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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of eyestalk ablation on growth and reproduction of macrobrachium equidens (Dana)
    (Department of Aquaculture, College of Fisheries, Panangad, 1994) Bijulal, P S; KAU; Thampy, D M
    The objective of the present study is to evaluate the effect of eyestalk ablation on survival, growth, food conversion and reproduction of adult Macrobrachiumequidens. In the first experiment conducted for 35 days, unilateral eyestalk ablation, bilateral ablation and control treatments were employed at four level of salinities viz 5, 10, 15 and 20 ppt. Complete mortality in bilateral ablation and survival rates of 40.625 % and 68.75% for unilateral and control treatments were recorded at the end of the experiment, the values ranging significantly. The four salinity levels applied did not significantly affect survival. The difference in growth between ablated and unablatedtreatments was insignificant in terms of percentage gain, specific growth rate and average daily percentage gain in terms of length and weight. Salinity levels also showed insignificant difference in growth. Food conversion rate was significantly better in ablated treatment. The different salinity levels tried showed significant difference with regard to food conversion, being better at 20 ppt. In the second experiment conducted for 60 days on females, eyestalk ablation was found to enhance ovarian. In the second experiment conducted for 60 days on females, eyestalk ablation was found to enhance ovarian development in terms of the number of spawns per female. Fecundity, absolute fecundity, and incubation period were not significantly affected although a marginal increase in absolute fecundity could be observed . In the experiments conducted on males it was found that growth rate and cheliped development were significantly better in ablated ones. The number of spines in the appendix masculine, length and biomass of the androgenic gland and width of vas deference, did not show significant variation, although a marginal increase in the biomass of the androgenic gland and the number of spines in appendix masculine was observed in ablated treatment. The different eyestalk ablation experiments have shown that in females destalking does not stimulate growth but there is better response for reproduction, whereas in males there is better growth and only marginal response to reproduction.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Conditions for oxygen-packed transportation of penaeus indicus seed
    (Department of Aquaculture, College of Fisheries, Panangad, 1994) Geetha Rani Mani, V; KAU; Jayasree Vadhyar, K
    The effect of four levels of packing density, (200PL/1, 300PL/1, 400PL/1 and 500PL/1), three levels of salinity (20ppt, 25ppt and 30ppt) and two levels of temperature (30_+ 1°C and 23 + 2°C) on the oxygen consumption rate of Penaeus indicus post-larvae (PL20) was investigated in a closed type respirometer. The dissolved oxygen in the test chamber decreased with the oxygen consumption of the animals. Oxygen consumption was found to vary with ambient oxygen levels at the different packing densities. Among the three salinities, and two temperatures, the lowest rate of oxygen consumption was recorded at 25ppt and 23 +_ 2°C. The effect of these factors on the duration and survival of transportation of the shrimp seed in specially designed hard plastic containers fitted with facilities for oxygen packing under uniform pressure (0.2 Kg/cm2) showed that oxygen packing in hypothermal conditions could help in increasing duration and survival. Salinity of 20-25ppt was found to give longer duration of survival. With increase in packing density, there was considerable reduction in the duration and survival of transportation of the seed. Cannibalism was observed as the major cause of mortality and it could be reduced by lowering of temperature. 200PL/1 could be transported with 100% survival within 6.5-8.5h at ambient temperature of 30+- 1°C under the afore-mentioned type of oxygen-packing. By lowering the temperature to 23 +-_ 2°C it was possible to safely transport with 100% survival the same numbers for more than 20h. Corresponding duration at 500PL/1 with 100% survival was 1-1.5h at ambient temperature and 4-5h at lowered temperature. To reduce cannibalism at ambient temperatures, hollow plastic translucent habitat material was incorporated into the oxygen-packed jars. This experiment was conducted at 25ppt salinity at different packing densities of 200PL/1, 300PL/1, 400PL/1 and 500PL/1. Relatively longer duration and higher survival was observed only at higher packing densities of 400PL/1 and 500PL/1 with the introduction of the habitat material. Water quality parameters in the experimental jars were analysed initially and finally at 70% survival rate. The reduction in dissolved oxygen levels in the oxygen-packed jars was well above the lethal limits even at the highest packing density of 500PL/1 at 70% survival. The decrease in dissolved oxygen levels and increase in ammonia-N and free carbon dioxide, differed with the duration of packing, temperature and packing density.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of different dietary levels of lecithin on growth,survival,moulting and body phospholipid levels in Macrobachium Rosenbergii postlarvae
    (Department of Aquaculture, College of Fisheries, Panangad, 1996) Mahesh, S; KAU; Sebastian, M J
    The effect of dietary levels of lecithin on growth, survival moulting, FCR and body phospholipid levels of early postlarval freshwater prawn macrobrachium rosen bergii was examined using semi-purified diets in a 56 day feeding experiment. Five casein-egg albumin based semi-purified diets incorporated with 0,2.5,5,7.5 and 10% of purified soy lecithin (60% phosphatidylcholine) were formulated and fed to prawns (ten numbers per treatment) with an initial mean weight of 0.05386g. In order to examine the influence of lecithin at different growth stages of postlarvae the assessment was made every fourteen days during the study period. The result showed that although the overall growth performance was not affected by dietary inclusion of lecithin, SGR% of the prawns fed with the diet containing 2.5% of lecithin showed a significant difference at P<0.01level during the first fourteen days of growth. Similarly the FCR also showed significant variation (P<0.01) between the diets tested in the first and second fortnights (14th and 28th day). In the first fortnight the diets (D1, D2 and D3) produced consistent FCR, while the diets supplemented with higher levels produced higher values. No significant differences (P<0.01) between treatments were detected with regard to survival rate, moulting frequency and body phospholipid levels of the prawns with the termination of the experiment. The prawns moulted once in every night days and no abnormalitied like exuvia entrapment were noticed in any of the experiment animals . Increment of body phospholipids with respect to levels of dietary lecithin suggests a possible replacement of body PL pool with that of dietary PL. The result of the study suggests that supplementation of lecithin at a level of 2.5% in the diet can accelerate growth and improve FCR during the early postlarval phase of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (ie, upto 4 weeks after larval settlement) beyond this, supplementation of lecithin is not needed in the diet. No other deficiency of excess symptoms was detected in the experimental prawns and it is found that lecithin is not responsible for Exuvia Entrapment Disease in Macrobrachium rosenbergii postlarvae.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effects of various growth promoters in the diets of macrobrachium rosenbergii post larvae
    (Department of Aquaculture, College of Fisheries, Panangad, 1994) Boby Ignatius; KAU; Susheela Jose
    The present study was conducted to evaluate the efficiency of various growth promoters on the growth of Macrobrachium rosenbergii post larvae. The various growth promoters tried were antibiotic oxytetracycline, thyroid hormone thyroxine and the enzyme papain. Each growth promoter was incorporated in a casein based purified diet having a protein content of 36%.In the second experiment, the optimum level of growth promoter which showed the best performance in the first experiment was determined. The growth increment of prawns fed on casein based purified diets incorporated with antibiotic oxytetracyc1ine designated as diet T1 was 43.66mg, it was 35.064 mg for diet T2 - containing thyroid, and 32.172 mg for diet T3- containing papain. The growth increment for the control diet was seen to be 26.72 mg. Specific growth rate of the prawns from different treatments ranged from 1.73 to 2.52; with control diet showing the lowest and T1 the highest. Incorporation of the growth promoters in the feed has markedly reduced the food conversion ratio of the animals. Lowest FCR was obtained for the post larvae fed with oxytetracycline, while the highest was for the control, the range being 2.94 to 4.36. The protein efficiency ratio was highest being 0.9770 for the feeds containing oxytetracycline. The PER values for the control diet T0, diet T2 with thyroid, diet T3 with papain were found to be 0.6566, 0.8541 and 0.7576 respectively. Productive protein values were 8.995 for control diet, 13.4763 for diet with oxytetracycline, 11.7710 for diet with thyroid hormone and 10.4266 for diet with papain enzyme. The average survival rate during the experiment was 69.5%. The animals fed on antibiotic incorporated feed gave maximum survival of 72%, while the lowest rate of 66% was observed for thyroxine incorporated feed (T2). Analysis of the data on the various growth parameters in the experiment reveals that the antibiotic oxytetracycline gives better growth amongst the different growth promoters used. In the experiment II, four different levels of oxytetracycline were tested to find out the optimum level. The result of the study showed that, 10 mg/lOOg of feed is the optimum level of oxytetracycline which give maximum growth in Macrobrachium rosenbergii post larvae as indicated by overall growth , specific growth rate, food conversion ratio and protein efficiency ratio.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Induced maturation of penaeus indicus using exogenous hormone
    (Department of Aquaculture, College of Fisheries, Panangad, 1995) Johnson, D cruz; KAU; Sebastian, M J
    The ovarian maturation and spawning of broodstock shrimp play a major role in the development of commercial level seed production of this valuable crustacean. The already proven technology of induced maturation of penaeids in capativity viz. Unilateral Eyestalk Ablation(UESA) has many negative effects which prompted scientists to explore alternative ways of induced maturation like hormone administration. The hormone progesterone alone and in combination with tocopherol were tested for their effectiveness in bringing about ovary maturation and spawning in pond reared penaeus indicus. Progesterone and tocopherol dissolved in ethyl alcohol were injected at three test concentrations of 0.05 ug, 0.10ug and 0.20ug/g body weight . For the preparation of combination test solution the dissolved progesterone and tocopherol were mixed in the ratio of 7:3(V/V). Control shrimps were given alcohol treatment at respective concentrations. The results of the experiment conducted for a period of after 45 days, revealed that the overall survival is not affected (89%) and that progesterone singly or in combination with tocopherol is capable of giving stimulation for ovarian development in P.Indicus Though there was not much observable difference in ovarian development by external viewing, both progesterone alone and in combination with tocopherol at higher dosages have yielded significant GSI difference and ovarian growth, compared with the ethanol treated controls, when the ovaries were dissected out and subjected to detailed study. The percentage somatic growth which was high for control shrimps in contrast to the hormone treated animals have more ovarian growth, suggests an antagonism between these two energy demanding processes. The failure in producing an external visible change in ovarian development, in comparison to eyestalk ablation (ESA) treatment may be due to the existence of the gonad inhibiting hormone (GIH) produced in the eyestalk which would have blocked / suppressed further development of ovary. It is likely that if a GIH inhibitor is also administered along with steroid hormones or tocopherol the stimulus given by them may result in full ovarian development in penaeid shrimp.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Dietary phosphorus requirement and deficiency sydromes in macrobrachium rosenbergii juveniles
    (Department of Aquaculture, College of Fisheries, Panangad, 1996) Saju, M S; KAU; Sebastian, M J
    The objective of the present study is to find out the optimum dietary requirement and to characterise the symptoms of the dietary deficiency and excess of phosphorus in Macrobrachiumrosenbergii juveniles. The prawns were fed with casein – based semipurified diet containing graded levels of supplemental phosphorus in the form of sodium dihydrogen phosphate (NaH2 PO4. 2H2O) under defined environmental conditions for a period of 84 days. The survival and growth of the prawn was not significantly influenced by the varying dietary phosphorus supplementation. The maximum specific growth rate of 1.9 + 0.13% was obtained in prawns fed with diet containing 1.76% phosphorus and with a Ca:P ratio of 1:1.68. Phosphorus level in the diet and the Ca: P ratio showed significant influence on the food conversion efficiency, protein efficiency ratio, wholebody phosphorus and wholebody calcium content of the prawn. The wholebody calcium increases with phosphorus level of the diet. Non – linear regression estimate based on the phosphorus mineralization of wholebody tissue of prawn indicates an optimum requirement of 1.7861% of phosphorus in the diet. The prawns maintain the body Ca: P ratio of 1:1 at or near the optimum dietary phosphorus level. Very low levels of phosphorus in the diet produced deficiency symptoms such as lack of pigmentation general body opaqueness, stunted growth, reduced protein efficiency and low wholebody phosphorus, calcium and Ca:P ratio. Symptoms of excess level of dietary phosphorus were general body opaqueness, stunted growth, whitish patches on the body, white spots on the walking legs, black melanised lesions on the abdomen, reduced protein efficiency and abnormal increase wholebody phosphorus and calcium with a lowering of Ca:P ratio. This study shows the optimum requirement of 1.8% dietary phosphorus for the giant fresh water prawn, the deficiency and excess of which leads to adverse effects.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Culture of spirulina fusiformis and its evalution as a proein source in the diet of entroplus suratensis
    (Department of Aquaculture, College of Fisheries, Panangad, 1994) Manju, K G; KAU; Thressiamma, James
    In the present investigation, suitability of Spirulina fusiformis as a dietary protein sources in E.suratensis was evaluated.The study was carried out on two aspects; (i) culture of the alga and (2) biological evaluation when incorporated in the diets. Among the different culture media tested for the culture of spirulina, Zarrouk medium was found to be the best followed by CFTRI medium. The rural waste medium and improved CFTRI medium also supported good growth, though at significantly lower level when compared to zarrouk medium and CFRI medium. In mass culture experiments, it was found that algal growth in rural waste medium was significantly higher than that in sewage medium. Biological evaluation was done by incorporating spirulina as the sole source of protein in diets fed to E.suratensis fingerlings. The diets were formulated at different levels of protein (20-50 %0. Best values of SGR, FCR, Apparent protein digestibility, PER and PPV were recorded at 35% protein. When compared with a fish meal based control diet, significantly lower PER and PPV values and higher FCR values were obtained with the spirulina diets, though significant difference was not observed in the survival rate. The effect of substitution of fish meal protein with that of algal protein was studied by gradually replacing the former by the latter in practical diets for E.Suratensis fingerlings. The results showed that replacement of fish meal protein upto 50% with spirulina protein in the diet of E.suratensis did not affect the growth performance and food utilization . Thus spirulina fusiformis seems to be a useful partial protein source in the diet of E.suratensis and its inclusion in the diet can replace 50% of the fishmeal protein which is of much economic importance as far as aquaculture industry is concerned.