiment also proved that, in Phosphogypsum, Ca is highly mobile compared to CaCO3 and Ca(OH)2. In order to understand the response and tolerance level of Al on pepper plants specifically on roots a solution culture experiment was also done by growing rooted plants in Hoagland solution containing different levels of Al. Solution culture experiment proved that the pepper root tolerates an Al concentration of 5 and 10 ppm and beyond this level plants die off and roots decay. How ever at 5 ppm level of Al profuse root growth was noticed. The anatomical observation of the roots were also done and some modification in the tissue orientation is noticed. On the basis of this investigation it can be concluded that 1. A sub surface zone with high concentration of exchangeable Al exists in laterite soil of the pepper garden of College of Horticulture. 2. Phosphogysum offers a potential option for ameliorating the subsoil layers and to promote root growth of black pepper to deeper soil layers. 3. Some promoting effect on black pepper root growth is noticed at 5 ppm Al, in solution culture. On the basis of these observations it is suggested that further investigations are needed on other soil types and also to validate by field trials. The acidic nature of PG at the zone of its application has to be contained by blending this material with CaCO3 or Ca(OH)2. The biochemical responses of the black pepper plant to exposure to Al, needs to be studied in detail by elaborate experiments.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Seed treatment with botanicals to enhance seedling vigour in Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)
    (College of horticulture, Vellanikara, 2016) Sandhya, R; KAU; Dijee, Bastian
    An experiment was undertaken at the Department of Seed Science and Technology, College of Horticulture, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara, Thrissur to elucidate the effects of botanicals and compare the efficacy of normal grade and nanopowder botanicals on seedling vigour in chilli. The study consisted of three experiments such as seed treatment with normal grade botanicals, seed treatment with nanopowder botanicals and field performance of seeds treated with botanicals in two varieties Anugraha and Ujwala. The study involved five commonly used botanicals namely viz., arappu (Albizia amara), fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum), pungam (Pongamia glabra), custard apple (Anona squamosa) and neem (Azadirachta indica). Preparation of powders involved collection and shade drying of the above mentioned leaves followed by grinding in mixer grinder and sieving to get a uniform particle size. These normal grade powders were used in experiment one. These finely ground powders were further synthesized using High Energy Ball milling and characterized using Particle Size Analyser (PSA), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) to reduce the particle size to nano dimension. These nanopowders were used in experiment two. Chilli seeds were pre-treated with each of the normal grade and nanopowders mentioned above in each of the following three doses, 0.5 g kg-1, 1 g kg-1 and 2 g kg-1 of seeds. The treated seeds along with the untreated (control) were packed in 400 gauge polyethylene bags and stored in the ambient conditions. Observations on seed quality parameters were recorded as per ISTA standards at monthly intervals. In both the varieties tested, irrespective of the particle size of the botanicals used, seed treatments with botanicals had a favourable impact on seed viability and seedling vigour over the period of storage. In variety Anugraha, treated seeds enhanced the viability of seeds for twelve months compared to ten months in case of untreated seeds. However, viability in untreated and treated seeds of variety Ujwala was retained for six and nine months respectively. Seeds of variety Anugraha stored better than that of Ujwala. Considering the impact of seed treatment with normal grade botanicals, on seed quality parameters, arappu @ 2 g kg-1, fenugreek @ 2 g kg-1, and fenugreek @ 0.5 g kg-1 were superior to other treatments in variety Anugraha, whereas, arappu @ 0.5 g kg-1, fenugreek @ 2 g kg-1 and custard apple @ 0.5 g kg-1 were found to be superior in variety Ujwala. In case of seed treatment with nanopowder botanicals, it was evident that, in variety Anugraha, custard apple @ 0.5 g kg-1, fenugreek @ 1 g kg-1, and fenugreek @ 0.5 g kg-1, were superior, whereas, in variety Ujwala, fenugreek @ 0.5 g kg-1, custard apple @ 1 g kg-1, and fenugreek @ 1 g kg-1 were superior. Seeds treated with treatments mentioned above had registered high germination, seedling vigour, dehydrogenase activity and low electrical conductivity throughout the storage period. Microflora infection per cent was found to be lower in treated seeds than in untreated control. The seed storage fungi observed were Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Pencillium sp and Alternaria sp. A similar trend was observed in the field performance of treated seeds. In variety Anugraha, fruit yield per plant was high when treated with nano powder treatments such as custard apple @ 0.5 g kg-1, fenugreek @ 1 g kg-1, and fenugreek @ 0.5 g kg-1. The fruit yield per plant in these treatments was 372 g, 362 g and 341 g, respectively. Treatments with normal grade botanical treatments such as arappu @ 2 g kg-1, fenugreek @ 2 g kg-1 and fenugreek @ 0.5 g kg-1 also resulted in higher fruit yield per plant. The fruit yield per plant of 315 g, 295.4 g and 269.9 g, were realised from these treatments respectively. In variety Ujwala, the fruit yield per plant was high when treated with nanopowder botanical treatments such as fenugreek @ 0.5 g kg-1, custard apple @ 1 g kg-1 and fenugreek @ 1 g kg-1. The fruit yield per plant in these treatments was 270 g, 267 g and 258 g, respectively. Treatments with normal grade botanical treatments such as arappu @ 0.5 g kg-1, fenugreek @ 2 g kg-1, custard apple @ 0.5 g kg-1 also resulted in higher fruit yield per plant. The fruit yield per plant of 253 g, 238 g and 237 g, were realised from these treatments respectively. It was observed that, treatments with nanopowders enhanced seed quality better than the normal grade powders. In general, seeds treated with botanicals such as fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum), custard apple (Anona squamosa) and arappu (Albizia amara) performed better than the others. Among the normal grade powder treatments, arappu was found to be the best treatment, whereas, custard apple and fenugreek were found to be best among seeds treated with nanopowders. The storage life of treated seeds of variety Anugraha retained for twelve months compared to ten months in case of untreated control. In case of variety Ujwala, viability can be retained upto nine months compared to six months untreated control. Hence, the present study indicates that, viability and seedling performance can be enhanced by treating the chilli seeds with normal grade botanicals like arappu, fenugreek or nanopowders like custard apple and fenugreek.